Fifty Three
Jimin examined his outfit in the mirror, not too flashy, not too casual. It was an outfit what wouldn't look to suspicious when Jimin sneaks out of his house to meet Yoongi at the movies.
It's this moment where Jimin internally cursed himself for picking a later showing of he movie, why didn't he think of going in the mid day when his parents were at work?
Oh yeah, because he didn't know he would be grounded over a detention and Yoongi had unfortunately already booked the tickets.
His mother and father were downstairs, watching tv by the sound of it. It was dark outside and most likely cold but Jimin didn't want to take a coat unless he was spotted. (That would look more suspicious)
Jimin checked the time on his phone one last time before he gathered his keys, phone, walker and bus card and moved towards the door. Just as he opened it he heard the footsteps of his mother coming up the stairs. Jimin quickly shut his door and rushed to his desk and sat down, picking up a random pen just in case his mother came in to check what he was doing. He listened in as the footsteps creaked past his door and into the bathroom. Jimin let's put a long deep breath but still knows he hasn't completely gotten away with it. He hoped she would hurry back downstairs into the living room.
When he heard her come out of the bathroom, Jimin panicked when she stopped at his bedroom door.
She knocked lightly on the wood, it still made him flinch. "Honey, are you still awake?"
Jimin isn't sure whether he should reply and tell her not to bother him from now on, tell her he's studying and doesn't want to be disturbed, but instead he couldn't seem to get any words to spill from his mouth. So he sits in silence, hoping she'd leave soon and never check on him again throughout the night.
"Honey?" She asked quietly once more. Jimin could feel himself sweating as he sat in silence.
After a few minutes of eating at his door, she finally turned on her heels and returned to the living room, watching tv.
Close. But a success.
Jimin chucked the pencil onto his desk and rushed to his door. He opened it as quietly as possible just incase. After checking the hallways once more, he sneaked out onto the landing before carefully making his way downstairs. Jimin made sure to walk along the right side, against the wall, as it made the least amount of noise on each step.
He was finally on the bottom floor and his parents were only a walk away.
Man if I get caught I'm in so much trouble
Jimin slipped on his shoes and held his breath as he prepared himself to open the door. Their front door was heavy and loud and it was often hard to open it without making a sound.
So, this was a first.
Is this a stupid thing to do?
Curling his fingers around the handle, Jimin pushed the handle down and waits for it to click. It does and he waited for a moment just incase his parents might have heard. But when nothing happened, Jimin pulled the door open— just enough for him to slip out.
He managed to close it safely, too, without the whole house shuddering as he did. So far so good.
Jimin dashed down his drive way and onto the pavement headed towards the bus stop. Yoongi has agreed to meet him at the bus stop so they can take the journey together.
He was finally safe, out of sight from his house. All Jimin can do now is hope his mother won't check his room and make sure he makes it back home as soon as possible.
In theory, his parents won't check on him if he's asleep. They usually know not to disturb him while he's sleeping.
Jimin finally arrived at the dimly lit bus stop. (Thankful it didn't take long, because the dark admittedly scared him more than he'd like).
Unfortunately Yoongi wasn't there yet, but he'd turn up soon right?
He was already slightly behind schedule, so after Jimin realised his had been waiting for ten minutes past the time they were supposed to be meeting, he started to worry. However everytime he checked his phone, there were never any messages from Yoongi.
Where was he?
Jimin became increasingly more anxious; he was supposed to be grounded, it was late and night and very dark and Yoongi wasn't texting him at all.
The said boy snapped his head up to see a dark figure jogging towards him. It's only when they stand into the light from the bus shelter that he realised it was Yoongi. Jimin let out a sigh of relief and ran towards the older, throwing his arms around him for a hug.
"i thought you weren't coming" Jimin muttered as he pulled away.
"i'm sorry, i got a little held up" That's all Yoongi said, but Jimin doesn't think much else about it as they wait by the bus stop.
"hyung, I could have payed for myself"
Yoongi shrugged as he picked up the drinks, while Jimin grabbed the tickets and the box of popcorn. "I wanted to treat you"
"you treat me enough already" the younger said shyly as the walked towards the theatre entrances.
"well, ill get you pay next time"
Jimin smiled and rushed forward to open the door for his boyfriend, allowing him to go first.
They walk through the dark room and find their seats. Yoongi has managed to book some decent seats, they were at the back of the theatre but in the middle so it was a good view.
After getting comfy in their seats, Yoongi passed Jimin his drink as the younger offered him popcorn.
Yoongi just opened his mouth, expectantly. Jimin giggled at how cute the older was (even without trying) and grabbed a handful of popcorn before popping one into Yoongis mouth.
"How long is this film anyway?" Jimin asked, leaning back in his seat and taking a bite of popcorn himself.
"'Bout three hours"
The younger snapped his head round in shock. "Three hours?!"
Yoongi furrowed his brows. "I though everybody knew endgame was three hours.... why? Is there something wrong?"
"No" Jimin swallowed and leant back in his seat, facing the black screen. He forced a laugh, but this nervousness may have slipped through. "I hadn't heard— but it's fine...J-just quite long isn't it?"
Truthfully, Jimin wouldn't have been bothered how long the film was on any other day. Any other day that he wasn't grounded. The length of the film made him worry more than he wanted too, afraid that it gave more of an opportunity for his parents to walk in on their sons empty bedroom. A bedroom where Jimin was supposed to be studying or sleeping.
He made a quick, silent prayer to God that his parents wouldn't need to check up on him.
"It'll be fine. People said it didn't feel like three hours anyway"
Jimin just nodded and hoped it those words were true.
Then he felt the box of popcorn being taken from his hand and replaced with something else. Jimin looked down to see Yoongi locking his fingers with his, which automatically put a smile on his face.
"If it's boring then we can always entertain ourselves a different way" jimin faced the older to see the small, but definitely noticeable, smirk on his lips. It took a moment for Jimin to understand what he might have been referring too. "And since we are sitting at the back..."
A deep blush formed on the boy's cheeks as he quickly tugged his hand out of the olders grip.
"You're nasty" he said jokingly, hoping Yoongi was also joking too.
"just a suggestion. And hey, who said you could let go of my hand"
Jimin rolled his eyes despite the laugh that left his lips. "You're just as clingy as me"
He gave in (really quickly because damn, he couldn't resist Yoongis puppy—or kitten— eyes) and let the boy hold hands again.
There was a moment of silence as Jimin tried to focus on the amount of people that were flooding into the cinema.
But he couldn't help being too curious.
"Did you mean that?" Jimin mumbled shyly.
"Did you mean that?" He asked again, a bit louder this time. "The thing... about if we get bored... were you serious?"
Yoongi grinned. "Why? You interested?"
Jimin frowned and put his drink down specifically so he could hit the older on the arm. Unfortunately, the boys pink cheeks only made it funny for Yoongi.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I wouldn't do that" The older boy said. Jimin felt a little more relieved. "Not unless you wanted to, of course"
Before Jimin hit him another time, the lights dimmed and suddenly a burst of noise came from the screen as the adverts began rolling.
Jimin slumped back and shuffled to get comfy, especially since he'd be in the same seat for three hours.
He was excited for the film, but was just more worried he'd be too distracted by the thought of his dad being infuriated with him leaving the house when he was supposed to be grounded. He was risking a lot big time for this movie. This might just be the last day of his life if his dad found out.
But he tried to clear his mind and relax as he was meant to be out on a lovely date with his boyfriend after all.
When the film began, Jimin leaned closer to Yoongi and rested his head on the boy's shoulder. He felt Yoongi rest his cheek on top of his his head and Jimin swore he could feel him smiling.
Frankly, Jimin had never been more gripped by a movie.
He practically squealed as he bounced out the theatre doors. "Oh my god! That was amazing!"
Yoongi agreed and they continued to talk about their favourite scenes and the scenes Jimin cried at on the way out of the cinema.
"Hyung, admit it! You cried too!" Jimin giggled, clinging onto the boy's arm.
The older scoffed. "No I didn't. I just sniffled. Like once."
"I saw you! You were totally crying, Hyung, you don't need to hide it from me."
Jimin seemed to be entertained by Yoongis tough act, he knew the boy was soft at heart anyway, not matter what he said.
They opened the door and walked out, immediately hit by the chilly breeze. It was way too cold for Jimins liking.
The younger noticed Yoongi shiver and was just about to ask him if he was cold when he was distracted by someone shoving past him, knocking him into Yoongi. He frowned a little, especially because there was so much space around them but this stranger apparently wanted to get as close as possible. When Jimin turned to see who had shoved him he realised it was a girl in a pretty white skirt and a denim jacket.
Jimin was about to ignore the girl until he stopped in her tracks and spun around, flicking her hair over her shoulder. That's when he heard Yoongi groan and mutter something under his breath.
Out of all the places...
"Sorry. My bad" she said sarcastically with fluttering eyelashes and a fake smile.
"It's ok" Yoongi answered for him with a plain face before grabbing Jimins hand and walked past her.
"Oh, it's you two!" Chaeyeon acted surprised as she called from behind. "The two fags from my year."
Jimin immediately stopped in his tracks. He clenched his teeth and pulled his hand from Yoongis hold. The older turned to him, brows furrowed but a questioning look on his face.
Jimin puffed out his chest, swivelled on his feet and marched towards the girl with a frown embedded on his lips. He could hear Yoongi call his name worriedly behind him.
"We haven't done anything to do, why do you hate us?" Jimin snapped. "Hyung was nice to you, he helped you. Do you not remember that? Or did you try to erase it from your mind because you hated the thought of having a crush on someone who's gay!" Chaeyeons smirk slowly turned down into a frown. You could see her tongue press against her cheek, she ditched the fake act and began glaring at the younger boy.
"I never had a crush on him" she grumbled, eyes flicking away for a split second. Clear sign of a lie.
Jimin was glad he assumed correctly. Otherwise that wouldn't have gone well. He remembered when Yoongi denied the fact she liked him, saying she also had a boyfriend. But the way Jimin noticed how she would only ever stare down him as they walked past in the corridors, and not Yoongi, made it clear that she at least liked him a bit. To be honest, Jimin couldn't blame her.
Yoongi stood behind them, listening to everything they said. At first he wasn't sure why Jimin was bringing that up, because that wasn't true, right? She had a boyfriend and only wanted to get to Yoongi because of his piano skills. He hadn't taken note of her crush apparently, after all he only had starry eyes for Jimin since the minute they met.
Chaeyeon didn't bother the pair much but when she did, she mainly focused on Jimin. Like one time she 'accidentally' elbowed him in the stomach in the dinner queue. Or when she stuck out her foot as he walked past down the corridor. Jimin hadn't actually seen Chaeyeon bother Yoongi that much, because despite hating the fact he's gay she still felt attracted to him. Well, that was his guess anyway.
"I didn't. I have a boyfriend" she added, rushing her words like she had to make that clear.
"Then you should spend time talking to him, rather than trying to torment us every chance you get!" Jimin could feel the tears building up in the corner of his eye. He was upset and annoyed and angry— and fed up mostly. Fed up with Chaeyeon picking on him and Yoongi for no reason.
Chaeyeon stood there silently, stunned that Jimin would even speak up since he was so used to just take whatever she gave him.
Yoongi walked up to his boyfriend and rested his hand on the youngers waist. He was proud of Jimin. Admittedly, he didn't expect Jimin to stand up to the girl either, but watching him do it gave him a sense of pride that he just couldn't describe.
Jimin maybe cried a lot, but that didn't mean he wasn't strong.
The presence of Yoongi next to him and the silence from Chaeyeon meant it was a perfect time to leave. He had said what he wanted to Chaeyeon, there was nothing else he could do.
Jimin gave a small smile to Yoongi, as if to say 'let's go', before they turned their back to the girl. Yoongi let his hand fall from the youngers waist and slide into Jimins hand.
"Oh but one more thing" Jimin said looking over his shoulder. "Fag is so old. That should have been left in the 90s."
With that they continued walking away. Jimin was actually smiling to himself, proud with the sudden boost of confidence. It doesn't happen often.
They faintly hear a male voice call for Chaeyeon behind her and Jimin assumes that's her boyfriend, especially after was he whined at him for taking so long. They don't look back though, the couple head to the bus stop hand in hand, feeling relieved that situation went well.
They boarded the bus when it arrived and Jimin settled his head on the olders shoulder for the second time (it was just too comfy). The image of his outraged father waiting to scold him had been completely forgotten.
AHHHHHHh a number of things;
1) YIKES I'm soooo sorry for leaving you guys hanging this long ahhhh
2) I'm sorry for using nasty words in this chapter🤢 Hope y'all understand its the story and I WOULD NEVER USE THAT WORD EVER
I haven't heard it being used for years so that's why I said it was old? I'm not sure when it was used the most but I just remember hearing it in older movies sooo I'm sorry if my facts are incorrect:(
3) this was quite a long chapter compared to my others so I hope I kinda makes up for the long wait😭😫 if not I'll try and update soon!
4) I have got another two exams this week but after that I should be totally free so I'll try and update loads then
5) we are coming to the end of this story (think so anyway?) I nearly ended it ages back but people seemed to really enjoy it so🤧 but I'm sorry now bc I take so long to update yionks
Sorry for this long as e s s a y at the end of this chapter
I hope you have a lovely day!!
Bye lovelies💖
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