Chapter 19
Dedicated to eniolarafiu💗
Zarinna took in a breath and walked towards David. The man hadn't spoken a word to her since the previous night, and each moment that passed without him doing so intensified the guilt she felt. Zarinna swallowed hard, summoning courage as she drew closer to the man who sat on the ground.
"Manung?" She saw him gaze up to her. Slowly, Zarinna took a seat beside him.
"Oh, hey, what's up?" David asked.
"Uh," Zarinna tried meeting his gaze, but soon found she can't as soon as their gazes locked. "I, uhm," She stammered, her mind scurrying to compose a coherent sentence.
"Is something wrong?" David now leaned closer, intensifying the heat in her cheeks.
"I'm sorry," She finally blurted out.
"What?" confusion ringed in David's voice. "What are yo-"
"I'm really sorry, Manung!" This time she shut her eyes completely, allowing the words to slip out from her lips incessantly. "I'm sorry for doing that to you back in the woods. I was just really relieved and, and-" Zarinna glanced at him with pleading eyes, "Gosh, I'm so ashamed. I know it's so inappropriate and I've probably invaded your personal space. I'm really s-"
"Why are you apologizing?" David cut in, interrupting Zarinna as she spoke.
"Huh?" Zarinna glanced towards him, "Uhm... I think I might have offended you by..."
"Offended me?" David chuckled, "Who said I was offended?"
"Really?" Zarinna took in a breath and looked up at him, "Y-you're not mad?"
David shook his head.
"Well, I thought you were mad at me cause you-" Zarinna bit her lip, searching for the right words to say, "You hadn't said a single word to me after what happened. That was so unlike you so..."
David simply looked at her as she spoke, suppressing the amusement bubbling from his core lest he delays a reply.
"Look, I'm not mad at you, Zarinna," He assured with a smile, "I was just really worried when you disappeared so when we found you I had to calm myself,"
"By not speaking?"
David chuckled, "You can say that. So don't think I got mad at you, okay? I understand."
Relief surged Zarinna's heart as he spoke. Smiling, she nodded in percipience.
"Sorry for making you guys worry,"
"What's important is nothing serious happened," David spoke with a smile.
"Come on everyone it's time for the game!" Mr. Sepnayen's voice echoed from behind, shifting their attention to the man walking towards their tents.
A groan escaped Zarinna's mouth, burying her face in her knees as the other teachers cheered in delight. "Already?"
She heard David laugh beside her, his hand tapping her shoulder as he stood. "Come on, Zarinna, let's go."
Sighing in defeat, she took David's outstretched hand and stood to her feet. They both walked towards the game area where the teachers were gathered, just a few steps away from their camp.
"Okay so this is what we're gonna do," Principal Dawayen began, "The first set of games will be girls versus girls and boys versus boys, the second game will then be mixed. Thanks to our P.E. teachers here, we've come up with games that will first challenge your strength and force, then your agility and balancing skills."
Zarinna did her best to pay attention, squinting as she listened to each word.
"But most importantly these games will test our oneness and will hopefully establish a good relationship between us faculty as we bond through these games. As teachers in one school, we must establish unity so as to avoid misunderstanding or srife between us. Do you guys want that!?" Cheers of assent were heard in response to the Principal's question. Zarinna couldn't help but nod along. Being enlightened of the game's purpose, she took in a breath and prepared for the activities.
"Let the games begin!" He declared, and with this, the faculty began to gather by gender.
"Do you best, Zarinna." She heard David speak, somehow a tint of sarcasm in his voice.
Her lips curled into a pout. "I'll try, manung," Flashing him a smile, Zarinna went with the other ladies to their spot. And as soon as she joined them, they were split into two groups, 6 each since there were a total of twelve female teachers. The males were split as well, 5 for the other and 6 for the other. Zarinna felt her heart skip as she saw two thick ropes placed on the ground. She groaned inwardly. "So I see why it's a test of strength" she whispered.
"Everyone! Take positions on your side of rope please!" Macy, the P.E. head teacher instructed.
They all formed their lines and took hold of the rope, Zarinna in the tail end of their side.
"On my count!" She heard the lady declare, "1... 2... 3!" Forceful grunts resounded in the air upon the lady's word. With all her strength Zarinna pulled with the others before her, gritting her teeth with each effort.
"Come on everyone, pull!" She heard Ma'am Mel yell, grunting as they pulled harder as one. Unfortunately for them, Zarinna felt their feet rustle forward, unable to resist the opponents' force. Screams of victory were heard from the other team as Zarinna and her companions were shoved to the grassy ground.
A sharp pain shot through a familiar part of her body. Sitting up, Zarinna ran a hand through the back of her knees, instantly feeling the moisture through her pants. She lifted her hand to her face, blood.
"Zarinna what happened!?" She heard Gina exclaim.
"It's nothing serious!" She assured, "It's my wound from yesterday. It's bleeding again." Gasps of concern met her ears. She pulled herself up and stood to her feet.
"It's okay, you can sit this one out Ma'am Zarinna," She heard a fellow teacher speak. The others echoed in assent.
"Yes, Ma'am Zarinna, you can step aside for a while." Ma'am Macy spoke up, permitting Zarinna to exit the game.
"Can you excuse me for a while too?" The school nurse from the other team spoke up, "I'll tend to her wound."
With a nod of approval from the headteacher, the school nurse approached Zarinna, leading her aside and examining her legs as soon as they sat.
"Hmm," The nurse mused, "You're right it's nothing serious. We just need to clean the wound and put a larger bandage over it."
"Thank you, Shyna." Zarinna smiled, appreciative of the woman's careful hand.
A wave of forceful grunts once more resounded in the air, implying that the female Tug of War has resumed, and as soon as the nurse finished putting a bandage over her leg, shouts of victory were heard from her team. Gina and Lauren were jumping in glee as the other females from the other end of the rope slowly rose from their defeat.
"We won!" Gina beamed, skipping towards Zarinna with a high five.
"Congratulations!" Zarinna replied, "That means you'll be playing for the final game!"
"Ma'am Mel?" The nurse from behind them spoke, worry emanating from her voice. They swung their gaze to the older woman. She was still sitting on the ground with her hand upon her lower back.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay Ma'am Mel?" She heard Mylene ask, running towards the lady.
"Oh no," Zarinna and Gina made her way to her, completing the circle of people that surrounded the teacher on the ground.
"Ma'am Mel, is there anything painful?" The nurse sunk to her knees beside her.
Ma'am Mel forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm okay. My back's just a little - ah!" Ma'am Mel winced in pain as she tried to move. "Okay, maybe not a little." She confessed.
"We need to get you in a tent now," Shyna instructed sternly, "Sir Sepnayen! Please help Ma'am Mel up let's bring her to a tent." With this, the female teachers moved away from where she sat, watching as Mr. Sepnayen put Mel's arm around his shoulder and assisted her to the camp.
"Okay, Teachers!" Their attention was now anchored to the Principal as he spoke, "The heads decided to move on to the other game since the Tug of Wag seems to be quite hard for the females' team. I think it's best to move on." The faculty regathered in a circle as the P.E. teachers began to instruct.
"Our next game will compose of partners. One from the male winning team and one from the female winning team. Since there are five members to each winning team we also expect five pairs to be formed! We will designate the pairs later." Ma'am Macy instructed, her voice echoing in the air.
"What about Ma'am Mel?" Zarinna whispered, leaning closer to Gina's ear.
"I'm not sure too, let's wait for their instruction," Gina replied.
"This next game is very easy, in fact, you see elementary students play it! This game, however, will test your balancing ability, and most importantly will test how you cope and adjust with your partner to achieve a certain goal. We will be playing the game 'Dancing around the Paper'."
Mixed remarks were heard around the place, some excited and some disappointed of how 'childish' the game was. Zarinna simply shrugged, at peace knowing that she didn't have to play with the others.
"Come on, everyone let's begin!" The winning team members occupied the middle of the field, and with this Zarinna walked to the side to watch.
"Where are you going?" Gina took hold of her hand.
"Uhm, there to the side where I can bother no one," Zarinna replied, "I've been excused earlier, remember?"
"Tss," Gina rolled her eyes, "Fine then."
Zarinna's flashed her a smile and walked towards where the other teachers sat. Rubbing her palms in excitement, she settled in the grass and focused her gaze on the pairs being made in the field. This is gonna be a good show. She mused.
"Wait!" All their eyes were anchored to Ma'am Macy. "We lack one female from the females' team!" She announced.
"Oh, yeah."Gina spoke up, "Ma'am Mel was a part of our team, but she hurt her back and had to be treated so she couldn't carry on in the finals game."
"Hmm," Macy nodded her head and scattered her gaze. "But isn't Ma'am Zarinna a member of your team too?"
Zarinna's eye widened at the sound of her name. Not again. Gina anchored her gaze upon her, a wry smile upon her face.
"Yes," Gina replied, her eyes still on Zarinna, "Yes, she is."
"Ma'am Zarinna, please take your position here." The Head Teacher instructed.
Zarinna shook her head, "No, I-" She swallowed hard, "Didn't you see how I did back there? I won't be able to-"
"No buts Ma'am Zarinna, Come on now. Plus, the nurse said it's not serious so you can join." Zarinna bit her lip, still wanting to argue about the matter. And I thought this was gonna be a great show! She released a heavy sigh as she felt Gina's hand on her arm, pulling her to the field.
"The game's not that hard, don't worry," Gina assured.
"To you, it's not!" Zarinna countered, discomfort surging her being as she walked with her.
"You'll be paired with Mr. Awiyao, Ma'am," She nodded in compliance as she walked towards David, relieved to his name. At least she won't have to be in contact with - wait, in contact? In a moment her childhood memories of playing the game flashed in her mind, almost each one being played with a female partner. Her heart raced.
Oh dear goodness.
"So!" Macy lifted her voice, capturing everyone's attention once more, "I know that you're familiar with this game already but for the sake of clarity, I'll repeat how it works. Each pair will be given a piece of newspaper. In the first round, the newspaper will be folded once. When the music stops, the pair must step into the newspaper without stepping out. If any member of the pair will accidentally step out, that team is disqualified. The game will go on until the 4rth round; the newspaper will by then be the size of your smartphones. The challenge is to be able to fit yourselves in that small piece of paper without stepping out."
Zarinna released a shaky breath, shutting her eyes momentarily as thoughts plagued her mind.
"Okay let's begin!" Upon the sound of the whistle, the newspapers were distributed to each pair.
"You got this?" David asked, his gaze unwavering.
"Y-yeah," Zarinna breathed, "I'll try,"
With a smile David set the newspaper on the ground, the music filling the air as they prepared themselves.
"Okay, teachers! On my signal... dance!"
"You know I can't dance," Zarinna whispered.
"I know," David chuckled, "Let's just walk to the beat then,"
"Yeah, great idea." With this, the two began walking around the paper set in the ground. Zarinna kept her gaze downcast, summoning the concentration needed to keep up with the game. The music came to halt, and immediately the two stepped in the paper. An appropriate distance between them. No one was disqualified.
"Alright!" Macy exclaimed, "Fold your papers, everyone!"
The newspaper once fully opened upon the ground now was folded, now its size in its ordinary fold. Once more the music played, everyone was again set to motion. Zarinna couldn't help but laugh as she saw the other participants literally dancing as they revolved around the paper. The other faculty members on the side cheered loudly, equally amused of the other's performance.
Once more the music came to a stop, and Zarinna jumped into the paper, almost pushing David as their shoulders collided. She held his arms, "Sorry,"
David simply smiled, gripping her wrist as they heard the others cheer. They saw a pair from their left laughing, shaking their heads that as they stepped out of the paper in defeat. Zarinna held in her laugh, careful not to offend the stouter teachers who were disqualified.
"They just couldn't fit," She heard David whisper. Zarinna lifted her gaze up to him, mouth agape at what she heard.
"You-" David blew out a laugh as he stepped out of the paper, taking Zarinna with him at the P.E. teacher's word.
"Good job, guys! Now let's move on. Fold your papers please!" David took hold of the paper and folded it the second time, now fifty percent smaller from the previous size they stood on. Zarinna felt nervosity grip her being. Here we go.
At the music's signal, the four remaining pairs began to circle around the paper. Zarinna focused her attention to the music that filled the air, alert to respond when the music ceases. As though her mind had foreshowed it, the music stopped, and this time she calculated her movement and carefully stepped onto the paper, David did the same. She secretly eyed the man before her. How could he do this with so much ease? Envious of the guy's calm and agility, Zarinna pulled her gaze away, her efforts set on keeping her balance. The sound of cheers and shouts of disappointment filled her ears as she two more pairs fail to keep their stance. Gina was among them. Zarinna giggled as she watched Gina and her partner struggle to remain, but could not do so as their excess of effort lead to their defeat instead.
"Wow!" They heard Ma'am Macy exclaim, "Two pairs remaining! Good luck! Fold your papers now please!"
With a proud smile David bent down and folded their now heavily wrinkled newspaper, its size now of two smartphones placed side by side. Zarinna bit her lip in apprehension. There is no way we can fit in that without- she shut her eyes, counting each breath as she sought to calm herself.
The music once more played and they began walking.
"Zarinna," She lifted her gaze towards him, "When the music stops, just step in the paper on one foot and hold on to me okay?" Zarinna nodded slowly, processing in her mind what she was to do. At the music's interruption, Zarinna slowly stepped into the paper, her hands locking into David's arms. Only one of their feet now stood upon the paper, and with a gust of wind, Zarinna felt her body sway away. A gasp escaped her lips.
"Hold on," She heard David speak, "Just allow your weight to rest on me, Zarinna." He instructed, and upon compliance, she felt her balance regained.
"Can I?"She gazed up to the man she clung to, then lowered her gaze immediately as she understood what his gestures implied.
"S-sure, Manung," She stuttered. Upon her permission, she felt David's arm slide to her waist, securing their balance as they stood. She felt her whole body heat up, her heart racing within her chest. She rebuked her emotions in silence. Stop it Zarinna! She beckoned. Besides, wasn't she the one who boldly embraced the man back in the woods? What's with the sudden fuss now?
She turned her gaze away in hopes to clear her mind but was instead overwhelmed by Lauren's piercing glare. The woman adjacent to them lowered her glance upon realizing Zarinna's confused gaze.
"This is really silly, isn't it Manung?" Zarinna muttered, her gaze now anchored to the ground.
"Oh?" David paused, "I'm kind of enjoying this, really." Zarinna shot David a glance, questions filling her mind at his word.
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