Thirty One
The next morning, Jimin found Yoongi waiting by the school entrance smiling his way. The younger returned the smile and immediately ran to his boyfriend, greeting him with a hug.
Yoongi laughed and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist.
"Happy to see me?" Yoongi asked.
"Of course" Jimin replied before he pulled away from the hug. "Why would I not be happy to see you?"
Yoongi brought one of his hands up from the boy's waist to ruffle Jimins hair. The younger blushed at the touch and turned his gaze away. As he did he realised he had completely forgotten where he was. Other Students were still around.
School, Jimin, you're at school. Don't over do it!
Jimin shook off his thoughts and stepped backwards just enough so Yoongis hands fall off his hips.
"Shall we go in?" He said, bringing Yoongi back to his attention. The older nodded and they walked through the entrance together, making their way to class. Jimin desperately has to resist the urge to take his boyfriends hand in his own.
When they walked into their home room, they were greeted by Namjoon and Hoseok who were sat at their desks babbling about nonsense.
"Hey love birds!" Hoseok called as he saw them. "Did you like your morning surprise?"
The two of them walked up to their table, yoongi somehow managing to slip his hand around the youngers waist again. Jimin glances over to him before turning back to Hoseok.
"I did" he muttered shyly.
"Don't expect this everyday though, Yoongi isn't one for mornings" he laughed and the older raised his spare hand as if he was ready to hit his best friend.
"So..." Namjoon began this time. "Together at last?"
Jimin embarrassedly leant into Yoongi and hid his head into the boy's shoulder. "Yeah" he heard his boyfriend confirm. "At last" he repeated. Jimin pulled away with a pink face, earning two loud "awhhh cute" from both of Yoongis friends.
"Though by the way, I'm very offended Min Yoongi. You told Namjoon but didn't tell me! Only found out this morning when he just randomly spoke about it!" Hoseok said dramatically, forcing a very unconvincing crying face "I thought we were best friends"
"Quit it Seok, I was gonna tell you."
"You're supposed to message me first! I'm the number one friend"
"Ok sure"
"Did you tell Seokjin too?"
"No-" Yoongi said.
But within that moment, the door flew open and in came Seokjin with his arms up in the air.
"Congratulations my babies! Jimin, I hope he takes good care of you! Tell me if he doesn't and I'll give him a good beating" the oldest smiled and walked up to meet the rest, leaning his hands on both Jimin and Yoongis shoulder.
"Ok, one: I'm literally a year younger than you, don't call me your baby and two: what–?"
"Still my baby~" Seokjin sing songs before Hoseok is quick to jump in.
"You said you didn't tell him!" He whined. " am I the only one you didn't tell? What is this fake friendship"
"I didn't tell him" Yoongi tells Hoseok before turning back to Seokjin. "And why wouldn't I take good care of him?"
Jimin bites his lip as he watches the scene in front of him, unsure whether to laugh or be concerned.
Seokjin simply laughed and pulled his hands away, walking around them to stand beside Namjoon who had kept quiet all this time. "Just saying"
"If you didn't tell him, who did?" Hoseok continued.
Yoongi scrunched up his face and shrugged before he realised....
Both him and Hoseok turned to Namjoon who stood smiling back at them awkwardly.
"Did you not want him to know?"
Seokjin then gasped and everyone looked to him. "I'm offended Min Yoongi, were you not going to tell me?"
"Now you know how it feels!" Hoseok chimed in again and finally Yoongi rolled his eyes, having enough of all this pointless chatter.
"It's not that big of a deal seriously, chill. I only told Namjoon cause he was online at the time. I was gonna tell you both today anyway."
The two boys huffed and crossed their arms but said no more. Jimin laughed a bit at that and finally Yoongi turned his attention back to him. "Sorry about that" he whispered into his ear making the younger boy giggle.
He leaned back and smiled at his boyfriend before saying "shall we get something from the vending machine before class starts?"
Jimin nods with tinted cheeks and with that Yoongi intertwined his hand with the youngers and guided him to the door.
Just as they were about to leave, they heard Yoongis friends call out to them one last time.
"Buy us something!!"
Yoongi pulled Jimin into the music room by his hand. It was lunch and Yoongi most certainly wanted another bit of alone time with his boyfriend.
He guided him into the centre of the room where he turned back to Jimin and took hold of the youngers other hand aswell, gazing into the boys sparkling brown eyes.
"Why did we come here Hyung?" Jimin asks with a small laugh.
"Just wanted to spend time with you alone, is that a problem?"
He giggled "No, I just told tae and kook we'd meet them in the lunch hall that's all"
"Well they can wait" Yoongi said, lowering his eyes until they fell on Jimins lips. The younger knew exactly what he was looking at.
Without a further ado, Yoongi leaned in and pressed his lips against Jimins. They let go of each other's hands as they found their way to different parts of the body to lean on. Yoongis hands rested on the boy's hips again while Jimins hands wrapped around the olders neck, occasionally running his hands through the back of his hair.
The younger moaned slightly and Yoongi took that chance to deepen the kiss. He closed the last bit of distance between them until their chests were touching. Jimin was practically drowning in Yoongis touch, his mind had chucked out everything that wasn't Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi.
Then the older pulled away and Jimins eyes fluttered open, not realising that somewhere along he had closed them. He found Yoongi staring back at him again with a smirk.
Jimin blushed madly and brings his arms back to his side. "Don't get used to that" Jimin said after clearing his throat.
"Why not?" Yoongi fakes a pout. "You're not going to deprive me of kisses are you? After you've given me so many already?"
"I mean Don't get used to it in school, stupid. We can't do this all the time... people will get suspicious and talk..."
"And so what if they talk?" Yoongi let out a small sigh. "I thought I made it clear that I don't care. I just need your love and that's all, nobody else's. And we have friends who happily support us. That's all we need right?"
There was a pause before Jimin gradually nodded, forming a smile as he went back in for another hug from his boyfriend.
"There we go." Yoongi chuckled. "You don't need to worry, I'll always be there for you"
Jimin closed his eyes against Yoongis chest. They stayed there just like that for a while, enjoying each other's company, until it comes time to join the others in the lunch hall.
I'm sorry uh
Also this isn't a big chapter so sorry for that too
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