𝟏𝟖𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟕 - 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
Jung Keira had been a trainee for six years now. She had missed the chance to debut with Twice, Momo taking her place instead. Slowly but surely all of her friends had made debut without her. All except one.
Bang Chan. Or Chris.
They had met on Keira's first day as a Trainee. Growing up in England, she knew very minimalistic Korean. Since the boy, who was only a year older than herself, under stood where she was coming from, he helped train her and teach her Korean. From then on, the two relied on each other and became the best of friends.
Chan understood how Keira felt. The rejection that they both faced year after year. The feeling of worthlessness that lasted a good few months or so. But at least they weren't alone. They had each other.
Keira was in the dance studio, working on the sharpness of her moves when the said Australian bust into the room, a look of excitement in his eyes. Keira was curious as to why her excitable friend was so... for lack of a better word, excited.
The male grabbed the girls hand tightly and sprinted down the halls, not explaining where they're going or why they are going so quickly. When she tried to ask what was going on or where they were going, she was silenced by an "AH" from Chan. After around five "AH"'s, the girl gave up and let herself be dragged along like a rag doll.
They finally stopped outside a room. Keira had never been inside this room before so she was very intrigued. Chan turned the girl to face him and pulled a handkerchief out of his pocked. He wiped down her sweaty face, flattened down her, currently, brown hair and gave her a small smile. It was a smile that he saved for her, only her. The girl returned the smile, still confused and suddenly a little nervous.
Her companion turned to face the door and knocked once. Twice. A final third time.
"Come in" a muffled voice called. The door swung open, and the two stepped inside.
Inside was him. The owner of the company. Park Jinyoung, also known as *whisper* JYP.
The brunettes eyes widened. What was he doing here? His office was on the other side of the building? More importantly, why didn't Chan tell her that they were meeting with him? He should have let her get ready? The girl stunk after her long training session, and her hair was in a mess.
"Ah! Chan, Keira. I'm glad you could make it" JYP gave a slight smile when he saw the two walk in the door. Chan smiled while Keira gave an awkward chuckle. They both gave a bow out of respect, greeting the senior.
"I apologise for my appearance. I was not told that we would be meeting, and was rushed here by Chan while I was practicing" The girl bowed once again, causing JYP to smile politely.
"Do not worry. I will not take long anyway. I will explain why I need you, then you are free to go have a shower"
Chan and Keira chuckled slightly before falling silent once again.
"I am going to get straight to the straight to the point. You both have been very hard working trainees for a very long time, so I have decided to give you both a chance. I am creating a, survival show if you will. You both will create a groups. Chan, you will find eight other boys and Keira eight girls. I am leaving you fully in charge of your groups. That means you shall do the song writing, producing and the choreography. Everything. I believe in both of you!"
These words took quite a while to sink in. Being a trainee for six/seven years, then randomly one day to be told you will get to lead your own group is a lot to take in all at once. And the two needed a lot of time to absorb the information laid out in front of them.
"Really? Thank you so mu-" the girl started, but she was stopped.
"That's not all. You both will be on the show
And both of your groups will compete to debut. There can be only one group"
Both of the trainee's hearts stopped.
Keira's heart broke the moment she heard this. It wasn't fair. They've been friends since the beginning, and now they are bing out against each other in a battle that only of of them could win.
Chan immediately felt like crying. He couldn't breath. The one thing they had both been waiting for was going to happen. But only to one of them.
"O-okay sir" the girl stuttered, trying to keep her composure in front of the head of the company.
JYP seemed to recognise the sadness that the two were trying to hide, and were not doing a good job at that. "I know that you both want to debut. I'm sorry, but only one can. The other will have to wait. I'm sorry"
The two nod solemnly before bowing again to the Male. He dismissed the two and went back to his paperwork.
Keira and Chan walked out of the room, in silence. They keep that silence until they reach Keira's door room.
The brown eyes girl finally looked up at her her friend, she saw that he had been crying. She gasped and wrapped her arms tightly around him. He hugged back and began to sob into her jumper.
"This isn't fair! I can't be p-put against you! I-I-I'd rather that you d-debut than me!" He muttered, playing with her hair.
Keira's eyes widened, and she pulled back from Chan, holding him by the arms. "No. Absolutely not. You deserve to debut much as I do. Even more! You've been here for seven years. For nearly every single night of those seen years you've worked late. Perfecting all of your work. Writing lyrics. Producing songs. Doing stuff for 3RACHA. If you don't do it for yourself, do it for Changbin and Jisung. You know how hard they work, and they deserve so much. So do you. Forget about me. I'll work on my own group. You work on yours yeah?" Keira smiled, trying to hold back her own tears.
Chan wiped down his eyes, and gave the girl a shy smile. "Ok. But we'll always be best friends yeah?"
Keira scoffed. "You're not getting rid of me that easily" she ruffled his brownish hair, before letting go of him.
"Night Chan. Actually go to sleep now yeah?"
Chan smirked, responding with a quick "you too" before walking back to his dorm.
Keira leaned her back against the, now shut, door, sliding down it. The tears that she had tried so hard to keep in began to fall rapidly. Before she knew it, the brunette was sobbing violently into her arms, trying to control her breathing.
"Yo, Unnie. Where have you be-" a voice called, before cutting itself short. Through her blurred vision, she could just about make out the outline of her roommate, Nam Deoksoo.
Deoksoo was shocked by the appearance of her elder friend. Keira never showed her sadness. She always felt like she had to smile, just for her dongsaeng's. So seeing her in this state broke Deoksoo's heart.
"What's wrong?" The brunette ran quickly over to her friend, wrapping her arms tightly around her. "JUNGSOOK! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW"
"What? You may be a year older than me but that gives you no right to- holy shit what's wrong?" Mun Jungsook ran up to the two, kneeling down to be head level with the crying girl.
After around twenty minutes of trying to calm her down, the two managed to move Keira over to the sofa that was placed in the middle of the living space/ kitchen.
"I-I- have the chance to debut" the girl mumbled Her two companions sat bolt upright, eyes wide.
"That's great! Why are you crying?" Deoksoo tilted her head in confusion.
"B-b-because I have to b-battle against CHAN!" The girl wailed before leaning her head on Deoksoo's shoulder. Jungsook was immediately filled by anger. She knew how close the two were. They were inseparable when she first joined the agency.
She continued to silently boil with rage as Keira explained the situation and everything JYP said. So did Deoksoo.
"Oh Unnie I'm so sorry" Jungsook hugged Keira tightly.
Deoksoo was in deep though while the hug was taking place. Who would Keira choose to be in her group? What would they be called? How many members would there be? She wouldn't leave them behind would she? They've been best friends since Deoksoo first joined the agency, same with Jungsook. Keira took them under her wing. Sure they might not have been as close as her and Chan, but they were very close.
"Uh, Unnie. Who are you planning on having in your group?" The Black haired girl asked, nervous of the answer.
Keira froze slightly. She hadn't given it much thought since she found out less than an hour ago.
She smiled softly at the girls in front of her. "Obviously you two. I couldn't do anything without you guys-"
The browned eyed girl was suddenly attacked by the two either side of her. She could feel tears of joy beginning to fall into her right shoulder, signalling to her that Deoksoo had begin to cry.
"Hey. It's ok. Don't cry Dee. We're gonna work together. We're gonna beat Chan's team and we're gonna debut. We're gonna debut with six other girls and we're gonna so amazing things. Trust me"
Deoksoo smiled as Jungsook wiped her eyes. "Unnie is right, we're going to do brilliant things, all together. Let's do it yeah?" Jungsook chuckled, flicking her grey hair over her shoulder.
The three girls smile at each other. Each of them are worried and have their own fear about the future. Jungsook fearing for her talents, Deoksoo fearing for her Unnie and Keira fearing of what would become of her friendship with Chan once the challenges begin. But all of them know that they've got each other's backs. And nothing and nobody can change that.
The next day, the three girls walked into the training room. There were a lot of people were in there. Which was good as it meant that it would be easier for Keira to ask the girls that she wanted in her team. Jungsook and Deoksoo has spent a majority of the night helping her decide who she wanted in her team. Who would do what and how the team would be arranged. It was decided that each girl would be able to manage one section of the group, Keira the vocal side, Deoksoo the rapping and Jungsook the dancing. From there they all worked out who they wanted.
First was Annelisa and Semi. Two best friends that bonded over everything, even though they had nothing in common. Apart from the fact that they were insanely talented. Semi vocally and Annelisa in rapping. Keira knew that they had to be on her team if they wanted a chance at debuting.
Next was Taemin and Sunhee. Taemin was a very nice and friendly girl, very beautiful but can be very quiet. Sunhee was also lovely, very loud and talented. Her rapping was melodic and powerful. So she was a definite addition to the team.
Finally, Eunjae and Sam. Sam's vocals were soft, and needed a little bit of help to be completely set free, but that could easily be done with the help of Keira. Eunjae's moves were sharp and precise and yet flowed effortlessly. Perfect every time and, as far as Jungsook had seen, she had never messed up a performance.
So that was the team. It didn't take long to assemble, not nearly as long as the three thought it would. But still, it appeared that Chan had the same amount of ease choosing his team, since he was in there with eight other members. The three recognised them all instantly as Jisung, Changbin (obviously 3RACHA would have a part in the new group), Felix (a relatively new trainee that moved from Australia that doesn't speak much Korean), Hyunjin (total softy), Seungmin (Sassy but kind), Jeongin (total baby boy, everyone loves him), Woojin (quite quiet but is adorable when he opens up to you) and Minho (a rather cocky newish trainee).
From what Jungsook had heard from each of them, they're all extremely talented. This is going to be very tough, all three of them knew it.
Chan looked over at the group of nine girls that had now huddled in the corner of the room. Six of them were celebrating, two of those six crying. Keira had her arm wrapped around all of them. The more he looked at her, his heart ached. He dod't want to do this. But he must. It's not like he could just ignore his bosses demands.
"I see you've got your team" he called out, grabbing the attention of every girl and boy in the training room. Out of the corner of his eye, chan saw Jisung tense up, and glare at a girl on the other team, Eunjae, who appeared to be giving him the exact same look. Interesting.
"I see you've got yours" Keira grinned, wrapping an arm around Taemin's shoulder. Yes Chan's team may be good, but she's got a pretty good chance of winning.
"We'll see who wins. Either way, no hard feelings yeah?" The brunette smiled at him.
"Yeah. Of course. I mean you won't hate us too much when we debut will you?"
"Oh ok. I think you got that backward buddy" Sam laughed, walking but to stand on the other side of Sunhee, who giggled.
Changbin was about to retaliate when JYP walked into the room. Everyone immediately lined up and began bowing out of respect. He smiled and looked at Keira and Chan.
"I see it didn't take long for the two of you find a team" he chuckled, making the of the group to laugh too. "Well. Now, I'm assuming your leaders have explained the situation to you all. The show will be a battle between the two of you, each for a chance at debuting. It will be a series of six tests, and at the end I, along with the help of the audience, will decide who debuts. Are you ready?"
Keira looked around at her new family, all looking at her, a faint smirk on all their faces, apart from Semi who looked a little nervous.
"Yes Sir!"
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