A Chapter| Chapter Six
"JJ, what the fuck is this?" Lila asked as she looked at the bow that was tied behind her back.
"A bow." he answered from where he was looking through her drawers.
"That is definitely not a bow." Pope shook his head as he looked at the back of Lilas sundress.
"I second that." Kie said from where she was seated on the girls bed before walking toward her.
"This is stupid anyway." Lila huffed as Kie untied the back and re tied it for her.
"Your moms are like, full Kook now." John B said as he looked through her small jewelry box.
"Why do they need you to go on a boat ride with the Cameron's so bad?" Kie asked, the glare noticeable on her face through the mirror.
"No clue, they've been spending like, all their time over there." Lila said as she turned, taking the sandals from Popes hands.
"Maybe they're gonna tell you they're in a open relationship or something." JJ said as he gave her a point.
"JJ!" Kie scolded him as his hands shot up. John B walked over, handing her the necklace he picked out. A smile in thank you as she took it from him.
"You're still gonna come with us later, right?" Pope asked, a yawn in his voice. The clock read six thirty in the morning, another thing that confused Lila.
"Yeah of course, i'll meet you guys." Lila confirmation as she stood, messing with the necklace until John B took it from her hands, hooking it in the back quickly as she gave him a grin.
"Lila!" Grace called out through the small cabin, making Lila sigh.
"I hate boat rides." Lila said as she walked out of the room, her four friends following her.
"Well this is more of a yacht so..." JJ trailed off as they walked onto the porch.
"You'll have fun." John B reassured her as they neared the small car.
"Yeah just try not to let the Kook princess corrupt you." Kie said as Lila gave her a look.
"You guys have already corrupted me enough." Lila pointed out as Pope pulled the door open for her.
"Good luck." he said as Lila patted his cheek before getting into the backseat.
"Don't let her mack on any Kooks while y'all are out there." JJ spoke as he leaned down to look through the window at Lilas moms.
"Mack?" Lacey asked confused as Lila slapped her head from the back.
"We'll bring her back in two hours, think that's enough to handle?" Grace asked, mocking the fact that she knew Lila spent most her time with the four.
"I don't know, seems a little too long." Kie said sarcastically as she sucked in a breath.
"Totally, I mean, who's gonna hold my hand while I pee?" John B questioned as Lila laughed loudly from the back.
"Dear god, goodbye!" Grace said as she drove off quickly.
"Miss you already!" she could hear Pope call out as they went down the road.
"Love you!" JJ shouted as Lila laughed before they pulled out of the road. Lila yawned loudly from the back as Lacey looked back at her.
"Tired?" she asked her daughter with a small smile, the purple flower behind her ear, that was once again waiting for her this morning, complementing the white dress.
"Well I didn't expect to be woke up at six in the morning." Lila said as Grace chuckled.
"You'll love it once we get there." she reassured her as Lila hummed.
"Still seems sketchy. I mean... what if Rose tries to murder me or something? Or what if I get corrupted?" Lila asked dramatically as Grace rolled her eyes while Lacey laughed.
"Rose isn't gonna murder you, Lila." her mom reassured her as Lila shook her head as they neared the docks, the same ones she was not too long ago, getting peed on.
"Woah." Lila said in shock as she looked at the large boat, the sunrise barely peaking through yet.
"Told you." Grace said as they got out the car. Lacey put a arm on Lilas, maybe out of love or maybe because she was worried she's take off in a run any second now.
"So glad you three made it." Ward smiled fakly as the three walked onto the ramp.
"Thank you for inviting us again, really." Lacey smiled as she hugged the man quickly.
"Well Rose has gotten close with you two and Sarah hasn't stopped talking about wanting Lila around." Ward said with a smile as soft footsteps were heard before Sarah Cameron peaked her head around the side, a large smile forming on her face as she saw Lila.
"You made it!" she gushed, running over and hugging Lila tightly as the girl laughed and hugged her back.
"Well I wasn't informed until about thirty minutes ago but yeah." Lila laughed as Sarah drug her along with her, leaving the three behind.
"Why so early?" Lila asked confused as she made it to the front of the boat with Sarah, the water a beautiful glow as the sun rise could be seen from a far.
"They say that's when the fish bite the most but I think it's just a excuse to ruin our day." Sarah explained, a grin on her face as she looked at Lila, who laughed at her statement.
"Woah, we're moving." Lila laughed as she grabbed Sarah's arm, feeling the boat start to move. Sarah and Lila shared a laugh, holding onto each other as she grinned over at the girl.
"I've missed hanging out with you." the Cameron girl said as Lila felt her heart soften, a red tint visible on her face.
"Me too." she said back, throwing a arm around the girl as they side hugged.
"Girls!" the voice of Rose called out as the blondes jumped off the deck and headed to the back of the boat. They giggled over something Lila said, their laughter being heard from miles away it seemed.
Sarah and Lila rounded the side of the boat quickly, their laughter coming to a end. Lacey and Rose were having a conversation, their voices low as Grace helped Weezie with the bracelet she was having trouble clasping. Lila met eyes with Rafe immediately, the smallest amount of sunlight hitting him in the right way, his bright blue eyes shining even brighter then they usually did.
"Lila, hi sweetie." Rose said as she stood, cutting their eye contact off as the blonde pressed a kiss to the teens cheek.
"Hey there, Rose." Lila said with a smile as Sarah pulled Lila to sit between her and Rafe. Lila looked back at the older boy next to her, giving him a small smile as he nodded and looked away.
"Rose, this looks great." Grace complemented, looking at the large breakfast in the middle of the table.
"Don't be ridiculous, I didn't make it." Rose laughed as she playfully slapped the woman arms. Grace looked to Lila as the blonde hid a laugh, looking down.
"No ones around for miles, we should be okay." Ward said as he came down the steps, walking toward the group.
"Would hate to be the next titanic." Lacey joked as the three adults laughed slightly at the table as the other four stayed silent. Ward cleared his throat as he sat down.
"Let's dig in." he said with a smile as they all picked at the food, grabbing what they liked and adding it to their plates.
Over time they paired off, having their own conversation at the breakfast table. The sun came up more, not to bright but far from dark either. It was a nice color, a mix of pink and orange. Lila and Sarah spoke to each other, not too personal, mainly just about bands they enjoyed and movies they were hoping to see. Lila always felt slightly guilty for liking Sarah as much as she did, remember how much Kie couldn't stand the girl.
Lila felt Rafes foot hit hers slightly, she didn't think anything of it at first, continuing her conversation with Sarah. Weezie began to ask Sarah a few questions, their conversation coming to a stop as the sisters spoke to each other. Lila felt his foot hit hers again, looking over his way as the boy looked out at the water, his foot moving on top of hers. To anyone's eye it seemed like Rafe was simply looking out as the ocean as Lila messed with her bracelet.
Rafe removed his foot from Lilas, his shiny vans back infront of him. Lila didn't even realize what she was doing until after, reaching her foot over to hook around his leg and pull back toward her. She could see the small grin forming on his face as he hid it with a cough, bringing his knuckles to his mouth to hid it. Lila smiled as she bite into the strawberry, her leg wrapped around his as her foot rested on top of his now. That lasted for a good five seconds before Rafe trailed just foot up her leg slightly, stopping mid calf and coming back down. Lilas face burning, the feeling of the expensive shoes rubbing roughly yet so gentle against her skin.
"Lila, we actually have some news we wanted to share with you." Ward spoke up as Rafe and Lila quickly yanked their legs away from each other, scared they'd been caught. Everyone gave the two a odd look as both their legs banged against the table harshly. Rafe coughed awkwardly as he removed the backwards snap back on his head before putting it back on while looking out at the water.
"What- what was it you wanted to tell me?" Lila asked with a clear of her throat, folding her hands on the table. Lacey and Grace shared a odd look at the outburst before Grace cleared her throat.
"Lila, you remember that guest house in the back?" Ward asked her as Lila looked his way, knowing where this was going.
"Kinda, what about it?" she asked with a shrug, looking at her moms for answers. They seemed hesitant, half wanting to tell her and half scared how she'd react.
"Well, the Cameron's were nice enough to offer us to stay there, rent free, while we work together." Lacey spoke with a smile as Lila stared at her.
"Wait, you guys are actually going through with that?" Lila asked them in disbelief, sitting up more as she could feel Sarah's eyes on her.
"This should be good." Rafe mumbled as his dad gave him a look.
"It could be nice, Lila. Traveling to the other side of the island everyday isn't the easiest thing to do. Besides, that's where the business is doing best at." Grace said as Lila shook her head, a cross to her arms as she stared at the two.
She wanted to bite her tongue for the sake of the Cameron's, not wanting to offend any of them, but it didn't work out so well.
"No, i'm not okay with that." Lila said, annoyance and weakness in her voice. She worried mainly, worried her friends wouldn't want to be apart of her if she moved over to the other side of the island, non the less basically with the Cameron's. "I like our house. I mean, thank you guys for having us, but we already moved all our stuff in and everything."
"Maybe we should give them space." Rose spoke as she stood, Weezie, Ward, and Rafe doing the same. Sarah stayed, giving Lila a worried look as the girl gave her a pleading look, not wanting her to leave.
"Sarah." Ward scolded her, motioning for her to join them as Sarah hesitated before following after her family, leaving the three.
"You literally said you weren't gonna go through with moving over there." Lila said annoyed toward the two, a glare still on her face.
"That was before they offered it to us for free, before gas prices went up." Lacey said to her daughter softly, knowing Lila wasn't gonna budge if they fought fire with fire.
"Then go ahead, i'll stay on this side of the island. I'll crash with John B or something, i'm not leaving." Lila said, her voice softer as a sigh left her throat.
"Honey, whats the matter? Why do you wanna stay over here so bad?" Lacey asked her daughter as Lila sighed, shrugging back down as she looked into her lap.
"I just like the friends I have here, I don't want them to stop talking to me if I go full Kook." Lila said as her moms gave a odd look.
"Full Kook?" Grace asked confused as Lila rolled her eyes as she stood up.
"Would you just talk to us? Your friends can come over any time they want." Lacey tried again as Lila scoffed and shook her head.
"No, they can't actually. You both have no clue about the rivalry and the hatred different sides of the island have on each other, jesus." Lila said as she ran a hand through her hair, knowing she'd lose the battle but wasn't gonna go down without a fight.
"Look, I have no clue what you're taking about, but it's already settled. The cabin is already back in the owners hands, we're moving out tomorrow morning." Grace said as Lacey sighed, not wanting to throw all of this onto Lila at once.
"If you move us i'll throw myself off this boat right now." Lila said, a look on her face telling them she wasn't kidding.
"Lila, I swear to-" Grace began as she slowly stood, not being fast enough as Lila took off the the side of the boat and threw herself over the side with a splash.
"Lila!" her moms called out worried as they ran to the side of the boat, seeing their daughter swimming off in the other direction. The loud sound caught the Cameron family's attention as they looked over the side of their boat, seeing Lilas blonde locks swimming off.
"Jesus christ." Rafe huffed with a eye roll, taking off the hat and throwing it to the side. Sarah laughed loudly as she cheered the girl on loudly, being scolded by her step mother but she didn't seem to care.
Lila huffed as she continued to swim, five minutes in and not far from the boat at all. The water was freezing, her lips surely blue or purple at this point. The thin layer of clothes she had on wasn't providing her any warmth and for them to be miles and miles and miles from any land wasn't in her justice. But Lila wasn't gonna turn around and go back, that wasn't her, she wasn't gonna let them win.
The sound of a jet ski behind her caught her attention as she looked behind her, seeing it riding quickly over toward her but keeping a good distance to not hit her. Lila could make out Rafes body as he got closer, slowing down as he floated a few feet away.
"Why do you have to be such a drama fest?" he asked her in disbelief, annoyance in his voice as Lila groaned and continued to swim.
"You realize how far we are from any land? You'll probably freeze if you don't get eaten first, and what about those jelly fish you hate so much? There's a whole reef of them all around here." Rafe said as Lila stoped, the jellyfish making her heart hammer. God did she hate those, looking back at him through her dripping eyelashes, she spit out water some.
"Would you pee on me again?" she asked him honestly, squinting her eyes from the sun that was coming up tremendously in the horizon.
"Yes, but that's not the point. Get on, come on." he said to her, a roll to his blue eyes while reaching her hand toward her.
"Are you gonna take me back to the boat?" she asked him, not moving and trusting him for some sick reason to tell her the truth.
"I'm suppose to." he answered with a shrug, dropping his arm, knowing enough about her to know she wouldn't get on until their conversation was over.
"But are you going to?" Lila asked again, stuck between wanting to swim off or climb on.
"What do you want me to do?" he asked her with a dramatic sigh, not gonna win this one much like he hadn't won any arguments in the past.
"I don't wanna go back." she answered honestly, her legs tired from kicking as she took a deep breath. Rafe could see her teeth chattering from where he was, her lips a vibrant purple by now.
"I don't want to either, so get on." he demanded as Lila grinned and swam over. Rafe reached his hand out, pulling her onto the back of the jet ski, trying to ignore the bright purple bra under the white dress that was on full view now. Lila immediately put her arms around him for some warmth, soaking his back as she got as close as she could. Rafe cleared his throat as he started the jet ski again, looking back at the boat.
"What are they going?" Rose asked from the boat, passing the binoculars toward her husband just in time to see the two speed off in the opposite direction from the boat. Grace huffed loudly as Lacey rubbed her forehead.
"Damn it." Ward cursed as he put the binoculars down.
"I mean, you should have saw that one coming." Sarah said as she looked at her dad, being waved off as he walked toward deck.
"He's definitely pussy whipped." Weezie commented as the remaining woman on the boat looked at her in disbelief.
"Weezie." Rose scolded the girl as Sarah hid a laugh.
"Why are we here?" Lila asked as Rafe lead her toward the backyard after changing his shirt and getting her a towel. Lila looked at the scenery in the backyard again, it still shocking her every time she saw it. Rafe yanked on her arm, pulling her toward the guest house.
"To show you what you're missing out on." He said, unlocking the door as he pushed it open. The floors were marble, something Lila always loved. It was oddly large for a one story house, the living room easily the size of Lilas cabin back on the other side of the island.
"See, you made a big drama out of nothing, you really think our guest house would be shit?" Rafe asked her in disbelief, throwing the set of keys onto the counter as Lila looked around in shock.
"No, no, that's not it." Lila explained, running her hand along the counter tops before she looked at Rafe again.
"Then what's the big deal or are you just dramatic?" he asked her, crossing his arms as Lila rolled her eyes.
"If you say that word one more time i'm gonna smack the shit out of you." she said to him, walking off to look into the living room that had a large tv and nice furniture.
"Then answer me." Rafe said to her again, his loud footsteps close behind her as she turned around quickly, not expected them to be as close as they were. The two both took a step back as Lila sighed.
"I don't wanna lose my friends." Lila explained as Rafe gave her a look.
"Your dirty pogues?" he asked her in disbelief as Lila gave him a annoyed look.
"Yeah, actually. And they're not dirty, they're actually really great and I love them. So, watch your mouth." Lila threatened him as she walked down the hallway, his footsteps behind her once again.
"And you know what, Rafe Cameron? Maybe I don't wanna live this close to you, did that occur to you? Maybe I hate your presence so much I need a whole island away from you." Lila said back to him with sass, knowing damn well it was far from true. Truth was the only reason she actually would consider moving was for Rafe, she didn't know why she thought that, the whole thing on the boat striking a weird feeling inside her.
"Mmm, I don't believe that." he shook his head as Lila looked into the first bedroom, the master it seemed. It was nice, with a beautiful bedding and a built in bathroom. Lila blinked in shock at it, so beautiful and so untouched.
"My moms probably love this." Lila said as she stood in the door way in shock. She heard Rafe take a step forward.
"This one isn't theirs, it's yours." he said to her, taking another step forward as he was pressed behind her. Lila held her breath for a second, needed to step away but she found herself leaned into him more.
"Really?" Lila asked in shock once again, her eyes dancing around the room that could easily be hers. Rafes hands trailed up her bare arms, goosebumps from either him or the cold water spreading across her arms.
"Yeah, really." he answered her, leaning forward more as his hands reached her shoulders, stopping there as he leaned onto her more.
"You like it?" he questioned her, his voice in a whisper due to how close they were. Lila didn't know what he was talking about, not knowing if he meant the room or the way he was running his hands on her arms.
"Yes." Lila answered, not knowing what he was speaking on but knowing she liked both, way too much.
"Yeah?" he asked her again, leaning down as his hot breath hit her neck before she hummed in response, closing her eyes went she felt his oddly soft lips press a kiss under her ear, another on her neck, leaning down more to kiss her shoulder. The loud clock chimed on the wall made Lila gasp and open her eyes again, flickering her eyes over to the clock before she turned around quickly.
"I gotta go." she said as Rafes face fell, a pang of guilt hitting her.
"Go where?" Rafe questioned, following after her as she walked down the hallway.
"Ugh, JJ and Pope need my help with some delivers around the island." Lila said as she turned to give him the towel back, finding him behind her once again.
"You're leaving for deliveries?" he asked her with a frown of his eyebrows, a tad bit of annoyance in his voice.
"Yeah, I mean, I kinda promised Pope already. His dad needs the extra help, you know?" Lila asked as she put her hand on the doorknob, looking up at him once again.
"No, I don't know, but fine." he said, crossing his arms as he rolled his eyes. Lila cocked her head to the side as she gave him a half smile, raising one eyebrow.
"Do you wanna hang out later tonight? Or tomorrow? I mean, i'm clearly having to move in." Lila said as his eyes met hers again, a mix between a smile and a smirk on his face as he nodded his head as Lila smiled as she left the house quickly.
enjoy this bc next chapter is gonna hurt so bad.
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