Chapter 8
Dedicated to JoellaFantine
With a slight shudder, David pulled out the garment filled pouch from his bag, making sure that everything was secure inside it before he walked outside the Pastor's Office.
"Ah well," He sighed "It's not like I stole it."
Or Did I? His mind countered, to which he felt another shudder run down his spine. Maybe I should've just left these in the bank, He thought, considering the second thoughts he had in his mind before approaching Gina. After a few moments, he finally took a step.
Ahay! If I left it there those men would've taken it, and most probably would've done nasty things with it.
He composed himself as he spotted Gina behind the pulpit arranging some song lyrics. He probed the church with his gaze, making sure nobody was around before he approached.
"Hey, Sis Gina?" The woman lifted her gaze, taking her attention off the songbooks as she heard David's voice.
"Yes Pastor, is there anything you need?" She inquired, turning to his direction as she spoke.
"I- uh" David paused, not quite sure of how to begin the conversation. "Uhm..." Gina's inquiring eyes stared at him unaltered, anticipating for his reply.
"Uhm," David took in a breath, finally coming up with words to say. "I was just wondering if you could do me a favor."
"Uhuh, what is it?"
"I'd like to request these clothes to be put to the laundry." Gina's smile widened, her grin now accompanied with a chuckle.
"Oh seriously Pastor, what's with all the fuss about that?" She joked, abrasively taking the pouch from David's grip into her arms. "I'd be more glad to-" Their gazes fell to the floor, Gina's speech halted mid-sentence as she stared at the undergarment that fell to the ground. An awkward silence filled their midst.
She lifted her gaze in astonishment.
"Uhm, P-pastor, why do you have a...?" For a moment David couldn't open his mouth, his being overwhelmed by embarrassment.
Oh Lord, how will I explain this? He queried in terror.
"Okay, Ginna let me explain-"
"D-did you...?" The look Gina flashed David told him everything ... and his eyes widened at the thought of it.
"Oh, good grief, no!" David retorted, "Gina. Stop whatever kind of thinking that's going on in your mind." He began, his palms unclenched towards the woman in front of him. "Please listen to me, it's nothing like that."
Gina sighed in relief, her gaze now lowered as she tried to come up with reasons why one of their most respected Pastors carried a woman's inner garment.
"H-how then, why do you have a...?"
"Okay, It's like this. Yesterday ... " Gina listened intently as David slowly narrated the events of the previous day, nodding from time to time as she imagined in her mind what the Pastor spoke.
"She was obviously hiding from the men who were swimming in the spring." He said finally, his gaze darted afar.
"Why was this woman hiding Pastor?" David eyed Gina for a few seconds and then pointed to the garment filled pouch in the woman's arms.
"O-oh! Oh, I get it, I get it, Pastor." Gina spoke, taking in a breath as she processed the information in her mind. "So, t-that means, you-you saw her..."
"Oh no! Thank God for the bushes, I wasn't able to see the entirety of it." David assured, recalling the memory and pushing it away in haste as he realized the effect it had on him.
Oh Lord forgive my carnality.
"I couldn't just watch her like that in there, seeing that one of the men was going her direction - my cousin to be exact- she'd surely get in trouble. So I borrowed some of my Grandmother's Ules and covered her. As soon as I came back from distracting the other men, she was gone."
Gina nodded in extrapolation, slowly bending to her knees as she picked up the undergarment that fell to the floor.
"Oh my, what a day you had Pastor," Gina remarked, standing to her feet.
"Indeed, Sister." David sighed, "Anyway thank you for doing this favor for me. I don't know how I'd be able to return those but, seeing her in there I think she lives near to my Grandma's house. I'll figure out one day where to return it." Gina nodded in assent, somewhat amused as he watched the obviously inexperienced Pastor in front of her.
"You're welcome Pastor," Gina replied with a smile, "Oh, by the way, Pastor Levi asked me about you earlier, and he requested you to go see him downstairs in the Pastoral House as soon as you have the time." She informed, to which David felt a gush of curiosity surge his mind.
Pastor Levi has been sick for months now. David felt worry creep to his bones, isn't he supposed to be at home resting? How is he doing?
"I'll be sure to check on him right away Sis, thank you..." David bowed his head slightly and went for the church's exit, a sigh of relief escaping his lips of being liberated from keeping a woman's garments in his possession.
"You're welcome Pastor," Gina spoke as David began to walk, "I'll return these clothes to you by the next time you're assigned here next month." David flashed a smile of gratitude, nodding to the woman as he walked out.
"David!" Pastor Levi exclaimed in glee as the young man entered his room, a smile adorning his face.
"Pastor Levi, It's such a blessing to see you again...I didn't know you were here. how long have you been waiting for me?" Levi smiled, extending his arms towards the younger pastor as he welcomed him with an embrace.
"I was here since this morning, David. I knew you'd be the one to preach so I waited for the service to end before requesting you to come" The young man that sat adjacent to him beamed, nodding as he listened to his voice. Truly, his countenance glows with the anointing of God, and this has always made him joyful.
"Sister Gina just informed me of your request Pastor, and I came as soon as I was told." The young man began, "How are you doing, Pastor?"
"Ah, all is well with me David. The joy of knowing I will be with my Saviour soon is overwhelmingly wonderful." His statement was bold, and yet he knew it was true. His dreams for many nights now had been about The Lord's Glory and finally meeting Him face to face. There was no mistake, his time is close.
"P-pastor," David stuttered, "Please don't say such. I believe you still have-" David halted, taking in a breath as he saw Pastor Levi raise his hand.
"Young man, you need not to tell me these things. There is a time for birth and a time for departure. I hold no regrets anymore, I have lived Eighty-four years now, and have been serving the Lord for the past sixty years, I am content, I am ready." He confessed, noticing the way David's countenance engulfed by sadness as he spoke.
"All I am worried about is what I leave behind. The ministers in this church of ours are lacking, and without a strong foundation of Leaders and Ministers that are on fire and committed to serving God, this church will be slow in growth, and much worse... " He heaved a heavy sigh as he thought, "Completely die."
David listened intently as the man he considered a father spoke, still feeling the despair of being the one that was hearing all these from him.
"That is true Pastor," David conceded, "but I believe, God would surely intervene, He has never failed us beginning the time this church came to life. Surely He would prepare a man or woman of God, He would," He took in a breath and continued to speak, trying his best to console the Old man's worries as he declared in Faith, "He would send someone..."
"Yes, Someone." Levi Echoed in agreement. "Someone... like you, David." David's eyes widened, slightly taken aback by Pastor Levi's statement.
"No, no Pastor. I'm-" David was at a loss of words, the words of Pastor Levi too big for comprehension, "I'm but a layman, Pastor. I- I don't think I'm prepared to-" Levi shook his head, putting his arm upon David's shoulder.
"God will prepare you, son. If it is His Will, you will be prepared..." The old man replied simply. His gaze towards David unaltered.
David couldn't say a thing; he did not expect the event to come so quickly. He simply nodded, exchanged a few more words with his spiritual father and prepared to leave.
Pastor Levi laid his hand upon his head, praying for him like he never did before, as though it was his last day on earth. The prayer made David even more worried, he left the place in utter astonishment, trying his best to comprehend what he just heard.
Oh Lord, Lord... I don't know what to think right now. Nor do I know what to do, but My Lord... whatever happens, may Your Will be done...
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