South's Stealer
Normal pov
Natsu was walking down to the roudy streets that was full of buzzing people
A gun was hidden on his belt ,he's waiting for his next victim ,one year has passed that one year
Natsu become a lone some man that steals things and money and also one of his comrades was sending him money to Keep him living
Natsu was wearing a tight white sleeveless undershirt his abs was showing through the fabric he's also wearing his old vest while his scarf was on his hair
Causing some of the ladies on the streets to *cough*cough* faint because of his hotness
And he also has a new hair style he's hair color is now black but with red highlights (please imagine it(〒︿〒) )
"Ugghh" He groaned in annoyance because he cant find a 'victim'
He walk through a alley way And wait for his next victim just then the people on the streets huddled together
He opened his palm two glowing stones was floating in the air the first one was a glowing red stone the second was a bright
Blue stone he frowned at the two glowing stones a memory was playing over his head the memory was his comrades deaht
But luckily his comrade was alive he's angry at his another comrade because of pushing his suppose to be 'Dead' comrade at the cliff
He close his hand and clench it hard as the memory was still replaying the smirking of his evil comrade and the terrified look of his supposed
To be dead comrade,he could feel his tears streaming down on his face then he remembered his old guild and his other old memories
His family
His home
His father
His friends
His buddy happy
The monster who can kick three mountains in a row his older sister Erza
He smiled at those memories he wipe his tears and smile again then in split second he frown because
He didn't have money for food tonight he's stomach grumbled then suddenly he could here
Foot steps
He smirk knowing he has a money now for food tonight he put his face mask and wait for his victim
When the footsteps are near he held her gun on his belt ready to pull it out in any seconds when he's victim is there
"" Natsu countdown in a whisper so that 'his' victim couldn't hear him
Natsu took his gun out and pointed at his victim his victim was middle age man the man was reak of alcohol smell
The man wears a suit the collar of the suit has a kiss mark then the man has a chest nut brown hair
Natsu smirk at the man the man shivered at what his seeing a teen ager with an evil smirk was pointing a gun on him
"Give me your things and money or you'll die" said Natsu emphasizing the 'die' word the man shivered again
He took out his expensive things on the ground Natsu kneeled a little and look at the things that the man dropped
The man was just staring at him with pure horror and shocked Natsu look up and meet the eyes of the man
"What are you doing do you want to die?" Natsu said with a evil fake voice Natsu put all of the things on his magic invisible
Back pack just then the man started to scream help he put his gun back in his belt and glared at the man
"You!! Bastard" Natsu said with venom then he heard running steps he smirk and snap his fingers
Then a bright blue hole showed up Natsu smirk at the middle age man before going on the hole with his all valuable things
When he heard the steps was getting nearer he quickly enterd the hole once he enter the hole was 'poof' gone
The middle age man curse "shittttttt my last condom is there!!!!!" He cursed
A bright blue hole appeared on the forest in front a small hut where Natsu live in he got out of the hole then the hole disappeared
Less in a second Natsu un wear his mask and put on his magic invisible bag he enter his hut and throw the bag on the bed
The bag bounced a little Natsu change his clothes to a red t shirt and a dark blue jeans and a pair of sneakers
He wear a cap to hide his hair then he slung his invisible bag on his shoulder he snap his fingers again then a bright blue hole appeared again he enter the hole
In split second the hole appeared in a different alley way he exited the hole then the hole was gone again
He got out of the alleyway and go to a food shop but before he could go to the food shop someone called him "hey young man your
friend has sent you some money" shouted a nice old man name Grandfather Bob
Natsu run towards Grandfather Bob "really Grandfahter " said Natsu with excitement on his eyes and sparkles
"Yes its true young man" said Grandfather Bob Grandfather Bob hand Natsu A 200,000 J "thats enough for a year" Grandfather Bob said
"Not just enough Grand Father Bob with these money i will be sitting pretty on my bed" said Natsu and took the money from
Grandfather Bobs hand he put the money on his invisible bag "well thank you grandfather bob and please sent this letter to juvia this a thank you letter for her for giving me money monthly" said a cheerful Natsu
Then suddenly a gush of wind causing Natsu's cap to fall out he mentally panicked "go young man run" shouted grand father Bob
Natsu begun run fast he couldn't use his magic because its too dangerous just then a rope suddenly appeared in front of natsu
Natsu look up he could see his old comrade Miktoy was up there Miktoy pull the rope up just then Natsu was already in the ship
Miktoy push a button then the doors of the spaceship was close
"No need time to talk " cutted Natsu then Natsu snap his fingers the spaceship was sucked on the hole
Then the hole was gone
"Good luck Natsu"
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