1.01 • 𝘢 𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘭 𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦
In October 2023, United States Marine Corps captain Y/N L/N was about to embark on his fourth combat deployment to Afghanistan. During Y/N's tour, his Blackhawk helicopter is shot down by a mysterious source...
The only sole survivor of the brutal event was Y/N. The damage left him in critical condition, causing him to stare at his friends burn in the helicopter.
Leaving himself to blame, Y/N now resides in bungalow in LA, permanently in a wheelchair after being diagnosed with paralysis.
Bruce Banner, a long time friend of Y/N who they met during a tour, decided to include him in a catch up session after not seeing eachother for so long... with nothing to do, Y/N accepts.
Nothing can go wrong with a little car ride.
Can it?
June, 2024
I was awaiting outside my house in LA, in my wheelchair. My eyes were fixated on the distance. No contact with anyone these past several months really, only Andy and my family really.
How was it them and not me? Why did I have to survive? What if it went differently?
All these thoughts ran through my head on the daily and during that I didn't notice the car parked infront of the driveway until two people walked out.
It was Bruce Banner, my friend who I haven't seen in years.
And someone else, a woman. Brunette curly and grey eyes. But I wasn't interested enough to pay attention.
Bruce: Y/N!!!
The man who had a cast over his arm came over, I forced a smile and wheeled my way foward towards them.
Y/N: Bruce!
He leans over and pulls me in a hug, I wrap my arms around his waist before pulling away eventually. I will admit, I did miss him dearly.
Bruce: Ah, It's so good to see you!... Oh, this is my cousin, Jennifer.
I look over to the brunette woman beside him and smile, she extended her hand foward to which I shake gently.
Jennifer: Hey. Bruce has told me everything about you.
She said in a friendly manner but I couldn't help but be naturally sarcastic to that.
Y/N: I hope not.
I then follow up with a smile and she purses her lips, looking back at Bruce. She then mumbles something to him which I'm able to catch up on as I wheelchair my way to the car.
Jennifer: Are you sure this is the model guy? Doesn't seem like one.
Ah, so Bruce told her about my short-lived modelling career, that somehow follows me around everywhere.
I'm then helped into the back seats of the car, before Bruce helps by stowing my wheelchair in the trunk.
I close the door, strap my seat belt on and gaze out the window. Bruce and his cousin then get into the front side, Jennifer starts the car and we're off on our little 'catch up drive'.
We were now out of state. The conversation in the car mostly consisted of me talking about my time in the army, very unenthusiastic but Jennifer and Bruce took interest and very sad to hear what happened.
Jen was discussing her new job she recently got and her career as a lawyer.
And Bruce was now explaining the recent Avengers battle that brought back everyone and his part in it. He's a very strong and brave person.
Bruce:... Yeah, and it worked, my arm started to heal. No one really thought it was possible, it's all because I made this little device that keeps me in human form.
He showed his wrist to Jen and I, it was a device that had a monitor of some sorts on it.
Jennifer: That was the longest answer to 'what have you been up to.' I have ever heard.
Bruce: Well, you asked me, so I answered.
Y/N: I think it was very intriguing, Bruce.
I simply say, trying to seem that I wasn't some depressed potato sack in the back of the car.
Bruce: Thank you... hey, what are these?
He asks a little suprised, now holding up a bag of cheetos with chopsticks in them.
Jennifer: These are cheetos with chopsticks! So you don't get cheetos fingers.
Bruce: Wow that's smart. Y/N you want some?
He asks, eating some from the chopsticks before I gladly take it from him when he holds them out.
As I take out the cheeto from the bag via chopsticks, Jen begins explaining her theory of Captain America, all while I eat them in peace.
Suddenly, I hear a weird sound making me look forward...
Is that a spaceship?
Y/N: Look out!
Urgently, Jennifer looks forward to see fhe flying object and instinctively twists the steering wheel to the right.
The car hits the railing and bends it back, allowing the vehicle to fall down into a ditch, each tumble causing us to bounce off the ground.
A surge of pain crosses my body and I shut my eyes, taking the last glimpse of my world and the voice of the people in the car, screaming before it all came to a blur.
About a day later...
My eyes flutter open softly, as I stifle a groan. All the events from when I was last conscious start to recollect in my brain...
Shouldn't I be dead?
There was bright sunlight seeping through the window nearby and I open my eyes wider to see that I'm not in my house, where the hell am I?
I stretch my arms out and I get out of the bed, feeling an ounce of fear of where I am exactly, it's hot and sunny but it's definitely not LA.
Was I taken hostage by aliens? Am I in heaven?
I quickly tiptoe out of the room that I was in, only to be met with the interior of a well furnished island-bar-house hybrid. I examine the place, walking slowly around the place, I see a few items before realising where I truly was...
Bruce's place.
Then, I hear growling from below, making me jump a little, where the hell is that coming from now?
I crouch a little and tip toe my way to a nearby door, seeing a looming blue light from the doorway that was seemingly attracting me to go further.
There was a staircase leading deeper into spme futuristic cave, so I went down cautiously and slowly... step by step, I could see two people, two... green people.
Y/N: Hey what is going down here?-
I say, managing to reach the floor to see a green and taller Jennifer and a suprised Bruce who was in his Hulk form. Wait why are they suprised? Shouldn't I be suprised?
Y/N: Why are you green...?
The bigger man gasps, making me look down slowly, realising that I was WALKING ON MY TWO FEET THE WHOLE TIME...
Y/N: Oh my God....
I articulate my legs, fully focused on them, I felt so much better that I didn't even notice. How was this possible... I suddenly feel a joy that I haven't felt in months, I jump up several times like a child and cheer.
Y/N: My legs are back! My legs are back!
I run around before Bruce suddenly stops me with his hand, he sighs and looks at Jen before turning his attention back to me.
Bruce: Don't get too over excited, Y/N. The crash must've caused my blood to enter your system giving you the healing capabilities... we need to check if you have an alter now.
Jennifer: Great, now you've got him stuck too.
I take a look at her, taking in that she was conflicted by her transformation and rightfully so, what if I couldn't transform back, what if I have another person inside me?
A huff escapes from my mouth and I place my hands on my hips.
Y/N: Okay, let's find out then.
The scientist then points at the chamber right by us, I take this as a signal to go in and I do.
He then instructs me to put a special helmet on when inside, I take the metal bowl shaped object hanging above and strap it under my chin.
I looked in the corner of my eye to see Jen, biting her thumb in nervousness, I couldn't help but smilea little at her.
Green really suits her.
Bruce: Alright, these transformations are triggered by distressed emotional states, so we need to know the exact threshold that causes it for you.
Y/N: Okay, okay. All cool. I got it.
Instantaneously, loud whirring sounds come from behin causing me to twist back and face multiple, spinning blades coming right at me. I was unfazed mostly due to my past in the army.
As the blades, came closer, inch by inch, I breathed in heavily and allowed all my emotions to pour through.
I felt my muscles expand, my height extended, and I felt a burst of energy release in my body. I took a step forward and I slammed my hands against the incoming wall.
Blue?! I'M BLUE.
I pull away, looking down at my hands and feet, seeing my ripped up shirt on the ground, slowly looking up to see Bruce and Jennifer, staring in amazement.
Bruce: Y/N, you in there?
Y/N: Yeah... Yeah! Yeah I am!
Bruce: Oh come on! Am I jealous?... you two don't have another guy to wrestle with for 10 years!
He complains, making me smile in awe at my new form, I step out of the chamber and see Jennifer walking up to me. She briefly compares herself to me, I'm an inch taller than her in this new form...
Jennifer: Avatar. Nice.
Y/N: Is it bad to say I'm actually enjoying all these side effects?
Jennifer: Well I would enjoy this... if there was a WAY TO REVERT BACK.
She exclaims, turning her attention back to Bruce, who was still currently mind blown by what he was seeing.
Bruce: Alright, this is just really fascinating, you guys don't feel like there's another hand on the wheel at all?
Y/N: No... not really, I'm just me to be honest.
Bruce: You guys need learn how to be a Hulk, this is some dangerous power you guys have... and it requires a specific amount of training, you can't be emotional and you can't be around people.
Jennifer: WHAT BRUCE?! That's easy for you to say. My whole job requires being around people. I can't just be like this.
The brunette bursts out, and I feel slightly sorry for her. But for some reason, this new form made me feel confident in a way... I couldn't put a finger on that feeling exactly.
Bruce: Calm down Jen, put a little faith in me.
Y/N: I'm down. Let's do this.
I state confidently, pushing my chest out and placing my hands on my hips.
Jennifer's POV
I couldn't believe that everything was going so quickly and my entire life has pretty much changed.
Unlike me, Y/N actually has started to enjoy this more than anyone else really. He's flexing every moment and being really confident which is good for him. But I can't be having this on me.
Currently, it was the next day. I revert back to Jen after I wake up. Bruce was sitting infront of us while Y/N was sat beside me, crossed legged.
Bruce: Dialectical behavioural therapy. It allows to hold two opposing truths at the same time... we're going to start with some mindfulness with yoga techniques.
Jennifer: Wow, I never thought you were into this mind-body-spirit stuff.
Y/N: He actually was when we were together, back then he was very different... literally.
Bruce: Dialectical behavioural therapy is evidence based psychotherapy. It's clinical, not spiritual.
I decide to be sarcastic about this and I begin to mock him.
Jennifer: Let your thoughts drift away, relax your neck, bend your knees if that's more comfortable, hold in your farts. Namaste all day.
I hear Y/N laugh at that, it's an addictive laugh- What the hell, Jennifer. You're not falling for this man, you're a lawyer who needs no man.
But he has nice hair. I want to touch it. Okay, I will admit I was looking at his old. modelling photos and I did feel something from them. But I'm NOT simping over him. That's ridiculous
Bruce: It's more about presence, accepting the situation you're in.
Jennifer: Oh, I thought it was about getting my butt tight as hell... up top.
I aim my high five towards Y/N, who shakes his head and chuckles. He then gives me a high five.
Bruce: Just close your eyes and breathe.
Jennifer: Wow.
Bruce: I can see that you're not ready for DBT, so how about we get rest and change tactics tomorrow.
I hear him say in defeat, I then look over to see Y/N calmly in his position, sitting peacefully.
Bruce: Yeah leave him be. He's taking this wonderfully.
So training has now begun, I've been getting a hang of this new body and in all seriousness. I'm loving it.
I haven't felt good in ages, it's like this a fresh new start, where I don't have to be the depressed, failure of a soldier Y/N.
I can be a hero now. A superhero.
I've started to mediate with Jennifer and we've become closer as friends, she's funny, witty, smart, bea- she's just a great person in my opinion. We've been having fun.
Y/N: You're getting good at this, Disgust.
Jennifer: You too, Sadness.
Bruce has been giving us advice on how we're going to have to adapt to this new life which I'm all for now. What do I have to lose?
Now, Bruce was showing us his wardrobe, opening the door to reveal his clothes to Jen and I.
Bruce: You guys are going to need two sets of clothing, one for your normal body and one for your Hulk body... who's your best friend?
Jennifer: Nikki.
Y/N: Andy.
Bruce: ERGHHHH, NOPE! Spandex! Spandex is your best friend.
Y/N: No he isn't, I've never met Spandex in my life.
Now we're outside Bruce's island house, on a mountain area where he demonstrates his boulder tosses casually.
Bruce: Just gonna toss this boulder, no big deal.
He grabs a boulder from the ground and tosses it, I then try and I throw it. It ends up further than Bruce's.
Y/N: Boom!
The man shrugs and then Jennifer gives it a try, tossing it further than both of us. I clap in encouragement and she smiles, doing a little cute move.
Y/N: Awesome, Jen!
Jennifer: Thank you, Y/N.
The Hulk then immediately grabs another boulder and uses his entire strength to throw it across the island.
He shrugs it off like it's nothing, but we both could sense an ounce of jealously in him since we were getting good at everything very quickly.
Bruce: Just showing you guys how it's done.
Jennifer: We're shown.
Bruce then hits the ground with his fist, causing a few cracks, as I watch and observe.
Bruce: Ground pound!
Jen then does it causing several pieces of rock to fall off the cliff.
I turn around in awe to see several trees collapsing to the ground from her impact, I then cheer for her.
Y/N: Wooh! Let's go!
Then Bruce, out of jealousy, knocks the tall woman off the cliff, causing me to yelp at the suddenness of the situation. I look over in worry to see her throw her middle finger up at her cousin.
She then leaps back up onto the cliff, ticked off by what he did.
Jennifer: Dick move.
Y/N: I agree. We're clearly nailing it all these things, what else is there to learn?
I ask Bruce, crossing my arms in an interrogative way. He nods and then explains himself.
Bruce: Okay, okay. I will admit there are some upsides of being a Hulk.
After Bruce explained the drinking and metabolism thing of being a Hulk, we drunk all night at the little Bar. I was alone, happy and confident in myself and I was really enjoying this.
I was carving my initials into the desk, before a voice pulled me out of my activity. It was Jennifer.
Jennifer: You know my cousin likes you, he usually doesn't like anyone...
I turn to face her, she was against a wooden poll in her Hulk form. I will admit, she does look great in it. I start to wonder if she was just staring at me.
Y/N: Yeah well he's a complicated guy.
Jennifer: What about you?
Y/N: I'm simpler.
I reply confidently, and she looks in my eyes, giggling softly.
Jennifer: You're a shitty liar.
Y/N: You're the lawyer.
I chuckle, she simply shakes her head and joins me on the table, tapping her hands on the desk and sighing.
Y/N: Can I get the pretty girl a drink?
I smirk, wiggling my eyebrows playfully. Jennifer rolls her eyes before nodding, I get up and start mixing a drink on the opposite side of the table.
Jennifer: You really enjoy this Hulk form don't you?
Y/N: I do, it's awesome. Who knows? Maybe I could end up being one of the Avengers.
Jennifer: What? Super Genie?
I bite my lip and refrain from laughing, handing her a drink, I then take a hold of my glass and hold it up.
Y/N: To a time of self discovery?
Jennifer: To a time of self discovery.
We tap our drinks together before sipping, sharing a friendly smile together.
I was getting the hang of my alter forms now, I could seamlessly transform between each of them like clockwork.
Now, I was in my room that Bruce put me in, I was facetiming my best friend, Andy Bennett. A business and computer expert.
Andy: So Banner's blood got into your system and now you can walk?
He asks and I nod, before I place the phone on a desk nearby and walk backwards to show my full body infront of the camera.
Y/N: Yep. And watch this.
I instantly transform in my blue form, making Andy jump on the other end of the call.
Andy: Woah! You're like a blue Hulk!
Y/N: Yep, and I'm not a rageful monster.
Andy: Dude, I think I came up with an amazing idea. I think we can both benefit from this if done correctly.
Y/N: What is it?
I ask curiously, and he simply gave me a grin, the two of us have been really close so I trust him with anything.
Andy: You can be LAs first hero! And I can be like your guy in the chair.
Y/N: A guy in the chair?
Andy: Yeah, you know how there's like a guy with a headset, telling the other guy where to go? Like if you're on the lookout and you need directions. I could be that for you!
I scratch my chin as he explains enthusiastically, thinking about it, before his voice comes out again.
Andy: Fuck it. Wait there I'm coming to collect you.
Y/N: I haven't even-
Andy Bennett, my caring but stubborn best friend.
It was now my final day, honestly, I have enjoyed this. A lot. I'm going to miss everyone when I get back to LA, especially Jen for some odd reason. It was like we were two students working together to get out of the semester.
I swung my bag over my shoulder as I exited out of Bruce's abode, a car parked by and out walked Andy with a smile. He smiles and runs up to me, hugging me close and tightly.
Andy: Ah! It's so good to see you, brother.
Y/N: You weren't shitting when you said you were coming to get me.
Andy: You're my best friend, Y/N. Why wouldn't I want to see you at your happiest moments?
I smile at him, before two people behind me come forward to meet the visitor.
Jennifer: Oh who's this? He's very attractive.
Andy: Not interested. I'm ace.
He giggles shaking hands with Bruce and Jennifer, amazed by Bruce's height.
Andy: Well thank you both for keeping this troublemaker safe. Hope he wasn't a burden.
He swings his arm over my shoulder and Jennifer laughs, shrugging her shoulders and rolling her eyes. My thoughts instantly brought back to the late night talks at the bar, even though they weren't many.
Jennifer: Well he was fun. I'm going to miss you, Sadness.
Y/N: Aw, I'm going to miss you too, Disgust.
I go forward and wrap my arms around her in a hug, a soft lingering hug that I could smell her nice scent, feel her soft curls and her petite frame under me.
Andy: Alright you two, you've been hugging for like 30 seconds.
Bruce: I agree, they're so awkward.
We then slowly pull away, looking at eachother for a moment, feeling embarrassed before I decide to step away completely.
Jennifer: Sorry... that was really awkward.
Bruce then quickly briefs me on everything and hands me exclusive spandex from his collection. I quickly say goodbye to them both before getting into Andy's car.
Y/N: Bye!
I wave out the window, as Andy starts the car and drives off. Jen waves back and so does Bruce.
Damn. I'm missing them already.
As we begin out journey back homd, Andy simply giggles and states plainly.
Andy: I ship it.
Y/N: Ship what?
Andy: Ship you and that lawyer girl.
I scoff and roll my eyes at his joke and an attempt to endorse me in relationships.
Y/N: Get over yourself.
August, 2024
During these past few months, the broken soldier became something else of his newfound power.
He became...
Los Angeles' hero, a new Hulk, a better Hulk, a good looking Hulk. All these new terms being made by the public.
Y/N was quickly picked up by social media and with the aid of Andy, he became an instant influencer, he had merchandise, interviews, Memes, TikTok and Instagram accounts, a new fanbase consisting of teenagers called 'A-Bombers' and overall, he was making a living of himself.
However, he had a rival that was equally as famous as him, Titania. The two had become known for being arch enemies, even their fanbases would go toe to toe for support...
Y/N hasn't seen Jennifer ever since, but he'd hope he'd run into her soon, he genuinely missed her.
Was he catching feelings?
I was now in Macau, at an underground street fighting club that are for the exclusive. So many people come here to see fights in secret and they're typically not the usual.
My friend Wong, who's also the sorcerer supreme has brought me here. Its so different now that I have all these different super powered friends.
Currently, I was in the ring, in my A-Bomb form. And infront of me was my fight, an illegal fight consider he's a prisoner. But the fans have wanted to see this fight for a long time.
The beast roars at me, after taking already several blows to the face. I smirk and use my smaller body compared to his to dodge his incoming swings.
I use my foot to propel my way foward and give a final blow to the Abomination's chin, causing him to fall backwards.
The audience immediately cheers as he hits the ground, I celebrate in victory, ripping my vest off and throwing it to the crowd.
"And there's your winner, The Totally Awesome A-Bomb!!!!"
Wong enters the ring, nodding at me as he helps Emil from the ring along with multiple other staff.
Y/N: Good fight, Emil.
Emil: I'll see you around, Y/N.
I wave to him, as he waves back weakly. My attention then focuses back on the crowd, who have been cheering for a while, I point at them and shoot them a confident wink causing a few of the female audience to squeal.
Then, another contestant follows through the misty red light infront of, revealing their silhouette. I stand there confidently, awaiting who it really is.
And it's someone I've never seen before...
The man smirks, holding up a playing card.
Y/N: Playing card? Is that all you got?
???: It's more than a playing card, mon ami.
A red light then charges up the card in his hand before he raises his hands, causing a stack of cards to follow out of his hands...
Y/N: Well shit.
2 Days Later
You wanted to know who won that fight? It was me, but I got lucky. But there seems to be a trend of all these super powered people just appearing nowadays.
Andy: Turn right, turn right!
I was now chasing after my arch nemesis, Titania. She begins to use her somewhat powers to run away and I try to follow her by leaping from building to building, as Andy tells me her location.
As soon as I'm about to reach her, she runs into a building, more specifically, a law firm. I land perfectly on the gravel and follow into the hole she just created, there was scream everywhere from the people inside hiding.
I was behind Titania, and someone else was infront of the both of us.
I couldn't believe it...
It was Jennifer.
Titania: Who the hell are you?!
Jennifer: Jennifer Walters, attorney at law.
She replies confidently before I make my presence known by crossing my arms qnd and whistling.
Y/N: It's time to get A-Bombed, Titania.
She looks back at me appalled by my catchphrase, scoffing at the sight of me.
Titania: And that is why your reality show got cancelled.
I take a look at Jennifer, and I give her a nod, we excuse our reunion for later and we decide to team up to defeat Titania, in safety of the others.
Titania throws a table at Jennifer which she catches, I then take a hold of her foot and push her to the side, but this time she seemed to be focused on the green woman this time.
I quickly ran to the other side, as Titania jumped up and charged a kick at Jennifer.
The She-Hulk Punches back and I use my hand to create a resistance against my rival's back, causing her to flop on the ground, finally, in defeat.
She layed against the wall, as authorities came to a rush, I didn't have time to interrupt Jennifer and her duties but it was really nice to see her.
I looked down to take a final look at Titania, who was now being carried out on a stretcher.
Y/N: Have fun in jail.
Titania: I hate you.
Y/N: Love you too.
3rd Person POV
Back on the island when they were still training, a blue Y/N was helping himself to drinks with Bruce and Jennifer in the middle of the night. She was sniffling, in tears as she looked at her phone.
Jennifer: Oh... 2011 was so hot!
She blurted out, showing a photo to the two men of a young shirtless Y/N, during his modelling career. She placed the phone back down and returned to crying.
Jennifer: I mean, how could you not stuff your face in those pecs!
Y/N: You know that's me right?
Bruce: I think she's drunk.
Jennifer: I would've married you in 2011 if I knew you!
She said to the slightly uncomfortable man who couldn't help but blush. Was this working on Y/N?
Y/N: Definitely drunk.
I hope you guys enjoyed this, it took quite a while.
PLEASE leave your thoughts below and what you'd love to see next.
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