✧Not much had changed but they live underwater.
✧This is why i don't socialize.
✧Knock, Knock! Get the door it's depression.
✧What the hell- I'm in hell.
✧Where's my epic background music?? >:/
✧I'm running on spite and fury.
✧I'm ready to fight god.. OR BECOME HIM!
✧Hey guys i'm really trying.
✧The first time i kinda believed.
✧The five stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Sarcasm and acceptance.
✧ Midnight coffee race.
✧ The shaqulie O'Neal of lying.
✧ Smash mouth.
✧ T is for trauma.
✧ Karma Chamilion.
✧ Oh my god they were roomates.
✧ Top 10 anime betrayls.
✧ It's Wednesday by dudes.
✧ I can't believe you've done this-
✧ Hey one question: What the hell!?
✧ Now would be a good time to be anyone but me.
✧ How to be a failure 101
✧ The good, The bad and the okay i guess.
✧The second big bang.
✧ I'm a tree now.
✧ Alice in zombieland.
✧ Ask and you shall receive... sometime next year.
✧ Satan or Santa?
✧ Howdy do fellow kids?
✧ The boys are here
✧ Being selfish feat. My embarrassed friends.
✧ Possession or obsession?
✧ Can't wait to tell this story to my grandchildren.
✧ I don't like this
✧ I'm trying but they're hot
✧ The circle of idiots
✧ Thanks! ..I hate it.
✧ My icy heart! It's melting!
✧ It may be stupid but at least nobody can call me a wuss.
✧ That was a lot easier than expected.
✧ How was my innocent mind supposed to know that?
✧ Funny story (ben drowned).
✧ I'll go down in history as the words biggest idiot.
✧ The fellowship of the thing.
✧ At least there's a dog.
✧ I came, I saw, I left.
✧ A paycheck's a paycheck.
✧ I'm not gay.. But $50 is $50..
✧ And then i didn't
✧ Boy, That sure was weird.
✧Interesting concept but poor execution.
✧ You should've seen their face.
✧ I defied death for this!
✧ There's something hilarious about ____.
✧ Pasta La Vista.
✧ It's me, I'm the April fool.
✧ Terrifying.. I love it.
✧ Ironically alive.
✧ [Character Name] and the Fortress of Trust Issues.
✧ Killed for sport.
✧ I need validation but also nobody to know me.
✧ Previously on: Chaotic stupid.
✧ Scully, You're not gonna believe this..
✧ Capri sun captain.
✧ Cool, I'm outta here.
✧ Cool, cool, cool, cool
✧ All i do is where cool outfits, Tell jokes and hide my depression.
✧ Is that a coping mechanism?
✧ Who invited the flock of seagulls.
✧ Power move: No skill needed, Just be amused by confusion.
✧ Is this a cutscene?
✧ Welcome to the trash house.
✧ Item: Doubt.
✧ Confrontation scares me-
✧ I live for destruction.
✧ Chapter 1: Yes, I'm rewriting everything.
✧ I wasn't prepared for parenthood.
✧ I regret everything.
✧ *The pink panther theme song*
✧ The dark side of ambition.
✧ Patting my own shoulder.
✧ I'm going to make this weird.
✧ Ability acquired: Existential crisis.
✧ Level up.
✧ Begrudgingly saving the world.
✧ Why, what now-
✧ This is everything i ever wanted.
✧ The gods hate me, I don't know why.
✧ U know exactly what i'm doing (no i don't).
✧ Which circle of hell are we in now?
✧ In which my brother's cat tries to kill us.
✧ Meeting a giant ____
✧ In which we almost die - again
✧ In which! We need serious help..
✧ In which; the houseplants try to eat us.
✧ We accidentally summon a demon
✧ Apparently, Demons like cheesecake.
✧ Wednesday's are the worst.
✧ In which giant turtles are giant Assholes.
✧ Our living room becomes a game of jumanji.
✧ In which; Fictional characters come to life.
✧ We babysit for a ____(goddess)
✧ We get lost in the attic.
✧ Exploring abandoned shit because that's totally safe.
✧ Okay.. But are they hot?
✧ Grumpy beginnings.
✧ You won't believe this false hope.
✧ Hallelujah, My ass.
✧ Why couldn't it be Mini Golf?
✧ I wish i was an 19 centry immigrant confusing the french with my excellent cross dressing.
✧ Two birds, No stone.. Please don't kill me my birds.
✧ The endless darkness and mystery of the ocean is becoming a bit tempting to dive into now.
✧ The sun can fuck right off.
✧ So maybe i'm not okay.
✧ Cupid screwed up.
✧ Error: Fucks not found.
✧ I may have killed a guy..
✧ Finally, I can be the Comedian i've always dreamed to be .
✧ I cheated death and he wants a divorce.
✧ No touchy please.
✧ Feel my wrath and extreme self-doubt!
✧ Les i'm miserable.
✧ I can't believe it's not butt
✧ I'm trying to be serious i swear-
✧ Where's Colin Firth when i need him the most-
✧ Important information; He's not happy.
✧ Uh oh
✧ Note to self: Don't do it you son of a-
✧ You caught me singing on broadway
✧ Firecrackers and actual crackers
✧ Umbrella, Ella, Ella, EllAH
✧ Coffee times tne
✧Gingers are vampires: The story how a group of bitter vegetables stole my blood.
✧ Somebody once told me the world was gonna kill me
✧ Paint me like one of your French girls, Cock.
✧ "Get a job"; I say, Unemployed
✧ Okay, Time to be serious.
✧ Ed Sheeran wouldn't treat me like this!
✧ Shush demons.
✧ I should've stayed in bed-
✧ Leave me alone punks
✧ Time for MURDER!
✧ Crapbag..
✧ I love my friends
✧ I met Abraham Lincoln.
✧ Best + Bitter = Better.
✧ Que the beat drop.
✧ Mic drop UwU
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