Thirty Eight
After the raise of an eyebrow, Yoongi leaned straight in, closing the final gap between their lips.
He didn't need to be told twice.
Jimin closed his eyes and melted into the kiss once more. He felt a wave of electricity bolt through him as soon as his lips pressed against Yoongis. His hands, in instinct, grab hold of the collar of Yoongis tshirt. He felt the older try and pull him even closer by the waist, as if that was even possible.
By Yoongis surprise, Jimin was the one to deepen the kiss. He then allowed Yoongi to poke his tongue through, it became a little messy but Jimin was too far gone.
After realising Jimin was still comfortable with this, Yoongi managed to prop himself up with his free hand so that he was now leaning over the younger. His other hand helped roll the boy onto his back without falling off and suddenly Yoongi was almost on top of the boy, kissing Jimin until his hearts desire.
After breaking the kiss for a breather, Yoongi starts leaving pecks along the boy's jawline. Jimin moans slightly. His face is flushed red, he knew exactly how bad this was, but he didn't want to stop just yet.
Jimin takes the opportunity to kick the duvet off. He did this for two reasons mostly, one) being he was extremely hot already and 2) it was just getting in the way, making it hard for them to move.
Yoongi then lifts a knee over so that it rests between Jimins two legs. The younger held his breath and tightens his grip on the boy's shirt.
Jimin runs his hands through the back of Yoongis hair just as he hears a creak of the floorboards, coming from outside his bedroom door. Jimin opens his eyes and freezes, while Yoongi continues. But then he hears it again and its starting to sound more like footsteps heading this way.
"Hyung" The younger desperately begins patting Yoongi on the chest, signalling him to stop. Yoongi pulls away from, eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
Jimin raised a finger to his lips, shushing him. "You need to get off me" the boy said hurriedly, glancing towards the door.
"Quick!" He shout-whispered.
Just as he finally realised what Jimin meant, the bedroom door was pushed open and the light was switched on only to see Jimins mother staring at the two of them tangled on the bed.
There's a moment of silence before she rubs her eyes and has another look. As she does so Jimin and Yoongi quickly scramble away from each other, sitting at opposite sides of the bed.
The younger then rushed up to his mother and takes hold of her hand.
"Mum..." He begins as though he's ready to get down on his knees and never speak of this again.
But all she said was "am I dreaming?"
Jimin glances back to Yoongi worriedly before turning back to his mother "y-yeah! You're dreaming, you should go back to bed"
He was practically sweating, worried that his mother wasn't going to buy it and never let Yoongi back into the house.
However she just nods. She looks as confused as Yoongi behind him, but nonetheless she walks away and back into her bedroom. Jimin waits until he hears the final click of the door shutting before he falls to his knees, hands on his chest.
"Ohmygod. I thought we were dead" he lets out in one breath as though he had been holding it in for a while.
Yoongi walks over and kneels next to the boy. He runs a hand through Jimins soft locks before helps him stand.
"I think I just died a little inside." Jimin pouts.
The older chuckled. "Me too. I thought I was done for"
Yoongi picks up the duvet and fixes the boy's bed before returning back to Jimin. "I'm guessing we should go back downstairs"
Jimin immediately nodded.
They quickly but quietly go back downstairs and get back under the covers laid down on the living room floor.
It felt a little awkward as they lay down next to each other, a small distance between them.
Jimin looked up at the ceiling and prayed that he forgot all about this in the morning. Just thinking about the incident that just happened turned Jimins face bright red.
"I'm sorry" he heard Yoongi say next to him.
Jimin turns to his boyfriend and shakes his head. "N-no it's ok. It wasn't your fault"
There's another long pause.
"Im sorry" Jimin repeats the words.
And this time Yoongi follows with "its fine. Wasn't your fault either."
"God this is so embarrassing" the younger groans to himself.
"Your mum seemed to think it was a dream, I don't think she'll remember when she wakes up"
"But what if she does?"
"Then I guess we just explain"
Jimin sits up and began tugging on his hair. Yoongi is quick to sit up and refrain him from doing so, taking Jimins hand in his own instead.
"Baby, it's going to be ok. You don't need to worry. If it comes up then I'll deal with it for you"
Jimin pouts and rests his head on his boyfriends shoulder. "No, it's fine... I can't let you do that"
The two of them sit like that for a while until Jimin starts to feel his eyes getting heavy. Before he knows it Jimin is asleep on Yoongis shoulder after an very eventful day. The Older makes sure he falls back gently and pulls the cover up to his neck before he lays back himself. Yoongi finally falls asleep after him, hoping he'd get a good amount of sleep before they wake up.
Golly gosh idk if I like this at all lmao
Sorry it's not a very long chapter and it was pretty boring idkavhsbsnana
Maybe I'll delete it and write it again later? Idk
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