Natsu pov
So why did you call us master asked juvia annoyed Because she was interrupted when she's playing online games . Master sigh ,I call you three because I interrupted gramps why'd you men"three" I ask then Juvia pointed on the wall while playing her online game then Jellal emerge from the wall . You need to learn that trick before you'd become an assassin juvia said while playing on her communication lacrema (aka cellphone) then pointing at jellal . I stood there my Jaw dropped on the floor . H-how did you do that I said while pointing at jellal and you how did you know that he's on that freaking wall I continued while pointing at juvia . Easy Assassin things the blunettes said in unison . That's cool I beam teach me now I said with sparkles in my eyes . Ok juvia said excitedly . I grabbed her hand but before we exited the office jellal grabbed us making bump our heads togheter . Ouch I and juvia said in pain. Were not than yet jellal said with a scary glare.Erza I and juvia said in unison. Are? You saying something he said with glare . N-nothing ma'am I-I- I mean sir juvia and I said in unison. Gramps clears his throat . Then I call you here because you're going to pick each of you of your assassin gears and costumes said Gramps . You may follow jellal and Juvia use your wall trick on Natsu said gramps then we travelled through walls it was really fun I could see all the guild but they never notice us . Then we stopped in a abandoned room on the guild . We enter that room . A gasped escape my mouth I was so surprise Because its full of ninja suits I checked the suits the gears then something caught my onyx eyes
A/N: The weapons/etc... of the Outfit
Hey guys I found mines I said then I showed them the Cloak and the gears .So you chose the wolverine kinda? One said jellal. Yah wait what? wolverine I ask them . MMV comics (orig: Marvel) the guy who has claw weapon that he use to kill!" Said Juvia coldly . Mood change or swings said Jellal telepathically .Maybe I said back telepathically . And this is mines said jellal
Jellal's cloak and weapon etc...
So you chose this staff thing that fadeds to blue to red you really love Erza don't ya I said smoothly w-w-what are you saying I-I didn't love her He said with his Red Face Tsk juvia made a sound .here's mine she said coldly
Juvia's cloak and weapon etc...
A/N:Just imagine that the red parts was blue
Why crossbow asked Jellal . Nothing she said emotionless . Because she's trying to coppy a certain ice devil slayer and also an ice mage whose name was-- she cut me off by casting a spell of a big fist made of water the fist punch the ground where I stand causing me to become a circle shape man . Woah you pissed her off said jellal . Y-yah I stutterd. Then suddenly gramps emerge from a wall . So I've seen that you already had chosen you're cloaks and weapons said gramps . So what would be you're Alias asked gramps.what alias I ask It's like a fake name or nickname or a code name that can cover you're name because in assassin nation you had to have a code name Because you cannot say you're true name said juvia emotionless . Ohhhh hmmm i would be called "Fire Dragon" I said ok "Fire Dragon" said gramps then listed the "Fire Dragon" on his green notebook .So jellal said gramps . "Blue Prince" said Jellal . Ok then gramps listed the "Blue Prince" on his green notebook . Juvia gramps ask Juvia. "Raven Siren "said juvia emotionless . Ok said gramps then he listed it on the notebook . Very well dismissed said gramps
Hey guys its you're author again and again
So this is another a dedication a/n so this chapter is dedicated to
*drum roll* again
@Holly_Bunny thanks for the support and Shout out🎉👏🎊😄😆😊
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