"We understand why you don't want to go to school." Lacey spoke as she followed Lila through the Cameron house, "But we still want to know where you're going."
Lila rolled her eyes, "Do you care?"
"Lila, watch it." Grace spoke as she rounded into the kitchen, "I get you're upset and angry, but we're still your moms and you still owe us respect."
Lila gave a clearly forced smile, grabbing her phone and walking out of the house quickly. Rafe was standing in the front when she came down, causing her to pause a second, "Hey."
"Hey." he said back with a clear of his throat, "I didn't mean to leave you in the bed a-"
"That's kinda your thing." Lila cut him off with a half grin, "Uh, how are you feeling?"
She noticed Wards blazer was back around his shoulders and he had the truck keys in his hand. He looked angry, over worked perhaps.
"Rose is stressing me out." he said back, twisting at his hand slightly.
"Well, my moms are gonna help her out so.." Lila said back in hopes of easing his worry, "Did Sarah come back?"
"No." Rafe rolled his eyes, "If you gotta be somewhere I can drive you."
"What happened to your hand?" Lila ignored his questions, motioning toward the hand he cradled slightly.
"Punched a wall." he said back casually.
"Punched a wall?" Lila rose her eyebrows, pulling a face as she nodded, "Right. Punched a wall."
"Are you some high school drop out now?" Rafe asked her with a odd look, walking closer toward the steps of the house, "Since you found out your daddy's the sheriff now."
Lila gave a small glare, "He's not my dad. And i'm not a high school drop out, just so you know, i'm skipping today."
"Where you going?" Rafe hummed as he stood infront of her. Lila gave a shrug, "You don't know?"
"No." Lila said back quickly at his questioning, "Why? Do you want to hang out?"
Rafe sighed, "I can't. Not today. Tomorrow, yeah."
"Why? What are you doing today?" Lila couldn't help but pry. Rafe shrugged, "You don't know?"
"Listen." he spoke, grabbing her shoulders slightly, "I got stuff to handle, stepping up. I'm a proactive person."
"Oh, a proactive person?" Lila asked with a nod, holding back a laugh.
"Yeah." Rafe nodded his head at her.
Lila laughed, "Okay, go do your proactivness then. Step up, handle stuff."
"Are you mocking me?" Rafe had to ask with a faint comical look on his face, "I'll have you know, Lila Griffin, that mocking isn't very nice."
"Is it not nice? Or is it not proactive enough?" she teased him, shoving his shoulder suddenly.
Rafe shook his head at her with a half grin, shoving her shoulder the way she did his, "I hate you."
"I know." she smiled. Rafe nodded behind her, making Lila turn and find the purple lilacs, the same ones that showed up out of the blue all summer, blooming in the bushes near the house, "Remember when you called them purple flowers?"
Lila turned back as Rafe gave a head tilt, "Rooky mistake."
"Guess so." Lila said back with a minor nod, "Well, i'll leave you to do whatever it is you are going to do."
"You should go to school." Rafe encouraged her as Lila walked off, "I'm serious!"
"Rafe, I got this, i'm a proactive person." Lila said over her shoulder to him. Rafe shook his head in disbelief at her words.
The sheriff station doors were yanked open suddenly, the faint breeze of the afternoon coming through and colliding with the cold AC traveling around. Lila Griffin stood in the door way, a look on her face that would kill if it had been possible. The blue flannel, over the white top, around her arms kept her warm in the cold station, though the pair of leather shorts made her legs form chill bumps. Her shoes dug into the floor as she looked around, almost planting her mark there.
The deputy at the front looked at her oddly as she walked over, leaning on the counter. He was met with a sudden hit of a scent mixed within brown sugar, cheap floral perfume, and a hint of pumpkin when she moved a certain way, "I'm gonna need to talk to Victor."
"The sheriff-" he began.
"Could you give him a call?" Lila asked, though it was clear she was faking and forcing a bad smile, "You can tell him it's Lila Griffin and that it's important I speak to him."
Shoupe looked over in disbelief when his stapler flew across the room. After Lila walked in, it had been the first thing she did, "Bad morning, Lila?"
"Oh, yeah, bad morning." she mocked with a nod of her head, "So bad that I found out my moms have been keeping something from me that seems to be pretty important. What could that possible be?"
Shoupe exhaled, "Look, Lila-"
"I didn't come here for you to explain yourself to me. This week has been long enough as is, the last thing I want it to be spoke down upon by a man that looked me dead in the eye and hide this from me." Lila cut him off quickly with a minor glare. As she stared at Shoupe, she noticed features on him that she saw in the mirror as well. Their eyebrows were shaped the same, a mole in the same area on their cheek, and the slightly wider then average jaw, "I know it may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is to me considering you've known this whole time and never once said anything."
"I didn't know if you wanted to know, and your moms asked me not too." Shoupe defended himself quickly with a raise of his hands, "When you went back to the village, I didn't even think i'd see you again."
"I don't know what you're expecting from me. I have two moms, I never had a dad and I don't plan on having one now." Lila spoke bitterly and cruel. She didn't mean to, that was, but she was anger for having such a big secret kept from her.
"That's not what i'm saying, i'd just like to get to know you a little more, that's all." he tried to reason with her angry side, though he would react the same way in her situation.
"You wanna get to know me? Why? So you can criticize me for who I am? Tell me i'm gonna go back to jail, act like you're some father figure when you're not." Lila spoke fast and harshly, her eyes watered out of anger rather then sadness, "You weren't there when all the little kids bullied me in ballet class when I was seven, you weren't there to comfort me when I was terrified my moms would go to hell for being in love because my pastor told me so, you didn't pick me up from my first high school dance when I was made fun of for not having an expensive dress, you weren't there when I killed my brother! Non of it! You weren't there for that and I didn't need you to be, either! But now you wanna come back in my life, after all the damage is done, and try and play nice with me?"
Shoupe looked guilty, "What happened to Logan-"
"Which time? The car accident? The funeral?" Lila listed on as she cut him off, "The time he tried to strange me because he got so mad, when he made threats to the school, when he was arrested, when he needed help and no one bothered to see that? You could have been there. You could have helped and put some form of advice somewhere."
Lila inhaled as she stared at his frozen figure, "You don't get to show up in my life and expect us to live some happy relationship were you walk me down the isle and we get lunch on Wednesdays. Not when you knew this whole time and couldn't even say it to me."
"I never knew how to reach out to you. Your moms didn't know me, I didn't even know what they looked like, all I knew were their names. I was just a doner, that was all until my wife figured out she couldn't have children of her own." Shoupe spoke, he looked away, "Just made me realize that the two I do have, biologically, I still might have a chance with."
Lila inhaled as her heart hurt a moment, "You don't have two , Shoupe. You have one. Because the other died. If you wanna blame me for that then-"
"I'm not blaming you, i'm not." he cut her off with a raise of his hands, "I'm sorry I wasn't there when it happened. I should have went to you, you were right there and I-"
"You were there?" Lila asked suddenly, cutting him off.
"The funeral." Shoupe said guilty as he glanced away, "I went."
Lila shook her head in disbelief, inhaling angrily, "I'm sorry about your wife. But adopted, do whatever you want because I am not your daughter. I have two moms. They may not be the best out there, and they might blame me unlike you, but they're mine and I love them more then anything."
"I don't wanna take you from your moms, I just want-" he began before he was cut off.
"You just want to try and fill the void that your wife can't have kids. You don't want me, you don't want anything to do with me, you just want a child." Lila shook her head as she blinked, a few tears rolling down her chips, "If your wife were to have her own child, you wouldn't even care to want to talk to me. And I deserve better then that, at least."
Lila left it at that as she stormed out, slamming the door in the process and whipping the pointless tears. She exited the station quickly, being in here enough times for them not to questioned her at this point. Lila inhaled angrily as she stood in the parking lot, her heart racing as her fist balled up. Her eyes squeezed shut, in hopes of calming herself down.
kylie speaks
sissy has hella
anger issues but holds
them in and for what?
lila, honey, it would be
hot to see you get angry.
she's so fine she done pissed
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