Chapter 23
Zarinna was caught off guard as she felt David's arm around her waist. "The woman's my wife," Her gaze snapped open, unsure if she's heard the word correctly.
Zarinna lifted her head, no doubt a questioning look plastered on her face. David didn't even stir, his gaze still locked with the man before him. "You cannot take a married woman."
Now confusion mingled with the fright she felt, her heart in turmoil as mixed emotions ravaged her being. She shifted her gaze towards the man, a side of his lip curling up in indignation. Zarinna studied him in secret, tracing out the big scar that marred his right cheek. His very movement reeked of alcohol, his dark complexion gleaming with sweat.
"Who cares?" Zarinna's breathing came to halt, eyes widening as she saw the man cock his gun. "I'll take whoever I want," He stretched his arm towards her, and immediately she jolted away at the attempt.
"Don't you dare," David growled, his voice low as he confined the man's wrist in his grip.
"Lando!" One of his companions intervened, "Your actions have consequences. It is against our dictum to take married women."
The man before them hissed curses, his countenance raging with ire as he forcefully pulled his wrist away from David's grip.
"Kakadwa!" A man wearing the same uniform emerged from below the hill, panting as he approached. "The evening patrol is on their way! We need to get out of here, quick!" He beckoned, his gaze tainted with panic. Zarinna watched as the men began to move in trepidation.
"This is not over," The man flashed David a fierce glance. And with this, the men one by one scurried away, disappearing into the dark at their leader's word.
Zarinna's breathing loosened at the men's departure, her fist upon her chest as she took in air. Despite their absence, Zarinna felt her knees tremble, her mind a cluttered mess as she thought of what had just transpired.
"Are you okay?" David took hold of her shoulders, his tall frame occupying her perception. She lifted her head, his words again echoing in her mind as she met his gaze.
"Y-yes," She breathed,
"It's okay we're safe now," He ran a hand on her arm, "Let's go, the others are waiting."
"You met what!?" Gina's voice heightened, her gaze anchored towards Zarinna as she spoke.
"The RPA," Zarinna confirmed yet again. Gina reclined on the chair, respiring in disbelief.
"Seriously? Oh my goodness, so what happened?" Zarinna swung her gaze to David, his head lowered as he prepared to speak.
"Well," He began, "I've done what I've thought is the only way."
"And that is...?" Gina asked, her gaze upon him intently.
"The RPA cannot take married women," Pastor Nestor intervened, his hand upon his chin as he spoke. "It's against their code."
Zarinna released a long sigh, the memory flashing in her mind. She did her best to avoid Lauren's gaze, but even through the corner of her eye she could discern her piercing glare.
Was she not supposed to be nonchalant about the matter? After all, they had no choice! Had David not said that, she'd have been taken to who knows where by those goons. But why? Why does her heart flutter when she recalls his words?
"So... you're his wife now?" Jake chuckled, his eyes playful as he spoke.
"Oh goodness, Jake!" Zarinna chided, her cheeks in heat at his word.
"I tease, I tease,"
Gina laughed along at the young man's word, her eyes sending Zarinna messages only they can understand.
Zarinna mouthed a 'Stop It' note, rebuking Gina with her stare.
"This is why I warned all of you," Their gazes turned to Pastor Nestor, "This place is very different from the city. In the mainlands, these sorts of events are foreign and unknown, but here," He eyed each of them with a stern face, "You have to be very, very careful. Especially for us Missionaries, when in these places, our lives are literally on the line." Dead silence reigned in the room as he spoke.
"Being a missionary is no joke," Pastor Arthur spoke up, "It takes not only your time, but it also takes courage, commitment, and perseverance."
Zarinna lowered her head, pondering on their words as the two elders recanted of their experiences. A wave of admiration for them washed over her. She can't even walk for a thirty-minute long journey without getting any sort of rest. But they walk over mountains each and every day to do the Lord's work, risking their lives in a place infested by communist terrorists. Her mind writhed in appreciation, a strong desire gripping her very being. She clasped her lids shut;
Lord, if I could just have an inkling of what they have, I'd use it with all my might for Your Glory...
"Why don't we all stand up!" Zarinna beckoned, a wide smile upon her face as the worship began. She took in a breath, her feet dancing to the beat of the song. The church had no complete instruments, only a guitar, a keyboard, and a beatbox, but somehow she felt as though the music was livelier than any full-band worship she'd experienced. Some of the tambourine players aren't even in beat! But all the more she felt the joy - joy emanating from the very room as they began to sing.
"Oh what a mighty God we serve, Oh what mighty God we serve!" She sang, her heart filled with gladness as the people clapped and danced with her.
The songs were one of the oldest she knew, songs sung by the grandmothers back in her church in Baguio City. It had always carried this 'Old fashioned' tinge to it, but as she sang right now, there was no such feeling! Children and older people alike sang it with the same enthusiasm - with all their hearts.
Fascination washed over her being, glad as she watched even the children dance along. There may be no drums and fancy instruments to accompany the song, but their heart to worship is enough to bring them to dancing. How wonderful would it be had all believers been as easy to lead in worship.
"When the saints, go marching in!" She declared, marking the song's transition as they sang through the medley of old classics, "Oh when saints marching in! I would love to be in that number, when the saints go marching in!"
More and more the joy and glee increased in the house as the sang, The presence of God flooding the place with each minute that passed by. Zarinna released a satisfied breath. Indeed, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.
As the worship came to an end, shouts of praise once more resounded in the place, filling Zarinna's ears as she too lifted her voice. Waves of ecstasy overtook her, warmth like that of fire surging her being. She ended the worship in prayer, thanking God of His wonderful Presence, and soon took her place among the people as David made his way to the pulpit.
He preached on Revival. And all the more Zarinna felt surprised as his very introduction alone seemed to move the people to tears. How could one be so anointed? She plastered her gaze towards him. She couldn't even seem to look at his face straight. What was happening?
Zarinna probed the pews with a glance and realized she wasn't the only one experiencing what's going on. People squinted through a cloud that seemingly cloaked the altar, blinking in wonder as the fascinating phenomenon took place before their eyes. Zarinna leaned closer to Pastor Nestor, his gaze lowered as a small smile adorned his face.
"What's happening, Pastor?" She tried to gaze at the altar again, but could not do so as David's face seemed to glow.
"It's the Anointing of God, Zarinna," The older man simply stated, "Do you remember when Moses had just taken the Tablet of Ten Commandment from Mount Sinai?"
Zarinna nodded, and with this, Nestor resumed his speech, "His face glowed with the anointing of God. This is what happens when we spend time in God's presence. David hadn't even slept last night." Zarinna eyed the man in curiosity.
"Really?" She bit her lip, "What was he doing all night, then?"
"I didn't know too," The smile he had widened, "But now I think I know. He'd been spending time with Him. Praying all night I suppose..."
A silent gasp escaped Zarinna's lips. She's tried praying for a few hours, alright. But never all night. She released a breath, once more amazed as she listened to David's Power-charged words. What devotion he had! She anchored her gaze to the ground, for right there and then, she came to understand. Salvation is indeed free, but the Anointing... It will cost everything.
After a few more minutes, the message finally came to a close. David did not even need to repeat the invitation, for even as he spoke the people came rushing to the altar.
"Dry bones will come alive this morning!" He declared, his voice like thunder, "The Lord's Presence is here. Come, Come and experience His fire!"
With this, he pulled the microphone away from his face and went to the front pew. "Pastor, Zarinna," He addressed them, "Please accompany me to pray for the people." Zarinna's gaze widened at his word, reluctant as she knew she wasn't prepared to do what she's asked.
"Oh no," She shook her head vehemently, "I'm not prepared for this Pastor, I-"
Nestor took hold of her shoulder, "Zarinna, when you come to a Mission like this, don't expect schedules and beforehand announcements. We go as the Holy Spirit leads," Zarinna swallowed hard, her gaze uncertain as she listened to the Pastor's words. She hung her head in defeat.
As the Holy Spirit leads...
"Okay," She finally conceded, "But give me a minute,"
The two ministers nodded and went to the altar, bringing out their anointing oils as they walked.
Zarinna released a shaky breath as she sat, shutting her eyes as she sought to Hear God's voice.
"Lord," She whispered, "I have not prayed all night, nor have I lived a totally righteous life." She sucked in a breath, "But Jesus, I give you authority over my body today. Use me as a vessel of your Power and Presence. For the sake of the people and for Your Glory. You said Your word will not come back to You void. So have Your way and move..." Slowly she opened her eyes, her gaze towards the altar as she summoned the courage to stand.
She saw Pastor Arthur and his wife behind the people being prayed for, catching them as they each fell backward in response to God's Presence. She took her first step, and gradually the steps increased, until she found her way in front of the people - all hungry and desperate for God.
A smile adorned her lips, she took a deep breath and walked towards a young woman among the crowd, her cheeks wet by the tears that flowed incessantly from her eyes. Zarinna shut her eyes, lifting her hand towards the girl's forehead when, to her surprise, the woman receded to the floor, in an instant as though responding to her touch.
A silent gasp escaped her lips, astounded of what she had just seen. She hadn't even spoken a word. She watched in fascination as the girl lifted her voice in praise, crying as each word slipped her mouth.
She never had a person she prayed for be slain. Never in her life! How she might have done it now - she did not know, but what she did know, is that this was all God's doing... and none of hers. She felt an extraordinary weight upon her arm, and gradually it felt as though electricity ran through her fingers. What is this? She took in another breath, determination brewing in her heart as she walked on to the next person.
Indescribable joy marked Zarinna's soul as she felt the jeepney advance, the wind coming in contact with her skin as their speed increased. She looked back longingly to the village behind them and felt a tug of dolefulness as their distance widened.
It seemed to have happened all so fast, and she wished they'd stayed there for a longer time. The face of Merla flashed in her mind, the young woman's smile brought back to her memory. She had only been with her for a few hours in that last night, but her hunger and desire to know God more amazed Zarinna. They'd spent hours that night talking, her asking, and Zarinna trying her best to give answers. Deep inside Zarinna knew, she was going to be a great Worship leader too.
Zarinna sighed in melancholy, her gaze now forward even though her heart seemed to remain.
"You seem deep in thought," David said, smiling as he gazed afar.
"Uh, yeah," Zarinna breathed, glancing towards the man beside her as she spoke. "I'm surely gonna miss this place, Manung. I don't know but, I kinda feel as though the three-day stay we had wasn't enough."
"I've always felt like that when I come here," David replied, a slight chuckle in his speech.
"I hope we can come back here again," Zarinna mumbled wishfully, her gaze downcast.
"Of course, Zarinna," Her gaze lifted towards him, "We will come back again,"
With this, a feeling of relief surged Zarinna's being, assured that David's words will most likely come to pass.
She never truly preferred traveling, and the activities it entailed like lodging in other people's houses. She'd always admired nature but was always afraid to immerse herself in it. But, beginning the time she came to Mountain Province, she'd gradually been plucked out of her comfort zone. Firstly by living in a house owned by her Uncle, and now... being in a three-day-long mission trip in literally the deepest part of the forest.
She wasn't so sure of what she preferred now, being exposed to all this seemed to milk out of her a desire she'd never known she had.
She knit her brows in wonder. Surely You've not called me for this right, Lord? You've seen how bad I am at doing this. She once more released a breath, bringing out her phone so as to read a few Bible verses. His word will definitely help her out of this irrational impulse.
She clicked on her Bible app and swiped her way towards Corinthians. Randomly opening a chapter and hoping it would take her to a passage she'd binge read.
Her gaze fell on the 9th verse of 2 Corinthians 12.
But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's Power may rest on me.'
She abrasively pressed the off button of her phone and slid it to her bag, her lips forming a pout as she gazed to the heavens.
Point taken, Lord. Point taken...
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