Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not upon thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path.
Proverbs 3:5-6
I felt cold breeze brush through my hair as I walked past the tall grasses I was just watching from afar earlier. Right now, I couldn't control my lips from singing praises to God beginning the moment he put a new language in my mouth, I felt so alive and it's as if my praises for Him would never end.
For the past few days, I thought that the Presence of God that I had experienced was all and that somehow it has already reached its maximum. But I was wrong. There was more to be experienced, more to be received, I was wrong in thinking that I could put His Presence under a man's measuring rod.
As I took a seat upon the grasses I couldn't help but admire the view of the sunset. It was so enchantingly beautiful. This is not my first time to go to the mountain ranges, but I know in my heart I will never forget this day in my life.
"Isn't it fascinating?" I hastily stood up and was surprised to see Melchour standing only a few steps from where I sat, also looking at the sunset.
"My, you startled me, Manung..." I slowly sat down as I calmed myself from the abrupt panic. I couldn't help but wonder how long had he been here.
"Oh sorry for that Anna... I heard your footsteps." He replied as he came closer and sat to where I was. "I too love this place; the view of the sunset is breathtaking." A smile was formed on my lips as I listened to his reply.
"So... you love sunsets too?"
"I sure do."
"Oh... so then I guess we have this in common," I stated and returned my gaze to the setting sun. By now the sun was already halfway to its setting point. The skies turned fiery red in color with the mix of orange and yellow around it. As minutes passed, the surrounding grew more beautiful.
"I am glad for what had happened today..." I heard him speak.
"Oh... you mean in the Baptism? Well... so am I. It was really an amazing experience." I turned my gaze towards him as I spoke. "Thank you Manung...for bringing me here." A smile was drawn from his lips as he heard my reply.
"So... how did you feel when you were Baptized in the Spirit?" His question made me remember the mix of emotions that I felt as I stood there waiting for the Spirit to engulf me.
"I felt..." I looked up to him and tried to find the right words to describe the things I felt. To my dismay, however, I could not quite find the right word to describe it. "--indescribable." He chuckled.
"I understand. Most the times actually, these experiences are indescribable."
"Yes, yes it was,' I took in a breath " And it was so indescribably beautiful."
"So, Manung... what do you love most about sunsets?" she began to ask.
"Uh, maybe the fact that it reflects the beauty and the glory of God, I sometimes term it as a taste of heaven in the creation."
"Wow," She breathed, her gaze lowered as she prepared to speak. "You know back then when I was younger... I've always felt this attraction to sunsets... it's as if as I looked at it, I saw beauty in the midst of my miserable life and was reminded that somehow... there was hope for me..." she spoke, I listened intently as we both looked together at the setting sun. "... and now that I've found hope, sunsets became a very meaningful scene to me even more. Indeed, there's hope despite all the hopelessness in this world. It's so beautiful..."
I turned my gaze to her as she finished speaking. Appreciative as I saw her long raven hair pulled to a bun, leaving only a few strands that framed her temples. For a moment I was thankful for the Bible that I held in my hand. How I wanted to touch that hair of hers... but then I know, as much as I wanted, I must wait on God's word.
"Hmm... that's fascinating..." I replied and gazed away, "Oh but see... the sun is already almost gone. Should we get going? We must prepare since we'll be taking the night trip back to the city tonight." She looked at the sunset once more and nodded to my invitation. I slowly stood up from where I was sitting and saw her stretch her hands to my direction.
"Please?" she asked with a smile. I gladly took her hand and slowly helped her up.
She gazed up towards me upon standing to her feet. For a moment, I gave in to the urge of gazing upon her continuously. Captivated by her dazzling eyes, I couldn't help but desire to be closer.
"Uhh, Manung? Are you..." In a split of a second, I instantly felt the need to pull away, lest I do something I might regret. I averted my gaze and let go of her hand, taking in a breath as we began to walk.
I took my folded clothes and placed them in my bag one by one. An hour already passed and I still could not take the memory of what happened earlier off of my mind. The way he looked at me, the way he held my hand, made me feel as though there was a riot going on in my heart.
I swallowed hard, thoughts flooding to my mind like an unwanted visitor.
Does he possibly...?
I felt my hand grip the strap of my sling bag tighter as the thought resounded in my mind. I shook my head vehemently. It can't possibly be true. It's impossible; this is probably a fruit of my own crazy- out of line thinking. And besides, I'm not worthy to even bear his affection. I'm far too simple for someone like him.
"Oh Lord... please, please take these feelings from my heart," I whispered silently.
"Are you ready?" I lifted my gaze and saw Shiela coming out of the bathroom.
"Yeah..." I replied, zipping my bag. "Let me just wrap some things up,"
She gave me a quick nod, smiling as she walked out the room. I drew in a deep breath and returned my attention to fixing my things. The more days I spent with Melchour, the more I felt drawn to him. A slight melancholy overwhelmed my thoughts; I should stop myself before it gets even more serious.
A few minutes passed and everyone was finally gathered to leave. We all prayed together and each one of us began to walk. It was a 45-minute walk and we'll be reaching the main road at around 8 pm. Just on time for the 8 pm night trip to the city. I scattered my gaze around, spotting Anna as she squinted through each step.
"Anna, are you okay in there?"
"Uhh ... I am Manung, It's just that it's a bit dark, isn't it?" she forced a laugh.
"It sure is. Hmm, I think this would help; walk ahead of me and I'll light the path." I advised, stretching my arm towards her. She was on the other side of the trail so she needs to cross over to get to me. I saw her take a deep breath and finally reached for my hands.
"Thank you,"
The memory of what had transpired earlier flashed in my head as soon as our hands clasped, and with is I felt worry creep to my bones. The very sight of her kindles a fire within me I've never even thought I should have. I took in a breath as I saw her move ahead of me, lighting her path as we advanced.
This is getting serious; Oh God, give me your word before this feeling gets anywhere farther. How long... how long would I have to wait?
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