Back at the church you were all slumped back at the couch with a very scary looking garter belt glaring at you three down. her face practically covered in shadow her looming presence leaving the room to feel suffocating.
the two angels draped all over practically leaning onto y/n as the poor girl had begun slightly nod off with tiredness right then and there
"Oh! Yeah! Well, shes feeling lucky now" he yawned slightly stretching with a proud smirk scratching the back of his head in a lazy manner.
"But she was just a plumber "socks stared with an unamused depan brushing his undead cats plush hair.
Boxer shrugged puffing out his chest cockily "So true, and here I am unclogged and her pipes are totally clean" he smirked quirking his eyebrow up an down nastily.
"How long have you been waiting to use that joke?"Y/n said in a monotone voice clearly not amused as she looked over what little information they gathered in her little note pad not caring to look at the lustfull blond.
But boxer didn't seemed deterred at all as he just snuggled up more to her, lightly laying his head on her chest with purpose and playing with a string of her (h/c) hair lazily "Fuck, it seems like forever. How I couldn't not, you know what I mean? I could show you if wa-AcK"
But then he was quickly shoved off the couch by socks and y/n and with shout "ITS YOUR FAULT WE WERENT ABLE TO DO ANYTHING!"they exclaimed with anger.
The blond boy could only groan out in pain as he rubbed his sore head.
And that's when darker skinned lady finally blew a fuse "What are you saying?! You mean you failed?!" She practically spat in rage her lips curling into a snarl and teeth turning pointy with rage.
The girl in the middle finally snapping out of her mumbling as as all she could do was nervously sweat drip as she tried to explain the situation
"Well not exactly all the locations of the toilets and urinals seem to be completely at random, and then when we cheeked if the culprit was a water company or plumbing service we just got dead ends and every single plumber we asked was either depressed out of their minds or paranoid as hell that they were gonna get gobbled wile fixing a silver throne "
The image retuning to your head sending shivers down your spine as the poor depressed plumbers told you the equivalent of real life war crimes being vomited and shat in toilets by people who totally probably skid marked their garments.
If you don't know,Don't look it up it, I beg of you
The older woman practically shaking with rage "And those two fuck wads acting like they don't even give a shit! " she yells out in exasperation as the two angel brother just begun to talk about some dumb shit that was probably gonna lead them into another argument.
The preestes's hand shake as her knuckles almost cracked from how much she was clutching it shut in anger sadly the victim of her furry was chuck who made the grave mistake of getting too close.
She reeled her hand back and knocked the little guy out with just one punch as he squealed out in pain.
"Oh Lord, grant me the patience! Let's just fucking eat!"
~scene change~
The smell of a home cooked meal wafted through the air as all the plates now lie empty, their contents having been scarfed down by the teenage angels sitting infront of the table.
Boxes stifled another burp as he sank into his chair,his belly,full from his meal ,protruded ever so slightly over his belt "*hic-Shit, was that good"
The (h/c) young lady agreeing with a closed eyed smile as she whipped her mouth with a napkin "After the long day we've had this hits the spot"
"Mhm"the boys hummed
"Your curry is unreal, Garter" sock sighed out finishing his last bit with the fork in his mouth as he chewed.
The prestes let out a laugh from the sink on the other side of the kitchen "Ha! That's cause it's black baby, You won't ever go back"
The goth boy finally snapping back to business as soon he realized everyone was done with their meal
"Oh!So, what's up for dessert? I'm guessing chocolate! for no reason in particular"
Y/n let out an amused sigh, mid step as she was picking up plates from the table
"You went looking for sweets and saw the chocolate ice cream cake I bought didn't you "
The short boy stoped for a moment "I-Nooouu..."
Gater and y/n both raised an eyebrow at him one skeptical and the other one playfull.
"Fine!but so what if I did!"he huffed out with a pout as he crossed his arms, so what if he went looking for something sweet as soon he got home, the boy was out in the field with the little rations he brought along got smaller and smaller as the night dragged on because of his brother, he needed sweets dammit >:/
"Besides I already know what it is and we're done with dinner so come on!" he exclaimed pleadingly at the two ladies as he waved his arms around hugging and puffing in whinny bratty manner.
The young (e/c) teen letting out another amused sigh as she glanced over to the dark skinned lady as if to ask for permission, she only responded with a slight eye roll and a sigh "Fine, hold your horses"
"We'll this has been nice but personally I don't fucking give a shit, So I'm gonna go take one" boxer finally spoke up standing up from his chair and making his way up the little steps above the kitchen
The priestess continued to rummage through the freezer as the goth boy besides her continued on to make grabby hands at her.
The young lady glancing up from drying her plate with a towel as he slowly walked away "You sure you don't want some?" She asked
"Nah,I'll be in the can if you need me"
"Don't let the toilet eat you~" his brother taunted with laugh finally holding a slice of cake and shoving bit by bit into his mouth
"Oh, screw off!"you could hear the blond boy yell out in the distance and the loud SLAM of the bathroom door.
~slight scene change~
Boxer was cleaning up after doing his business as all he could hear from down stairs was as socks rambled on to gater and (y/n) about some new treat they should try to make for tomorrows dinner.
The blond boy groaned as he flushed the toilet as he heard his brother ramble on about cream puffs in the most lewd and graphic way posible "Does he even hear what he's saying?" He mumbled with a gag
As he throws the top in the trash and zips up and snaps his belts back into place and closing the lid and slightly steps to wash his hands
But the angel couldn't even get one step close to the door as the entire bathroom began to move and shake so much so he fell back down onto the toilet seat.
"Agh crap-"
But all his whining halted as a weird gurgle noise Emenated from below, he looked suspiciously To each side before looking down, no it wasn't coming from him, but from the toilet below, as he could hear the pipes from below slosh and groan as if they were being twisted about. the sound grew louder and louder until
~back down stairs~
"Maybe we could see if the bakery actually deliver-""Fuck! Shit! AAAHHH ! Socks! No-fuck-GET DOWN! HeLP mE!GoDdaMN IT! SOCKS!"
" Shut up, boxer! No one wants to talk to you while you're taking a massive grossgusting shit, you freak! it's so appalling !"Socks stuck out his tongue in disgust as he tried to block out the noise and continue to eat his ice cream cake in peace.
The noise of banging continued to get more frantic and louder as Garter continued to wash the dishes while wearing her dark apron as socks continued to eat his slice of cake as he looked over the menu of the bakery on his phone.
His shouts got more frantic"Shouldn't we go and check on him?"the (h/c) teen girl asked in a worried shaky tone as boxers cries for help got louder.
"Nah he's fine" garter denied with a shrug.
"Fuck no" socks grunted in a annoyed fashion stuffing another bit of cake into his mouth.
As they all continued do their thing (y/n) just shrugged with a hum as she turned on her console to continue playing her game.
Unknown to all of them boxer was fighting for his life in deep shit fighting with a sentient do do.
The sounds coming from upstairs growing more and more concerning until a Loud crash coming from the bathroom and then silence.
The dark skinned woman glance upwards"I swear that boy" she mumbled with annoyance glancing back to the two teens sitting on the counter.
"Yo goth boy, y/n, come on we gotta go check on your brother to make sure he's not actually getting eaten" as (y/n) went rushing up the stairs socks groaned out "Ugh but I'm not done" socks complains with his mouth full his eyebrows twitching in anger.
"Then take the damn cake with you then!" She huffed With shrug as she made her way up the stepsstill cleaning a plate.
"come on socks!" The teen girl hollers urgently
"Mmrrm" he grumble out with a fork still in his mouth being dragged by his sleeve by the (h/c) girl
~in the bathroom~
"Fucking shit!" The blond boy screams out
As he flies out of the toilet
"Okay, I get it now"
His hole body twitching with rage not not I cling the four figures now in the bathroom with him
"Okay, you get what now?"
"Maybe the rice curry"
"Wait what's that smell"
It's as if the air around them was sickly green And with one simple whiff of the foul odor they all turn to their sides before beginning to hurl for a quick moment.
The (h/c) girl holds her stomach her face practically green as she groans out in discomfort "those are 30 seconds of my life I'm never getting back" she whines clutching on to garters arm as the woman pats her head.
"Oh yeah, I get it"He said with an eye twitch and his lip curling in anger. His entire form being covered top to bottom in shit and other gross gunk.
"Well, we don't get it"socks mumbled trying to get out of the bathroom as soon as posible
"Also why do you look like a melting chocolate chip" the (h/c) chimes in a bit shakily as she tries to regain her composure.
Garter couldn't Take it anymore as her eyebrow rose once and she leans over and started to hurl again as the (h/c) teen girl rubbed circles onto her back as a sort of comfort.
Then they all proceeded to hurl for a third to forth time again.
โ โ
โโ โ โโ โ
There in the distance every single sewer lid was sent flying into the air as large stream of smiley toxic sludge spewed out every Single one, until all the not chocolate sludge turned into a dark amalgamation of feces and stink. The inhabitants of detan city crying out.
"What the hell is that thing?"
"It looks like a huge-ass scoop of chocolate ice cream"
"Hey, I want some, yummy!"
What the onlookers didn't know is that the creature in questioned was some yummy piece of ice cream and Everyone in a foot radius process to then hurl.
The creature gurgled out as whips of a green like fog curls around it like disgusting hot tentacles to consume everybody and everything in sight
Zooming down in a frenzy a billion police cars topple over each other to address the situation, the donut munchers scrambling out of their cars holding every gun as fire arm they had to offer lock and loaded and aimed at the giant pice of caca
"Freeze, shithead!"one cop screams out
"Don't make any sudden movements!"another shouted as their hind rung out as they all fired together. But this does nothing as chunks of the disgusting monster rains down onto them causing the cops to puke and hurl
The large shit monster is not deterred as it just growls out in response "Shit, fart, doo-doo!"
The cops threw every attack they had at the poop creature but the bullets didn't do jack shit as it didn't even penetrate the skin, it just continued to growl and spread its unsightly body all over the place like a river of excrement"Holy shit! What the fuck are we gonna do?"the chief of the cops wailed out in fear.
" Ahem" a sassy feminine voice interrupted. There behind the cops stood our favorite priestess
"Oh, no offense, preacher lady. But Jesus God, what is that?"The head of police chief asks as he scratched at his ass. The dude practically smelling of stupidity. And that's saying something considering the air was clogged by the smell of a shit ghost.
"Unfortunately, youd be starin' into the brown eye of an evil spirit" garter explains crossing her arms under her chest as she framed at the ugly and stinky monster. In a panic Some of the police officers yelled and screamed in freight some clutching each other in an attempt to feel safe.
"So thats why we couldn't pin it down on one person, it all make sense now" the (h/c) chimes in crossing her arms over her chest trying so hard to not gag and hurl again at the sight of the evil spirit.
"The negative energy created by all the plumbers who suffocated and died from the stench of clogged-ass toilets has manifested himself into a vengeful spirit. This powerful ghost utilized all the fecal matter in the city to achieve this pooty-poop physical form, these kinda spirits aren't to bright but the sure carry quite the punch" as coments of ProRes and disgust come out of the remaining cops
" That's disgusting"
"Oh God, he's gonna spew"
" I don't think I can handle any more bodily functions"
The cops cry out as garter chimes in "Suck it up, dude, Not literally thoughโoh shit, I'm gonna hurl again" she exclaimed as she held on to the chubby chief as she almost toppled over the young teen girl holding her hand with a worried pout.
"Please don't tell me prayer's the only thing that can get us out of this" the chief of police wha
"Why the heck would I tell you that? God ain't even here right now. Prayer can go to hell, man! We got angels! Boxer, y/n,socks, you're up!"
"What, you're talking about that walking turdsicle over there?"
"And that little goth boy next to it who obviously has mommy issues?"
(Im not sure what to put for y/n)
"And what about that girl in the middle who clearly has both"
Boxer stood triumphant even covered in do-do
"It's time for us to flush the toilet" he exclaims like a one liner in a action movie. As his brother stares at him unimpressed "Number 1, that was cheesy. Number 2, you smell like shit" as the (h/c) girl sighs out with an eye roll placing her hands on to her hips
"Please don't tell me your gonna start fighting again" you groand out in exasperation
"Fine to pay up for earlier,How about I buy you a cake from that fancy bakery and socks manages to do this without saying another fucking word?"
"I don't know if I trust a turdsicles word"
The goth boy grumble out still clearly petty and mad at the fact he wasted a lot of time and energy his brother made them go through.
"Sock's he said not another word then the sweets" the girl of the group stated pleadingly as she pulled out her necklace ready to get into the fight
He sighed tiredly at her blatant attempt to perused him with puppy eyes "As long as what I'm saying now doesn't count, I'm in"
" Then let's make this fucking fucker pay for covering me in this fucking shit, okay you can reply to that"
"Let's do this shit"
The blonds eye twoches as he glances back at him for a split second
"Oh so when I do it it's annoying?"
You scoffed with a smile "Ladies ladies,your both hilarious, let's just do this shall we " you place the necklace near your chat as a glimmering light shines out and you feel your clothes changing.
"Heavenly " lights flicker and shine the citizens of danten city ooing an aaawwing as you begin your transformations
The brothers beginning their sensual little show as they prepare their weapons
"Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness,Oh evil spirit born of those drifting between Heaven and Earth,May the thunderous power from the garments of these holy Righteous soldiers strike down upon you with great vengeance and furious anger Shattering your loathsome impurity and you from whence you came"
Boxer lets out a yell recalling back and using his guns firing shots at the ghost as you all dash towards him at full speed
Socks coming in second flipping over his brother and sending slashes up and down the beasts body the creature backs up writing in pain wailing and screaming
The two them ' connect their hands in the middle, cross sword in hand as y/n makes a dash towards them as she slightly jumps and stands on their hands with her heals, once there the two use the momentum to launch her into the air, as she's up into the air she unveils her wings to give her momentum, she reels back the holy sword and then as with all her light swoops down and stabs her sword into the whole spirit with a grunt of determination. The impact sending air everywhere blowing her hair and skirt in the wind as she continued to stab and slice at the creature.
"Repent, you motherfucker!"
A light shines from within the hulking beast
And with a cheap cheesy movie spouse of fire
Debrre slightly flickers and flies through the atmosfire as the creature cries subside it finally subcoming to its wounds and desintigrating
The citizens cheer and jump for joy
The day is saved
"Dang she still looks sexy every time she does that" boxer mumbled with a sleazy smile as socks rolled his eyes and ignored his brothers lewd commentary
Socks and boxer now finally out of their angelic forms, as boxer cracked his tense neck muscles here and there,groaning as he eases the pain.
Then flying in from the sky with her wings, the young girl gracefully lands to the ground below,
Y/n sighed and panted slightly as she flicked her hair out of her face and adjusted her short skirt with a smile as she rushed over to join her other companions. Garter already staring at her and sending her a proud nod.
A she made her way over ,something hit boxer over the head before falling down to the floor with a clink
" Good, angels. You got a coin" garter comentes placing a hand on the (h/c) girls shoulder as she stared at the shiny coin in slight aw."All that for just one?"Boxer groaned unimpressed as a tick marked appeared on Garters forhead" Yeah, one closer and it's special So, quit your bitching.."
Bells toll and angels sing as the remnants of the exploded ghost fly away in whisps of wind carried away into the night. Onlookers ogling at the sight as they stare.
"The evil has been vanquished, so rings the bell
... At least I'm assuming that's why it's ringing"
" Now keep your promise and go buy me that cake you bitch I need something sweet, stat" socks whines already preoccupied with something on his phone.
"Yeah, yeah. Look, I've found a tasty little treat for me too" boxer hummed with a smile dragging along a blond female police officer who's cheeks were as red as berrys. " Whatever you like say man, you're an angel" y/n simply shook her head with a exasperated smile
"You two do that I'm off to bed" she I formed grabbing chuck and hugging the little guy to her chest care as she yawns and started walking over to see through. As boxer called out "what's the matter sweetcheeks you can always hang out with us, I'm sure I could keep you up" the blond boy not at all subtitle hinted as he clutched sensually at the police woman's hips.
"Hold up,You two still have a punishment to face" Gerter chimed in. Her arms crossed and her tone authoritarian tone." Ooh, like what, bondage?" Sock taunted in a haughty tone clearly not amused
"What would I get outta that? Besides it would only be punishment for one of you"
" Uh, yeah, I've got plans so you could leave me the hell alone"
(Lore dumping for a quick second your transformation doesn't have to look like the stripper pole transformation the brothers do, it can be majestic and grand like sailor moon or card captor Sakura, or any standard precure series, or yours can be flashy and artsy like the madoka mรกgica, or cutesy and upbeat like power puff girls z and ojamajo doremi, go crazy go stupid it can be how ever you like, and if you like the striper pole transformation transformation then you go girl!)
(Hey or maybe we can vote on it idk ๐)
Anyways short chapter but here y'all go
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