Chapter 11
Zarinna scattered her gaze around the class, eyeing each of the students that had been with her for the last three months as she continued to speak. “Once again class, I present these views to you objectively. I will not try to persuade you to believe in a particular view, but what I will require… is for you to look into these views, see how they coherently match with reality, and how its logical outworkings will affect your life.” Zarinna explained.
“Every worldview has an implication class,” She began, “Every belief has a consequence, which means it is very crucial for us to reconsider all our beliefs, theistic or not because it will greatly affect how we live our life.
“By the end of this chapter, I want you to be able to answer these following questions; What exactly is my worldview, Is my worldview coherent, and Does my worldview answer the four main questions of life, namely, Origin, Meaning, Morality and Destiny.” The students began to take notes, writing in haste to keep up with her pace.
“Got it?” The class nodded in response.
“Okay, so what I will be presenting to you first is The Evolutionary Theory by Charles Darwin, we will be taking a closer look at how this theory actually works.” She declared, and instantly she saw her student’s eyes gleam with curiosity as some of them shifted in their seats, anticipating her next words.
“I believe that most of you have heard this theory closely related to science. Most educated people nowadays profess this theory as the best one to believe because it doesn’t require a person to perform a 'leap of faith' and because of it’s ‘scientific evidence.’ ” Zarinna took in a breath, preparing herself for what she had to say. “But before we get into this, let me tell you something that no other teacher might have told you before. Believing that we have evolved from Apes, without being able to see it happen before our eyes, is but another leap of faith.”
Silence dominated the room, and Zarinna continued to speak. “So, let’s get into this worldview! Let me explain it to you in simpler terms. The Evolutionary Theory believes that in the beginning, there was nothing. And from this nothingness, came everything."
Zarinna opened her book as she explained, comparing her words to the written text to be sure all her statements were correct. She explained The Big Bang and the Evolutionary Process of Natural Selection thoroughly; making sure the students understood the theory very well.
Zarinna remembered one of her instructors back in her second year, how she always enforced them to exercise Tolerance towards differing beliefs… but has always been so bitter when the Judeo-Christian Worldview is raised.
How could they be so enthusiastic about Tolerating other beliefs and not be able to tolerate Christianity? She remembered herself ask. It has always been a glaring Irony to her, and it became the reason she had vowed to become an unbiased teacher.
She knew the Truth, she knew that although others oppose, it is the Judeo-Christian Worldview that held a coherent answer to the Four Main questions of life. But she wouldn’t force her students to believe it, she wanted them to discover it themselves. She wanted to stir her student’s to become Truth-seekers. For, after all, she knew that those who seek… will find.
Zarinna has always asked God to Teach her how to Teach as He did. She knew that by His Grace, she may not always directly show her students what to see… but she will show them the right place to look. “That, basically, is how this theory works, class.” She concluded.
“Now, what we are going to do is to examine this worldview. Its implications, coherence, and consequences.” Zarinna gently placed the book back to her table, facing the class as she prepared to speak.
“We begin at the beginning, which is the Big Bang according to this theory. One of the main principles of Science is that… Something never comes from Nothing.” She heard the students release a silent chuckle as she spoke, “Pretty self-explanatory isn’t it class? We can't observe such a thing! We cannot use the Scientific Method to support a 'something-out-of-nothing' phenomenon because the scientific method requires the use of the five senses. Often times I've seen how Evolutionists use the 5-senses argument against the Theistic Worldview to prove that it is false. It is quite ironic that they too, unfortunately, fall short of the same measuring rod." Zarinna pointed out.
"Has anybody in this room ever seen something come out of nothing? Has anybody ever witnessed a bomb explosion result in a beautiful and intricate design?" One by one she saw the students shake their head, and with this, she continued to speak.
"It is logically impossible to believe that something would come out of nothing. And as we examine this theory, I want you all to answer these questions in your mind as I ask it.” She instructed.
“This theory according to many is Scientific, and yet if we try to examine how this theory begins in the first place, do you think it is Scientifically accurate?” Zarinna eyed each of them as she paused, noticing how most of them lowered their heads as they pondered on her question. “Like what I always ask; How scientific is scientific?
"Another thing I would like you to think about. The second law of thermodynamics." She turned to the board, writing the term as she spoke, "This law states that the state of entropy of the entire universe, as an isolated system, will always increase over time. In simpler terms, class, the ultimate end of everything in this world as time goes by... is decay. The evolutionary theory goes directly against that saying that the universe has developed over time." Zarinna leaned upon the teacher's table, "Once again, How scientific is scientific?
“Finally, I would like you to ponder on is this; Since, according to this theory, we all are a product of ‘Time plus Matter plus Chance’, what then is the meaning of life? If this theory is indeed true, then wouldn’t it mean that our lives are basically meaningless? That we, whether we like or not, are obliged to accept the fact that we are all born to die?
“Like I’ve said earlier… I want you to examine how this theory is able to fulfill the four main questions of life. Do you think this particular theory satisfies those areas?" Zarinna paused once more, giving the students ample time to think of her questions.
"It is yours to decide whether you think this particular worldview is reliable.”
The silence that reigned in the classroom was shattered as Zarinna heard the bell ring, implying that the hour-long session for the class is over. The sound of the bell broke the tension that filled the room, and one by one the students recovered from Zarinna's questioning.
"Okay, for our next class, we will be looking at the other alternative worldview, which is the Theistic Worldview. Again, expect that we will be examining that as we have examined the Theory of Evolution today."
Sighing in satisfaction, she greeted her class goodbye and went for the door, walking in haste so she wouldn’t be late for her next class.
“Ma’am Zarinna!”
Startled, Zarinna turned her head, peering across her shoulder as she heard her name called. The view of one of her students occupied her vision, and curiosity claimed her thoughts as to why the student ran after her.
“What is it, Reuben?” She asked, turning around to face the young man.
“M-ma’am…” Reuben stuttered, “I’m sorry for bothering you. I just couldn’t rest until I ask this,” Zarinna narrowed her gaze, gazing towards the young man in curiosity.
“Do you really think that… life is meaningless?”
“Wow, Rinna that is fascinating!” Gina exclaimed, “Do you think he will come this Sunday?”
“I invited him to come,” Zarinna confirmed, “He says he will think about it. I really hope he would make it.” Gina nodded, following Zarinna as they got off the tricycle.
“I do hope so, too. Thank God you were the one that Reuben asked that question to.” Zarinna drew closer to Ginna as she saw her lean towards her ear, “Things would’ve gotten worse if it was Ma’am Rafael that answered it.” A chuckle escaped Zarinna’s lips as Gina drew back, smiling.
“I know right, I honestly did not expect that she was an atheist.” Zarinna sighed, remembering the time when she had greeted the teacher ‘God Bless’ and the woman straight up rejected it saying she doesn’t believe in God. “I mean, I really admire her. I just pray that she would soon be enlightened.”
“Uhuh, better pray for her that be talking about her,” Gina replied, nodding in assent. “Hey, by the way, how did your visit to Baguio go?”
“Ah, it was wonderful Gina.” Zarinna began, “I was so glad to see my mother again and I’m honestly so proud of my brother. That guy got in the Top Ten achievers in his whole school!”
“Wow! That is great Rinna!” Gina exclaimed, “He must be really smart!”
“He is,” Zarinna confirmed, “I envy him so much when it comes to academics. Like, I so wish I had at least half of his intelligence in Math.” Gina began to laugh as she heard Zarinna’s statement, shaking her head at her best friends’ remark.
“Well, at least you can sing?” Gina grinned. “People in church admire your voice so much. Anointed voice, they say.”
“Ah, I guess I do have to be thankful for that, glory to God!” Zarinna replied in assent, chuckling.
“By the way, speaking of church, Pastor David has already arrived last Sunday!” Zarinna gazed towards Gina as her friend exclaim in excitement, “He was ordained Youth Pastor that very day! So bad you weren’t there to see it.”
“Wow, really? Wait, Pastor David is the one you were telling me about right? Pastor Levi’s spiritual son?”
Ginna nodded, “Yes, and there’s more. He said that he had been accepted in this school! I saw him here last month and I didn’t know he was already applying! I’m honestly so excited.”
“Really?” Zarinna paused in her tracks, “He’s a teacher too?”
“Yes! I think he’s three or two years our senior.”
Zarinna lowered her gaze, the curiosity now gripping her as they walked past the school gate. She couldn’t help but wonder who that David is. Ginna has always spoken highly of him, and the fact that he was Pastor Levi’s spiritual son intensified her desire to see him.
The two continued to chat and soon parted ways as they each went to their Department’s Faculty Office. Zarinna took in a breath, hastily walking towards their office as she saw the time.
“Good morning Zarinna!” She heard Luke greet.
“Good morning!” She replied with a smile, waving towards Ma’am Mel as she made her way to her table.
The bell rang as soon as Zarinna placed her bag on her chair, and the teachers around her began to stand and go for the door. It’s time for the Flag Ceremony. Zarinna raked her hair with her fingers, composing herself as she too excited for the door.
The view of the students who had already assembled in their lines occupied her perception as she stepped out, and just as she reached her Advisory class’ line the singing of the National anthem and school hymn began.
It was a good Fifteen-minute ceremony, and as soon as the Student’s voices faded, she saw Sir Sepnayen make his way to the center of the stage. Zarinna felt someone nudge her from behind, and soon realized it was Gina as she turned around.
“Good morning! I come with great news, Students,” Mr. Sepnayen began, “Beginning today; we will be having another teacher in the Social Studies Department.” Zarinna’s gaze narrowed.
Really? Social Studies?
“He will be teaching Araling Panlipunan to 9th and 10th graders beginning today. Let me introduce to you, Mister David Awiyao!” Zarinna scattered her gaze, searching as Mr. Sepnayen announced his name.
“That’s Pastor David,” She heard Gina whisper from behind, pointing towards the well-dressed man that went up to the stage.
Zarinna’s heart skipped a beat, her face slowly drained of all color as the man faced the crowd.
The memory of her experience in the spring instantly flashed through her mind, and she felt her heart pace faster- a million times faster. She shut her eyes, hoping to see a different man once she opened ‘em again. It didn’t work. For all the more the man's familiar face became clear as she gazed towards the stage.
“This cannot be real.”
A/N : I know this chapter has this Philosophical and Apologetics touch to it (Sorry can't help it✌😅) so feel free to ask questions if there are some terms that you don't understand.
Once again, thank y'all so much for the support! ❤
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