A Chapter| Chapter Seven
when i tell you i cheered bc i realized i wouldn't have to hurt lila until next chapter... I CHEERED!
warning- substance use and steamy scenes coming to you, if either of these are a trigger or something you don't care to read fill free to skip after you get to the party paragraphs.
"Woah, look at you." Pope laughed as he watched Lila spin around in a circle toward the docks, a faint smile on her face.
"Wait, hold the phone, stop the mother fucking music, we're all helping Popes dad?" Lila asked confused, seeing the whole pogue crew there.
"Lila, that's tomorrow." Pope corrected her as John B held out his hand to help her on the boat.
"JJ said it was today." Lila said as she looked to the blonde who looked up at her through his glasses.
"Might have mixed the days up." JJ said as Lila shook her head before pealing the newly dried top off. Kie whistled at her as Lila sat next to her on the boat.
"How'd it go this morning?" Kie asked, seeing Lila pushed the purple heart shaped glasses onto her eyes.
"I threw myself off the boat." Lila announced as Kie started to laugh.
"You threw yourself off the boat?" John B asked as Lila nodded, standing back up as she turned.
"Check out that bruise." she said, showing the one where she hit the water a little to hard.
"Jesus, bet that hurt." Pope said as John B shook his head with a laugh, basically being able to see the girl throw herself off the boat.
"You know, I didn't even feel it until after, but i've got terrible news." Lila said, her mood changing as she sat back down, getting everyone attention.
"Oh no, are you pregnant with my kids?" JJ asked as he pulled his sunglasses off to look at her with wide eyes.
"JJ! No!" Lila yelled at him, throwing her flip flop at him as he caught it before it flew into the water.
"What news?" Kie asked worried, knowing it most likely had something to due with the Cameron's.
"If you guys have to stop being friends with me, that's sucks, but I would understand." Lila said sadly, pulling her glasses off to look at each of them. Kie and John B shared a worried look as Lila sighed.
"My moms are making me move with them into the Cameron's guess house, I know y'all have the whole Pogue and Kook rule thing so fill free to beat me up now." Lila said as she closed her eyes and shielded her face, hearing Kies loud laughter as she swung a arm around the girl.
"Calm down, Lila." John B said to her from where he drove with a small chuckle.
"Living on Kook land has nothing to do with it. I live over there too, we're still pogues." Kie laughed as she kept a arm around the girl.
"But... Kie, I threw myself off a boat because of this." Lila said as JJ and Pope where the ones to laugh at her now.
"Got a sucky bruise because of it too." Pope added in as Kie flipped him off, continuing to hold onto the girl.
"We still like you, Lila, you crazy lady." JJ laughed as he tossed her a water bottle as she sighed in relief. JJ whistled was they neared a nice boat, clearly expensive and shiny.
"You guys see that? That's the Malibu 24-MXZ, the worlds finest wakesettler. Number one in luxury, quality, and performance." JJ went on as he stared out at it with dreamy eyes, pushing down his glasses to get a better look at it.
"How much do you think it is?" Lila asked, staring out at the shiny boat floating toward them.
"200k, easy." JJ said as Lila blew her lips and laughed to herself, "Never mind, just crush my dreams, JJ."
"We picked the wrong parents." Pope said sarcastically with a sigh. Lila then felt guilty for making such a huge deal about being moved to the Figure Eight, knowing her friends wouldn't hesitate to do so. She was thankful they were okay with her moving over there, thankful they wouldn't drop her.
"I hate to break it to you guys, but that's Topper and his girlfriend." Kie said with a huff as Lila squinted her eyes to see Sarah Cameron indeed on the nice boat.
"Maybe she'll drown him." Lila shrugged as Kie laughed slightly. As they road past Topper, who didn't offer them any looks, Sarah removed her glasses to look them up and down before floating off. Lila frowned slightly at that, looking down slightly but trying to not take it so personal.
"You don't have to act like you don't see us, bitch." Kie spoke loudly, hoping Sarah would hear her as the boats rode far from each other.
"All right, keep a look out, we're behind enemy lines." JJ said as he pulled the gun out making Lila slapped her forehead.
"Yo, come on, man. Just put it back." John B said to him with a annoyed look.
"You can never be too carful." JJ spoke as he looked out the window.
"JJ you're gonna accidentally shoot one of us and then we die. I definitely don't wanna die before I get married and become one of those moms that's so cool because I drink margaritas all the time." Lila scolded him from the back seat as John B gave her a odd look.
"A margarita mom?" he asked her in disbelief as Lila hummed with a nod.
"Sadly, I can see it." Pope nodded his head as Lila did as well.
"Hey, I predict that bringing a weapon to a four-star hotel will likely cause more problems then they solve."
Pope said as he got out of the van, looking at JJ through the window.
"Thank you, Pope." John B spoke, thankful the boy said what they were all thinking.
"I swear to god, i'm gonna throw that thing into the ocean, JJ." Kie said to him with a knowing look before she got out of the van after Lila. John B grabbed the gun as he threw it back in the glove box.
"You can't grab a gun like that, can't forget my badge." JJ said as he grabbed his badge for the place he worked at part time.
"This is so cool, JJ." Lila said as she looked at the hotel, walking besides him.
"Professional busboy." he said, throwing a arm around her as Lila touched the flowers that they passed.
"So, where are we going now?" Pope asked, following after the blonde boy who was leading the way.
"We're getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity right now." JJ spoke with a nod, leading them toward the double doors.
"Andrew!" JJ called out as they walked through the kitchen, Lila trailing behind him now as the steam made her blink.
"Woah, Kie, we're models." Lila said as she threw her hair over her shoulder, hitting the girl in the face with it as strands of blonde got into her mouth.
"What up, bro?" JJ nodded at a man who was washing dishes, a smirk on his face as he lead the group through the small walkway.
"Mama L, good to see you." JJ said to a older woman as he took a a few fries off the plate she was pushing.
"JJ!" she scolded, slapping his hand with a wooden spoon as Lilas eyes widened, hurrying past the woman.
"See, they got the backup generators going? Kooks don't miss a beat." JJ said as Lila felt a rush of excitement that she'd finally be sleeping in a room with AC as of tomorrow.
"Hey, you know, once I move, you guys could come slumber party with me." Lila announced, patting JJ's back and looking back at the three behind her.
"Sleepover at the Camerons? Gonna have to pass, sorry Lila." Kie said to her as Lila pointed at her.
"Theoretically it's like forty feet from their house." Lila pointed out but Kie didn't budge.
"I'll slumber party with you, Lila." JJ announced as Lila smiled.
"See, JJ gets it." she said as Kie rolled her eyes.
"Sweet lord, the internet." Pope sighed in relief as JJ brought them into a back room that had multiple computers.
"Let me get in there, gotta check out my Insta models." JJ said as he fell into one of the chairs.
"We don't have time." Kie sighed as Pope began to type stuff Lila didn't understand in as John B laid the map down next to his friend.
"34, 57, 30, north. 75, 55, 42, west." Pope spoke to himself as he type in the coordinates, hitting enter after.
"Boom, continental shelf right there." John B said as the computer showed them exactly where the coordinated from the map brought them to.
"Well if it's off the deep end it's not gonna be much of a treasure hunt, is it?" Pope asked as he looked over at his brunette friend. Lila looked at the coordinates herself, leaning down to try and get a closer look.
"Can we not tell from the map?" Lila asked Pope, not the best in history.
"Yes, we can." Pope nodded as he took a deep breath, zooming in closer as voices where heard from the back. JJ looked to Lila for a second before John B cut in.
"Shit, it's on the high side. It's only 900 feet." John B said, a faint smile on his face as Lila looked at him.
"Only?" she asked in disbelief, her blonde hair falling from behind her ear as she wished she'd had her flowers to push it back.
"That not too deep." JJ cut in as Lila also gave him a crazy look.
"Is that doable?" Kie asked confused as she looked at the four.
"Yeah, totally doable." JJ answered, way too sure of himself it seemed.
"Okay, will we be taking your personal submarine?" Pope asked as he looked at JJ.
"And your scuba gear?" Lila added in toward the blonde with raised eyebrows.
"How do you know this, Mr Dive Master?" John B asked JJ in disbelief with a wave of his hand.
"The salvage yard. They got a drown that can drop one thousand. It has a three-sixty camera and everything. It's for, like, deep dives and stuff. It's exactly what we need." JJ explained as he looked at the four, proud of himself.
"JJ, you're a genius." Lila said to the boy as his face lit up at her words.
"Can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?" John B questioned him now with raised eyebrows.
"Well, my dads grimy little hands got his ass fired. I guess the salvage captain frowns on showing up shitfaced, turns out." JJ explained as Lila nodded.
"As one does." she said as JJ nodded his head.
"As one does. But the drowns there. It's in the impound yard out back." JJ explained, looking from Lila to John B once again.
"How much did you say was on the Royal Merchant again?" Kie asked as she looked at her tanned friend.
"Five hundred mil." John B and JJ said at the same time. Lila and Kie shared a looked as Pope shot from his chair, blocking Kie who was going to the door.
"Nope, absolutely not." the boy shook his head, his arms on either side of the door to stop them from going anywhere.
"Pope! Move!" Kie said, shoving the lanky boy out of the way as she drug Lila through the door with her.
"Pope. We're not stealing the drown, we're borrowing it." John B reassured the boy as they drove down the road.
"Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope said as Lila scoffed slightly.
"I second that." she nodded, messed with the pink, yellow, and blue bracelet on her wrist. (if ykyk, happy pride!)
"Did you come up with that?" John B asked the boy, amazing by how quick he said it.
"Albert Bernstein came up with it. But it applys to this whole treasure hunting thing." Pope spoke with a nod of his head, Lila looked to JJ who was once again rolling a joint between his fingers.
"Oh." John B said, discouraged as Pope turned to look at him some.
"So, which is it? Fantasy or Reality?"
Pope asked the boy while Lila took the time to think of her answer.
"Why you so weird, Pope?" JJ questioned, not looking toward the boy.
"He's probably the main character." Lila nodded her head as Kie laughed from the front.
"It's fantasy, but possibly reality." Kie added in toward him as Pope watched her, love struck every time he even looked at her.
"Reality." John B answered with a soft smile.
"Hell to the yeah for reality." Lila said as she held her hand out to slap Popes leg.
"Virtual reality." JJ said as he lit the small joint in between his lips before Pope grabbed it and threw it across the van.
"Keep the signal clear." Pope said to him with a knowing look.
"You know what your problem is, Pope?" JJ asked as the car came to a stop as John B helped Lila climb in the front. She felt his hand graze across her ass, Lila turning back to him with wide eyes.
"I-I, jesus, sorry Lila, didn't do that on purpose, definitely didn't do it on purpose." he said with a cough, his face burning as Lila smiled.
"Chillax it, homeboy. I can't blame you." Lila shook her head as John B couldn't help but laugh as he leaned on the door, giving her a look.
"You know what the plan is? You wait here, if we give you a signal, you run in, say you ran someone over, and we take off, clear?" John B asked as a grin spread on Lilas face as she nodded.
"Crystal Clear, be safe." she said to him as he nodded with a half grin before jogging off.
Lila kept the windows rolled down, listening closely for any signal either of the four would give her. She drummed her fingers on the door some, the faint sound of a motor getting closer and closer. Lila looked over as a dirt bike parked a few feet away, recognizing the body and clothes immediately.
"Shit." she cursed to herself as Rafe pulled his helmet off and walked over toward her.
"Hey there Lila." he said, leaning into the van to get on her eye level, rubbing his nose as he sniffles some.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Lila asked, her eyes flickering toward the gates, scared her friends would come running out any second now looking guilty as hell.
"Uh, a buddy lives right back there and I saw you when I was passing though. What are you doing here? What happened to making deliveries?" he asked, his eyes looked like he was trying to intimidate her in a way as she didn't let him.
"I am, today and tomorrow. Pope and JJ just ran some wine coolers to the guy that works here." Lila lied through her teeth, looking at his blood vessels that were in his eyes, bright red.
"Yeah, is that so? All right." he nodded, his words seemed like he didn't believe her, his hand rubbing up and down her arm as she looked at him.
"What's up with your eyes?" Lila asked him, knowing damn well what was up but wanted to see if he'd lie to her. Rafes face fell slightly as he shifted from where he stood.
"Allergies." he lied much like she did.
"Yeah, is that so?" she asked, mocking him from moments before as he nodded, his hand still working up and down her arm.
"Toppers got this party tonight, you should swing by, hang out for a bit." Rafe said to her as Lilas eyes flickered toward the gate again, her foot taping worried.
"Do they let Pogues in?" Lila
asked with a eyebrow raise as Rafe sucked in a breath.
"Not full blooded ones, good thing you aren't." he said, sniffling again as Lila eyed the slight white dust on the side of his nose. She reached over to brush it away, slight worry in his eyes as she did so.
"Eyelash." she lied as he nodded with a nervous chuckle.
"I'll see you tonight, be safe." Lila said, looking at the bike a few feet away and back at him, the substance in her mind still.
"See you tonight." he said, rubbing her arm once again until his touch was gone, leaving on the bike quicker then he'd gotten here. Lila faced the window shield as she sighed, he was using. Lila saw four figures running toward her full speed as she leaned over and opened the doors as they jumped in.
"Did we get it?" Lila asked as she climbed into the back, not wanting to drive, bad memories in her mind from it.
"We got it!" JJ yelled as Lila cheered and high fived him.
Toppers house was huge, easily one of the biggest on the figure eight. Lila felt weird being here, being around people she didn't know. A few people gave her odd looks as she pushed through the crowd of people, she was shocked to see so many still here after how late it was. Lila smiled at a few girls she didn't know, looking for Sarah mainly.
Her eyes found a familiar head of hair gel, watching as he leaned down to the table and came back up again. With a sigh Lila walked over hesitantly, watching as his eyes met hers as he looked at her and back at the cocaine on the table.
"Lila, hey." he smiled, his teeth shiny and just as beautiful as she tried to tell herself they weren't.
"Hey, you okay?" she asked, walking over as he held his hands out to her, pull her to sit on his lap before she sat on the couch next to him.
"Yeah, completely okay. Are you okay?" he asked, looking up at her with the ocean blue eyes, the very first thing she noticed about him. Lila nodded, adjusting slightly as she put one of her arms over his shoulder, sitting on his left knee as her legs rested over his right.
"Yeah? You feel okay?" he asked her now as Lila nodded her head, staying silent as she looked back at the lines of white substance on the table.
"I heard about your dive this morning, mad respect for you!" Kelce cheered as he leaned over the table to high five Lila as she laughed slightly, feeling Rafes left hand dance around her thighs and his right hand trailing up her back, stopping as she wince.
"Hm? What I do?" he asked worried, pulling his hands away quickly.
"Nothing, just bruises from jumping off this morning." Lila answered back in a low voice, turning her head to him, their faces closer then intended as she looked down at him.
"Might make you feel better to do some." he said to her in a whisper, knowing the two boys around them would make it a huge deal and pressure her into doing so. Lila shook her head, her eyes frowned as he nodded quickly.
"Okay, okay, you don't have to." Rafe reassured her as Lila looked back at the table, worry over taking her body as she looked at the multiple lines on the side of the table that only Rafe was on. His hands ran over her thighs again, inching higher and higher each time.
"You guys wanna drink? We're gonna go grab one." Kelce said as he stood, the unknown boy next to him standing.
"We're okay, thanks." Lila answered for the both of them before Rafe could speak up, the faint smell of alcohol already on his lips. The boy nodded as he walked off with the other, leaving the two alone at the small table in the middle of the living room.
"You sure you're feeling okay?" he asked her again, her mood way off then it usually was. Her constant chatter and random words coming to a dead end as she ran a hand on the back of his neck.
"You do that often?" she asked, hesitant, scared he'd blow up on her as she turned to him again, his hands pulling her closer as both her arms snaked around her neck.
"No, no, not usually, just sometimes." he lied, she knew he was, but she couldn't say anything, she didn't know what she could say, seeing something like this happen before.
"Does it bother you?" he asked her now, sniffling as he leaned into her shoulder some.
"No, no." Lila was the one to lie this time, something both of them did to the other way too much lately. Rafe snaked his arm around her thighs, laying her back on the couch as she watched him worried. Lila found its odd how no one paid attention to them, to busy in their own conversation to notice him lay her down. Lila watched Rafe as he leaned toward the table before coming back to her.
Lila blinked in shock as he formed a line of coke from right under the middle part of her bikini, all the way up through the valley of her breast. Lila didn't know what to feel, apart of her hating the substance on her, but loving the feeling of his hands forming the line.
"This okay?" he asked her, scanning her eyes as Lila nodded her head, opening her mouth to say something before he suddenly leaned down, holding one side of his nose as he trailed all the way up, not missing anything. Lila squirmed slightly as his face touching her body, the closest he'd ever been to her. Lilas mouth hung open as slow breaths came out as Rafes face hovered over hers, traced of cocaine on his face as he pulled her to sit up again.
The blonde looked up at him, her face burning as she whipping the smeared white dust from his face for a second time that day. Rafe grabbed her wrist as he brought her thumb to his mouth, putting it in his mouth to get the coke off of her before pulling her hand back as it once again wrapped around his neck. Lila looked down at him, his fingers messing with the hair on the back of his head.
"Did you like it?" he asked her, his voice low as he looked up at her with his eyes only, his head not moving with him, making it harder for Lila to breath.
"Cocaine on my body?" she asked him, her chest heaving more then intended.
"Mhm." he nodded, pressing soft peaks to her shoulder as Lila didn't answer. No, she didn't like the idea of having such a addictive drug on her body, but she'd let him do it again if he touched her the way he was. Lila stood up from his lap, confusing the boy as he watched her take a few steps away from him before she turned.
"Coming? It's kinda loud in here." Lila said, amazed by herself, reaching her hand out as he took it immediately, their hands laced together as Lila let him take the lead, no clue where she'd planned on going but anywhere with him.
"Lila, Lila." Rafe repeated as his voice echoed in her ears before she snapped back to reality. He was sitting on the edge of one of the guest bedrooms in Toppers house as Lila stood before him.
"Yeah?" she asked confused, her hand still in his from where she stood before him, forgetting how this even went down.
"I asked if you were okay, you zoned out a little." he said to her as Lila inhaled and nodded.
"Yeah, yeah. I should-" she said, looking at the door before she cut herself off.
"I should go." she said again, looking back at him. Huge mistake, she should have known that she didn't have any control of she looked at him, his eyes stare up at her, scanning her slowly but flickering at her eyes every half second.
"I should-." Lila stoped herself, rushing to grabs the sides of his face and press their lips together roughly. A feeling they both were waiting for after what happened on the boat this morning, then at the guest house. Lila put her legs on either side of his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck as she depended their kiss as much as she could, pulling back for a second before kissing him again. The feeling of the purple top being untied sent a chill down her spine.
Lila was a smart girl, she knew how wrong this was. She knew her friends warned her about this, telling her not to get involved. She knew they knew him a lot better then she did, wanting to listen to them. But she didn't, instead she got flipped over to be under him, saying yes when he asked if it was okay.
so no smut? *slams phone down aggressively*
but woah this was steamy man, i was worried this was gonna be a sad chapter but i decided to push it until next chapter so prepare yourself for that one that should be out within the next few days.
also i do not promote drug use, if you or someone you know is struggling with addiction don't be stupid like rafe and lila, get yourself or them help by calling the hotline below
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