Chapter 21
Where do I insert this again, Allapo?" Zarinna asked, her eyes intently upon the shuttle as she waited for Allapo Lumnay's instruction.
The old lady held her hand and lead it across the warp, "Here," She breathed, "You have to make sure you alternate where you insert the shuttle, okay?"
"Alright, Allapo," She nodded in percipience.
"So, how's the weaving lessons so far?" David asked as he stepped out of the house. Zarinna turned her gaze towards him momentarily,
"It's going well, Manung" She replied, returning her gaze to the half-done fabric before her. "It's harder than how I imagined it." Zarinna bit her lip, squinting through the strands of thread as she inserted the shuttle once more.
David chuckled and sat beside them, "Well at least you got to have your dream fulfilled, right?"
Zarinna released a quiet laugh, nodding in assent as he spoke. "Yeah, you're right, Manung. By the way," She anchored her gaze upon him and spoke, "What did Pastor Nestor say?"
"Ah, yes," David began, gazing afar as he continued to speak, "The mission trip to Kalinga will push through. The brethren in there have already prepared for the coming activity,"
Zarinna nodded and refocused her eyes to what she was doing. "That's great then! I'm excited to be able to visit Kalinga for the first time," Zarinna remarked with a smile.
"But David?" Allapo Lumnay spoke up, "Be careful as you go there, okay? The place you're going to is known for being a nest for terrorists." Zarinna's movements came to a halt as she listened.
"Terrorists?" She asked her gaze upon Allapo Lumnay.
"Yes, Balasang, don't you know? The RPA just recently attacked a village in there, taking their food supplies and some say even a young woman with them," She informed,
"Really?" Zarinna lowered her gaze, "Oh my goodness, I guess we do have to be careful then,"
"Allapo!" A woman's voice was heard from the wooden fence of Allapo Lumnay's house, interrupting David as he was about to speak.
Zarinna darted her gaze towards the woman, and was astonished as she saw Lauren's form become clearer as she approached. What is she doing here? She lowered her head in haste, the tension once more intensifying at Lauren's presence. Ever since the incident in the woods, Zarinna couldn't help but notice the cold and spiteful treatment Lauren had been giving her. Wonder once again claimed her thoughts, and she released a long sigh.
"Oh, how are you, Balasang?" Allapo Lumnay greeted as she saw Lauren approach.
"I've been well, Allapo!" Lauren replied, "I've missed coming here!" Zarinna studied them from the corner of her eye, slightly ashamed as the woman walked past her like she wasn't even there.
Oh Lord help me do the right thing. She prayed in silence.
"Wow," Zarinna spoke up, "So you've already visited here?" A smile now adorned her face as she gazed towards Lauren, but to her dismay, the woman simply ignored her words and turned towards David. Zarinna hung her head, embarrassment gripping her very core.
"Yes," David spoke up, "Lauren's a childhood friend of mine so she usually comes here before," Zarinna simply nodded, her gaze downcast. Lauren resumed chatting with David, their obvious fondness with each other manifesting as they conversed.
Zarinna swallowed the discomfort she felt, concentrating instead on how she would insert the weft in through the warp of what she's weaving. But as much as she tried, the view of Lauren and David beside them made her want to squirm.
"Hey, Appo," Allapo Lumnay spoke up, "It's already high in the noon, aren't any of you hungry?"
"Oh, yes!" David replied, lifting his wristwatch to his face, "We should begin cooking now."
"I'll help!" Lauren exclaimed, "I'm sure you missed my cooking,"
"We sure have," David replied with a smile, "Zarinna here cooks very well too." Zarinna's gaze lifted as she heard her name, "I bet your teamwork would do our palates wonders today," David resumed with a chuckle.
"Oh," Lauren breathed nonchalantly.
"Go ahead, ladies," Allapo Lumnay beckoned, "Do what you gotta do. I bet none of you would let me if I did the cooking anyway," She chuckled. "I'll go and take my laundry from the clothesline."
"Okay, Allapo," Zarinna breathed, standing to her feet.
"I'll go fetch some water in the spring," David said, slipping on a pair of sandals as he lifted the bucket. With this, Zarinna went inside the house, Lauren before her.
"So, what do we cook?" Zarinna asked as they knelt down in front of the fireplace. Lauren merely flashed her an empty stare, sighing as she shoved the spice basket towards Zarinna.
"Just chop a few of those for the saute. That's all the help I need," With this Lauren turned away and took from the cabinet the utensils she needed. For a moment Zarinna could only stare at the onion and garlic filled basket. Unsure of how she must respond to the seemingly higher level of spite Lauren's treating her.
"Are you just gonna stare at it?" Lauren spoke. Zarinna released a sigh and did as she was told, taking the knife from the side of the fireplace. An awkward silence filled the house, the sound only of wood crackling against the fire filling the void.
"Hand me the spices," Lauren ordered, her arms stretched towards Zarinna.
"Here," Zarinna breathed, passing the spice-filled plate towards the woman before her.
"David's really something, huh?" She heard Lauren speak, tearing her from her thoughts.
"What?" Zarinna asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"
Lauren released a scoff, her face now tainted with ire. "Don't play dumb with me Zarinna," She hissed. "We all know how you play with men. You don't even count married ones out." A wave of shame mixed with offense surged Zarinna's being, Lauren's word piercing her like a sharp blade.
"Lauren," She began to reply, "What are you saying?"
"David may seem very endearing, Zarinna, but be careful," Lauren looked her in the eye, "Do you think he'll actually accept you when he finds out about your past?" Zarinna lowered her gaze in shame, swallowing the gall of pain that rose to her throat. "I'm just really concerned Zarinna," Lauren continued, her voice coy as she spoke each word, "I don't want you to get hurt,"
Zarinna's mouth was void of words, her gaze lowered in asperity. How could a woman be so cruel? She resisted the urge to talk back, fully aware of the truth in her words.
The sound of footsteps tore Zarinna from her thoughts, and upon David's sight, she rose to her feet, walking outside the door in haste before the tear she resisted fell.
"Zarinna?" She heard David speak, but she paid no heed. For a moment she was thankful for Allapo Lumnay's absence. She would've had to explain herself if the older lady was around. Without much thought she made her way through the woods, her gaze forward.
A long sigh escaped her lungs as she reached a clearing, the ground now decked with tall grasses occupying her vision. She anchored her gaze afar, taking in a breath as the wind caressed her slender form. She abrasively wiped the tears from her cheeks.
"Why am I even affected by this," She hissed, "It's not like I like him..."
Do I?
"I'll take my leave now, Allapo," Zarinna spoke, a smile upon her lips as she stood. As much as she didn't want to, she had to come back and leave properly. Coming back at this place seemed like the hardest, but she had to thank Allapo Lumnay for teaching her all day. She didn't notice it, but she grew very fond of the loving lady.
"Alright, Balasang," Allapo turned her gaze to David, "Won't you be accompanying her?"
David smiled, "Sure, I don-"
"No!" Zarinna cut in, noticing immediately the glare in Lauren's gaze. "I'll do fine on my own, Sir. Plus, it's only a few minutes walk from here,"
For a moment, David only stared at her, his countenance clouded with both wonder and dismay as he lowered his head.
Zarinna stood and began to walk away, her heart heavy as the look in David's face flashed in her mind.
With a sigh she began to trail dowm the pathway that David showed her when she first came, articulating each turn she needed to take in order to reach her home. Sure enough, after a few minutes, she recognized familiar landmarks, the sound of rushing waters evident as she drew near the spring.
Her gaze was drawn towards the shimmering waters, her mind carried off to the first encounter she had with David.
It had been her most embarrassing moment, and yet... it was also the most memorable. She smiled in amusement as she recalled seeing the man with his eyes closed behind her, how gently he had wrapped her body, careful to not make any contact with it, how captivated she was when he unclasped his upturned eyes only at her word. Such a gentleman - a great man. Indeed, she didn't deserve a man like him. She was like damaged goods, how could she even dream of such?
Zarinna shook her head, in hopes of shaking the sorrow along with it. She lifted her gaze and studied the now dimming skies. Maybe men won't accept me, but I have my God. She consoled herself and walked on, her mind now occupied with the coming mission trip.
Lord, may Your will be done.
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