But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.
John 4:23
"What are you doing here, Johanna?" He asked, his brows furrowed.
"Oh uhm, I was just," I stammered, biting my lip as I searched for the words "I was with a friend earlier, Sir," I confessed, returning my gaze up to him. "What about you, Sir? What are you doing here?"
"Ah, I had some business to take care of with an old friend." He replied, "I was just about to go home. What about you?"
"Ah, yes. I was just about to go home too, Sir" I replied, immediately noticing the contradiction my words had against my actions. Was I?
"Uhuh?" I saw his brow lift, "Well, either you live in the park or you're not telling the truth," I felt my cheek burn.
"Sorry, Sir" I released a long sigh, "I just, my mind's all cluttered and messy right now."
"Oh, did something happen with your friend earlier?"
I nodded in confirmation. "She's not only a friend, Sir," I breathed. "She's my best friend. She's been my closest friend for three years now."
"So what happened?"
"I kinda blew it with her today, Sir. She asked me to join her in the bar but I couldn't get myself to get in so..." I swiftly wiped the tear from my cheeks, unable to resist it as it fell.
I felt warm hands upon my shoulder, and I lifted my head, locking gazes with him as he began to speak.
"Ayee," He breathed, releasing an expression in their native tongue. "It must've been very hard Johanna," I heard him speak, "But I'm amazed of how you held on to your conviction" His lips curved to a smile, and I felt another set of tears escape my eyes.
"But I don't want to lose her, Sir, I can't-" I swallowed hard, my speech interrupted by a gush of emotions.
"You will not," I stared at him in wonder, "We will pray for her. Prayer is powerful, especially when we pray to a powerful God." He assured. Slowly, I felt my lips curve to a smile, relasing a breath as I lowered my gaze.
"Thank you, Sir..."
"By the way, you need to get home now." He beckoned, refreshing the idea in my mind.
"Oh yeah!" I replied in assent. "I best be on my way then,"
"Yeah, let's go," He replied and began to walk beside me.
"Uhm, Sir?" He turned his gaze towards me. "What are you doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" My gaze narrowed, "I'm walking you home, Johanna. Do you think it's safe for a woman like you to be walking around here at this time?"
"Ah," I nodded in percipience. "O-okay, Sir. But my apartment's kinda far though, it would take us an hour if we actually walked," I cautioned.
"That's not a problem," He replied "That's what cabs are for" Swiftly he turned and walked towards the side of the road.
"Right," I whispered in embarassment, following behind him in haste.
I informed the driver of my address upon entering the cab, reclining back to the car seat as I finished. After a good fifteen minute ride, we finally arrived.
"We're here, Sir," I informed, turning towards him. "Just a few meters walk and I'll reach my building"
"Okay, let's get going then," He replied and began to walk down the narrow street.
"Oh it's okay Sir!" I rushed behind him, "I can go on my own now. I wouldn't want to take much more of your time, plus it's quite near from here." I assured.
"It's okay, Johanna, I would be much more at ease to see you enter you building safely." He insisted, "Shall we?" He streched his hand, gesturing me to walk ahead. I merely looked at him for a few seconds, appreciative of how caring he was. With a smile I nodded and walked on.
"So, about your best friend," He began, "I was just wondering, how did you guys meet?" A smile made its way to my lips as the memory flashed in my head.
"Oh, I met Mercy three years ago," I recanted, "We were pushed by our classmates to sing a duet once on a Christmas party and from then on we became inseparable."
"Oh, so you sing?" He asked with a smile. I nodded in response. "How nice. You know I've always had this appreciation for singers and musicians. That's the one skill I really wished I had but... I think I was sound asleep somewhere in my house when God showered the skill," He joked. A laugh escaped my lips at his words. How cute.
"Wow, must be tough, huh?" I teased, to which I saw him lower his head and chuckle.
"Yes, I do sing, Sir." I resumed. "But unlike you, I never actually came to appreciate it."
His gaze narrowed in confusion.
"Well, First; I can sing, but my voice is not the type you can enter into competitions and such. My aunt always pressured me to get into those talent shows but, I never really had the guts for it." I explained, my head lowered as I spoke.
"Well, maybe your voice is not meant for competitions," He replied. I gazed up at him, bewildered at his statement.
"Why bother competing for men's attention when God delights in hearing you voice?"
I was taken aback at his words. For a moment I felt speechless. It never appealed to me in that way, but I must admit ... His words triggered in me a desire greater than any singing competition had.
"Did you see what Pastor Marina did during the revival crusade?"
I nodded. "Uhuh,"
"Instead of using your voice for men, why not use it for God?"
"You," I took in a breath, "You think I can do that, Sir?"
A saw a smile adorn his face, "Why not?" He began, "Who knows, by leading worship you may come to appreciate the great gift you've been endowed." I felt a strange sensation in my heart.
"But, Sir, what if-what if I don't have what it takes? I don't know the first thing about leading, I--"
"Johanna," He spoke up, "God does not call the qualified, He qualifies those that He calls. The only question that matters is that will you respond to the call?" His words captured my attention.
He qualifies those that He calls.
I came to a halt as I recognized the familiar landmarks, gazing up in confirmation, the view of the blue painted building occupied my gaze.
"This is my building, Sir," I informed gazing towards the 4 storey apartment before us.
"Oh, Alright," He smiled and gazed down at me, "By the way, you've been calling me Sir for seemingly the 100th time." He began to chuckle, "Manung will do. We're not in school.".
"Oh," I lowered my gaze and nodded, "That will take time getting used to, but okay Si- I mean, Manung..."
"Yup, much better." He nodded with a smile, "Well, good night, then Johanna. See you around in school."
"Oh, Manung?" I called out, interrupting him as he began to walk. He peered over his shoulder.
"About the leading worship thing," I began, "H-how do I learn to do that?"
He smiled and turned around.
"The best way to learn how to lead worship... is to lead worship."
Manung : Older man / Older brother (A much more intimate term especially when statuses greatly differ between the people using it)
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