Chào các bạn! Vì nhiều lý do từ nay Truyen2U chính thức đổi tên là Truyen247.Pro. Mong các bạn tiếp tục ủng hộ truy cập tên miền mới này nhé! Mãi yêu... ♥


The possibilities for inspiration are endless here on Wattpad. Whether you're seeking a creative challenge or a specific genre to indulge in, we try to bring them to you from all corners of the world. Welcome to Wattpad International.


Adria: WattpadAdria []

ENG: Official Wattpad account for Adrian countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Macedonia.

SI: Uradni Wattpad profil za jadranske države: Slovenijo, Hrvaško, Srbijo, Bosno in Hercegovina, Črno Goro in Makedonijo.

HR: Službeni profil Wattpad za jadranske zemlje: Sloveniju, Hrvatsku, Srbiju, Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Crnu Goru i Makedoniju.

RS: Zvanični profil Wattpada za jadranske zemlje: Slovenija, Hrvatska, Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora i Makedonija

BA: Zvanični profil Wattpada za jadranske zemlje: Slovenija, Hrvatska, Srbija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora i Makedonija.

MK: Официјален Wattpad профил за Балканските држави: Словенија, Хрватска, Србија, Босна, Црна Гора и Македонија.

Africa: AmbassadorsAF []

The official profile of African Ambassadors at Wattpad.

Albania: AmbassadorsAL []

AL: Profili zyrtar për komunitetin shqiptar Wattpad.

ENG: The official profile for Wattpad's Albanian community.

Armenia: AmbassadorsAM []

AM: Wattpad-ի հայ համայնքի պաշտոնական էջը:

ENG: The official profile for Wattpad's Armenian community.

Arabic: AmbassadorsAR []

AR: الحساب الرسمي للغة العربية بإدارة السفراء العرب

ENG: The official account for Arabic language managed by the Arab ambassadors.

Fantasy_AR [http://www.wattpad/com/user/Fantasy_AR]

AR:الحساب الرسمي العربي لفئة الخيال بإدارة السفراء.

ENG:The official Arab Amb-Run profile for the Fantasy genre.

RomanceAR []

AR: الحساب الرسمي العربي لفئة العاطفية بإدارة السفراء.

ENG: The official Arab Amb-Run profile for the Romance genre.

ArabicSpring []

AR: الحساب الرسمي لمشروع الربيع العربي العربي الثقافي بإدارة السفراء العرب. حساب موجه للمسابقات والتحديات ونصائح الكتابة والدروس الأدبية.

ENG: the official profile of the "Arabic spring project" run by the arab ambassadors. A profile dedicated to contests, challenges and writing tips.

Australia: AmbassadorsAUS []

The official profile for Wattpad's Australian community.

Bulgaria: AmbassadorsBG []

BG:Официалният профил на българските посланици.

ENG: The official Bulgarian Ambassadors profile.

Czech/Slovak: AmbassadorsCZSK []

CZSK: Oficiální ambasadory řízený profil pro českou a slovenskou komunitu.

ENG: The official ambassador-managed profile for Czech/Slovak community.

Denmark: AmbassadorsDK []

DK: Den officielle danske Ambassadør profil.

ENG: The official Danish Ambassadors profile.

French: AmbassadorsFR []

FR: Le profil officiel des ambassadeurs francophones.

ENG: The official French Ambassadors profile.

FictionUrbaine []

FR: Un profil qui est un concentré d'action et d'amour dans des lieux urbains. Les jeunes et moins jeunes se reconnaîtront dans ces histoires atypiques.

ENG: In an urban setting, action and love are mixed up, resulting in this account. Young and not so young can identity to these stories.

lgbtqFR []

FR: Bienvenue sur le profil officiel de la communauté LGBTQ+ francophone.

ENG: Welcome to the official profile of the LGBTQ + francophone community

RomanceFR []

FR: Les esprits romantiques et coeurs à fondre sont les bienvenus sur ce profil qui prône l'amour et l'amitié avec entrain ! Découvrez les listes de lectures aux genres diversifiés ainsi que les conseils d'écriture sur la romance littéraire.

ENG: Romantic souls and melting heart are welcomed here where love and friendship are highlighted. Discover diverse reading lists and writing advices on Romance.

ScienceFictionFR []

FR: Voyagez à travers l'espace pour découvrir de multiples univers SF dans nos diverses listes de lectures ainsi que nos défis et critiques d'univers SF. Les conseils et interrogations y sont aussi nombreux pour faire réfléchir et partager nos idées.

ENG: Travel through space to discover multiple universes of SF in our reading lists. You can also find our challenges and reviews. The advice and questions we share are plentiful and will certainly make you think.

FRFantasy []

FR: Célébrons sur ce profil les aventures épiques de la myriade d'histoires qui peuplent ce genre extraordinaire. Imaginez des histoires épiques grâce à nos concours et lisez encore plus dans ce genre multiple avec nos listes de lectures. Si vous êtes en panne d'idées, jetez un oeil à notre bestiaire sur les créatures de ce genre ainsi que leurs histoires.

ENG: On this profile, let's celebrate the epic adventure told in the numerous stories that can be found in this extraordinary genre. Imagine marvelous stories thanks to our contest and read even more with our reading list. If you lack ideas, take a look at our bestiary of mythical creatures and their own stories.

ClassiquesFR []

FR: Retrouvez les plus grands classiques français, ainsi que quelques biographies, sur ce profil.

ENG: On this profile, you can find the biggest French classics, and a few biography.

German: AmbassadorsDE []

DE: Die offiziellen deutschen Botschafter-Profile

ENG: The official German Ambassadors profile.

WPAction []

DE: Mehr, als der Name verrät: Bei uns gibt es nicht nur hochspannende Action, sondern auch gruseligen Nervenkitzel und mysteriöse Abenteuerreisen. Ferne Länder, geheime Untergrundorganisationen, abscheuliche Horrortaten - bei uns findest du alles, was du brauchst, um an den Nägeln zu kauen und schaurig-schöne Aufregung zu spüren.

ENG: More than its name tells you. We don't just have exciting action, there are creepy and mysterious adventures as well.

WPFantasie []

DE: Das Zuhause von Drachen, Elfen, Zwergen und Co. Entdecke verborgene Königreiche, begebe dich auf aufregende Quests, kämpfe in epischen Schlachten oder lerne die Elemente zu beherrschen - das alles und mehr erwartet dich auf dem offiziellen deutschen Fantasy Profil. Und wenn du ganz aufmerksam bist, siehst du vielleicht sogar ein Einhorn durchs Unterholz huschen.

ENG: Discover hidden kingdoms, embark on exciting quests, fight epic battles or become a master of elemental magic

WPFanfiktion []

DE: Bietet alles, was das Fan-Herz begehrt! Du willst mehr von deiner Lieblingsband lesen? Da ist ein Buch oder ein Kinofilm, der dich immer noch beschäftigt? Du wolltest schon immer wissen, wie es mit deinem Lieblingscharakter weitergehen könnte? Wir haben Leselisten mit den besten Werken aus verschiedensten Fandoms. Egal ob Alternatives Universum, Crossover oder fluffige Romanze, wir halten alles für dich bereit! Gemeinsam erschaffen wir aus bekannten Dingen neue Welten.

ENG: Offers anything your fan heart wants! Whether Alternative Universe, Crossover or Fluff, you'll find something to read.

WPRomantik []

DE: Entdecke die romantischen Tiefen Wattpads und lasse dich von ihnen verführen. Von Mafiabossen bis hin zu High School Schwärmen findest du in der deutschen Romantik alles!

ENG: Discover the romantic depths of Wattpad and let them seduce you. From mafia bosses to high school hotties, here you'll find everything concerning German romance!

WPVampir []

DE: Finde Gleichgesinnte, Ausgestoßene und hungrige Monster im Kabinett der Untoten. Von verliebten Unsterblichen bis hin zu blutrünstigen Freunden sieht man in den dunklen Schatten Wattpads alles. Vertraue deiner Intuition und gib Acht dich nicht in der Ewigkeit zu verlieren.

ENG: Find like-minded people, other outcasts, and hungry monsters in this chamber of Undeads.

WPWerwolf [www.wattpad/com/user/WPWerwolf]

DE: Heule mit den Wölfen und finde deinen Mate! Die Nacht ist dein Tag und der Mond dein ewiger Begleiter. Lasse dich von deinen Instinkten leiten und begebe dich auf die düstere Seite Wattpads. Alles von Alpha bis Omega!

ENG: Howl with the wolves and find your mate! Let your instincts guide you and keep to the dark side of Wattpad.

WPKaffeehaus []

DE: Komm rein, wähle von unserer Tee- und Kaffeekarte und genieße dabei unsere große Auswahl an Kurzgeschichten, Gedichten und andere Kurzformen von Geschichten. Hier dreht sich alles um den ganz persönlichen Ausdruck der Gedanken.

ENG: Come in, choose from our tea and coffee menu, and enjoy our collection of poetry, short stories, and all other forms of short fiction. Here, everything is about the unique and personal ways to express one's thoughts.

WPAfterDark []

DE: Willkommen auf der erwachsenen Seite von Wattpad. Bei uns findest du erotische Geschichten über die schönste Nebensache der Welt - stilvoll, düster und manchmal auch romantisch!

ENG: Welcome to the mature side of Wattpad! Here, you'll find erotic stories about the world's greatest pleasures - tasteful, dark, and more often than not romantic.

Greece: AmbassadorsGR []

GR: Το επίσημο προφίλ των Ελλήνων Ambassadors.

ENG: The official Greek Ambassadors profile.


GR: Καλώς ήρθατε στο ActionGR! Αυτό το προφίλ έχει δημιουργηθεί από τους Έλληνες Ambassadors, με σκοπό την ανακάλυψη, το μοίρασμα και την προώθηση ιστοριών που ανήκουν στο πεδίο της Δράσης.

ENG: Welcome to ActionGR! This profile has been created by the Greek Ambassadors and aims to discover, share, and promote Action stories.

India: AmbassadorsIN []

IN: वॅॅॅटपैैड पर भारतीय समुदाय की प्रोफाइल में आपका हार्दिक स्वागत है |

ENG: Welcome to Indian Community Profile on Wattpad Our aim with this profile is to bring out all about the Indian Culture into the spotlight and bring in an Indian twist to this orange world of Wattpad. If you have the ' देसी spirit' and you enjoy Indian culture, then you will not regret following this profile.

To get promoted and featured on this profile, kindly go through our book called 'Official Guide' and follow the rules listed there. You can find out the eligibility criteria there itself.

Not only that, we pick out brilliant reads from this vast ocean of books and bring them under spotlight by featuring them here as well as on all social media accounts of Wattpad India.

PoetryIN []

IN: नमस्ते! पोएट्रीइन में आपका स्वागत है।

ENG: Namaste! Welcome to PoetryIN!

MysteryThrillerIN []

IN: १४११३११९२०५ स्वागत है आपका आधिकारिक मिस्ट्री एंड थ्रिलर वॅॅॅटपैैड इंडिया की लोकछवि में।

ENG: Welcome to the Official Mystery and Thriller profile of Wattpad India.


IN: स्वागत है आपका आधिकारिक एलजीबीटीक्यु वॅॅॅटपैैड इंडिया की लोकछवि में।

ENG: Welcome to the Official LGBTQ Profile of Wattpad India.

ChickLitIN []

IN: स्वागत है आपका आधिकारिक चिकलिट वॅॅॅटपैैड इंडिया की लोकछवि में।

ENG: Welcome to the Official ChickLit Profile of Wattpad India!

FanFictionIN []

IN: स्वागत है आपका आधिकारिक फैनफिक्शन इन वॅॅॅटपैैड इंडिया की लोकछवि में।

ENG: Welcome to the Official FanFiction IN Profile of Wattpad India.

LoveStoriesIN []

IN: स्वागत है आपका आधिकारिक लवस्टरीज एंड रोमांस वॅॅॅटपैैड इंडिया की लोकछवि में।

ENG: Welcome to the Official Love Stories & Romance Profile of Wattpad India

Indonesia: AmbassadorsID []

ID: Selamat Datang di Halaman Resmi Wattpad Indonesia!

ENG: Welcome to Official Page of Wattpad Indonesia!

lgbtina []



Metropopindonesia []

ID: Selamat datang di Halaman Resmi Komunitas Metropop Indonesia. Halaman ini berada di bawah pengawasan Ambassador Indonesia.

ENG: Welcome to Indonesian Official Chicklit Community Page. This page is under supervision of Indonesian Ambassadors.

teenlitindonesia []

ID: Selamat datang di Halaman Resmi Komunitas Teenlit Indonesia. Halaman ini berada di bawah pengawasan Ambassador Indonesia.

ENG: Welcome to Indonesian Official Teenlit Community Page. This page is under supervision of Indonesian Ambassadors.

YAIndo []

ID: Selamat datang di halaman resmi Young Adult Indonesia! Profil ini berfokus pada cerita tentang pengalaman remaja yang beranjak dewasa dalam beragam genre. Kalau kalian sedang mencari cerita werewolf, vampir, mermaid, senior di SMA, atau mahasiswa tahun kedua yang memiliki konflik dan unsur psikologis yang lebih dalam, juga menyiratkan pesan moral yang bisa diambil, maka YAIndo adalah tempatnya

ENG: Welcome to the official page of Young Adult Indonesia! This profile focuses on stories about the experiences of adolescents who are growing up in various genres. If you're looking for werewolf stories, vampires, mermaids, seniors in high school, or second-year students who have conflict and deeper psychological elements, it also implies a moral message that can be taken, then YAIndo is the right place to find it.

Fantasiindonesia []

ID: Halaman resmi Wattpad Indonesia untuk para penggemar dan penulis cerita-cerita fantasi lokal. Sudah siap berpetualang memasuki dunia yang baru? FantasiIndonesia adalah tempat berkumpul bagi para penulis dan pembaca cerita fantasi berbahasa Indonesia.

ENG: The official Indonesian profile for local fantasy stories. Are you ready to jump in the adventure of new world? FantasiIndonesia is a place to gather for writer and reader of fantasy in Bahasa Indonesia.

FanficIndonesia []

ID: Selamat datang di halaman resmi Fanfic Indonesia! Tempat di mana semua anggota fandom bersatu untuk menunjukkan karya terbaiknya.

ENG: Welcome to official page of Indonesian Fanfic! Place where every fandom united to create their best works.

Italian: AmbassadorsITA []

ITA: Il profilo ufficiale italiano degli Ambasciatori.

ENG: The official Italian Ambassadors profile.

AfterRomanceIT [www.wattpad/com/user/AfterRomanceIT]

IT: è il profilo per tutti coloro che vogliono esplorare le storie più romantiche presenti su Wattpad, quelle che sono state scritte per assecondare la passione o anche solo per descriverla. L'Amore, nelle sue varie forme, è il suo tema principale, meraviglioso e terribile!

ENG: is the right profile for all those who want to explore the most romantic stories on Wattpad, those stories that have been written to satisfy the passion or just to describe it. Love, in its various forms, is its main theme, wonderful and terrible!

ClassiciIT []

IT: l'incontro dei Classici che hanno fatto innamorare tutto il mondo in un unico posto, dove è possibile condividere i propri preferiti.

ENG: meeting point of Classic that made people of the whole world fall in love with them, where it's possible to share favorites.

FanfictionIT []

IT: Ritrovo dei fan della comunità italiana di Wattpad, nasce per condividere e scoprire nuove passioni insieme, per sostenersi e diffondere la positività che, da sempre, caratterizza i Fandom.

ENG: Wattpad Italian fans hub, which aim to share and discover new passions, to support each other and spread some Fandom positivity through the Community.

Fantasy_IT []

IT: Più che un profilo è una comunità dove gli amanti del genere fantastico possono incontrarsi, conoscersi, fare amicizia e divertirsi assieme; un luogo d'incontro dove tutto ciò che sognate può diventare realtà.

Potrete incontrare creature di ogni genere e specie, magari proprio una come voi! Orchi, nani, elfi, troll, fate e giganti sono solo alcune delle leggendarie razze che abitano il nostro profilo, venite a conoscerle assieme allo staff!

ENG: More than a profile is a community where lovers of the fantastical genre can meet, get to know each other, make friends and have fun together; a meeting place where everything you dream can becomes reality.
You can meet creatures of all kinds and species, maybe just like you! Orcs, dwarves, elves, trolls, fairies and giants are just some of the legendary races that inhabit our profile, come and meet them with the staff!

HistoricalFictionIT []

IT: profilo italiano aperto a tutti gli amanti della Storia, dove gli utenti potranno trovare numerose storie negli elenchi di lettura divise per epoca e contribuire attraverso numerose iniziative!

ENG: Italian profile dedicated to History. In this profile users can find many stories ordered by age. They also can chip in to improve and increase the profile by many initiatives.

HorrorIT []

IT: profilo italiano più terrificante, dove ogni paura prende forma mentre viene scritta su carta. Noi siamo pronti per affrontarle insieme e tingere di nero la comunità

ENG: most terrifying italian profile, where every fear becomes reality as it gets penned down. We're ready to face them all and to paint the community black

TenebrisIT []

IT: Questo profilo nasce per riunire i lettori e gli scrittori italiani amanti del Paranormale, dei Vampiri e dei Licantropi, per scoprire nuove storie da leggere, trovare delle notizie e interagire. Sono tutte esperienze che aiutano a scoprire la faccia nascosta dell'animo umano e aprono delle prospettive su ciò che sta oltre l'immediato, il misurabile, il direttamente percepibile.

ENG: This profile was created to bring together readers and writers of Italian lovers of the Paranormal, Vampires and Lycans, to discover new stories to read, find news and interact. These are all experiences that help to discover the hidden face of the human soul and open up perspectives on what lies beyond the immediate, the measurable, the directly perceptible.

Korea: AmbassadorsKR []

KR: 왓패드의 공식적인 한국 프로필입니다.

ENG: Wattpad's official Korean profile.

Malaysia: AmbassadorsMY []

MY: Profil rasmi duta Wattpad Malaysia.

ENG: The official Malaysian Ambassadors profile.

PuisiMY []

MY: Selamat datang ke profil rasmi PuisiMY!

Anda pencinta puisi? Ini adalah profil yang tepat untuk anda. Tujuan profil ini ditubuhkan adalah untuk memperkenalkan apa itu puisi kepada para pembaca.

ENG: Welcome to the official PoetryMY profile!

Are you a lover of poetry? This is the right profile for you. The purpose of this profile is to introduce readers to poetry.

RomantikaMY []

MY: Selamat Datang ke RomantikaMY!!

Tujuan profile ini:

1) Menyediakan platform bagi menyatukan semua penulis di Malaysia.

2) Memberi cadangan karya khususnya cerita berunsurkan cinta dan romantika yang berkualiti untuk bacaan umum.

3) Menggalakkan perkongsian karya bersama para pembaca.

4) Mengiktiraf karya penulis tempatan khususnya mereka yang masih belum punyai nama dan belum dikenali.

5) Memberi berita terbaru dan kemas kini dari Wattpad HQ.

6) Menganjurkan aktiviti yang bakal menghubungkan pembaca dan penulis di Wattpad.

ENG: Welcome to RomantikaMY!
The purpose of this profile:

1) Provide a platform to unite all writers in Malaysia.

2) Recommend unique stories especially love-based stories and quality romance for general reading.

3) Encourage sharing of stories with readers.

4) Recognize the work of local writers, especially those who are still anonymous.

5) Provide the latest news and updates from Wattpad HQ.

6) Organize activities that connect readers and writers on Wattpad.

FiksyenSainsMY []

MY: Selamat Datang ke FiksyenSainsMY

Ini ialah profil Wattpad rasmi untuk komuniti pencinta fiksyen sains Malaysia! Profil inilah yang akan menjadi hub utama tempat anda akan menemui cerita-cerita mengagumkan, maklumat tentang penulis-penulis fiksyen sains yang hebat, pelbagai pertandingan yang mencabar minda, diskusi berkisarkan genre, peluang untuk menjadi sebahagian penulis antologi serta termasuk dalam senarai bacaan kami! Terokai profil kami sekarang untuk merasakan betapa menariknya fiksyen sains!

ENG: Welcome to FiksyenSainsMY!

This is the official Wattpad profile for the Malaysian Science Fiction lovers community! This profile will be the main hub where you will find amazing stories, information on great science fiction writers, a variety of challenging contests, genre-based discussions, opportunities to become part of anthology writers and even included in our reading list! Explore our profile now to discover how fictional science is!

FantasiMY []

MY: Selamat Datang ke profile FantasiMY!

Ini ialah profil khas untuk para penulis yang suka menulis genre Fantasi dalam bahasa ibunda kami; Bahasa Melayu! Marilah meneroka dunia-dunia yang direka oleh para karyawan yang berbakat di mana hasil tulisan mereka merangkumi mood romantik sehingga mood misteri dan lain-lain!

ENG: Welcome to FantasiMY profile!

This is a special profile for writers who love to write the Fantasy genre in our native language, Malay! Come explore worlds designed by talented writers where their writing spans from fantasy romance to mysteries!

FanFiksyenMY []

MY: Selamat datang ke Dunia FanFiksyenMY!

Ini ialah profil Wattpad rasmi untuk komuniti yang suka fanfiksyen! Di sini, anda boleh temui penulis dan pembaca yang minat genre yang sama dengan anda dalam bahasa ibunda kita iaitu Bahasa Melayu!

Tidak kira dari mana fandom anda datang: Kpop, Jpop, anime, animasi, selebriti, individu terkenal dan sebagainya... anda akan temui semuanya di sini! Profil ini akan menjadi hub komuniti pencinta fanfiksyen.

Asah bakat penulisan anda melalui buku panduan kami, sertai diskusi seputar fandom anda, ikuti pelbagai pertandingan dan marilah sama-sama menjerit teruja seperti fangirls dan fanboys sejati bersama kami!

ENG: Welcome to the FanFictionalMY World!

This is the official Wattpad profile for the fanfiction community! Here, you can find writers and readers of similar genres in our native language, Malay

No matter where your fandom comes from: Kpop, Jpop, anime, animation, celebrities, famous individuals and more ... you'll find everything here! This profile will be the hub of the fanfiction community.

Sharpen your writing talent through our guidebook, join the discussion around your fandom, attend various competitions and let us shout out excitedly to our true fangirls and fanboys!

Myanmar: AmbassadorsMyanmar []

MM: Wattpad မွ တရား၀င္ အသိအမွတ္ျပဳထားတဲ့ ျမန္မာ Ambassador အဖြဲ႔ရဲ႕ ပရိုဖိုင္းျဖစ္ပါတယ္။

ENG: The official Myanmar Ambassadors profile.

Netherlands/Belgium: AmbassadorsNL []

NL: Het officiële Nederlandstalige ambassadeurs profiel.

ENG: The official Dutch Ambassadors profile.

TeenFictionNL []

NL: Het eerste Nederlandse engagement profiel voor het genre Tienerfictie. Het profiel bestaat uit een gids met informatie en updates, Leeslijsten, 'Hoe schrijf ik Pakkende Tienerfictie' en Westrijden & Tienerfictie weken (Nederlandse informatie over een engagement week).

ENG: The first Dutch engagement profile in the genre of TeenFiction. The profile consists of a guide with information and updates about the profile, Reading lists, a "How do I write Grabbing Teenage Fiction" guide and a Contests & TeenFiction engagement week page.

Norway: AmbassadorsNO []

NO: Den offisielle norske ambassadør profilen.

ENG: The official Norwegian Ambassadors profile.

Japan: AmbassadorsJP []

JP: Wattpadの日本人コミュニティの公式プロフィール。

ENG: The official profile for Wattpad's Japanese community.

Pakistan: AmbassadorsPK []

PK: پاکستانی سفیروں کی سرکاری پروفائل میں خوش آمدید

ENG: Welcome to the official Pakistan Ambassadors profile.

Philippines: AmbassadorsPH []

PH: Ang opisyal na Filipino Ambassadors profile.

ENG: The official Filipino Ambassadors profile.

PabalatPH []

PH: Engagement profile na ginawa para sa mga Filipino Wattpad Graphic Artists.

ENG: Engagement profile made for Filipino Wattpad Graphic Artists.

MakataPH []

PH: Engagement profile na ginawa para sa mga Filipino Wattpad Poets.

ENG: Engagement profile made for Filipino Wattpad Poets.

Manunulat_PH []

PH: Engagement profile na ginawa para sa mga Filipino Wattpad Writers.

ENG: Engagement profile made for Filipino Wattpad Writers.

RomancePH []

PH: Engagement profile para sa mga Wattpad Filipino Romance lovers.

ENG: Engagement profile for Wattpad Filipino Romance lovers.

Poland: AmbassadorsPL [http://www.wattpad/com/user/AmbassadorsPL]

PL: Oficjalny profil polskich Ambasadorów.

ENG: The official Polish Ambassadors profile.

Portuguese: AmbassadorsPT []

PT: O perfil oficial dos embaixadores portugueses.

ENG: The official Portuguese Ambassadors profile.

ClassicosLP []

PT: Nos dedicamos a publicar clássicos da nossa literatura e de outros idiomas que estão em Domínio Público. Sinta-se à vontade para indicar livros ainda não disponíveis por mp ou no nosso mural.

ENG: We publish classic portuguese language stories and from other languages that are of Public Domain. Feel free to ask for books that aren't available yet.

ContosLP []

PT: O ContosLP é um perfil gerenciado pelos Embaixadores do Wattpad e tem como principal função ajudar na divulgação de histórias curtas no tamanho, mas gigantescas na criatividade: nossos tão amados contos.

ENG: This profile is managed by portuguese language ambassadors and its objective is to help publicize short stories.

DramaLP []

PT: Este perfil é gerenciado por embaixadores da língua portuguesa e tem como função divulgar o gênero Drama, com as mais diversas subtramas.

ENG: This profile is managed by portuguese ambassadors and its objective is to help publicize Drama stories.

FanficLP []

PT: Aqui vocês encontrarão uma seleção de fanfics, descobrirão novas histórias do seu fandom preferido e dicas sobre o uso da plataforma. Não fazemos distinção de histórias ou fandom mais ou menos famosos, todos têm seu espaço.

ENG: Here you'll find a selection of fanfics, will discover new stories from you favorite fandom and will get tips about using Wattpad. We don't discriminate fandoms, all will have their spot here.

FantasiaLP []

PT: Este é o perfil gerenciado pelos embaixadores do Wattpad a fim de ajudar a divulgar o gênero fantasia na comunidade brasileira no Wattpad.

ENG: This profile is managed by portuguese language ambassadors and its objective is to help publicize fantasy genre stories.

FiccaoAdolescenteLP []

PT: Aqui você encontrará listas de leitura recheadas de ótimas histórias, entrevistas com os autores do momento, um livro de desafios, além de, claro, ter a chance fazer novas amizades e votar nas suas histórias e na dos seus autores preferidos.

ENG: Here you'll find great reading lists, interviews, challenges, and of course, the chance to make new friendships and vote on you favorite author's stories.


PT: Aqui você vai encontrar concursos e entrevistas, além de receber indicações dos melhores livros do momento nessa categoria.

ENG: Here you'll find contests, interviews and can find the best books in our reading lists.

RomanceLP []

PT: Somos a comunidade de língua portuguesa de romance do Wattpad. Aqui você pode conferir nossas seleções e descobrir novos romances e encontrar inspiração através de sugestões de escrita e participar de concursos para escritores e leitores de romance

ENG: This is the portuguese language community for the Romance genre. Here you can check out our reading lists and discover new romances and participate in our contests.


PT: Perfil para a comunidade de ficção científica gerenciado pela página dos Embaixadores.

ENG: Profile dedicated to the Science Fiction community and managed by the portuguese language ambassadors.

SuspenseLP []

PT: Aqui vocês poderão encontrar ótimas histórias que lhe trarão grandes expectativas ansiosas e angustiantes, com desejo de não mais parar a leitura. Abrangeremos o mundo do mistério, desvendaremos quebra-cabeças e estaremos sujeitos a grandes surpresas. Topam embarcar nessa? Avisamos que não haverá mais volta...

ENG: Here you'll find great stories that will bring great expectations and you won't be able to stop reading. Here you'll find mystery, solve puzzles... Get ready to be surprised. Come'on on board! There is no turning back...

TerrorLP []

PT: Este perfil é gerenciado pelos Embaixadores do Wattpad e tem por fim ajudar na divulgação dos gêneros Terror e Horror na comunidade de língua portuguesa no Wattpad.

ENG: This profile is managed by the portuguese language ambassadors and its objective is to help publicize Horror and Terror genres.


PT: Este perfil reúne histórias que tragam em seu núcleo central personagens e romances LGBTQ+. Nosso intuito é disseminar qualidade e representatividade, trazendo visibilidade a essas minorias.

ENG: This profile brings together stories that bring LGBTQ + characters and novels to their core. Our aim is to disseminate quality and representativeness, bringing visibility to these minorities.

KPop-LP []

PT: Este perfil é dedicado aos amantes de K-Pop e em geral, os amantes da cultura Coreana. Aqui você encontrará todo o tipo de material para ler sobre K-Pop.

ENG: This profile is dedicated to K-Pop lovers and generally Korean culture lovers. Here you will find all kinds of material to read about K-Pop.

Romanian: AmbassadorsRo []

RO: Profilul oficial pentru limba română.

ENG: The official Romanian Ambassadors profile.

FantasyRo []

RO: Bun venit pe profilul Wattpad dedicat în întregime genului Fantasy, unde sărbătorim toate aventurile epice găsite în multitudinea de povești ce populează acest gen extraordinar. Caută în lista noastră de lecturi noi povestiri incitante. Fie că îţi doreşti ceva întunecat, palpitant, magic, romantic sau dintr-o altă lume, îl vei găsi aici cu siguranţă.

ENG: Welcome to Wattpad's Fantasy Profile, where we're celebrating all the epic adventures found in the myriad of stories that populate this extraordinary genre. Go exploring through our selection of reading lists to find new and exciting reads. Whether you're in the mood for something dark, thrilling, magical, romantic, or otherworldly, you'll find it here.

Safety_WellnessRo []

RO: Profilul atrage atenția asupra celor mai discutate 3 teme: hărțuirea online, femeile și auto-mutilarea. De asemenea, profilul găzduiește campania Safe Love Romania.


90% dintre adolescenții care au vazut persoane hărțuite în mediul online, au declarat că au ignorat aceasta problemă. Fă parte din cei 10% care doresc să ia atitudine. Acceptă provocarea noastră!

Like a girl
Dacă în spatele unui bărbat puternic e o femeie puternică, în spatele unei femei puternice cine stă? Suntem 3,52 miliarde de femei pe planeta și suntem puternice, suntem orice vrem noi sa fim!

Cum să oprești timpul: sărută.

Cum să călătorești în timp: citește.

Cum să scapi de timp: muzica.

Cum să simți timpul: scrie.

Cum să dai drumul timpului: respiră.

Campania Safe Love Romania

Când citești sau scrii o carte, nu este neobișnuit să găsești sau să incluzi romantism în ea. Fie ea dragoste de preadolescent, familială sau romantică, dragostea este aproape întotdeauna prezentă. Totuși, câteodată este greu sa găsești povești care nu conțin activități sexuale sau menționări intense ale acestora, la fel ca și cele ce înfățișează relații romantice adecvate.Intențiile Campaniei Safe Love sunt:

➸Să ajute oamenii să găsească sau să scrie povești cu aspecte pur romantice.

➸Să promoveze cărți care redau relații romantice adecvate între personajele principale

ENG: The profile raise awareness on the most discussed 3 times: Bullying, Women and Self-harm. Also, it is the home of Safe Love Romania campaign.


90% of teens who have seen social-media bullying say they have ignored it. Be the other 10%. Take the #NoMoreBullying [] challenge.

Like a girl

If behind a strong man is a strong woman behind a strong woman who stands? We are 3.52 billion women on the planet and we are strong, we are whatever we want to be!


How to stop the time: kiss

How to travel through time: read

How to get away from time: music

How to feel the time: write

How to let go of time: breathe

Safe Love Romania Campaign

When reading or writing a story, it isn't unusual to include romance in it. In fact, love features prominently in many stories on Wattpad. May it be puppy love, familial love, or romantic love, love is almost always present. However, it can sometimes be hard to find stories that don't include sexual activities or heavy mentions of them, as well as stories that feature healthy romantic relationships. The purposes of the Safe Love Campaign are:

➸To help people find and write stories with clean romantic aspects.

➸To help promote stories that feature healthy romantic relationships between the main characters.

Romance_Ro []

RO: Aici puteți găsi cele mai bune povești de dragoste, recenzii, concursuri, antologii și multe altele.

ENG: Here you can find the best romantic stories, reviews, contests, anthologies and many other things.

UndiscoveredBooksRo [www.wattpad/com/user/UndiscoveredBooksRo]

RO: Acest profil este dedicat tuturor autorilor și cărților din colțurile ascunse ale platformei Wattpad, precum și cititorilor aflați în căutarea unor noi povestiri palpitante.

ENG: This profile is dedicated to all authors and books from Wattpad's hidden corners, and also to readers in search of new, fascinating stories.

FanFicRo []

RO: Împărtășește ceea ce simți cu alți fani, găsește scriitori de fanfiction nedescoperiți, participați în concursuri de scris și perfecționează-ți scrisul cu ghidul nostru How to write. Acesta este un loc unde te poți conecta cu oameni care iubesc aceleași lucruri ca și tine.

ENG: Share your feels with other fans, find undiscovered fanfiction writers, participate in writing contests, and hone your craft with our how-to guide. This is a place to connect with people who love the same things as you.

VampiresRo []

RO: Bine ați venit pe profilul dedicat în exclusivitate creaturilor nopții! Aici puteți găsi cele mai bune povești cu vampiri din comunitatea română. Este un loc în care vă veți putea împărtăși pasiunea pentru aceste creaturi fascinante împreună cu alți utilizatori, unde veți găsi concursuri, activități, dar și multe altele!

ENG: Welcome to the profile entirely dedicated to the creatures of the night. Here, you can find the best vampire stories from the Romanian community. It's a place where you can share your passion for those fascinating creatures together with other users. You will find contests, activities and much more!

FictionRo []

RO: Pe acest profil veți găsi nu doar povestiri cu și pentru adolescenți, ci toate genurile deficțiune - generală, istorică, chicklit. Indiferent că ești în căutarea unei povestiri despre inimi frânte și dramă de liceu sau despre femei puternice care, totuși, fac greșeli, își urmează inimile și se redescoperă pe sine, aici le vei găsi pe toate.

ENG: On this profile you will find not only stories for teens, but all types of fiction - general fiction, historical fiction, chicklit. No matter if you are searching for a story about a broken heart and high school drama or about strong and powerful women who still make mistakes, follow their hearts and rediscover themselves, here, on this profile, you will find them all.

PoetryRo []

RO: Bine ați venit pe profilul dedicat comunității de poezie de pe wattpad! Aici veți găsi: toate genurile poetice în lista noastră de lectură - de la versuri libere la rime, ateliere de poezie în care vă puteți implica dacă sunteți interesați de îmbunătățirea poeziei voastre sau doar doriți să câștigați mai multă experiență și un loc în care vă veți putea împărtăși pasiunea pentru poezie împreună cu ceilalți utilizatori. Respectați fiecare poet existent aici; intenția noastră este de a oferi Poeziei o experiență deschisă și de a ne bucura de mâinile înzestrate existente în această comunitate.

ENG: Welcome to the profile dedicated exclusively to Poetry on Wattpad. Here you will find all poetic genres with our reading lists -from free verse to rhymes; it's all in between the lines, partake in poetry workshops if your interests lie with wanting to enhance your poetry chops; or just wanting to gain more experience, or just a refreshing conversation on the joys of being a poet. Do keep respect for every poet here; our intention is to give Poetry a purely open minded experience & enjoy each other's gifted hand.

Russian: AmbassadorsRU []

RU: Официальный профиль российских послов.

ENG: The official Russian Ambassadors profile.

WritersRU []

RU: Добро пожаловать на нашу страничку, посвященную всем писателям на Wattpad!

Наш профиль создан для того, чтобы помогать самым юным и уже опытным писателям, вдохновлять и развивать их писательское мастерство.

Только у нас вы можете поучаствовать вместе с другими пользователями в увлекательном проекте «Импровизация», где комментаторы совместно придумывают самые разнообразные, но в то же время интересные истории.

Благодаря проекту «Интервью» вы сможете поближе познакомиться со своими любимыми авторами на Wattpad, узнать о них побольше и задать интересующие вопросы.

Проект «Шкатулка вдохновения» зарядит вас положительной энергией, поможет никогда не расставаться со своей Музой и с радостью поделится частичкой своего вдохновения!

ENG: Welcome to our page dedicated to all writers on Wattpad!

Our profile is created to help the youngest and already experienced writers, to inspire and develop their writing skills.

Only here you can participate with other users in an exciting project "Improvisation", where commentators together come up with a variety of, but at the same time interesting stories.

Thanks to the project "Interview" you can get acquainted with your favorite authors on Wattpad, learn more about them and ask questions.

The project "Box of inspiration" will charge you with positive energy, will never part with his Muse and happy to share a piece of his inspiration!

RomanceRU []

RU:На нашем любимом профиле для сообщества писателей и читателей любовных романов на Wattpad вы можете...

1) Открыть для себя лучшие современные любовные романы в наших списках для чтения: от исторических романов до подростковой литературы.

2) Получить вдохновение, советы и принять участие в конкурсах для писателей и читателей.

3) Получить рецензию в сборник статей-рецензий «Сердцебиение».

4) Принять участие в голосованиях проекта «Cardiac Affection» и получить стикер от RomanceRU.

5) Победить со своей небольшой зарисовкой в проекте «Сбитый пульс»!

6) Поделиться романтичной историей жизни в проекте «Шёпот наших тайн».

ENG:On our favorite profile for a community of writers and readers of romance novels on Wattpad, you can ...

1) Discover the best modern romance novels on our reading lists: from historical novels to teenage literature.

2) Get inspiration, advice and take part in competitions for writers and readers.

3) Get a review in the collection of review articles "Heartbeat".

4) Take part in the voting of the "Cardiac Affection" project and get a sticker from RomanceRU.

5) Win with your small sketch in the project "Beaten Pulse"!

6) Share a romantic life story in the project "Whisper of our secrets".

FantasyRU []

RU: Добро пожаловать на официальный профиль Фэнтези, под руководством русских послов Wattpad! Мы предлагаем вам окунуться в мир сказочных персонажей, волшебных мест, необычных вещей и невероятных приключений! Здесь вы можете узнать больше о жанре фэнтези и ознакомиться с самыми разными существами фантастического мира, а также поучаствовать в наших конкурсах, где каждый найдет вдохновение и получит шанс стать обладателем гордого титула "Победитель"!

ENG: Welcome to the official Russian Fantasy profile! Come and join the world of fairytale creatures, magical places, unusual things and unbelievable adventures! Here you can learn more about Fantasy genre, mythical beasts and take part in our contests where you will find inspiration and get a chance to be proudly called a winner!

Spanish: AmbassadorsES []

ES: El perfil oficial de los embajadores españoles.

ENG: The official Spanish Ambassadors profile.

CienciaFiccion []

ES: CienciaFicción abre tu mundo creativo a todo tipo de subcategorías con todo tipo de desafíos, reseñas e historias que encontrarás en nuestras listas de lectura y te invita a que seas parte de él.

ENG: CienciaFicción opens your creative world to all kinds of subcategories, with challenges, reviews and stories you'll find in our reading lists, and invites you to be part of it.

ClasicosES []

ES: Este perfil guarda todas aquellas obras que ayudaron a construir lo que consideremos literatura. ClasicosES apoya además a todos los autores que se dedican a volver a contar estas historias, a los escritores de Retellings que forman parte de nuestras listas de lectura y a los participantes de nuestros desafíos.

ENG: This profile is that a gated to order those works that built the foundation of our literature. We also support authors who are dedicated to retelling these stories.

Fan-FictionEs []

ES: Encuentra lo que estás buscando en nuestras listas de lecturas, diviértete con nuestros retos los fines de semana y aprende un poco con nuestro libro ¿Cómo escribir fanfic?

ENG: Find your favorite fandom in our reading list have fun with our challenges and learn tips on how to write fanfics.

FantasiaES []

ES: Te presentamos nuestros apartados, en el que conocerás nuevas bestias, encontrarás tips para tus historias de fantasía y reseñas de las obras favoritas de los usuarios de la comunidad. ¡Y no te olvides de nuestras listas de lectura! Están allí esperando que las descubras.

ENG: In the entries on these pages you will meet new beasts, you will find tips for your fantasy stories and reviews. Don't forget our reading lists! They're there waiting for you to discover them.

Humor-ES []

ES: ¡La diversión es la orden del día! Disponemos de listas de lectura variadas, secciones de concursos, reseñas, destacados y demás actividades de interés para la comunidad naranja.

ENG: Fun is what we do! We can offer you number reading lists that will make you chuckle and laugh out loud, contests, reviews and a number of activities for all of those who live in this big orange community.

lgbtqES []

ES: Con todas las intenciones de llenar de color las letras y lecturas; el perfil reúne a todos los miembros y aliados de la comunidad LGBTQI+ de la plataforma a través de listas de lecturas, reseñas, debates y diferentes espacios donde ustedes son el corazón y el alma.

ENG: It is our intention to fill the world of literature with color. This profile reunites every member an ally of the LGBTQI+ community and provides reading lists, reviews, friendly debates, and a space for us all.

MisterioES []

ES: Ofrece reseñas, las historias de los criminales más terribles que conmocionaron al mundo, desafíos periódicos, nuestras listas de lectura y muchas cosas más. Si tienen lo suficiente para deambular por las calles frías y vacías de nuestro perfil, ¡los esperamos!

ENG: This profile offers reviews, crime stories that shocked the world, periodic challenges, reading lists and many more things. If you have what it takes to wander the cold and empty streets of our profile... we're waiting!

NovelaJuvenilES []

ES: Podrás encontrar las mejores Novelas Juveniles, concursos, reseñas y antologías para ayudarte a crecer como escritor.

EN: You'll find the best youth novels, contests, reviews and anthologies to help you grow as a writer

RomanceES []

ES: Aquí podrás encontrar historias románticas y de diversas temáticas, consejos para aprender a mejorar tus escritos, retos que motiven tu creatividad, concursos que desafíen tu talento, debates para poder intercambiar opiniones con otros escritores, entrevistas a tus autores favoritos y más.

EN: Here you will find selected romantic stories and different themes, tips to learn to improve your writing, challenges that motivate your creativity, competitions that challenge your talent, debates to be able to exchange opinions with others Writers, interviews with your favorite authors, and much more.

TerrorES []

ES: En nuestra biblioteca embrujada podrás encontrar mucho más que el lamento de las almas en pena, encontrarás reseñas, antologías, las leyendas más terroríficas del mundo y nuestro gran desafío anual "La hora del Terror", actualmente su segunda edición, un campamento en el que el reto principal no es sólo escribir, sino sobrevivir.

EN: In our haunted library you will find much more than the lament of the sorrowing souls. You will see reviews, anthologies, the most terrifying legends of the world and our great annual Challenge "The Hour of Terror".

WattVampiros []

ES: La Casa de todos los vampiros en Wattpad. La página incluye una base de datos compilados con el propósito de servir como punto de partida para investigación y concursos que premian la participación tanto de escritores como lectores.

ENG: The house of all things Vampire on Wattpad. The page includes a database compiled with the purpose of serving as a starting point for research and competitions that reward the participation of both writers and readers.

ZombisES []

ES: En ZombiES podrán encontrar seres putrefactos, virus extraños y apocalipsis en sus formas más variadas, así como también un poco de magia negra, vudú y personas que han perdido su esencia para convertirse en cuerpos vacíos y sin voluntad propia. Los invitamos a descubrir historias increíbles seleccionadas para ustedes en nuestras listas de lecturas. También tenemos para ofrecerles desafíos, reseñas y concursos.

ENG: In ZombisES you'll find the undead, strange viruses and apocalypse scenarios in varied forms, as well as some black magic, voodoo and people who have lost their essence to become empty bodies lackin will of their own. We invite you to discover incredible stories selected for you in our reading lists. We also have to offer you challenges, reviews and contests.

SuperheroesES []

ES:¿Tienes deseos de salvar el día?, ¿o quizá el capricho de cometer alguna locura? ¡SuperheroesES te recibe como en casa sin discriminar que seas héroe, villano o antihéroe! Los superhéroes vigilamos a Wattpad desde nuestro cuartel general para traerles las mejores historias con contenido heroico. Sumérgete en nuestras adictivas listas de lectura, emprende el arduo camino para convertirte en héroe, participa endesafíos, arriésgate a sobrevivir a una entrevista y conoce a nuestros autores e historias destacadas.

ENG: Do you want to save the day? Or maybe supervillainy catches your eye... Superheroes welcome you whether you are a hero, villain or antihero! We keep an eye over Wattpad from our headquarters to bring you the best stories with heroic content. Immerse yourself in our addictive reading lists, embark on the arduous path to becoming a hero, participate in challenges, risk surviving an interview, meet our authors and outstanding stories!

Poesia_ES []

ES: Damos la bienvenida a todos los poetas de habla hispana a nuestro nuevo perfil de Poesía en Español. Un espacio creado para la comunidad. Aquí encontrarás recomendaciones de lecturas, entrevistas, consejos y todolo relacionado a forma y ritmo.

ENG: We welcome all Spanish-speaking poets to our profile. This is a space created for the community. Here you will find recommendations for readings, interviews, tips and all related to form and rhythm.

FiccionGeneral_ES []

ES: ¡Bienvenidos a FiccionGeneral_ES, el rincón de Wattpad en donde podrás encontrar un poquito de todo! Adelante, acomódate en salón principal, toma un libro y un café o té, y disfruta de todo lo que nuestro perfil tiene para ofrecerte.

ENG: Welcome to FiccionGeneral_ES, our Wattpad corner where you can find a little bit of everything! Go ahead, sit in the main room, have a book and coffee or tea, and enjoy everything our profile has to offer.

Sri Lanka: AmbassadorsLK []

LK: වොට්පාඩ් හි ශ්‍රී ලාංකික ප්‍රජාව සඳහා නිල පැතිකඩ.

ENG: The official profile for Wattpad's Sri Lankan community.

Sweden: AmbassadorsSE []

SE: Den officiella svenska ambassadör profilen.

ENG: The official Swedish Ambassadors profile.

Turkey: AmbassadorsTR []

TR: Türkiye Elçileri'nin resmi profili

ENG: The Official Turkish Ambassadors profile.

ClassicsTR []

TR: Bu profil, klasik yazarların hayatlarını ve eserlerini anmak ve okuma listeleri aracılığı ile klasik romanlara erişmeniz için bağlantı noktası görevi görür.

ENG: This profile celebrates the life and works of the classic authors and acts as a hub for classic novels which you can see on our reading lists.

FanficsTR []

TR: FanficsTR'e hoşgeldiniz! Burada Oompa-Loompalarla birlikte Mercan Adası'nda kulübenizi inşa ederken Sherlock Holmes'u liseler arası mangala turnuvasına sokabilirsiniz. Hermione Granger ile Percy Jackson'ın başrol olduğu bir hikayede şimşekle büyüyü savaştırabilir, Doctor Who ile 13. Mıntıka'da yaralılara yardım edebilirsiniz. Unutmayın, burada sınır ancak ve ancak sizsiniz.

ENG: Welcome to FanficsTR! Here while you are building a hut with Oompa-Loompas on Coral Island, you can enter a chess championship with Sherlock Holmes. In a story of Hermione Granger and Percy Jackson, you can fight with storms and wizards, and help 13th District with Doctor Who. Don't you forget you're the only limit here!

RomanceTR []

TR: Havada aşk kokusu var! Burada, en romantik hikayeleri bulacak ve aşkın dayanılmaz gücüyle karşılaşacaksınız. Bazen üzülecek, bazen de aşkın tadını çıkaracaksınız. Romantikliğe hazır olun!

ENG: Love is in the air! Here, you will find the most romantic stories ever and meet the immense power of love! Sometimes it will break your heart, sometimes it will be your joy. Buckle your belts for love!

ScifiTR []

TR: ScifiTR profiline hoşgeldiniz. Bizlerle yeni bir dünyanın kapısını aralamaya ve yaratıcılığınızdan söz etmeye hazır mısınız? Cevabınız evet ise o zaman doğru yerdesiniz. Mistik dünyalar, savaşçılar, mitler, olağanüstü yaratıklar ve hayal gücünün sınırları zorlayacak tüm güçleri içeren hikayeler için bizi takip edin.

ENG: Welcome to the ScifiTR Profile. Are you ready to tell us about your creativity and to open the door of a new world with us? If your answer is yes then you are in the right place. Follow us for stories that include mystical worlds, warriors, myths, extraordinary creatures, and all the forces that will force the limits of your imagination.

MysteryTR []

TR: Gizemi herkes sever, peki ya gerilim ve korku? Eğer siz de gizem/gerilim, korku ve paranormal türlerini seviyorsanız, burası aradığınız yer! Gizemleri çözeceğiniz ve karanlıkla dans edeceğiniz yer olan MysteryTR'ye hoş geldiniz! Kalplerinizi sıcak tutun; çünkü sizi ürpertecek, bedeninize soğuk terler döktürecek hikayelerle geliyoruz. Wattpad'in korku dolu, gerilimi bol dünyası sizleri bekliyor!

ENG: Everybody loves mystery, but what about thriller? If you love mystery/thriller, horror and paranormal, then this is the place you've been looking for! Welcome to MysteryTR where you will solve mysteries and dance with the darkness. Keep your hearts warm, because we come with stories that will creep you and pour cold sweat on your body. Wattpad's world full of fear and tension is waiting for you!

PoetryTR []

TR: PoetryTR profiline hoş geldiniz. Sizlerle birlikte şiirin keşfedilmeyen ufuklarını keşfedeceğiz, söylenen ve söylenmek isteneni arayacağız böyle bir yolculuğa hazır mısınız? Evet dediğinizi duyar gibiyiz. Burada mevsimlerin bile dili var. Duygular adeta bir gökkuşağı, onlar rengarenk. Bazen bir kelimenin bile milyonlarca anlam kazandığı bu ıssız diyarda, yapmanız gereken bizleri takip etmeniz.

ENG: Welcome to PoetryTR Profile.

Ukraine: AmbassadorsUA []

UA: Офіційний профіль українських послів

ENG: The official Ukrainian Ambassadors profile.

United Kingdom: AmbassadorsUK []

The official Ambassador-managed profile for Wattpad's UK community. For a full list of English language Ambassador-managed profiles, click here! []

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