tw:mention of miscarriage
"You've gotta go?" Rafe asked, he'd sat with Lila on the docks, the sunset nearly pink, "Do they hate me?"
"I think they hate me actually." Lila said back honestly, "They're really mad, pretty sure they blame me."
Rafe glanced over at her, "I'm sorry I wasn't there when it happened."
"You didn't even know yet." Lila shook her head, crossing her legs and glancing in the water.
"Lila! Lila!" Grace hollered out as she tried to open the door when she heard her daughter yell out in the middle of the night, "Lila!"
"So much has happened in just a summer." he said, placing his hand on her leg, but she'd moved it away, "I know i've done a lot of stuff."
"Yeah." was all Lila could bring herself to say, "And now I'm going back to the village, so."
"You want us to break up?" Rafe asked, his hair blew slightly in the wind when he'd looked over at her. Lila hadn't looked at him once since they met up, against her moms wishes that was.
"I don't want us to break up." Lila spoke back, picking at the flowers tied around her sandles, "But honestly, Rafe, I don't know how we can come back from everything that happened."
"You mean the baby?" Rafe asked, seeing Lila cringe when he said, "The cells, I mean."
"Mom!" Lila cried as she sat on the bathroom floor, her hands shaky as she sobbed, "Mom, please!"
"What's going on?" Lacey panicked as she ran down the hallway. Grace stepped back, throwing her shoulder into the door as it flew open. The pair hurried inside and stared in shock at the sight of their daughter, on the floor and bleeding horrible.
"No." Lila shook her head, "I mean everything that happened with us."
Rafe didn't say anything, because they both knew he'd done so much that was killing her inside, "You hate me?"
"I love you." Lila corrected him, turning her head and meeting his eye, "That's the problem."
Rafe dropped his head on her shoulder as Lila rubbed his back, "You can't leave."
"It's not my choice, i'm still seventeen." Lila shook her head with a long sigh, "And my moms are already angry at me as it is."
Rafe kept his head on her shoulder a moment, looking at his ring he gave her a while back on her thumb, "You said you loved me, now you're going to leave?"
"If I could stay, I would, Rafe." Lila said with a faint sound of disbelief, "It's not my fault."
"No, but you just said you wanted to break up." Rafe spoke, his tone was different now, so quickly it changed. His head came off her shoulder to stare at her, "You don't think we can come back from this."
"No, I don't think I can." she corrected him quickly, "You don't understand what's been going on in my head the past few months."
"This is about your pogue friends, isn't it?" he asked, Lila rolled her eyes in disbelief, "Isn't it?"
"It's not about anyone except the two of us." Lila snapped at him quickly, they both stood up and stood chest to chest, "You've put me through so much, Rafe. You're constantly guilt tripping me, manipulating me, you even threaten me. Your stupid drug dealer cut me open and you didn't do anything aside team up with him to hurt me and my friends. And then you stole my pain meds and I had to recover from stitches with nothing to help. And everyone thinks John B murdered Peterkin when you-"
She stopped.
Rafe gave her a look of disbelief, "Told you."
"Told me what?" she asked with a shake of her head.
"It is about your stupid friends." he scoffed in disbelief, "You always pick them over me."
"I don't pick anyone over you, don't you see that's the problem? You get in my head and make me think i'm freaking crazy and then I feel so guilty and drawn to you the second I think we need to take a step back." Lila went on, finally feeling like she was getting everything off her chest, "And then I let you treat me like shit because I think back to the few times we were actually good together, and it sucks because that's all I want."
"Things change when you go off and become best friends with people like them." Rafe shook his head with a faint glare, "What did you expect?"
"No, things change when you get high and try and tell me who I can and can't be friends with." Lila said, guilt swarming her chest but also feeling like weight was lifted off her shoulder, "I'm sorry that I have to leave, because if I could stay I would do it in a heartbeat. I want to be here for you so bad. But I can't, so instead of you guilt tripping me and throwing stuff in my face, why can't we just say goodbye?"
"I don't wanna say goodbye, Lila. You're my girlfriend, I love you." he went back at her once more, grabbing her hands, "I need you, you can't leave me."
"Then come with me." she spoke without thinking, falling under the horrible spell he brought her back into the second he turned the tables and made her feel like the bad guy, "You're nineteen, you can make your own decisions. The village is such a nice little place, and they have small colleges so you can do whatever you want."
Lila cupped his face with a sad smile, "You can come with me, you don't have to leave me."
"I'm not leaving you." he stated, kissing her forehead softly, "You're leaving me."
Lilas face fell as her hands dropped, eyes becoming watery as he stared down at her, "I wouldn't-"
"But you are." he cut her off quickly, "I'm not going to the village, i'm staying here. You're leaving."
Lila went quiet again as she looked to the side, "So, that's it?"
"Seems like it has to he." Rafe spoke, meeting her eye again, "You gonna miss me?"
"Obviously." Lila gave a sad smile as she hugged him tightly , "I'll come back."
Rafe touched her face when he hugged her back, "You always do."
Lila didn't realized he'd been saying she always came back to him, not OBX.
"Cell service should be back from the storm soon." Lila tried to make up reasons, "We can stay in touch."
"We will." Rafe hummed as Lila stared, feeling something off. Rafe inhaled loudly as he cupped her face, "See you around."
Lila shut her eyes as he kissed her, placing a purple lila flower behind her ear before moving past her to walk off. Lila whipped her eyes, not realize she had a few loose tears. She watched Rafe leave, watched him not turn back once. She waited, stared at his back until it was impossible to see anymore when he drove off.
She stayed on the dock, thinking about Rafe once again.
"Maybe the story didn't go how we planned it to." Kie said as she stood with Lila infront of the fairy, "We didn't get the money to move you here."
"And my ghost hunter career turned to shit." Lila said, holding her video camera with a sad look, "I still met you guys though. And Sarah, John B. That's worth it."
Kie cried as she hugged Lila tightly. The blonde couldn't help but cry either, "I'm gonna miss you so much."
"I'll miss you more." Lila shook her head, holding onto her a moment, "I don't wanna leave."
"We don't want you to leave either." Pope spoke up, Lila turned and saw he had showed up. She let go of Kie and hugged him tightly, "You'll come back, won't you?"
"You bet your flat ass I will." Lila joked, using a saying she said to him once, sniffling as she hugged her friend, "I'm gonna miss you, Pope."
"Me too." he said, a sigh leaving his lips as he hugged her tightly, "You have to come back."
"I'll come back." Lila promised, "I will."
The pair pulled away as Kie walked to her side. Lila looked toward her moms, who were getting the car pulled on the fairy, "JJ has to be here."
"He will be." Kie nodded, her eyes just as sad as the other pair, "This is hard on him."
"I have a speech, I can't say it unless he's here." Lila shook her head, eyes glossy as the wind gave her a chill, "I can't leave without saying goodbye."
"Lila." the voice spoke up behind them. Lila turned and found JJ walked her way. Lila sighed in relief as he got closer, "Don't leave."
"JJ, don't." Kie sighed when she heard him, "We told you not to do this."
"Yeah, I know." he said, staring at Lila, "Please, don't leave."
Lila gave a sad look as she pulled him into a tight hug. JJ hugged her back, arms tightening around her as the horn on the fairy went, "Please, Lila."
"I have to." Lila said sadly, her hold not letting go, "I'm so sorry, JJ."
JJ dug his head into her neck. Kie and Pope shared a look as they grabbed each other's hands, trying not to watch the two but failing horrible, "I've only known you, like, three months."
Lila laughed sadly as a few tears ran down her face, "In this life time, maybe."
"Don't leave." be repeated, holding her tightly and keeping his face hidden, "You don't get it."
She didn't, not yet that was.
"I'll come back." Lila promised, her hand placing on the back of his head, "I'm not leaving, JJ."
JJ held himself together a moment before finally pulling away from her, "You better. Or i'll kidnap you."
"Please do." Lila laughed as Kie and Pope walked over. The four wrapped their arms around each other, "I have a speech."
"Really? I just got myself together." Pope said in disbelief as the four laughed slightly sadly.
Lilas lip trembled as she inhaled, "I wish Sarah and John B were here so I can tell them too."
"They are." Kie gave a sad smile, "They'll know."
Lila nodded her head, "I've had friends before, I thought so anyways. And then I met you guys and things kinda flipped, I guess. I've only known you guys for three months and you're more then just my friends, you're my family, my best friends, my soulmate. I don't know what I did to be able to know all of you. But i'm pretty damn lucky."
Kie leaned on Lilas head as she let more tears fall, Pope and JJ seemed just as close.
"John B was right, we did fly off the cliff." Lila nodded as she sniffled, "But I still meant what I said. If your friend jumps off a cliff, you gotta jump too. And i'd do it again, for you guys. I promise."
"Lila, we've gotta go, honey." Lacey said sadly from a few feet away. Lila gave a nod over her shoulder as she turned back to her friends.
"What i'm trying to say is I love you guys more then anything else and I know things got screwed up, but at least I got something good out of all of it." Lila nodded, blinking back her tears as she looked at each of them, "I got you guys."
"And we got you." Pope gave a small grin.
"Pretty damn worth it." JJ said, he gave a laugh and wrapped her arm around Lilas head to kiss her on the forehead.
"Lila." Grace called once more, "We're gonna miss it."
"I've gotta go." Lila said, bringing the three into a tight hug, "I'll be back."
"Call everyday." Kie said, hugging her once more.
"I'll call more then just once a day." Lila laughed, hugging Kie tightly, "I'll see you."
"I'm gonna miss you." Pope repeated himself when he hugged her once again, "And all those freaky ghost stories."
"I'll have hundreds more by the time I come back." Lila joked, rubbing his back before the horn of the fairy blew. Lila hugged JJ quickly once more.
"Love you." he told her as Lila squeezed back.
"Love you." she repeated, pulling back a she began headed toward her moms. Lila turned with one more smile, "Pogue style."
The trio waved as Lila disappeared into the sunset, boarding the fairy and clutching her video camera in her hand. She looked down at it, skipping through the videos before finding the exact one.
"This is Sarah and John B, everyone. They're kinda the blueprint of my couple goals and they agreed to help me search for ghost in Sarah's basement. Spooky!"
kylie speaks
very upsetting but
i wanted to give this
to you guys before july
30th, when lila will be
back! i hope you guys
will love all my ideas for
s2 and are looking forward
to reading as much as i am
to write! see you all in a
month and half! x
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