"Lila, oh my god." Kie said in disbelief when the blonde tripped and fell face first into the hot tub. The boys laughed at her while Sarah tried to help her.
"Oh my god!" Lila came up with a gasp of disbelief, whipping the wayer off her face, "What the hell did I trip on?"
"Your left foot." Pope said back while she coughed up the water some and adjusted her bikini top after the malfunction.
"How's the cats ass?" JJ hummed, taking Lilas out reached hand and climbing in the hot tub with her.
"So good." she hummed, resting her head back as he swam in next to her, clinking their drinks together, the ones they got at the store they stopped at before heading back to John B's, "Wanna shot gun with me?"
"Yeah." Lila said as she stood up, sitting on the edge of the hot tub with the boys.
"Lila, do not hurt yourself." Sarah shook her head, watching the blonde tilt her head back and shot gun the beer with the three, "I hate her."
"Me too." Kie grinned.
"Whoo!" John B cheered in the air, pumping his hands up.
Time passed before Pope suggested the oddest of ideas, "I never made good grades in school. When I get out, I act like a fool. They say I come in the party and cause a commotion. I'm smooth, yeah, call me lotion."
The five laughed and cheered for him at the same time.
"Just like the good Lord intended." JJ hummed as he held the joint between his fingers and a beer in the free hand.
"It was way too genuine." Sarah laughed.
"Get it, Pope!" Sarah cheered when Pope and JJ pushed at each other shoulders a few hours later.
"Watch your eyes, Pope, he comes at you with those snake fingers and aims right for the pupils." Lila warned from where she laid in the hammock, "Known from experience."
"Do I wanna know?" Sarah asked with a grin her way.
"You do not wanna know anything that Lila and JJ do on their free time." John B said back with a laugh as he put a arm around his girlfriend.
Pope and JJ fell to the ground after Pope sweeped his leg.
"You've got new technique now." JJ laughed after Pope got him down and flexed his muscles in the air as he stood, "When did you start wrestling?"
"I dunno." Pope said as he stood up, "I'm done. I'm out of here."
"Pope, does Dad want me home?" Lila called out.
"Not your dad, and I wouldn't go until the morning." Pope said with a snap of his fingers, "You staying?"
"I'm staying." she called back.
Kie stood up and followed after Pope, making the remaining four watch them go before Lila laughed loudly, "Wow, just wow."
"Way to be discreet!" JJ called.
"I leave, and this is what happens." John B said in disbelief.
Lila waved her arm, "JJ! Give me a hit, it's wearing off!"
"It is not wearing off but i'm coming." he said, pulling the blunt from inside of his pocket and lighting the end. When he got to the hammock he jumped in on top of her, making Lila laugh. JJ laid his elbows on either side of her, bringing the joint to his lips and inhaling harshly. Lila watched him before JJ tapped on her lips, nodding for her to open.
Lila parted her lips as JJ cupped her face, leaning down so their lips were centimeters apart, bottom lips brushing. JJ blew the smoke into Lilas mouth as she closed her mouth, in haling long before blowing the remaining back into his. JJ grinned down at her as he held her face, thumb rubbing across her cheek bones. Lila wiggled slightly under him, getting her legs free to wrap around his and pull in closer, "Let's do it again."
"Yeah." he whispered back down at her, his eyes flicking up first before he gave a groan, "Ah, shit."
"What?" Lila asked, moving under him to sit up some and found John B looking at the engraved tree, "He's probably sad."
"I gotta go over there." JJ huffed as he looked down at her again, "Don't go anywhere, i'll be right back."
"I'm not going anywhere." she said back, taking her hand off him so he could crawl off and walk over to John B.
A few minutes passed as Lila heard car doors shut, sitting up and looking off. Sarah heard it too, looking at Lila, "You heard that?"
"Yeah, I thought it was you." Lila said as she got out of the hammock, "JB! JJ! Sarah and I heard something."
"The chicken?" JJ teased her as he walked over.
"It was a car door." Sarah said back. JJ made a clucking noise as John B threw a hand over his mouth.
"Come on." John B said quickly as he climbed up in the tree first.
"Are we for real?" JJ asked as Sarah went next, Lila following, "I guess we are."
"Be quiet." Sarah warned them as they all climbed high enough, leaning on the branches, looking down in wait for whoever had shown up.
It took Lila a second to realize who had been walking under them. The lack of gel in his hair and the new angle throwing her off. It had been the first time she saw Rafe since they broke up on the docks, weeks ago. Lila frowned as her eyes saddened.
"Where the hell are you?" Rafe whispered to himself as he looked around, "Lila! You here?"
John B looked over at Lila and rose a finger to his lips, earning a nod as she continued to frown.
"Nothing?" Rafe asked when Barry walked out of the chateau.
"No, nothing, Rafe." the shorter man said back. Lila could see Rafes body tense from where she was.
"They were obviously just here based off the smoke and the purple bandana!" Rafe said in disbelief as he motioned toward the smoke and Lilas bandana that was rested on the chair. John B cursed silently when he realized he'd left it.
"Yeah, yeah. Great observation, Boy Scout." Barry said Rafes way in disbelief.
"They're not far, you know?" Rafe spoke angrily.
"Smokey the Bear! Look at you, bro." he mocked yet again as he waved his gun around.
"They gotta be around here somewhere." Rafe spoke yet again as he looked around, "Lila! Cmon!"
"P4L." Barry laughed as he read the engraving on the tree they'd been hiding in.
Rafe began laughing as he looked back at Barry, "Well, shit."
"So your sisters and girlfriends a Pogue for Life, huh, Rafe? Now who would've thought?" he continued to mock in his own laughter.
Silence ran through the air a moment before Rafe yelled out, "Shit!"
Sarah jumped slightly.
"Rafe, chill." Barry warned him. Rafe grabbed the gun and fired shots at the engraving. Lila gasped as she nearly lost her balance, holding onto the tree. One of the bullets bounced off the tree by JJ's head when Barry pulled Rafes arm away, making Lila panic.
"No." Sarah whispered when she saw her move, "No."
Lila hesitated but nodded, staying in place.
"Rafe, bro! Chill your shit! Chill out! You're gonna get our asses busted, dawg!" Barry scolded him quickly in disbelief, shoving him away from the tree and taking the gun from his hands, "Let's bounce. Let's go."
The four waited until the truck was far down the road before getting out of the tree. Lila jumped down first as she began walked off, running a hand through her hair.
"Lila, wait." John B said as he helped Sarah out of the tree.
"I don't wanna be around anyone right now." she said, grabbing her shoes, "Get me when Kie and Pope are here."
Sarah went to go after her before JJ put a arm out, "Let her go. Just give her a second."
John B watched his blonde friend walk off and avoid sitting with them, "JJ, you good? You get hit?"
"I'm good." he called back, but walked off just as Lila did. Though their reasons were completely different, yet so similar at the same time.
"Look, if Rafe and Barry know, it's only a matter of time." Sarah spoke the next morning as they made it to the open field that not many people went too.
"Before everyone knows." Pope concluded.
"I told you." JJ scoffed as he paced, "We should've gone south, man. Why does no one ever listen?"
"Just stop. I get it. I understand." John B cut his yells and rants off.
"Lila? Anything that could help?" Pope asked as he looked toward the girl, who hadn't said much of anything. Lila gave a shrug, "Nothing?"
"What do you expect from me? What ideas are there?" she asked in disbelief and more annoyance then intended, "I can talk to him if that's what you're hinting at."
"Yeah, and get murdered?" JJ asked in disbelief.
"I'm just saying, she can throw him off." Pope tried to reason.
"I have a idea." Sarah spoke up before a fight could happen between them, "With me back, my dads going to have to choose between me and Rafe."
"He's gonna choose you." Lila said with a minor roll of her eyes.
"Exactly." Sarah agreed.
"Just please listen. Ward keeps lying to you, Sarah." John B spoke softly to her.
"He won't agree after all that's happened." Kie spoke toward her.
"No. I.. I know it sounds crazy." Sarah shook her head as she looked at each of them, "But he's my dad. And I know him, and I know he loves me. I'm just asking for two hours. Lila will come with me."
"And talk to Rafe?" Kie rose her eyebrows.
"Just to put the idea of turning himself in in his mind. I'll bring my tamplets. I know how to talk to him on a level that actually gets through to his head." Lila explained as she looked at each of them.
"You're not going to see a psychopath!" JJ rose his voice at her.
"Yes I am." Lila said back sternly, "I'm going with Sarah. Sorry."
With the clear annoyance in her words, she rose to her feet and walked away from them. JJ threw his arms up in disbelief before Sarah stood and followed after her.
kylie speaks
they really went from
having hella tension and
almost kissing to being
rude as hell to each other.
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