~21 Pouring Rain
I expected much but not this. Not silence for four days.
When Thomas heard about that problem, he was just silent. Even more disturbing was the fact he didn't look surprised at all. Did he know? He can't know. He just can't.
Those were the longest four days in my life.
Eventually, my leg healed good enough for me to finally go home. I already prepared myself for entering my room, still frightened about what I was gonna see my hand lingered on the door knob for a while.
Not. Freaking. Real.
It was tidy. It was all clean and looked in place. Not a single blood puddle, not a single knocked over thing. No mess.
Nobody entered- Thomas was in here.
He cleaned up. He. Cleaned. Up. Everywhere.
My breathing fastened. It can't be. No no no no no no no no no.
I looked under my bed. Nothing. On the floor. Nothing. On my nightstand. Nothing. The box I put the pills in was freaking empty. I didn't take them all, did I? What am I even saying? The amount possibly could've killed me.
I could be dead... but I'm not.
I went through my nightstand and searched thee typical orange packaging, my emergency pills. If I ever were to run out.
I didn't wait for four days all to not find anything. Panic swelled up in my chest, taking away my ability to think straight.
I searched through clothes, backpack, every small space were one single pill could be. Nothing.
Why didn't I got some more emergency pills? Why didn't I put them like everywhere.
Into pockets of clothes, any drawer, heck even under my pillow!
Sobs build up in the back of my throat, though I don't want to cry right now. I tried to swallow them away, which lead to a blocked windpipe.
Again, I searched everywhere. Looking into the smallest places, wishing for a single pill to come to my sight.
"What are you looking for?"
I jumped so bad at the person just entering that I screamed. My already fast beating heart picked up its pace. And when it was Thomas, it fastened a little more.
"Nothing just-" "Pills?"
All the remaining air got knocked out of my lungs. It felt like he slapped me right across the face. Slowly, I stood up and started to limp my way until I stood right in front of him.
Then it came like a flood. Anger.
I was furious. In rage. It rushed through my entire body, taking up every cell and every thought.
"You took them?" My voice came out silent. Threatening. What was happening to me?.
He didn't even deny it. "Yes."
"You- God!" My fingers disappeared into my hair, pulling at it. I let out a frustrating noise and stomped off. If I don't leave him now I'm gonna say things I'm going to regret.
My anger just slips out of my control once I start to open my mouth.
Outside poured rain. Why would I care? Maybe the rain will help to calm me down.
I wasn't exactly fast due to my leg, so of course Thomas had to catch up. "Don't."
But I already opened the door.
The rain drops patter on my head, getting soaked up by my blond hair immediately, which is wet in an instant.
My clothes stick to my skin. Like a second one.
"Hope come on, get inside you'll get a cold!" And he was behind me.
"I don't care." I snap at him while I turn around. "And you shouldn't care either."
"But I do-" "No you don't! You stole from me, Thomas!" I wanted to scream. Scream right into his face. "Yeah, I did, but I did it for you and to-"
I interrupted him once again. What he said is nonsense. "No! No you didn't do it for me. You did it for yourself because you thought taking away my pills would help, but in the end it only helped your conscience."
"You don't know what you've done! Just give them back."
He shook his damn head. "I can't." "Yeah right. You have no idea what is going in my life, I mean you didn't even talk to me the past days."
"You could've talked to me! I would've listened-" "Why would I talk to you? We don't even know each other that long and I should burden you with all my problems?"
"Burden me? I would be glad to help you!"
"Yet still you chose to ignore me." I snap.
We both were completely soaked and screamed under the pouring rain.
"I know, but Elliot was sitting there and-"
"You knew the whole time and didn't even thought about telling me? It's not your choice to take away stuff you have no idea of!"
"You had no right, Thomas. You had no right."
He gulped and stepped closer. "I know, okay? I know. But I noticed the way you went to the bathroom in school everytime you felt anxious. I noticed that you struggle and when I saw all those pills lying in your room it all clicked."
"It's okay to have a few problems, but risking your health only for what?"
"For-" Tough I stopped. He won't understand. Maybe he noticed, which I don't know how to feel about. Flustered or shocked? Angry? Doesn't matter 'cause he won't understand.
He won't understand that I was in control of taking them. He won't understand that it made me feel good again. He won't understand that all my problems were gone for a while, until I took the next one. He won't understand that I could bare my thoughts like that. He won't understand.
"It doesn't matter. You won't get it. Nobody will." I looked into his deep , brown eyes. "Just please give them back." My voice cracked at the end of the sentence.
"Hope, I know you're angry at me and I completely understand you or that you think I have no right and I did the wrong thing, but I want to help you." He paused. "But I can't give them back to you."
I groaned. "Fine! Then I'm going to get them myself!" I spin around and want to walk to the pharmacy but my wrist got grabbed and I'm spinning around.
"I can't let you leave. You have to stop."
"There is nothing to stop! I'm fine. I don't have any problems. I'm doing the greatest I've ever been!.Now let me go, Thomas."
Instead, he took the other wrist. "Let's just-" "No!" The anger was boiling up again. "You don't listen! You're not better than anyone else! You think I'm the problem, but maybe you should consider that everybody else is the problem."
Teras if anger sprung in my eyes, soon mixing with the raindrops on my face.
"Maybe you should understand everybody else's side." He talks so calm it makes me furious.
"What if I don't want to understand their side? I'm perfectly fine with where I am now! Why do you even care?" My eyes nearly shoot daggers through his.
"Because I care for you, Hope. I care for you because I like you."
All the anger was gone. Flooded away with the water running down my body. It's like everything took a hundred and eighty degree turn. My heart beat was rapid for another reason now. Legs wanted to give in.
The spot where he still touched my wrists started to suddenly burn. Like fire.
"What?" I ask under a breath.
"I like you, Hope. A lot."
I wanted to scream. Jump. Dance. Hug him.
Without thinking, I pulled his face down to my lips.
No idea what got into me, but he certainly didn't mind 'cause soon he grabbed my waist to pull me closer.
Our lips were still wet from the rain that still poured above us, splashing to the ground.
If he wouldn't have held me this close, I would've dropped to the ground. Everything inside me heated up.
My lips against his were on fire. His were soft and felt like heaven.
I felt like I was in heaven.
The only thing between us was the water. Placing my hands behind his neck, I pulled myself even closer if that was possible.
Deepening the kiss, he tilted his head to side.
This wasn't real, was it?
When we both needed to catch our breaths we parted. "That was-" "Absolutely perfect." He finished my sentence.
I'm going to faint again. This time because if Thomas and the way he made me feel and the things I feel for him. "So you like me?" I asked once again.
"Very much." He murmured while pulling me to him again, placing a kiss on my lips. "Good." I breathe out, giving him another kiss.
"Because I like you too."
This was one of the most cringiest things I've ever written 😭
And this was the first kiss scene I've ever written so please don't hate me for it, I trieddd.
Fun fact: I had this scene planned for a long time, though now while writing it I began to question if it actually meets my expectations.
If you got any tips writing such scenes please tell me it would be so thankful!
Have a great day or rest of it!
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