"Ladies and gents this is the moment you've waited for"
"Been searching in the dark, your sweat soaking through the floor"
"But buried in your bones, there's a something that you can't ignore. Something your something, something your mind, and all that's real is Jeremy's behiiiiiiiind"
"Yeah okay we're finished"
Micheal bows comically, grinning at his boyfriend. "Did you like my lyrics change?"
"Yes Micheal it was very cool" Jeremy rolls his eyes.
"Welcome back folks! We understand that it's been a while since our last Spill and Thrill because our author is . . . lazy to say the least. But, the chapters went down a treat, so Heeres another part. And not just that, since so many of you gave dirty suggestions, we have a special NSFW chapter!"
Jeremy smiles awkwardly, shifting in his seat.
"Oh yes, you sit awkwardly Jeremy. Because the first Thrill is for you. Jeremy I dare you to wear a black skirt and kitten socks for 24 hours and Micheal isn't allowed touch him in any way winky face"
"Did you, did you just say winky face?"
"Yes I did. AND, I've come prepared for today, so I actually have kitten socks and a skirt for you" Micheal reaches behind the couch, and reveals a black shopping back.
"Here you go. I'll close my eyes so you can change" true to his words, Micheal slaps his hands over his eyes.
Jeremy rolls his eyes and snatched the bag. Yup. A black skirt and matching socks. He slips off his jeans, revealing his plain boxers. He puts the skirt on with a groan.
"Dude, this skirt is so short that you can see my boxers" Jermey sighs.
"Then just take your boxers off" smirks Micheal from under his hands.
Jeremy huffs, and tucks the bottom of his boxers into his waistband. Sure, Micheal can't touch him, but going commando is never a good idea around that horn-dog.
Topped off with thigh high socks, he tells Micheal that he can look. Micheal nearly double takes. His boyfriend, wearing a tiny skirt, with long socks on his long legs. He gulps, his jaw dropped.
"Jesus keep it in your pants" Jermey mutters, going red. He sits back down on the couch, trying to stop the skirt from riding up.
Micheals eyes never leave his legs.
"I'm just gonna . . . go outside for a minute" he gulps before darting out of the basement.
"Great. We broke Micheal" Jeremy remarks. He takes his boyfriends phone to read the next dare, since, "the show must go on"
"Okay we have a Thrill for me: Jermey! I dare you to wear a maids outfit, go up to Micheal and say, "Hey Daddy~". Wow. That is kinky. I don't know if Micheal has a maids outfit behind the couch as well, but I'm wearing this so it might work" he fiddles with the edge of his skirt. "I'll say it to him when he gets back. To REALLY frustrate him"
Micheals back not even a minute later, looking more relaxed. As soon as he's down the stairs, Jeremy gets onto his feet. He prowls over to his boyfriend with a smirk. He runs his hand up his chest, resting them on Micheals shoulders.
"Hey Daddy~" he purrs.
Micheal.exe has stopped working.
Micheals eyes go wide, his cheeks red.
"This was a dare" Jermey says in the same tone. "You're still not allowed have sex with me for 24 hours"
And with that, he pats Micheals shoulder and sits back down on the couch. Micheal follows with a grumble.
"I hate this challenge. This game is stupid"
"Oh quit whining. The next one is a truth. What's the kinkiest thing you've done with Micheal?" Jermey reads.
"There was this one time where we incorporated strawberries, whipped cream and melted chocolate. You don't need details" jeremy says casually.
"I don't get it. IIIIIII DONT UNDERSTAND" Micheal sings. "Last time we played this, you were super embarrassed by everything sex related. Now you're sharing our kinky secrets and teasing me?"
Jeremy shrugs.
"Character development"
Micheal scoffs taking the phone. He reads the next Thrill in his head, and smirks to himself. For all of you who can't read Micheals mind, the Thrill was; k I dare Micheal to fuckin idk flirt with Jeremy so hard he gets a pRoBlEm.
"Hey Jer~" Micheal growls in an odd attempt of seduction.
Jeremy jumps at his boyfriends tone. He knows that voice. And he knows what happens when Micheal uses that voice (sexy times).
"Did you grow up on a farm?"
Jeremy starts, mouth agape.
"What? No"
"Well you sure know how to raise a cock"
Jeremy splutters, erupting into peaks of laughter. "What the . . . what the FUCK was that?!"
"Did that not turn you on?" A confused Micheal asks.
Jeremy clutches his sides as he howls.
"Was it supposed to?"
"I was supposed to flirt with you until you get a boner- for a Thrill, you know?"
"Awww don't worry Mikey. You're still good at raising cocks"
"Okay shut up let's just move on. We have a Spill here, so that'd be a nice change of pace. Who's the most vocal in bed?"
"Jeremy" they say in unison.
"The question actually has a part 2" Micheal adds. "And most importantly: Ananas on pizza, yes or no? I presume they meant bananas"
Jeremy's face scrunches in disgust.
"What the fuck. Ew. Ew ew ew. Ew no. Stop. Please. No stop. Yuck. Dammit. No"
[A/N sorry I just happened to have a gif for this moment]
Micheal shrugs, taken back by Jeremy's utter disgust.
"I mean, it could be nice-"
"I mean I haven't tried it, but I'd like to"
Jeremy shakes his head.
"That's it. I'm breaking up with you"
Micheal places his hand on his heart.
"I never thought it would end this way"
"No I'm serious. After this game is done I'm
breaking up with you"
"Wait are you serious?"
"Like all jokes aside, you want to break up?"
Micheals face falls, and he looks down at his phone. He mouths the words, "what the fuck" as his brain wills him not to cry.
"I'm joking~" a voice whispers in his ear.
Micheal tackles Jermey, pinning him on the couch. "YOU ASSHOLE! YOU HAD ME FOOLED!"
Jeremy just laughs.
"Everyone knows you could've get rid of me if you tried"
Micheal leans down and places a quick kiss on Jeremy's lips before sitting back up.
"You fucking suck-"
"Maybe later"
"-lets just continue the game"
Micheal pulls out his phone and scrolls through the screen.
"This one isn't dirty but I'll read it anyways. Truth for Jeremy: would you cook for Micheal?"
"I already have" Jeremy says proudly. "I make the best Mac and cheese in the world"
"It's true" Micheal agrees. "Truth for Micheal: how sorry would you be if you kissed someine ho wasnt Jermey? I love the spelling in this one 10/10. Um, I don't really want to kiss someone who isn't Jermey. So if I did, I'm sure I'd have a great reason. But if I didn't have a good reason, I'd feel so bad that I'd lie on the floor for two weeks. And I've gone that before so don't think I wouldn't do it again"
Jermey smiles.
"You'd never cheat on me. I'm too pretty"
"Well I may not have a choice here" Micheal gulps. "Dare for both: kiss either Rich or Jake"
Jeremy's eyes go wide.
"Wait do we actually have to do this?"
Micheal nods sadly.
"I'm no pussy. Can't back away from a dare. And yes, Rich and Jake are behind the couch too"
"HEY TALL ATH'TH!" Right on cue, Richjake leap from behind the couch.
Jermey nearly screams in shock. He suddenly becomes very aware of his sexy attire, so he slaps a pillow over his thighs to cover what the skirt won't.
"So? Which lucky lady gets to kith me?" Rich asks, as Jake awkwardly stand there (same Jake. Same)
Micheal raises an eyebrow at Jeremy.
"Rock, paper, scissors? Loser kisses Rich?"
"Deal" Jermey says.
They count down before throwing out their hand. Jeremy chose Rock. Micheal chose Scissors.
"Expensive Headphones it is" Micheal shrugs, getting off the couch and going over to Rich.
That leaves Jake and Jeremy. Jake takes Micheals spot on the couch.
"Deere for the win" Jermey says.
"Deere Evan Hansen, we've been way too out of touch-"
"Jacob Dillinger don't you dare start singing Sincerely, Me. You'll make the readers think it's okay to comment the entire song"
"Don't deprive the readers of their showtunes. Let them comment what they want" Jake says proudly.
"Come on guys let's get thith Thrill over with" Rich says.
Micheal holds Richs face, and quickly plants their lips together. The kiss barely lasts a second before they pull away. They're not bad kissers on anything, they just don't like cheating on their boyfriends.
Jake leans forward and places a quick kiss on Jeremy's lips. Just a small peck. Jeremy awkwardly finger guns in reply.
"Thanks for tha help, fellahs" Micheal says in an awful Newsies accent. "You have been freed from my basement"
And with that, Richjake departed awkwardly.
"So" Micheal announces. "We only have one Thrill left. And Jeremy, it says I gotta give you a blowjob"
Jermey smirks
"Well if the rules say you have to-"
Little does Jermey know, Micheal didn't read out the full dare. The dare actually says, "A dare for Micheal: give Jeremy a blowjob but stop before he cums and then continue the game as if nothing happened. (Don't tell him about the second part of the dare. Just read out the blowjob thing so hes unprepared)
Damn. Some of these readers are just plain evil.
[bitteen Of smut heere]
Micheal kisses Jeremy sweetly, palming him through his boxers. Jermey moans into Micheals mouth, making the kiss deeper and more passionate. The game itself has been enough to turn Jeremy on, so Micheal wastes no time tearing off his skirt. He grabs Jeremy's length, licking a long stripe to the top.
He wastes no time taking him in his mouth, bobbing his head up and down. He doesn't have time for teasing. He just needs to get Jeremy on the edge. He uses his hand to jerk off whatever he can't fit in his mouth, as Jeremy moans breathlessly above him.
"M-Micheal" he gasps after a few minutes. "I'm gonna~"
Taking that as his cue, Micheal pops off and rubs his mouth. He takes his seat back on the couch and smiles.
[yup smut over]
"Well that's all for today folks! Hope you enjoyed this episode of Spill or Thrill! If you want to see more, be sure to comment more crazy shit for us. NSFW, PG, whatever. We'll take what we can get. Until next time-" Micheal reaches behind the couch and pulls out a top hat. "THIS IS THE GREASTEST SHOW!"
"Yeah babe"
"Did you . . . Did you seriously give me a blowjob and not let me finish?"
"It was part of the dare"
"So am I just supposed to sit here, my bottom half butt naked for the resr of the day?"
"Do you want me to help you finish?"
"Yes please"
Well that was fun.
Sorry it took so long to make, I genuinely forgot about this chapter.
I have twenty half finished one shots. What the fuck?
Anyways if you want to see more, be sure to comment more stuff.
Stay in school kids! Caffeine is your best friend!
- Avery
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