Quarintine w/ best boys + lets chat
Sorry for the long update luvs <3 thank you for 100 fols + 10k reads <3
I feel really quirky nowadays. Also update : I've been reading about Pokémon sword and shield recently and omg raihan is such a hot ass hole. He's literally built like a Greek god and can tower me like a little peasant. Just staring at him felt so unholy my goodness. Should I make a Pokémon one shot book 🐀oh shiT AAAAA. I like raihan too much SKDKSKD.
I just wanna pump him yknow like pump pump haha. I should write smut soon. I'm th0rsty *we all know it's gonna be about teru* because Teru is my baby and <3 I know we all love him and his sarcastic petty ass. I have no ideas on what to write and I should probably write drabbles. The Teru requests are <3. Also if I've been offline blame it on raihan. And if I really do disappear I probably made a Pokémon one shot book. HahA *sweats* I'm getting a bit tired of Hanako ngl. The fandoms ight and all but pp poo poo. I'm getting burnt out. I just wanna wright about raihan KSKDKDKDK.
also MYSTERY NUMBER 6 IS SO HOT IM GONNA PUNCH HIM LIKE FR. We about to exorcise a fine ass today ladies and gents.
His booty is so gorgeous and I just wanna slap his back because it's so wide. Like bitch can really carry the manga just like that. King 😫🤲 👑
He really pullin up in the hood and be carrying the whole manga all of the sudden.
Also. I have decided that I'll never take Hanako requests. He's irrelevant in this book now and I feel no sort of attraction to him and he isn't funny, no epic gamer time. Fight me. I'm gonna bully your favorite character
*except for Teru because he's just a petty little fucker like. He's my son*
Sorry for the chat <3 just thought I'd give an update about recent chapters and requests so it's official. No more Hanako <3 or ratty boi. I don't hate them I just think they are overrated <3 someone got mad at me for not accepting Hanako requests but that's no true. I don't dislike Hanako but as I said in the requests page, this book is for Teru- SIDE CHARACTERS BEST BOY.
Shut up Teru is an irrelevant skinny pimp I'm gonna bully him too.
Also natsuhikos bAXK do be looking kinda quirky also. HE HAS SO BONY FEET GOD DAMN MY FETISH.
August update : the recent chapters I wrote were in uh May. It's August now. I thought it was still May uhm. Anyways I'm simping for white men, his names technobalde- he has a nice elbow-
- sorry for the wait <3
Japan doesn't really have online class/ school at the moment so I didn't include! I mean my school doesn't have online yet so !
Quarintine with Teru
I'd guarantee. He'd be those bitches who literally just studies for no reason because he's bored. Teru thinks he's quirky and funny for making fun of himself studying a lot but we all know he just wanna flex his gucci brain. Scratch that thought. Teru literally UNINTENTIONALLY makes fun of himself and thinks he's quirky. He's really trying to do something productive.
The chances of him bleaching his hair and dying it a new color is slim but I'd bet a good 9% chance. That 9% chance would be because he was influenced by his
s/o or couldn't resist tiara's cute baby charm.
Tiara just wanted to see what her Prince Charming would look like with black hair and so. That would be one the scenarios that would pop up. Something that influenced his maybe soon to be black hair. However the chances are slim so do not fret. Teru stans haVe one more day to breathe before aidaro pull up in the hood with a black haired Teru.
He's gonna attempt to cook. He's a mad lad.
Teru special move obtained : burning the house down
I'm convinced he might actually accidentally drop the Mac and cheese box in the stirring pot. The Mac and cheese ended up tasting like box.
For context, he was trying to cook up and gain a new skill in cooking. Since he seems to feel like he has all the tine in the world. Teru has decided to cook. He asked tiara about what she would like and easy enough she said Mac and cheese. Of course kou suggested him to use card board Mac and cheese first because boy. Making Mac and cheese from scratch, from boiling the pasta to making the sauce with Teru will be chaos. He might accidentally drop rat juice in it because he's utterly clueless about food pairings. He's smart in chemicals so he'd be sure to understand that mint and chocolate chip is NOT. A GOOD CHEMISTRY. But either way. Kou gave him the Mac and cheese box and asked if he needed assistance. Teru, challenging himself, declined and set upon his own journey to obtain. Cooked Mac and cheese.
The journey was rough. He had made a fatal mistake and hadn't thought of it through. He had decided to dump and boil the macaroni in the pot Directly plumping it out from the carton box. He was a bit un patient. As there were a few of the pasta stuck so he had to shake it to continue on his journey. But mad lad Teru. With his acrobatic sword skills had accidentally hit the box too hard and had dropped the cardboard Mac and cheese box inside the pot so basically it was ruined.
Kou rushed to the kitchen to see the mess and sure enough. Kou was there to the rescue. The Mac and cheese was ruined but kou decided to make a more gourmet version of it leaving Teru in the dust as his journey has ended with a fail.
With all of this failure guilt in throbbing throughout his body. He decides to take a good long sprint nap.
*Did you just take a nap for 7 hours ? Bitch of course I did. BiTch I'm depRessEd-*
This leads to my other theory. That Teru actually likes sleeping but never tells anyone about it because he thinks it's a bad habit. He'd be a sucker for cuddles. He's a soft gentle man. He just wants some hugs. If you were to be living together with Teru during the pandemic then you're in luck. He'd be sure to suggest a good one hour cuddle sleep session. Of just the two of you. Small talk or deep talk if you're at it. Or maybe sleep! After all the hard work of saving your ass and bearing up supernaturals at school. Our auto bot Teru has finally taken its hero nap.
Some people say he might not be one to be cranky when you leave the bed first in mornings but I prove you wrong. Since the theory of him liking to sleep is a thing. Further more it would lead to a cranky Teru wanting for affection every morning. You'd be surprised if Teru begged for you to stay and I do believe he can be a child at times just to be a tease and do a cute move to win your hearth. Even if he had already won it in the first place. But nonetheless he prevailed, he got you to sleep with him for another hour or so and went to make breakfast. This is IF you are living with him.
If you aren't. And seem far away. I do think he won't be one to call you every night type of boyfriend but settles with once a week face time or thrice face times if you really feel needy. He might learn some few flirty retorts to spice up the face time. Just to make you more at ease about what's been going on. With that said, Teru wouldn't be one to text often or spam you. I believe he won't even understand what memes are until you tell him about it. The first time you sent memes to him. He left you on read. And honestly it kind of hurt you. Did he laugh? Did he hate it? You weren't sure. But when you guys finally meet up you tell him about it and he explains that he doesn't understand why bubble gum by K.K slider is so funny and became the internet's new Soviet Union. But honestly if it makes you happy then he's happy. He'll be willing to "learn" about it and send you some as well.
However teru's memes would be something cute but not that funny. Animals riding on tricycles. Animal crossing memes-
It was late at 11 he had suddenly sent you a video so sudden after your weakly face time. You opened up the message to see a dog riding on a tricycle and you asked him why so sudden. He said it was funny. Even if your boyfriend humors is trash. You still love him for being a quirky skinny pimp.
He'd also try gaming in the process. Recently he got himself a switch just so he can play with you more and connect with you more. Kou even helped him
And you three had decided to agree on playing one game in particular together. Animal crossing.
Boy I can't stop thinking about what his island would be like but playing animal crossing with Teru would be the most wholesome shit in history. He's just confused staring at the screen as the tarantula bite him till no end. He had to ask for kou's assistance to help him. But in the end he became a pro and plays it everyday. His island would have a modern but simplistic touch and of course it's a 5 star. People might think Teru won't do much playing together but I just know this slick sadistic bastard is just gonna annoy you in real life and in animal crossing as well. First of by hitting you constantly with a net. Of course. Also wanting to play random instruments he has in front of you to annoy you so be sure to sometimes mute your game. He might also block your way and be a real big troll about it
In conclusion QUARINTINE time with Teru is a homeboy who is terribly too productive and wants to do things.
Stats :
Chances of bleaching hair 9%
Mental breakdown 5%
Productiveness 100%
Using his free time wisely 70%
Cuddly 89%
Active in social media 32%
/spam text
Next up on best boy list we have
Quarintine time with tsugichimori
Quarintine tsugichimori would mostly be coffee and chill. No, not Netflix. Boy is too Asian to pay for subscriptions just to watch TV Series'. I'd bet you he would leech off from someone else's subscription since I do believe he has that Asian japanese touch in his design and his portray of talking. No way in hell is he paying. However he will pay for books. Most of tsugichimori's time will be him looking for books and just go out to some local book store or library to read. Since he is a librarian. He's gonna catch up with all the new series of books from his favorite authors and coffee by his side while he reads. I headcanon him to be a coffeeholic. So In his QUARINTINE HES GONNA BE A BARISTA.
Yes, barista. If you live with him in the pandemic. Tsugichimori is gonna try out making his own coffee. Learning techniques to make good cold brew and even latte art.
He's gonna pester and talk to you about books and just have a snuggly chat about books with you. If you aren't in to books. What? You don't like reading ? DID I STUTTER-
He's gonna MAKE you read books. It's to heal your eyes. And stop you from playing with your gadget too much. Yes. Tsugichimori calls phones gadgets. He is a B O O M E R.
Why so sudden? Why does it matter if you pay more attention to your phone than him?
Of course he's jealous. Quarintine with you is driving him insane. First he can't go outside to cafes and you are paying more attention to a brick plastic rather than him? B O Y.
He can also get jealous if you read fan fiction of your favorite anime character. Girl, you got a man next to you and you wanna read about dabi smut?
"Whoever this dabi guy is I can totally fuck you better than him"
* cue six arms snatching you and fingering. Engulfing you to a wild night.
Imagine tsugichimori. 2 hands finger you and the other 2 plays w your chest and the other 2 just holds your hands and pins you to the top. While he just bites your body leaving marks on your body. Since you can't go out anyways and he can bite your skin as much as he want. THE POWER.
Tsugichimori has a biting kink. You are obligated to agree.
Bitches be like you mine. First of all I'm on PAROLE. And I belong to the STATE.
After his barista fiasco. He wants to treat you with coffee after all this jealous shenanigans. He made you a cute foamy bear latte art. If you like/prefer tea then he'd be sure to try and make tapioca to please you. Overall he's literally husband material and he won't say it but he's totally whipped for you. Just like how he gonna whip you tonight.
I swear tsugichimori isn't one to have a high sex drive but you and him? Staying together in one household ? Alone? For 2 months + ? Constantly ? B O I-
Tsugichimori is a real tsundere about things but with that said. The chances of him pulling up with a new hair color is HIGH.
You tried to convince him to not do it but he said he wanna look cool and fresh. With that said. He bleaches his hair with jazz music in the background. LIKE A MAD LAD.
He'd dye his hair to be a purple or a blue color tone to match his skin tone. and in the end it ended up looking pastel. You like to play with his hair and tease it saying it was "unicorn hair" since unicorns have pastel like hair. You obtained a unicorn tsun<3
"Tsugi your hair is gonna get crusty. You aren't supposed to bleach your roots first "
Tsugichimori : *shuffles*
"Why are you making the jazz music volume more high-"
But sometimes tsugichimori can pull up a jazz raid in the house. Blasting up the Bluetooth in the house with jazz or maybe rock. Tsugichimori is either SUPER jazzy or SUPER emo. There's none in between like one day he can pull up with a jazzy snazzy song and the next day he's up with MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE BLASTING THROUGH THE HOUSE. Yes. Mental breakdowns would be a low rate because tsugichimori is really just too adult but you love him for being a boomer.
Hug him while he reads. Please. Snuggle up to him and just rest yourself next to him while you two rest on the indoor hammock. He's gonna melt.
If you perhaps weren't living with him. The chances of him texting or spamming you is REALLY low. He doesn't really like using his phone because he just wants to read books and read a fuck ton of books. Maybe even poetry. Even if he texted you back his texts sound like a poem and is very cryptic. You get a bit annoyed by his cryptic ass but he just wanted to say I love you without being too direct since tsugichimori is a tsun.
[y/n] : good night <3
Tsun tsun tsugi : my heart blazes of embers when I see your resting face. Please have a pleasant foul night as I leave you to have a rest. Till the moon and back
In conclusion. Quarintine time with tsugichimori will be a quirky boomer trying to learn more about trends but keeping up with the Karen act
Stats :
Chances of bleaching hair 100%
Mental breakdown 3%
Productiveness 100%
Using his free time wisely 97%
Cuddly 99%
Active in social media 1%
/spam text.
H/Corny? 69%
Next up!
Quarintine time with natsuhiko
Natsuhiko. Uh. Natsuhiko.
The kid knows what's he doing, but won't admit it.
Natsu-Chan :,) :
You just want my sexy feet pics
You :
No, stop this is harassment
You save it anyways cause you're a little shit who like natsuhiko. Ergo. Probably downloads tiktok dyes his hair, goes bald, repeat.
He'd dye his hair 50 shades of red. Gray ? No. Red❤️
Spams you with tiktok cause he's a dipshit.
I'm pretty sure he'd do some dunbshit to make you pissed but he loves you so. You guys have your own thing going on rn. And that's ok ❤️
It's a special way just for y'all.
Active ass butch, spams everywhere. One day when he doesn't post his followers. Simp followers if I may add. Go crazy. They're like
Where's my king natsu, someone boutta get this whole ass fight. Come get yo ass here
Or smth.
Questioning his motives. He became an e boy king. Accomplished women simp army on is back. Yummy.
Spending time with him would mostly be doing some dumb shit he found out. He's smart, he is. But the way he uses his intelligence is questioning.
Netflix ? No ❤️, eating soap ? Yes ✨
Starts a soap opera from the bathroom. Teaches his dog how to sing. Name it, you'd probably do it ".
But then again he'd also be a good boyfriend. Admit it. Simps,
He may have a pack of army of women simps but he's a simp for you ❤️
Get corona just to get pads for u ? Consider it done.
Wears a mask but tries to kiss you with the mask on.
Gets angry, repeat.
Watch shit with him and spoon him while you guys cuddle. Amazing.
Fall asleep on his shoulder. Homie hard
Feeling sad ? Natsuhiko would defo write a poem about how he'd simp his life for you so don't be sad. You'll get out one day. When the government ain't shit doe. ❤️
Stats :
Chances of bleaching hair 10000%
Mental breakdown 3% fool, he won't have a mental breakdown, it would be the great simp depression.
Productiveness 20%
Using his free time wisely 1%
Cuddly 99%
Active in social media 00000%
/spam text.
H/Corny? 69696969%
Idiot brain go 1000%
Homie hard ? 100000%
All hale simp nation
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