Chapter 29
David scattered his gaze around the tree-surrounded land, his heart raging with apprehension as he took his step.
“Men!” Their gazes flung towards the man who spoke, “I think I may have found where she is!” He along with the police rushed towards him, a prick of hope ignited in his being at his word.
It’s happening again. The intense panic he’d felt back when they were camping taking dominance of his mind. It shook him to the core, what would his life be if she's gone? He suppressed the building hatred towards the men who took her, trusting that somehow God will deliver her back to him once more. It had been hours since the police were alarmed of a sighted woman taken by the RPA, and as much as he wished it wasn’t her, he knew each passing moment that it could be her.
Oh, Lord, don’t let any harm befall her. How will I live my life if something did?
He shook the horrid memory off his mind, his gaze now occupied of a hut in the midst of the hill they were scaling. Armed men surrounded its wall, and at their sight they began to lift their weapons. The police did the same, advancing with their guns before them.
David prayed in tongues in silence, advancing behind the police. A few of the pastors he knew were with him, and along with them he walked – tension evident in their midst.
A gunshot resounded in the air, and at its sound the unarmed men sank to the ground, taking cover as bullets flew from each side. He saw the terrorist fall one after another, and with this he sprinted towards the door of the hut.
“David, wait!” Pastor Nestor called out, but his voice seemed to fall on deaf ears as he saw David dash towards the wooden building.
Upon his arrival, he pushed the door open with his whole body. The view of Zarinna occupied his perception, her hands tied upward and torso bare. His body shook with rage, his fingers curling to a fist as he saw the unsightly man beside her.
“Tarantado ka ah!?” He charged towards the man, the insult coming off his lips like a curse.
With much force he shot a fist towards the man’s face. The man was shoved to the ground, his hand upon the bleeding side of his lips. David dashed forward once more, kicking the rifle that fell to the side and grabbing him by the collar.
“How dare you,” He growled and threw another fist to the man’s face, he pulled him up, “How dare you touch her!?” Bullets fired continuously from the outside, and so did the punches from David’s fists.
He let go of the man abrasively, watching him fall to the ground as he loosened his grip. The man writhed in pain on the floor, hissing at the pain his bruises had ensued.
David turned towards Zarinna, a look of terror in her face as she watched the man on the ground. Immediately the pulled the chain that held her up and upon doing so, she sunk to ground, breathless.
“Zarinna,” He picked the torn blouse from the floor and wrapped her chest, “Zarinna what did he do? Did he-“
Zarinna shook her head, “N-no,” She swallowed hard, her hand shivering as she held the blouse closer to her skin. David pulled her in his arms, relief surging his being as he held her close.
“Come,” He pulled away, “Let’s get out of here,” He stood to his feet and took her with him, arms around her as they began to advance.
He gazed at her as they walked, worried as he felt her body shudder against his. Zarinna peered through her shoulder, and upon doing so terror shook her being.
“David!” In an instant, she held on to him, exchanging their positions as she forcefully tilted his body.
David watched in horror, his breathing to a halt as he heard a gunshot echo in his hear. He lifted his head, the view of the man occupying his vision – a gun in his hands directed towards them. An evil laugh escaped his lips, smiling still even as the police went and held him by his arms.
David returned her gaze towards Zarinna, her face drained of all color. He lifted his hands to his face. Blood. A wave of terror crept through his spine, watching in disbelief as Zarinna’s lids fell along with her body.
David paced the floor - restless. He had seen many accidents in his life, some so gruesome to the point it provokes one to throw up. But to him, this one is worst of them all.
Emotions that words cannot even express flooded his being. He hadn't noticed when this great concern he had for her had begun, but all the more he realized that it was more than he could comprehend. She meant more to him than any woman had before - and the thought of losing her now seemed unbearable.
How? How will he be able to live with himself if because of him she might die? The thought alone seemed to drain all energy from his body, he fell back to the chair behind him, gazing towards the door of the operating room.
Oh Lord, Lord I put Zarinna in Your care. He shut his eyes forcibly. No matter what, no matter how difficult, I will trust You.
He kept his gaze on the white-painted door, praying that soon it would open for him news that would relieve his troubled heart.
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