"That's a lot of wax on your board. Put too much wax, it's gonna be slippery." Pope spoke the next morning as the four sat. Kie played her ukulele, JJ waxed his board, Pope messed with his trinkets, while Lila skipped through the videos on her video camera.
"Are you telling me how to wax my board, Pope?" JJ asked as he looked back at him in disbelief.
"Just saying that's a lot of wax." Pope pointed out.
"No-no. You're telling me how to wax my board. Are you kidding?" JJ began to argue with him, standing up better and turning his way.
"I'm saying that's a colossal waste of wax." the Hayward boy argued back with a innocent look.
"Guys, really?" Kid asked in disbelief, a car honking echoing behind them.
"Did you hear that?" JJ spoke up. Lila turned her head, standing up as her eyes set on the Twinkie rolling their way.
"Holy hell." she said with a bright grin, taking off toward it.
"Am I dreaming?" JJ called out.
"Are you serious!" Kie laughed.
John B got out of the van as Lila launched herself into his arms, hugging him tightly as he hugged her back, "Sorry our plan didn't work out."
"All good." John B laughed as he hugged her, "You good?"
"Are you good?" Lila asked back with a laugh.
"Guess who's out the cling, boy! No freaking way, man!" Pope hollered as the remaining three headed over.
"My boys out of the can!" JJ laughed as the five hugged tightly.
"We missed you." Kie spoke.
"I missed you guys too." John B sighed in content.
"How'd you do it? You bust out?" JJ asked as they all pulled back, "Since Lila and I's plan back fired on our asses."
"They dropped the charges." John B shook his head.
"Dude, that's phenomenal." Kie explained.
"You're telling me I did all that work for nothing?" JJ asked as he looked at Lila, "You lost yet another ghost tracker."
"I did. You're getting me a new one." Lila hummed as she poked John B in the chest.
"Wait, where's Sarah?" John B asked as he looked around, realizing she hadn't been here.
"She went to go meet Wheezie last night." Kie shook her head, "She didn't come back."
"So, Sarah just dips and doesn't call?" John B asked in disbelief as they loaded up into the boat.
"Yeah, man. She just left her bag. Didn't tell anyone." Pope shook his head from near the moter.
"You think she's with Rafe?" John B asked Lila.
"I don't know. I haven't talked to Rafe." Lila shook her head as she crossed her legs, "If so then they're probably at their house."
"I really think Ward got to her." John B shook his head, "I mean to dude tried to have me killed in jail."
"What?" Kie asked in disbelief.
"Yeah. He sent somebody to the prison who yoked me up and almost killed me." John B nodded his head as the four looked at him crazily.
"Do we know who this dude was?" JJ questioned.
"No, I have no idea." John B shook his head, "Dude, I swear to God, one day i'm gonna kill that son of a bitch."
"Please do, honestly." Lila agreed, as she tapped her foot.
"It's okay." Kie smiled.
"No, Kie, it's not okay. We gotta find Sarah." John B argued back.
"No, literally, it's okay. She's right there." Kie pointed behind them. The others turned and saw Topper driving his boat, Sarah inside of it.
"With Top?" Lila asked, taking her sunglasses off, "That was a unexpected plot twist."
"John B!" Sarah called out with a bright smile. Sarah climbed onto their boat and wrapped him in a tight hug.
"Hey." Lila said to Topper, "You taking care of our girl?"
"Just helping her out." he said back with a shrug, "I heard you're back."
"For now, yeah." Lila nodded, squinting from the sun.
"I didn't think your moms wanted you back here." Topper said back.
"They don't." Lila shook her head.
"Listen, Sarah, Lila." John B spoke as he grabbed both their attention, "I didn't wanna say it before because I wanted both of you here. But the cops, they're coming after Rafe."
Lilas heart dropped to her stomach as her face fell.
"Hell yeah." JJ cheered.
"Coming after him? Why didn't you tell me?" Lila argued with a look of disbelief, "I need to be there and tell them about the tamplets, John B. What the hell?"
"He's completely un-hinged." Sarah shook her head, "He jumped me last night."
"Jumped you?" Lila questioned.
"That's why I didn't come back." Sarah nodded her head.
"Yeah, man. Rafe has lost his mind. Literally almost drowned his own sister." Topped agreed with a nod of his head. Lila ran a hand through her hair as she paced around the boat slightly, "Thankfully, I got there in time."
"So they're gonna what? Throw him and jail and have him murdered too?" Lila asked in disbelief.
"Maybe he should be." JJ argued, "He's a manic."
"He has something wrong with him." Lila was quick to jump in, "I'm not saying what he did was okay but if he doesn't get the help he needs then it'll never stop. Did they get to him yet?"
"No ones said anything around the island, i've kept the news on all morning." Topper said her way, "All I know is he is no where to be found."
"I should go to the police, right? Tell them." Lila nodded her head.
"Are you insane?" Kie asked in disbelief.
"No, Kie, i'm not." Lila defended herself with a glare, "I'm looking at the bigger picture."
"Are you? Or did he just get into your head after you went and saw him?" Kie argued back, "I knew that was a horrible idea."
"Would you stop treating me like i'm some basket case? No one got in my head. I never said he shouldn't get arrested, I just think it's human decency for the police to at least know that not everything is right in his head when he goes infront of the court." Lila argued back as Kie stared at her. Lila looked over at Topper, "Will you take me to the station?"
"Are you kidding me right now?" JJ asked in disbelief. Topper helped Lila onto his boat, "Lila, put your head on straight."
"It is, just trust me on this one." Lila said back as she stared at him, "Please?"
"You'll find us when you're done?" John B asked as Lila nodded her head, "Uh, well, I guess I owe you one, Topper, don't I?"
"It's all good. I mean, somebody has to rescue your girlfriend, right?" Topper hummed John B's way.
"Uh, that's funny because she's not actually my girlfriend, right?" John B asked as he looked over at Sarah.
"Well, what is she then?" Topper laughed.
"Tell him." John B encouraged Sarah.
"Jesus christ." Lila mumbled.
"I'm- i'm with him." Sarah nodded as she looked at Topper.
"Gotchu. You're with him. Okay, yeah." Topper nodded as he looked around, "Needed a little clarity there. You guys clear on that?"
"I think it's clear you gotta go now." JJ hummed as he squinted from the sun.
"Right. We, Lila and I, will go." Topper nodded as he looked back at the blonde, "You ready?"
"Yeah." Lila said as she looked back at her friends, "I'll see you guys in a few hours?"
"Mm, yeah, sure." JJ nodded, avoiding looking her way.
"Topper. Thank you." Sarah spoke as she walked forward and hugged him. Lila cleared her throat awkwardly.
"You'll be carful?" Pope asked Lila as she nodded.
"John B." Lila said as she stood up, "You know i'm not taking his side or trying to get you back in jail. I'm not gonna, like, change my story for him or anything."
"I know." John B nodded.
"I've just seen a lot of mentally ill people loose their way and I don't want anyone going untreated." Lila spoke as she stared at him, "I'm on your side. Always."
"I believe you." John B nodded, leaning over to hug her, "Come back soon."
"I will." Lila nodded as she pulled back and sat down, "See you guys."
"Be safe." Sarah called. JJ didn't bother looking her way.
"Would you just let me see him? You asshat!" Lila yelled as she stood in the middle of the sheriffs station.
"You made your point, you gotta go now, Lila." Shoupe tried to reason with her as he stood before her.
"I'm not going anywhere. Just let me talk to him, two minutes, dude." Lila argued in disbelief, "What do you think i'm gonna do? Break him out of a prison cell and sprint through the visitor area like Jack and Jill?"
"You're gonna get your ass in trouble, you hear me? You're on probation, you yelling at me right now can score you back in jail. You want that?" Shoupe asked in disbelief as he shut the blinds in his office quickly and turned to her, "Look, kid, im trying to protect you here. I understand your concern and i'm gonna keep it in mind, you hear me? It's gonna go on record but you can not be in here, shoutin' your head off."
Lila sighed as she tried to calm down, the blood in her face slowly draining as she took breaths, "I've seen this happen before."
Shoupe sat with her.
"I saw someone get really messed up because of a mental illness. No one, not even me, did anything to help and it just got worse." Lila explained as she looked at her hands, messing with the ring, "I'm not saying Rafe is a angel and that he shouldn't be punished. But i've been in jail before and I was only charged as a minor for the accident. I don't want him to go insane in there, I want him to get the help he needs."
"I hear you." Shoupe told her with a small nod, "I know about Logan, Lila."
Lilas head snapped his way, "How the hell do you know about Logan?"
Shoupe rose his hands in defense, "I know he had a lot of issues and your moms didn't get him the help he needed. I know about the accident. I see why you're trying to help Rafe now."
Lila shook her head as tears formed in her eyes, "I can't see someone else I love loose themselves because of something they can't help."
Shoupe gave her shoulder a squeeze, "I'm gonna tell the courts about Rafes issues. I promise."
Lila gave a sad smile as she grabbed his hand in a squeeze, "Thank you, Shoupe."
He nodded, hesitating, "Two minutes, that's all you have."
"Rafe. Rafe." Lila called as she hurried down the small hallway. Looking through the cells in search of the Cameron boy.
"Lila, is that you?" Rafe called form the end. Lila hurried to the last one and grabbed the bars with a sad smile, seeing him on the other side. Rafe grabbed her hands through the bars as he leaned on the cell, "Are they keeping me here? Did they tell you?"
"I talked to Shoupe. If they bring you infront of the court, you can plead insanity and go to a physicality. It'll help you, like you said you wanted." Lila nodded her head as she squeezed his hands, "This is a good thing, okay? You're gonna go, and i'm gonna come see you all the time, and you're gonna get all better. Shoupe is gonna try this for you, okay?"
"What if I don't?" Rafe asked as his eyes watered, leaning through. Lila reached up and held his face. She didn't answered him, whipping his tears as his forehead pressed into the metal, "Barry turned me in."
"Seriously?" Lila asked as she leaned in, their foreheads barley touching through the metal, "I'm gonna be here for you through all of this, do you hear me? Everything that happens, i'll be here."
Rafe sniffed as he nodded, reaching one hand through the cell to place his hand on her side, "Lila, i'm sorry for getting you into this."
"You didn't get me into anything. I came here on my own." Lila shook her head, meeting his eyes, "I wanted to help this whole time, during the summer and now. I just didn't do it the right way and that's on me."
Rafe sniffled again as he tried to lean in more, "You protect me all the time and you put me above everything. I'm sorry I didn't see that."
Lila reach both her hands up to his forehead, taking the two small pieces hanging in his face and forming them into a heart on his forehead, "There."
Rafe cracked a grin, making Lila smile.
"Lila, you gotta go." Shoupe called.
Rafe looked at her again as Lila gave a sad smile, "I'll be back the second I hear anything."
"Lila." Rafe stated as he grabbed her hand tightly before she could go, "Thank you for not leaving me."
Lila shook her head at him, "I'm not gonna leave you, Rafe."
"Lila." Shoupe called as she gave Rafes hand one last squeeze before hurrying down the hallway.
kylie speaks
honestly logan and lilas
backstory is so interesting
to throw in every now and then
bc our girl has gone through so
much with her brother and she
is constantly feeling so guilty
for him. also, if you wanna know logan's face to imagine it better....
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