"Lila." Rafe said, knocking on the other side of the door, "Your moms let me in, what's going on?"
When he opened the door, he found the girl sitting on the edge of her bed, knees bouncing as she looked down at her lap. When her eyes snapped up, he noticed they were red and she had tear stains along her cheeks. Though she'd stopped crying, it was clear she once was.
"Hey, it's okay." he spoke, walking over and getting down on his knees infront of her. His hands came up to cup her face, searching for a answer, "What happened?"
"I was pregnant." she whispered, her voice low like it had been a secret, "Not long."
Rafe blinked in surprise, "Did you have a-"
"No, miscarried." she said back, leaning on his hands more, "I was gonna though."
Rafe nodded, because he agreed, but he had zero clue what to say, "Are you- are you alright?"
"It kinda hurt." she said back, crossing her legs as the ridiculously large sweater hung over her, "And there was a lot of blood."
Rafe rubbed her thighs from where he still kneeled infront of her.
"I was gonna tell you but a lot has happened." she said back. She was too casual, too off putting. Lila scared him, because he saw so much pain in her eyes yet was lacking more then enough emotions, "I'm sorry."
"That's okay." he shook his head at her, holding her face in his hands, "What do- what do you want me to do?"
Lila shook her head, "Nothing."
He felt guilty, lost, confused.
"Can we never talk about it again?" she asked. In the end, Lila knew she wasn't gonna keep it, nor did she want it. But miscarriage was a experience she never wanted to experience, never wanted to feel or blame herself for. But she'd been good at that, blaming herself, "Unless you wanna talk about it. Like, I don't really know your views on-"
"No, it's all right." he stopped her, moving to sit next to her, "We'll never talk about it again if you don't want to."
He didn't want to either, deep down, neither of them wanted to talk about it. Rafe felt guilty for not being here for her when it happened, while Lila felt even worse for being the cause of it in the first place.
"Lila, I'm gonna need you to cool it." Rafe called from the other side of the door, hearing things break and crash from the other side of the door, "I don't wanna keep you locked up. I don't wanna do that, you're not a-"
He was cut off when something hit the other side of the door, shattering.
"You let me out of here right now!" Lila yelled, suddenly beating harshly on the door, "You can not control me!"
"I'm not controlling you, i'm protecting you!" he yelled back at her from the other side.
"You're not protecting me!" Lila yelled, grabbing one of the glass cups and throwing it at the door as she only saw red, "You just are using that as an excuse to control where I am and who i'm with! It's not your right, you asshole, let me outta here!"
"You're acting insane, stop throwing shit!" Rafe yelled at her when he heard another crash, this time being a plate, "Isn't that what you do for me? Try and get me help to protect me?"
"Oh." Lila laughed loudly from the other side, eyes wider then a deer in headlights while her hair was sticking to her face, sweating from the amount of things she'd broken over the night, "Dont even try and compare those two things, Rafe! You told me you needed help and I gave you options. I didn't lock you in a fucking room and take control over what you do!"
Lila throw herself against the door. She knew she wouldn't get it open, but she'd been angry and any form of destruction was gonna help her, "Open this door!"
"I'll open it when you calm down." he called back, leaning on the door, "Lila, we're gonna have so much money. We have the cross! The cross is ours."
Lila yelled angrily as she threw the cushions off the small couch, having them join the shards of glass on the floor, "Go away, now! I'm sick of talking to you!"
"You know, I really wish you wouldn't say things like that." Rafe said from the other side, his knuckle drumming against the door, "You're ungrateful."
"Oh, i'm so sorry, Rafael." Lila laughed again from the other side as she threw a butter knife, "Let me just bow down and thank you for lying to me and then locking me up after I told you to let me out of the car!"
Rafe shook his head in disbelief, "This is why i'm not opening the door. You need help too, Lila."
"No shit!" she hollered, throwing the whole thing of silverware suddenly as it clattered everywhere.
"I will be back." Rafe said as Lila scoffed, "Maybe you'll calm your crazy ass down by then."
As he left, he heard more glass shattering and yells of anger bouncing off the ship walls.
An hour passed when Rafe came back. To his surprise, he was met with a silent room. He nodded his head, reaching into his pocket, "Lila, you come to your senses?"
He didn't get an answer, unlocking the door as he pushed it open. The room was torn inch by inch apart, the painting on the wall, the silver ware, cushions, everything was thrown and shattered on the floor, "Jesus christ."
As Rafe turned, he looked for any sight of the blonde. He made sure to put her in a room without a window, knowing she'd run. Rafe turned his back, "Li-
He was cut off by a yell, a sudden weight on his back. Lila hid behind the door, jumping up on Rafe the second his back was turned.
"Get off of me." He hollered at her, trying to yank her off but her nails scratched the side of his face, distracting him long enough for the key to drop from his hands. Lila jumped off his back, kicking the back of his knees so he'd trip. She lunged for the key, grabbing hold of it tightly. As Lila stood, she was met face to face with Rafe again.
"This is how it's gonna be then?" he asked her with a nod, "I don't wanna hurt you."
"You already have." she said in disbelief with a red, angry face, her jaw clinched, "Multiple freaking times!"
"So what? You wanna run off to your stupid friends? Choose them instead of me?" he asked her in disbelief, voice rising.
"Yes." she said bluntly his way, tired of sugarcoating it all the times before, "I'm so glad we're in the same page for once!"
Rafe suddenly laughed, a shake of his head, "I can't let you do that, Lila."
"You are not in control of my life!" she yelled, shoving his shoulders suddenly out of anger as she took a deep breath, "And i'm done letting you decide what I can and can't do. From now on, I come first! Not you, me. And I'm so done with helping you, and defending you, and trying to be in the middle. I'm not on your side, and I never fucking will be."
Rafe stared at her, his eyes narrowed as he suddenly lunged for the key in her hand. A figure tackled him from the side, taking him down. Lila gapped as she looked down, the bot standing as JJ stood there.
"Hurry." JJ said quickly, latching onto her arm and pulling her out the door. Lila slammed it shut, locking it from the outside, "How was that for operation save Li-"
He was cut off by her arms throwing around him in a tight hug, "How did you get on the ship?"
"We followed it when they took you and Sarah." JJ spoke as they pulled back from the hug, "I wanted to be the one to save you, like Batman."
"I'm so glad you come." she hugged him again, "Rafe has the cro-"
"I know. Come on, we're way ahead of you." the blonde boy nodded, latching onto her arm and pulling her, "We had this huge plan on locking the crew members up. And now-"
"Holy hell, geniuses." Lila gapped as she looked at Kie, standing in front of the large cross while the ceiling opened, "How did you guys manage this without me?"
"Let's never find out again." Kie said back, throwing her arms around Lila suddenly as the pair hugged.
"Lila! You made it!" Pope called as he looked down at them.
"I made it!" she called back up to him with a wide grin.
"That's what i'm talking about! Let's go!" JJ cheered into the air as Kie and Lila did the same.
"The time where people do shit to us and we just sit back and it is over!" Pope held his fist up.
"Fuck yes!" Lila yelled as she threw her fist up, "I feel like a new lady!"
"Hell yeah!" Kie cheered.
"Let's get this done, baby!" JJ called out as he continued to cheer into the air.
"Here, let's tie it up." Kie spoke as she threw the rope over to them, "Yo, did he hurt you?"
"No, just locked me in." Like shook her head her way, "But I made it pretty clear that I choose you guys, i'm done with this shit, seriously."
"Hell yeah you are." Kie smiled as Lila helped JJ tie the front up.
"Popes dad is gonna be so excited." Lila shook her head with a laugh, "I miss him."
"Let me see that." JJ took the rope to tie it off, "Did you destroy that room?"
"Yeah, my ankles are all cut up but i'm good." Lila said with a nod, looking at the small gashes along her ankles from the glass that shattered.
"Here it comes." Kie spoke as the crain lowered down toward them. The trio latched it onto the rope on the cross in no time, Lila have experienced from her moms.
"Take her up, Pope!" JJ called up his way.
The cross began to rise, going faster then they thought. Kie called out, "Slow! Slowly!"
"To the left!" Lila called as she noticed it was favoriting the right.
"And the middle now!" JJ added in.
Pope suddenly turned too much, yanking JJ with the rope around the cross.
"No! Too far! It's too far! Pope!" Kie called up to him quickly, watching the cross knock down a good few barrels.
"My bad!" he called back to them.
"Your other middle!" Kie hollered.
Pope evened it out nicely, having the cross rise slowly. Lila cheered, "There it is! You got it, dude!"
"Let's go help John B load it up on the lifeboat." JJ said quickly as he urged the three to follow close after, "He's gonna loose his shit! We thought you were dead."
"JJ!" Kie scolded.
"I will never die!" Lila called out, adrenaline racing through her veins and feeling so new, like a whole different human being.
"I don't see him." JJ called as he looked off the edge of the boat when they made it out.
"Lila, J." Kie spoke as she saw one of the crew workers infront of them, holding a meat cutting knife in his hand.
"Of course. There's more of you." he huffed, "Get down in your knees."
"Hard pass." Lila called, reaching into her back pocket and throwing her pocket knife. The man yelled out when it grazed his side, causing a large and deep gash. JJ lunged at him, punching him in the face harshly. Kie opened the emergency exit, knocking him in the face and loosing his grip on the side of the boat. It gave Lila time to grabbed his arms and throw him back on his back.
"Where's John B?" JJ called out.
"John B!" Kie yelled from the other side of the boat. The man suddenly cut Lila ankle, making her cry out as she stumble slightly. It gave him time to get up, swinging the knife at JJ.
"Kie!" JJ called when the man lunged for her. He hoped on his back, grabbing his wrist. The wound on Lilas ankle was deep, blood pouring onto the dock of the ship. When she put her foot down, it hurt but she managed to run at the guy before he elbowed JJ in the face harshly. He flung his knife at Kie, Lila grabbing hold of her as they ducked down. Instead, he hit JJ and send him falling over the edge of the boat.
"JJ!" Lila called as Kie kicked the man harshly, making him fall back. As she turned, she barely saw Lila launching herself over the edge of the boat.
kylie speaks
i told y'all angry ex
gf was coming and i
am beyond proud. sis
has went through too much
and finally snapped and
only one more chapter:(
i published a rafe book earlier
today and the oc is the villian
of the story if any of you are
interested in reading that one!
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