17. Truth pt 2 👫
Today RM was finally going to tell Yn about him being Yns brother. And to say he was nervous was an understatement. But nonetheless he had to do this. She had the right know about her brother. She deserved to know tht she is not alone in the world family wise . So he called her to the roof top. He has told her he had something to tell her. And tht had yn on the edge for the next few hour leading upto 4 pm , the time they had agreed to meet.
As soon as the clock struck 4 yn though extreme nervous was now running to elevator to reach the rooftop. And by the time she reached there she saw tht rm was already there and he was lost on his own world staring into distance.
Yn: Um....
Rm: oh your here come let's sit and talk
Yn: did I do something wrong sunbae ? If then I'm so sorry
Rm: no don't worry it's nothing you did. But I can't necessarily tell if wht I'm gonna say is good news . Well whether the news is good or bad depends on how you recieve the news.
Yn: your scaring me but . Pls tell me what's the thing?
Rm: how would u feel about meeting your brother ?
Yn: u mean app- I mean Mr Kim's son ?
Rm: ya him also will you still consider him your brother after wht your appa did.
Yn: if he is ready to accept me I'll be glad to meet him and get close to him. He could be my last hope of having a family member to love and support me .
Rm : oh then lemme show you a pic..
With tht RM showed yn a pic of him and his ( their ) appa.
Rm: this is me with my appa , and I'm pretty sure u know this person already.
Yn: so u mean your my ?
Rm: yes I'm your brother..
Yn: and your happy to accept me ?
Rm: ofcourse if I didn't want u as my sister I would have kept this information hidden.
as soon as those words left his mouth he was engulfed in a tight hug.
Yn: thnq u so much..... I don't know what else to say.
Rm: u don't have to thank me anyone would be happy to have u as a sister.
Yn: but still thnq so much . Also what should I call u ?
Rm: whatever your comfortable with just stop calling me sunbae , it's too formal.
Yn: why about Namjoon ssi ?
Rm: still formal but I can live with it until your comfortable enough to maybe oppa ?
Yn: I also want to call u oppa , you were actually someone I subconsciously wished was with me , but you being u someone I have been trying to avoid all my life makes it a bit hard. Just promise u won't leave me like every one else...
Rm: I won't I'll be with u from now on looking out for u and supporting u from now on.
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