45. Quality time with Beomgyu 👩❤️👨
Yn's POV
Just as hobi ssi and oppa was about to leave a knock was heard on the bell ans this time I was pretty sure it was going to be Beomgyu. And when I opened my door I was proven right there stood Beomgyu looking all fine as hell.
Yn: come on in I was waiting for you.
Bg: oh sry wait do u have guest.
Nj: don't worry we were just leaving when you knocked. Anyway your guys enjoy and we are leaving but don't enjoy too much.
Jh: ahh also congratulations Beomgyu.
Bg: huh ?
Yn: he found out about us dating.
Bg: ahh tht. Thank you Hoseok Hyung .
Nj: anyway bye love birds.
Bg: bye hyungs.
Yn: bye oppa , bye hobi ssi....
With tht they both left and I closed the door and went to make the waffles for gyu since it was brunch time and he could eat a waffle or two. I was so immersed in to making the waffles so I didn't see Beomgyu coming upto me and so I was given quite a scare when Beomgyu hugged me from behind.
Yn: damb you scared the shit out of me ans that was not funny.
Bg: it was funny for me but ok I'm sry I didn't mean to scare you I just missed you and wanted to hug you.
Yn: aww thts sweet but stop for now you can hug me or cuddle with me all you want once you finish this waffle. Then we can maybe cuddle and watch some movie / K drama
Bg: Sounds good now shoo quickly finish making it so tht I can eat it quickly and cuddled with you.
Yn: ok ok lover boy I'm making them fast enough. Now eat this I'll bring the second one once its ready.
Bg: ok but be quick ok I miss you
Yn: I'll don't worry now go sit there.
And like tht Beomgyu went sat in the living room while I continued to make the waffles and once the other was done I brought it to the the living room and gave it to Beomgyu and sat down near him. And once he finished the waffles he kept the plate aside and I snuggled into his side.
Yn: do u think if we ever go public with our relationship people will accept us ?
Bg: I don't know about all of th but i know those people who genuinely love us and care for our happiness will accept us. And if you ask me they are the only people we should care about.
Yn: I wish it was that simple gyu. We are idols , our jobs heavily dependents on the idea of pleasing others if we wanna survive in the industry.
Bg: I hate that your somewhat right. Anyway let's stop this discussion we have each other and our friends that's all that matter.
Yn: ya... Now come kiss me.
Bg: so demanding.
Yn: but you love me
Bg: tht I do.
With that he kissed me and I immediately responded to the kiss enjoying the feeling of having his lips against mine.
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