Thirty Nine
Jimin wakes up the next morning with heavy eyes. He stretched his arms out above him and sat up, letting his eyes adjust to the natural light shining through from the window, practically blinding him. He groaned and scratched his head, ruffling up his hair even more. He had to take a moment to think about what happened last night.
He suddenly remembered Yoongi and looked down to the side to see the space next to him was empty. Jimin twisted under the covers to check the rest of the room, but Yoongi was no where to be seen, only the living room door was opened.
Jimin rubbed his eyes one last time before chucking the covers to the side and getting up. He made his way out of the living room and down the hall.
A sweet smell hit his senses as he pushed open the kitchen door and peered in. Jimin smiled as soon as he saw Yoongi siting at the table with a plate in front of him, stabbing his fork into a pile of pancakes soaked in syrup.
He pushed open the door with a grin and rushed to Yoongis side.
The older lifted his head when he saw him and returned the smile.
"Hey, flower" Yoongi said softly chuckling at Jimins bed head. "Looking pretty"
The younger blushes and sits down next to his Hyung.
"Have a good sleep?" The older asked, cutting off a bit of pancake and holding it to Jimins mouth to eat.
Jimin leant forward and opened his mouth to take the bite of pancake. He nodded sweetly, once he finished chewing he replied with "did you?"
"Yeah, not bad"
"How come you're up so early? And where did the pancakes come from?" Jimin asked.
Yoongi laughed. "Early? It's not early. It's nearly one in the afternoon"
Jimins eyes went wide "It is?"
"Yeah and as for the pancakes, you're mum made them for me when I woke up" the older explained. "She's just gone out to do shopping but she said she'll make you some when she comes back"
"Oh" Jimin blinked. Was it really that late? "Why didn't you wake me up earlier? I slept so late!"
"I didn't want to wake you, baby, you looked so cute while sleeping. And you must have been tired, we didn't actually go to sleep until 2 am" Yoongi lightly brushed Jimins hair down with his fingers, the younger almost leaned into the touch.
"Oh" Jimin said once more. "Have you seen my dad?"
"Yeah, he was dragged out by your mother too"
Jimin let out a soft laugh before standing up from his seat. Yoongi watched him walk past him to the door, but before the boy could leave he asked "where are you going?"
Jimin looks back over his shoulder and Yoongi simply smiles at that, thinking of how beautiful and adorable the younger was at the same time. His messy hair and puffy cheeks made him look irresistibly cute, Yoongi just wanted to kiss him all over.
"I'm going to get ready Hyung" Jimin smiled but it seemed a little too mischievous for Yoongis liking. "Why? Are you going to join me?"
Yoongi raised a brow. "Are you forgetting what happened last night? Or are you trying to make it happen again?"
Jimin suddenly blushed, seeing to have lost the confidence to flirt "I forgot about that" he squeaked before he ran out of the kitchen. Yoongi laughed as he heard the pitter patter of feet rushing up the stairs.
The older thought about his meeting with Jimins mother this morning, recalling how oblivious the woman was, almost as though she didn't see anything at all.
"Good morning Yoongi!! Did you sleep well? Was it comfy enough on the mats?" The woman had asked as soon as she saw Yoongi enter the kitchen.
Truthfully Yoongi had been worried, worried that maybe she'd bring him to the side and question what happened last night. She had mentioned something about having a weird dream but Yoongi just laughed and said "I had a weird dream too." Jimins mother had laughed and said something about a coincidence ("maybe Jimin just went to the toilet" she added) and soon they moved on swiftly. That's when she began making pancakes and telling him cute but embarrassing stories about Jimin as a child. Yoongi reminded himself to tease the younger about those later.
When Jimin finally came back downstairs, dressed and hair now neatly styled, he took Yoongis empty dish and washed it for him.
The older cane up and wrapped his arms around Jimins tiny waist, leaning his head on his shoulder, before he was shooed away to get ready.
While Yoongi was getting ready upstairs, Jimin tidied the front room as fast as he could ready for the boy to come down. He then poured himself and Yoongi a drink of apple juice and waited.
When Yoongi walks in, Jimin bounced over and clinged to his arm. Yoongi was in the same clothes as the day before, except he was now wearing the jumper Jimin had given him as a present. The younger grinned from ear to ear as he eyed his boyfriend up and down.
"Do I look good?" Yoongi asked teasingly.
"Damn good!"
Yoongi laughed. He held up his hand in front of them, showing the shiny ring on his finger. "And look" he said, Jimin letting out a little gasp. "Fits perfectly"
"Ah! I'm so glad! I'm happy you like them Hyung!"
"Not like, love them"
Jimin giggled before kissing the boy on the cheek. He then dragged Yoongi to the sofa where they sat down together and cuddled.
Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi and rested his head on the boy's chest. closing his eyes and simply taking in the comfort of Yoongis presence relaxed him. He didn't want to do anything, he didn't need anything, except just wanting to cuddle his boyfriend.
His mind began to wonder with thoughts of Yoongi. By now, Jimin knew a lot of about his Hyung but there were still so many things he wanted to know, to discover. Jimin wanted to know everything about Yoongi, he knew there was more to him. Yoongi was always so patient and kind and had always listened to Jimins problems, especially about Jungkook, so Jimin wanted to be the same for him. The younger wanted to listen to Yoongis stories, no matter how pointless or weird they are. He'd listen to Yoongi talking about buttering toast if he had to, purely because it was... well because it was just Yoongi.
"Hey, Hyung" Jimin said lifting his head to look at the older. Yoongi must have been relaxed too as he opened his eyes when he heard the boy speak. The older hummed. "How's the piano going?" Jimin asked. "I haven't heard you play in a while. Remind me that you must play for me more."
Yoongi chuckled, Jimin felt it as he put his head back down onto the olders chest. "I haven't played it recently. Haven't got chance."
"When we go back to school, you can play it then" Jimin smiled against his chest.
"Yeah, maybe"
Jimin thought for a second. He remembered the day Yoongi first showed him the music room, it was a memory Jimin seemed to cherish. He also remembered Yoongi asking him if he played an instrument to which Jimin did not reply truthfully.
Jimin was still very shy about singing, he didn't really want to put himself out there if he wasn't very good. But something told him that it would be just perfect if he were to sing alongside Yoongis piano.
Before he could stop himself, Jimin sat up straight and locked eyes with his Hyung. Yoongi raised his brows, expecting the boy to say something.
Jimin nervously bit his lip but took a deep breath and told himself to just say it.
"I sing"
Yoongi doesn't react much and Jimin starts to get nervous again. "I mean, I l-like to sing— just as a hobby, really. Not that you care. But what I'm trying to say is... I thought, um, maybe I could accompany your piano... singing."
Yoongi suddenly breaks out into a small smile. "Adorable" he said. "You're adorable"
Jimin blushed.
"Why didn't you tell me about this? I'd love to hear you sing."
The younger shrugged shyly. "I never thought i was that good, I was too embarrassed to tell people incase I'm awful"
"I'm sure you sound amazing"
"Don't get your hopes up, I'm not that good"
"You just need a little confidence"
"I need a lot of confidence, not just a little!"
"I'll encourage you no matter what, petal"
Jimin blushed for the millionth time this morning. "What's with all these new nicknames?"
"Why? Don't you like them?" Yoongi pouted jokingly, and began tickling the younger boys side. "What about sunshine? Or sweet cheeks?"
"Ah stop! You're so greasy!" Jimin laughed, smacking him in the arm while he wriggled about next to Yoongi. He squealed every time Yoongi tickles his weak spot. "H-hey!" Eventually he managed to break away from the boy's grip and dash out the room.
After a moment of silent Jimin calls out from the hallway. "I-i like flower!"
Yoongi just laughed.
So hi
I'm back
I'll see you again with another update soon.
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