Jimin and Yoongi now sat on a bench in the middle of a park. The bench was right underneath a willow tree, it's branches hanging around them with one big blanket made of leaves. They were in the centre of attention yet no one could see them.
In the hide out, Jimin sat snuggled up close to Yoongi with his hand on the olders lap. Yoongi still had a hold of Jimins hand, fiddling with his fingers and gently running his own over the top.
"It's so pretty" Jimin awed, looking around his surrounding.
"I've seen things prettier" Yoongi said as he watched the side of the youngers face. "But sure"
"I never knew this was here" Jimin said. "Do you come here often Hyung?"
Yoongi nods. "Occasionally. Not as much as I used to"
The sun was on its way down, they both knew that but neither of them wanted to leave just yet. It was at that point of the day where it's still light, but drops cold as clouds gather over which made Jimin sort of glad he was sitting so close to Yoongi.
Jimin didn't really know what to make of the way Yoongi held his hand, and had done so for a while now. He guessed it was because they were closer now so he didn't mind. I mean, Jimin is perfectly fine holding Taehyungs hand, they've of course been best friends for years but what mattered was that they're close enough to do that. Of course Jimin still felt a little nervous while Yoongi carefully held his hand on his lap– but that didn't mean he didn't like it.
"What are you thinking about?" Yoongi said in a soft voice.
"Nothing much" Jimin laughed nervously.
"Well, it's getting cold, shall we head home?"
Jimin nodded with a smile and stood up from the bench, his hand automatically slipping out of Yoongis touch. He sort of missed it already, Yoongis hands kept his warm.
After most of the night listening to Taehyungs 3 hour talk about Jungkook, Jimin finally managed to end the call. It wasnt that he minded listening to Taehyung endlessly rambling on about how Cute Jungkook was, but three hours of it was quite exhausting especially because it made Jimin feel awfully lonely.
He lay on his bed, the feeling of Yoongis touch still lingering on his hand, thinking about what he could possibly do next.
When he heard the sound of his phone pinging to notify him that he's received messages, he picks it back up with a sigh thinking what now Taehyung.
However it wasn't Taehyung, it was Yoongi.
Jimin instantly unlocked his phone and read the messages.
Yoongi Hyung
I have the details for the concert
Jimin grinned. He had forgotten about that. It sounded so exciting he couldn't wait.
Yoongi then sent the time and date to Jimin, including a picture of Hoseok who held the group of tickets in his hand.
I can't wait!!
Yoongi Hyung
Neither can I
It will be a fun night
A fun night spent with Hyung!!
And his friends!!
Yoongi Hyung
You're so cute Jiminnie
Jimin pauses as he read the last message again. When he felt the same fluttering feeling inside his stomach he read it a third time just to check.
He swallowed inwardly and sat up on his bed, crossing his legs. Jimin has been called cute many times before in his life, mostly by Taehyung, so why did this feel different??
Jimin spent another five minutes thinking of what to reply with, typing several texts only to delete them and write something else. Why is this taking so long?
Everything suddenly sounded unnatural and weird and awkward and Jimin was panicking that he took so long. Yoongi was bound to wonder why Jimin took five minutes to reply to his message- especially one that called him cute.
When he finally went with one of his previous ideas, he clicked send before he could change his mind.
ㅎㅎ I know
Jimin then felt like he needed to add one more thing. He debated with himself for a moment before he sent it anyway.
You are too Hyung
Chewing on his lip he suddenly regretted it and somehow wished he could reverse the message
Yoongi Hyung
Not as cute as you
Jimin was struggling to keep still, he wriggled about on his bed taking deep breaths before he composed himself and wrote another message.
don't think so
Yoongi Hyung
I think so
Jimin felt flustered with the way Yoongi was speaking but kept telling himself that it's weird that he is. He quickly typed to Yoongi saying he had to go to dinner and put his phone down.
When he heard the sound of his phone again, he picked it up just one last time, promising himself that it was certainly his last look. It was only his Hyung telling him to eat well and that he will see him tomorrow but it still made Jimin feel nervous. Nervous but strangely happy.
Jimin switched off his phone for good and kicked his legs like a child. Why was he feeling like this??
Jimin spent the rest of the night lying on his bed listening to piano music wondering whether this feeling would disappear by tomorrow.
I went looking for one Picture of Jimin for the photo at the top and came back with at least 140 more than I needed
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