He was becoming more nervous by the second.
Am I ill?
Taehyung slapped around the head causing Jimin to wince and hold where it stings. "Ow what was that for?" Jimin frowned turning to his friends who were sat on the desk next to him.
"You're staring" Taehyung said flatly and when Jimin scunched his face up again, he added "at Yoongi?" But more as a didn't- you- know question.
Jimins face dropped and attempted to discreetly look over to the other side of the classroom where the said boy sat.
At the same time Yoongi glanced his way and they caught eye contact for a second.
Jimin immediately faced Taehyung and Jungkook who were sniggering at his embarrassment.
It wasn't even lunch time and Jimin felt suddenly so awkward about being with his Hyung again. His heart flipped when the boy walked in earlier and Jimin got so shocked he gasped, which only attracted attention to himself. Including Yoongis attention— he had looked at Jimin with concern before he smiled and continued walking to his seat.
The strange feeling that he had last night hadn't gone away as he'd hoped and every time he would even lay an eye on the older, it flared back up.
"If you like him just go tell him already"
Jimin frantically began shaking his head. "No it's not like that! Why would I–he's not—"
"I'm sure he's totally into you" Jungkook added with a smirk.
"That's not- that's not what I was going to say" Jimin frowned before glancing back over to Yoongi just Incase he was looking aswell.
"See you can't keep your eyes off him!" Jungkook exclaimed with excitement as he pointed to Jimin.
Jimin just slapped the youngers hand away and tried to shush him while Taehyung just laughed.
Students from the classroom turned their attention to the three and Jimin could only hope Yoongi and his friends ignored them as his face flared red. He was too scared to look.
"I hate you guys" Jimin groaned.
Jimin pulled out his usual kimbap from his draw as Yoongi completes his maths homework. Yoongi had originally said he wanted his help but seemed to be doing fine on his own for now.
Jimin unwrapped the packaging and began to eat as he watched the boy scribble down numbers and letters in silence.
Yoongi was wearing a sweater over his shirt today as it was colder than usual and Jimin thought it couldn't have suit him any better. It was a thick polo neck that he pulled up over his chin occasionally.
It was the cutest thing Jimin had ever seen.
Jimin didn't even think about Yoongi being cute until they met, Jimin only thought of him as cool and tough, Someone who doesn't have feeling and is pretty emotionless.
Jimin never thought in a million years he would have thought Min Yoongi was cute.
"Have I done something wrong?" Yoongi asked with a chuckle.
Jimin widens his eyes as he realised he had been staring again. "No! No—not at all, I wasn't really looking at ..." he trailed off noticing how that sentence didn't sound that great to say.
"Keep going" he laughed and urged the boy to carry on.
"I'm finished"
"Oh. You are?" Yoongi nodded his head and slid the homework sheet to him where Jimin scanned through it.
"About Chaeyeon.." Yoongi started as Jimin checked through his work. The younger stopped reading. "I told her I couldn't help her anymore"
Jimin lifted his head to meet eyes with Yoongi, his mouth opened slightly.
"She was stealing my work anyway, should have told her sooner" he laughed.
"Hyung" Jimin mumbled, unsure what he would even reply with.
"It's okay," Yoongi said. "Means I can spend more time with you"
When Yoongi smiled, showing his gums, Jimins heart does another flip.
Calm down
Jimin gives a shaky smile back with blushing cheeks before he looks away.
"You know when I first said I was in love with Jungkook.."
Jimin was curled up on his bed again, calling Taehyung in need of help. On the walk home he realised that maybe he wasn't exactly ill, but something else.
"What did I say to you?"
Taehyung laughed slightly. "Why are you asking me this? I thought you don't like him anymore?"
"I don't!" Jimin said almost instantly. "I'm just wondering.."
"Well..." Taehyung hummed through the phone. "When you very very very first told me about him, you said you felt weird things every time he came near you or he spoke to you"
"Really? Is that what I said? For real?"
"Of course? Why?"
Jimin began chewing on his lip as he thought about the previous experiences with Yoongi. He couldn't believe this was happening again.
Did he really want it to happen?
"Jimin are you crushing on someone else?"
And there Jimin would have said no, it was just the tiny bit of uncertainty that stopped him. He was feeling all the same things of when he first met Jungkook and to be brutally honest he was more nervous than he was when he liked Jungkook. Yoongi was basically famous at his school and he already knew he was already seen as weird for speaking to Yoongi let alone falling in love with him.
"Oh my god"
"W-wait— I don't kno—"
"Oh my god" Taehyung repeated "you are!"
"Tae!" He whined in reply.
"Who is it this time?"
"Taehyung I'm not saying!"
"Oh come on! I'm your best friend! You told me about kook straight away!"
"I-I'm not saying"
"Can I guess then?"
"Too late! Bet it's Min Yoongi isn't it!!"
Jimin shoved his face into his pillows and groaned. Obviously, Taehyung took that as a yes and screamed "I knew it!" into the phone.
"Even kookie knows" Taehyung said and Jimin rolled his eyes.
"Knows what? There's nothing to know! I don't even know myself yet"
"Don't kid yourself Jiminnie you know you like him"
Jimin groaned again, letting out all his frustration. "Tae I'm never coming to you again or advice"
"Of course." Taehyung laughed. "We'll see how long that lasts"
Ok so I started another new story (don't hate me)
Go check it out???? Yeah????
It's called Love Letter, and it's a taekook story so I'm sure many of you will like it :)))))) I mean who doesn't like taekook
Also sorry if this chapter wasn't that good ahhhh
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