He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11
I quickly gathered the books in my table and put them to the shelf as my anticipation to leave increased. Ah, finally, it's time to go home. I walked towards the gate in haste, my eyes narrowed towards the exit when I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket. Wonder filled my mind as I recognized the name - Clara. Almost immediately, unpleasant memories began to flood back to my mind.
"Oh hello Melchour, Uhm, I'm sorry for the sudden call. I, uh, just wanted to come over and visit if it's not too much of a bother," Curiosity gripped me as I heard her speak. "It's been a long time, don't you..." Her speech came to halt, as though unsure of what to say.
"Oh," I began, still confused of her sudden change in tone. Just the last time I've called, she didn't even want to hear my voice. "Hmm, it's fine with me if it's fine with you, but, don't you have work today?"
"Yes, but, Rebeccah can cover for me for a while,"
"Hmm, okay then. Have a safe trip; inform me if you have arrived. I'll meet you at the terminal."
"Thank you, Melchour."
"Alright, take care. Bye."
"Bye." With a swipe I ended the call, returning it to my pocket as I thought.
"Well, that was unexpected," I whispered. My mind began to recant the last time we've met. It has been seven months now. I haven't been able to see her since the day she told me she couldn't bear to be a minister's lover anymore. Questions surged my mind at the memory. What could she possibly want now?
My fingers flew across the keys asking Clara where she was. She didn't reply right away, but I knew it wouldn't be long, Clara always has her phone. Sure enough, I received a message after a few minutes. She's near.
"Well, I suppose I should get going now," I said to myself and went for the door.
Upon my arrival, it wasn't very long when the bus finally came. With my gaze anchored towards the bus, I watched as Clara emerged from the crowd and got down. A beautiful woman with striking rounded eyes occupied my perception.
"Hey, how's the trip?" I asked.
"It was fine, except that the bus had no good windows my hair flew all over the place." She joked.
"Oh, well good thing you weren't blown away. You still look beautiful." Her gaze lifted as I spoke.
"Really, hmm, but I bet that wouldn't help in making us be together again..." I returned my gaze towards her as she spoke; surprised of the bluntness in her speech. Strands of her brown hair blew with the wind as she looked at me intently. I released a sigh, confused. Shouldn't I feel happy right now? Why does the sight of her lack the warmth it has usually evoked in me?
"Clara..." For a moment I didn't know what to say, my gaze pacing in confusion. ".We've been together for a long time. And to tell you honestly, those days were a blessing. But, as you have said before yourself; I wasn't the right man for you." I began, recalling the painful memory. "I cherished you, Clara, but I could never bring myself to let go of my calling..." A sigh escaped her mouth as she heard my words.
"I know, I'm sorry. The words came out wrong. I didn't..." She sighed with her gaze lowered. Somehow I felt a prick of pain as I watched her, but I also knew there is no other way around it.
"Maybe... God has indeed prepared a better man for you," I gazed towards her once more, "And I pray he finds you soon."
"Oh come on Anna, just this time? I don't know what happened to you since the last time you disappeared but please! It's not like we're gonna do drugs!" Mercy insisted as she pulled me into the bar we usually went to.
"No, Mer! Seriously, I'm so done with this stuff in my life! Please let go already?" I begged, trying my best to remove my arm from her grip.
"That's crazy! That's just not you. What happened to you?" She asked, finally letting go of my arm.
"Do you really want to know?" I saw her nod as she fixed her gaze towards me intently.
I swallowed hard, mind scurrying for the right words. "God... uhh," A deep breath was drawn from my mouth as I saw one of her eyebrows lift. "God came into my life," I confessed.
Her jaws dropped in disbelief. My heart pounded nervously as she looked into my eyes.
"Who came into your life?" She asked, slightly turning away and facing me once more. 'You're kidding right!? You must've taken an overdose of MJ, Sistah!" She laughed. My heart sank upon hearing her words. Ah well, just as I thought.
"I'm serious Mercy. This is not some sort of a joke, and I'm totally not high!" I countered, my hands slightly lifted upward.
"You're serious? You call this serious?" She asked with both sarcasm and ire, "In three days you've totally turned into a religious freak?" I felt a prick of pain as I heard her speak. For a moment I was speechless. Somehow I knew she would not react very well once she discovers it, but I wasn't quite prepared for the pain it brought.
"Mercy... it's not religion, it's more like..." I took a deep breath and continued to speak. "A relationship... with God." Mercy began to pace as she spoke.
"You have got to be joking! You? You were a devil's darling for many years and now you're actually saying those things?" she scoffed. "Hey, a piece of advice. You're just getting yourself into big trouble, you entering into that 'relationship with God' thingy? Is just like putting chains and stupid limitations all over your life! You're imprisoning the real you!" She argued. I was taken aback by her words.
I find it hard to believe that this peace and joy I'm feeling right now beginning the day that God came into my life was imprisonment. I lowered my gaze as I pondered her words. How couldit be? When in reality I've never felt so free in my life!
"Mercy," I breathed, "This is the real me, and the real me has already been imprisoned before... to alcohol, vices, beliefs that says I don't need God at all. The real me was bound and imprisoned to sin and with all honesty, only now do I truly feel... free, Mercy."
Silence filled our distance as I paused. I myself couldn't believe the words that came out from my mouth. All I knew is that I wanted her to know, to let her understand why I've changed, and I hoped, I really hoped that somehow... she'll listen. But she didn't, she just stared at me with disappointed eyes, and in a split of a second, her frustration escalated into rage.
"You know what?" She took a step back, 'Whatever! Okay? You could go home, church or wherever you want! You are not the same Anna I know." She blurted and began to walk away.
Pain gripped my heart as I watched my best friend turn away, a feeling of rejection overwhelming my being. I wanted to follow her and try to make things work, but I know it would only end up bad. I took a deep breath and began to walk, resisting the tears as I heard her words echo in my mind.
Is this the price for believing in God?
Even without a clear idea of where to go I walken on, the words of Mercy a remnant in my mind.
Would I lose her? Oh God no, please make a way. I love her so much. How could I go on living when in my heart I know she'll end up in eternal suffering?
I pleaded with God in my mind, wiping a tear from my cheeks as I prayed. How? How can I make her understand? Only you can change her heart Lord. I can't make her change with my words, but I trust You can... Just as You've done with me.
I lifted my gaze towards the skies. Stars adorned the night sky. I looked at my phone and checked the time. 8:30 pm. How long had I been walking?
I headed towards the park across the road, glancing sideways as I crossed the streetlight lit road. Upon reaching its gates, I began to hear faint voices becoming louder.
I know that voice. I scattered my gaze around, and upon confirmation, I swiftly turned and hid behind the gate. Worry crept to my bones as I heard her speak with men. Who are those guys? I shut my eyes in apprehension. Oh Lord keep Mercy safe.
Gradually, I heard their voices fade away. Turning around, I felt my heart jump in astonishment. Broad shoulders clothed by a familiar shirt occupied my vission. I lifted my gaze.
I saw him glance down to his watch.
"What are you doing here, Johanna?"
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