Fifty Four
He thought he made it in silently.
He thought he was successful in sneaking out and back in again without anyone noticing.
Oh how he was wrong.
Jimin was currently being scolded in the kitchen for not only creeping out the house without telling them and when he's not supposed to but also because when they checked on him, his parents got extremely worried.
"Do you know how serious this is, Jimin?!" His father yelled, making the boy flinch in his seat at the dinner table. His mother was standing behind the counter, watching from behind.
"First of all, you're grounded mister! What did I say you can't do? Go out! Just for a week, only for a week! Second, we had no clue where you were! Somebody could have broke in and kidnapped you for all we knew! Or while you were out having such a good time with your boyfriend, you could have gotten hurt and we wouldn't have known about it."
"Ok, that's enough, let him talk." His mother interrupted before the man said anything else, or even exploded.
Jimin sat chewing on his bottom lip with his hands in his lap as he stared down at the table cloth. One thing he hated; to be shouted out.
He welled up with tears as his father lectured him, drops felt from his cheeks onto the table.
"I-I only went to t-the cinema.."
"That doesn't matter now, does it!"
Jimin hung his head further in shame. "I-I'm so-sorry. I w-was just.."
"Just what? Huh?"
"I was angry" Jimins muttered, but it sounded honest. He looked up to meet his fathers eyes who stared sternly back. "You g-grounded me for something I-i didn't do"
"I grounded you to teach you a lesson"
His mother jumped in again, this time she walked round to her son and rested her hands on the back of his chair. "Alright boys, I think that's enough for tonight. Jimin, go upstairs and I'll be with you in a second"
After a small hesitation, Jimin quickly pushed out his chair and rushed up to his bedroom. He threw off his clothes and replaced them with comfier ones before he slumped down onto his bed.
He contemplated getting in bed and pretending he was asleep so he wouldn't have to talk to his mother, but before he could decide on what to do, his mother had already opened the door to his room.
"Jimin" she said as she stood by the door. Jimin briefly met eyes with her before his eyes fell back to the floor. She closed the door behind her and sat down next to her son in silence. Neither of them spoke, there was long pause until his mother wrapped her arm around the boy. Jimin sucked on his bottom lip, trying to hold back the tears, as he leant his head on his mothers shoulder.
"'m sorry" he sniffled quietly.
"its ok, sweetie, I get it"
Jimin wasn't sure if his mother really did 'get it', but he was grateful that she wasn't shouting at him right now.
"just please tell us before you're going out next time, please?" she planted a kiss on top of his head, something that calmed jimin. "You're father only got angry because he cares about you, you know that right?"
"yeah.. I know"
"He just doesn't want anything bad happening to you. And I get him grounding you was silly but he did it for a reason. You know how he is. If you are grounded, please just do as we say honey. not only does it make your life easier, but it makes mine easier too. He gets mad at me too" She chuckled at the last bit and Jimin did the same, just a bit.
"I'm sorry" he repeated.
"no more I'm sorry 's tonight." She announced as she let go of Jimin and rose to her feet. She began neatening up her sons bed, folding a corner of the duvet ready for Jimin to get under. "Go to sleep and we'll see you in the morning. After breakfast you can apologise to your father and he can apologise to you, then we can all move on."
Jimin smiled up at his mother with glassy eyes for one last time before she waved goodnight. "sleep well" she said just as she stepped out and closed the door behind her.
Yoongi pushed the door open after unlocking it as quietly as he possible could. It wasn't so easy when his house had the noisiest door in the whole street.
He carefully slipped off his shoes and stepped lightly towards the stairs. He was half way up the staircase when Yoongi lifted his head to see his mother standing at the top with her arms crossed. Yoongi deflated, there was no point trying to be quiet now. He had been caught.
unlucky huh?
Next thing he knew, Yoongi was sat on his bed with his two very annoyed parents standing before him.
His mother shifted her weight onto one leg, raising her brows. "care to explain?"
"you do know what grounded means, right?" his father asked sarcastically.
Yoongi tried not to roll his eyes. "yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I was only going to do this once, I just really needed to go out tonight"
"that's not good enough, Yoongi. We grounded you for a week. That's all. And as you supposedly know, that means you're not allowed to go out for a week or use for phone at night time. If you wanted to keep it secret you should really turn your phone on silent."
Yoongi sighed, knowing that probably meant Jimin had texted him.
Ok, so he didn't plan this very well is the main problem Yoongi got from this. And that he should have listened to his parents, of course.
"where did you go?" His mother questioned.
"out, with Jimin"
Yoongi waited with his head down as his parents fall silent and have a long hard stare at their son, despite the boy avoiding their eyes. He knows what they're thinking, what the expression on their face looks like - all without even looking. It's most likely the "disappointed but not surprised" kind of look.
"you are grounded for another week and your phone will be taken off you full time, understood?"
Yoongi snapped his head up to protest but stopped himself when he realised there was no point fighting against it. Might as well just take the punishment, he thought.
"fine. can I go to sleep now?" Yoongi muttered.
His parents exchange a look before nodding and leaving their son in peace. Yoongi lies back on his bed and lets out a deep sigh.
He thought about Jimin and wondered how the boy was spending his night - probably telling his lovely parents how exciting the film he went to see was. He thought about how Jimin's parents were too kind to ground their son, and that he couldn't imagine Jimin being grounded throughout his entire life. Being grounded wasn't anything new to Yoongi. He was a troublesome kid, Jimin was a Child of God, no doubt.
Yoongi wondered how he should tell Jimin he won't be able to text him for a week. His parents already had his phone so he wouldn't be able to text him over the weekend to explain. The only thing he could do is wait until school, and hope that Jimin doesn't worry too much about the lack of messages.
Sorry for the awfully long wait again! I know I had said that I finished my exams, but I've still been a lil busy but I hope this chapter is ok for now ;;;;;; ill try and update soon <3
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