1.05 • 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘢
I couldn't believe it. I broke out of my A-Bomb persona for the first time in months and last night, I had sex with my friend's cousin. Who also happens to be the most famous lawyer right now.
Is life meant to be going this way?
As I shifted in the cozy bed, I realise Jennifer's side of the bed is completely empty. She must've woken up.
I will admit that this was the first time I slept really nicely.
Sitting up, I reach for my phone on the desk and bring it to my eyes as they were adjusting to the bright morning sunlight of Los Angeles.
Hey I'm sorry about earlier
Your lack of reply tells me something went on with the sexy lawyer crush? 😉🙊
Morning and yeah it's fine dude.
Perhaps. 😅😂🤔
I'll be needing deets soon 🤚
I chuckle and put my phone away, I stood up and stretched, feeling slightly weird that I wasn't in blue form.
The date however was really nice and Jennifer made me feel comfortable in my own skin, somehow. Like she didn't care about my past at all.
My nostrils then picked up the fresh scent of food, making me hungry. Who's cooking that amazing food?
Walking out of the room from the scent led me to the living room, my dirty shirt was still on the sofa and once I inched further, I saw a beautiful figure in a slightly oversized shirt. Her eyes glued to the television.
Y/N: Hey.
I see her body jump a little and she turns around, her eyes suddenly catch my chest again. Which is hilarious but I cough to gain her attention.
Jennifer: Oh! Uh- hiiiii, just watching TV.... how did you sleep?
She smiled brightly, and I just couldn't get that night out of my head, which made me smirk.
Y/N: I slept nicely... well after you know what.
Jennifer: Oh- wow... I did too!... I made breakfast by the way.
She points the remote behind me, making me turn to find a nicely set up breakfast date. Looked like real hard work and definitely delicious. Especially that orange juice.
Y/N: That's where the nice smell was.
Jennifer: Really? I chose eggs because I thought you'd want something with protein to star-
The woman starts to adorably ramble, making me smile gratefully and head towards her, leaning over her small frame that was stood in confusion.
I kiss her forehead and look down in those forest green eyes of hers, that seemingly dilated.
Y/N: It's great, Jennifer. Thank you. Now will you join me?
Jennifer: YES!- I mean, yeah sure.
It's so funny when she does it but I don't want to correct her. She nods and leads me to the island of the kitchen where we both sit and enjoy ourselves some breakfast.
As I take a bite, Jennifer's toothy grin is infront of me and I can't help but smile back.
Jennifer: I never got to thank you for the date, by the way.
Y/N: You being there was more than a thank you for me.
I tell her honestly. As much as I didn't want to go on a date, Jennifer being there was so helpful and she made me feel confident. I guess it sounds too giddy but I'm being truthful. Jennifer has become implicitly an important person to me.
We're so alike yet so different.
Jen then hears a knock while we were eating in comfortable silence, I look at her with raised eyebrows, signalling that she should get it.
Y/N: You should probably get that.
Jennifer: Urgh, I probably should.
She groans and leaves the island, I sit there drinking my orange juice and eating some fresh homemade food. Something that U haven't had in a while. For the past several weeks it's been Andy and I snacking on 'A-lcohol' and 'A-Gobstopper'.
After what feels like 40 seconds, the curly haired brunette walks in stress filled, with a peice of paper in her hands.
Y/N: Hey, you okay?
Jennifer: Look at this!
She slams the piece of paper on the island and it seems to be a document, from Titania LLC.
Y/N: Oh God... she's suing you over the name She-Hulk?
Jennifer: Yeah! I mean, how?
Y/N: Well, the way trademark works... is whoever gets there first, gets it.
Jennifer: Trademark?! Do you see heroes trademarking their name?
Y/N: I trademarked A-Bomb.
I shrugged, continuing to eat my meal as Jennifer sat by, rubbing her forehead in stress.
Y/N: I wish I could help you but I can't, I have a merch drop to get to tonight aswell.
Jennifer: That's fine, I understand.
Y/N: Just think about it, because you didn't want to be She-Hulk did you?
I ask her rhetorically, standing back up and heading to her kitchen to wash my dirty plate and glass, before doing my final pack ups and head back home.
The next day
3rd Person POV
At the firm, Nikki was at her desk, scrolling through Titania's website with her overpriced 'She-Hulk' makeup products. Jennifer however was in the other room a few feet away, where she was silently raging at Titania.
While she was typing, a certain visitor came into sight behind her laptop. It was a new friend she made through Y/N and Jennifer's awkward relationship.
Y/N's equivalent of Nikki, Andy.
The two had begun conversations of their behind their friends' backs but eventually they started to become their own buddies.
Andy: What's happening Nik?
He says joyously to the lawyer, she smiled back at him and shrugged.
Nikki: Just talking to myself Andyyyy.
Andy: Okay. I can't pretend I'm here for a friendly visit. I need a favour.
The man said switching his tone, he leaned down and rested his chin ontop of the table, staring at the woman.
Nikki: Oh. Well, you know my price. Return favour. Plus interest-
Andy: Done. Will you stand in line with me for a sneaker drop? The Iron Man threes are releasing and they're limited to one pair per customer.
Nikki: Why don't you go with Y/N?
Andy: He's doing a bunch of press.
Nikki: Right... why do you need two pairs?
Andy: One to rock and one to stock.
He says confidently, with a smirk. Nikki squints her eyes for a moment before speaking.
Nikki: So you're telling me that you collect shoes that you're never going to wear?
She asks him confidently, making the male shrug.
Nikki: I respect that.
Andy: I've got some pretty limited editions... from my drip broker.
Nikki: Your drip broker?
Andy: Alonzo, my guy, he does the best of the best fashion wise.
The woman beside hummed, looking at Jennifer in her office in the distance. She was gaining a new idea.
Nikki: Can this drip broker find someone who could do custom clothing for, say, a super-human sized person?
Andy: Y/N knows a guy, so yeah, definitely.
Nikki: Okay. I'm gonna need to call in my favour right now.
She said, clapping her hands together in excitement.
Andy: You haven't done my favor.
He quirked a brow, standing up instantly in confusion.
Nikki: I'm letting you slide on the interest!
Andy: You're right. Slick Nik, slick Nik!
The two shook hands and Nikki was eventually left alone, now a few things were sorted for Jennifer. However the copyright of her name still remained...
Jennifer's POV
We had just been giving a recess on the court case against Titania. Since there's no further proof of me using the name She-Hulk personally.
Honestly, it's so stupid. Why am I so protective over the name?
Nikki and I were now eating something light from the fast food shop nearby and sat by the benches outside.
???: Hello, ladies!
Someone interrupts our conversation, and both of us turn to see Y/N, who's NOT in human form. Interesting really, that he's starting to fit in with everyone...
But damn, he looks sexy today, like he actually decided to wear something appropriate unlike what he was wearing on our date.
Nikki: Oh heyyyy.
Jennifer: What's that in your hand?
The man chuckles nervously and hands over a balloon for me to reach, it says congrats with of course, a massive picture of A-Bomb. He's sexy and all but his techniques of communication with a girl are outdated.
I take it from him and look at it confusingly, not knowing why he gave it to me.
Jennifer: Congrats for what?
Y/N: Having sex with me. I think you did a good job.
I use my lip to refrain me from giggling and I nod, taking in gratitude.
Y/N: I mean, for the date too. Who ever gets to go on a date with She-Hulk?
Then, it clicked.
Jennifer: Oh my God.
Nikki: What?
I turn to face the woman in excitement. I think Y/N is the reason how I won this case.
My frown was starting to turn upside down.
Jennifer: All the guys on matcher went on a date with She-Hulk.
Nikki: Yeah....?
Jennifer: Because I made a dating profile as She-Hulk, and went on several dates as She-Hulk, showing a clear pattern of using the name. Every single one of those dates is a corroborating witness. This... Is how I win this case.
I get up instantly and happily, not caring that suit was abnormally oversized. Y/N grinned before grunting when I attacked him with a tight hug.
It feels like all our awkwardness from the first time we met disappeared after that date. I was starting to really care about him. I just can't describe that feeling.
Jennifer: Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I looked back up at him and planted my lips on his soft cheek, having to get on my tip toes to do so.
After letting go, I didn't want to see his reaction. I grabbed his wrist and leading him along the way.
Nikki: Litterally forgot about me, and the balloon. But don't worry, I'll be catching up. Damn, always third wheeling.
The gavel clangs. And my lawyer, Mallory Books starts introducing my matcher profile. Which was kind of embarrassing knowing that
Y/N and the other men that I didn't get far with sat in a row, I looked behind to see that out of all of them, he was the better looking and was just minding his own business.
Mallory: We'd like to call our witnesses.
And eventually, the men came by, defending me. All of them went and they were all cheesy but as long as I was in the right, it was fine by me.
By the time Todd was done giving his egotistical and incel like speech, the most important one sat in the chair.
Y/N L/N.
A smile creeps on my face seeing him and Mallory begins to question him. Somehow, my heart pounding with what he has to say.
Mallory: So you would say you really connected with She-Hulk?
Y/N: Yes, She-Hulk and I had a really intense connection. She was amazing, fought some demons and we had a great night.
He said looking into the eyes of Malory, a smile on his face which made something in my belly erupt.
Mallory: Would you have gone on the date if She-Hulk had instead presented as Jennifer Walters?
Y/N: It doesn't matter. I would definitely have. Jennifer is a beautiful... amazing and hardworking human being. And she made me... she made me accept me for who I was... I appreciate her so much.
He spoke softly and meaningfully, and I felt my heart skip a beat hearing that. He's the only person who I've met who loves my human form just as much as everyone sees for She-Hulk.
A smile of joy overcame me, and I just wanted to see meet him after this. Its crazy how this all happened from a car crash.
Judge: Enough with the confession. In light of this new testimony, the court finds in favor of... Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk. Motion for summary judgement is granted.
I was so happy. Y/N, said something really sweet and now I officially own the right to She-Hulk.
It seems that everything is going according to plan.
Jennifer's POV
Y/N and I were now at the bar, and we both sat by the table. He seemed to be really in thought but had a smile and me, gosh I probably have the biggest smile on my face right now.
Jennifer: Cheers.
I say, tapping my glass with his. My eyes catch his and he smirks again. Oh gosh, I'm like wet right now.
Y/N: I don't know any other lawyer who would humiliate themselves that way to win a case.
Jennifer: Yeah, you can always count on me to throw myself under the bus.
We both chuckle, while I was blushing again. It's almost as if we were acting like qe didn't have the most passionate sex a few nights ago.
Y/N: I dont think anyone would have to do that infront of a parade of underwhelming men? Like seriously? Were those the best you found?
Jennifer: Well, hey at least I found you huh?
I say with a playful grin, that makes him laugh. All this laughing and bursts of positive emotions causes me to blurt out my intrusive thoughts.
Jennifer: I am so happy you're my boyfriend!
The cut off of laughter caused me realise what I had just said, I then look at Y/N infront of me who had a fading smile, but he was trying to fake it.
Jennifer: Oh? Did I say that out loud... I'm so sorry-
Y/N: I'm not your boyfriend, Jennifer.
He was right. But the way he said it made my grin falter. All those words he said in the courtroom about me really made me feel special.
But I guess I'm no one's first choice, or ever will be.
Y/N: I have to go now. I'll see you around.
He says awkwardly before leaving and I know it's probably because of me, I just push everyone away. Why am I like this?!
I'm just a lame lawyer with a shitty love life. And I get attached too quickly because I've never really experienced that type of relationship on a heavy scale.
All my fault.
I was at home, staring at myself in the mirror. All I could imagine was seeing Jennifer's disappointed face of me leaving her alone.
How did I let myself get so comfortable because of her? Frankly, I enjoyed being human but... seeing myself I get disgusted.
I was the reason my friends died in the helicopter. It should have been me. Why did I have to survive?
I felt trapped, in an endless hole. I have to be two different people, and I can't. It's either one or the other.
What more could I lose if I chose A-Bomb? No one hates me when I'm him right?
A-Bomb it is.
I then transform back into blue and I leave the bathroom, already feeling another wave of nausea somehow when I see my makeup artists waiting for me.
Is this the life I want?
A/N: Apologies for the late chapter. I got busy with work.
This chapter is a bit underwhelming but I promise, a lot is yet to be revealed when we get next chapter!
I'd appreciate everyone's thoughts!
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