And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Acts 2:3-4
Two hours on the bus and we finally arrived. The temperature was so warm that as soon as I got down the bus I instantly had the urge to fan myself due to the heat.
Hmm, ‘Hello Mountain ranges weather’. I said to myself as I followed Pastor Allan and Pastor Melchour to where they were heading. I had a few moments of chat with Pastor Allan and noticed he was a very jolly person. I admired the way he laughed and seemed to be joyful with everything. My, I wish I was that optimistic.
“So how’re you taking this so far, quite new to this, huh?” Melchour asked as he slowed his pace and walked beside me.
“Well, I can’t deny this is all new to me… but, I like it, Manung.” I assured with a smile. After almost half an hour of walking, I then began to wonder where our final destination would actually be. It had almost been thirty minutes since we began to walk. The trail was fine in the beginning but as we progressed the roads became more rough and upward. The pathways were all turning out to be stairs as we continued to walk. I saw Pastor Melchour chuckle as he saw my reactions.
“Don’t worry Anna… we’ll be their soon. Maybe ten more minutes and we’ll reach the church.” He assured with a smile. His statement gave me a sense of relief. I did not expect a sudden hike, and yet, despite the heat and everything, I felt in my heart incitement. I began to wonder what the church we’re heading to look like. I began to feel curious about the people I would meet. And most of all, I anticipated what is about to happen. I do not know it yet, but I have a strong feeling that God will do something amazing today, and I could not wait to see it!
I quietly observed Anna as she tried her best to walk decently in the rough roads. I lowered my head in amusement. Praise God she was able to keep up. I feel in my heart that God is preparing something great in this woman’s life. Today, I pray that as I explain the baptism of the Holy Spirit, she would be able to receive. We walked for about half an hour and finally reached the church.
“Wow… Thank God we’re finally here. I thought we’d never arrive!” I heard Johanna joke. I looked over to her and was surprised as I saw her face glowing red. An effect made by the extreme heat I assume. It suit her beautifully.
“Uhm… Manung are you okay-- is there dirt in my face or somethin'?” She asked as she looked at me with wonder. I snapped back to my senses at the sound of her voice.
“Oh! Nothing really…I’m okay.” I replied, turning my gaze away. For a moment I was thankful I stood far, lest I could’ve done something she’d find odd. I shook my head and walked towards the Church.
I should get prepared already, in about an hour the service will begin. I narrowed my gaze as I took my notes from the bag and began to read, but as much as I tried, Johanna's face seem to flash in my mind instead. I placed the paper to my side, my mind now occupied with thoughts. I had not felt like this since Clara had left. What exactly is going on? Can it be because I am just glad to see the change in Johanna? Or is it…
I took a deep breath gazed afar.
Lord, Lord I need your discerning… please speak to me. I know that You can see my heart, you see everything that goes on in it. So Lord right now, if what I’m feeling is not Your Will, then Lord, even with a broken heart I surrender it... But Lord… if this is from you, then…May she be mine.
I looked around and could not help but fall in love with the scenery. It was so breathtaking. Pine trees engulfed the surrounding of the church and sun rays were gleaming in between the high trees. Across the horizon are majestic hills decked with yellow-green grasses that looked even more vibrant as it danced with the wind, never in my life had I seen such beauty. This church sure did find a heavenly place to set upon.
“Johanna!” I turned around and saw Shiela, one of the church workers, approaching. I got to know her a while ago when the church workers were introduced. A beautiful woman… I admired her the first time I saw her, and her cheerfulness was just uplifting. “Come on now, let’s get changed the service is going to start in thirty minutes…” She spoke gladly as she stood beside me. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
“It sure is… I’ve never seen such beauty in my life. I mean, not in person.” I replied, returning my gaze to the horizon.
“Well, that’s true. I’ve been here many times but my fascination with this place never decreased. It was still as beautiful as ever even if I saw it a lot of times already…” She was right. I myself would’ve still admired it even if I saw it a million times.
“You’re right… Indeed, the heavens declare the Glory of the Lord… that anyone that sees its beauty would not be able to deny that there must be a Great Designer behind all of it.”
“Amen. Well, we’ll enjoy this scenery more, later this evening. For now, young lady, you better get changed…” I smiled and nodded to her invitation. I followed behind her as she led me to the Pastoral house.
“I grabbed my blazer and wore it as I heard the Emcee's voice echo around the place announcing that the service will begin in five minutes. The mirror reflected my movements as I composed myself and prepared to leave the room. I took a final glance at the mirror and was again confronted with the reality of how my appearance changed.
Just months ago I was wearing bland clothes all tattered and gangster-like, but now as I looked at my reflection... everything related to how I was before has changed … I gave my hair a quick swipe and finally went for the door. As I opened it the voices singing ‘Come Holy Spirit’ from the church overwhelmed me.
After hearing many testimonies the Emcee finally closed the altar for testimonies and began to introduce the guest speaker for the event. Of course, as expected it was Melchour who is going to preach. I don’t quite fully understand why but as I spend more time with the man, I can’t help but admire him more every day. He really is an anointed man of God. I guess… men like him should marry some sort of a superwoman to be able to keep up. I laughed in my mind as I set the silly thought aside.
We watched him make his way to the front and as soon as he reached the pulpit an extraordinary atmosphere instantly filled the place, somehow. Again, I felt the power in his voice just as when I first heard him preach that night. It was certainly captivating.
“Good morning Brethren! It is a pleasure for me to have been invited again to this church to speak. I have always felt at home in this place and am thankful for the ever hospitable people in this church that has openly received us here.” He paused for a while and smiled at the congregation.
“Brethren, when I first received a message from Pastor Allan about this activity and was informed that the theme was ‘Receiving the promise of the Father’, which was said in Luke 24:49, I could not deny that in my heart I felt a sudden stirring, a confirmation from the Holy Ghost that He will do something totally amazing today.” The sound of His voice resounded in the church. As he declared, the congregation responded with the same faith that he mustered.
“Today Brethren, all of you who have not yet received the promise of the Father which was said in Luke 24:49, will have a chance to receive it today, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.” The statement he spoke instantly gave me a sense of wonder.
What does being baptized in the Holy Spirit actually mean? Are we going to be baptized in the water like what I’ve seen in movies?
Minutes of listening intently passed and my questions were one by one answered as he preached. He explained to us the difference between receiving the Holy Spirit in our heart when we first believed and having Him engulf us completely. I couldn’t deny that this topic was very radical to me. And yet, I felt in my heart the desire for it… how would it actually feel to have the Holy Spirit take control of me completely? Wouldn’t it be somewhat…marvelous, even more?
He continued to speak about miraculous things that happen because of being filled with the Holy Ghost. How Peter, who was a coward suddenly became a big-time preacher when he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This explained why so many signs and wonders take place to Christians who are totally filled with the Spirit of God, and I could not help but be amazed of what the Spirit can do through a man… I was so amazed, and at the same time, I felt my heart crave for it. I do want more… more than what I have ever experienced before.
After hearing the things he said, hope was ignited in me that something more can happen, that I can see more wondrous things through the Spirit. God is an Awesome God, and I know that if He can divide the red sea in the Old Testament, He can also do miraculous things now in the New Testament, even mightier!
“If you have ever felt so desperate, desperate for God to use you… but have always been disappointed ‘cause you never had the courage to open your mouth and speak His Name in front of others… then I assure you after you get baptized in the Holy Ghost, just as how Peter did, you will have courage!” The congregation broke into applause as he declared.
“…Courage to speak the things of God! The Holy Spirit Himself will empower you, and put the words into your mouth… if you ever felt so desperate for the Presence of the Lord to dominate your life but has always ended up disappointed because you don’t know where to start, then brethren, this might be the key to the outpouring of many miracles, signs, and wonders to take place to and through you!”
The words he spoke were like arrows that shot straight to my heart.
Yes, yes I do want to be used by God mightily.
"Listen to this verse. In Mark 16: 15-18 Jesus Says...And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."
So that was it. That was the key for me to be able to speak the Name of Jesus… with boldness and courage. I no longer want to lie in a corner and be controlled by my fear! Fear to be rejected, fear that people won’t like me if they hear me speaking of the things of God… I am so sick of being controlled by fear! I want to rise up and speak His Name wherever I am. I want people to see that God is not just a concept! I want people to see that He is Alive! And that He, just as what He did in me, could also make a way for any heart that would seek Him.
I want that courage. Oh God, I want that courage!
My heart raced as I thought … tears ran down my eyes and I felt hunger for God writhe inside of me. As much as I tried to hold it in, my desperation grew even more intense. Tears rolled down my face uncontrollably, and I wanted to shout. I want to let God see how much I want more of Him, more of Him in my life. I leaned down and began to pray silently, with tears running down my face I pleaded with God to allow me to receive. Oh Lord…oh Lord… I don’t want to live in fear anymore… please… please… I want to receive… I want to receive!
“…And there is only one proof to know that we are baptized in the Holy Ghost brothers and sisters…” I instantly lifted my face and anticipated what he would say.
“Speaking in tongues…”
As I concluded my message, I could not help but notice Anna who is at the moment leaning with her fist to her chest. I knew she was crying, and it fascinated me to see how soft her heart is when it comes to the Lord. I see in her a teachable heart. What joy would pastors feel if all the believers were as teachable.
“All of you who want to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit; I invite you to step forward. The altar is open for you. Come, come and receive the fire of the Holy Ghost!” One by one I saw the congregants rise… and among them is Anna who is at the moment consumed in desperation for the Lord. I see it in her tear-filled eyes, I see it in her actions, and so did I with the others who stood, some were wiping the tears as they approached the altar and some trying to compose themselves from the conviction that engulfs them.
As soon as the altar got packed, I felt the anointing of the Lord accommodate my hands slowly. I felt it run from my shoulders till it reached my fingers with a tingling feeling.
Hmm, it’s time for You to move Holy Spirit.
I approached the people one by one and declared the baptism if the Holy Ghost to fall upon them, and one by one they fell… some shouting, some crying… but there is a significant difference… they were speaking in tongues. Joy overwhelmed my heart to see these hungry hearts getting filled.
Finally, I approached Anna who was at the moment on her knees and helped her rise up to her feet. Her eyes were filled with tears and desperation was painted in her face.
“Are you ready to receive?” I asked as I looked at her tear-wet cheeks, and with a shuddering voice, she replied.
"Open your mouth and begin to praise the Lord, Anna. Allow the Spirit to take control of your tongue." I instructed. And as I saw her begin to worship, I closed my eyes and began to pray.
May it be done to her, according to Your will oh God.
“Right now in the Name of Jesus, who baptizes with Fire and of the Holy Ghost, receive the power of the Holy Spirit!” I laid my hands on her forehead and instantly I noticed her breathing heave heavily. As I continued to speak in tongues her sobs turned into shouts, and her whole body began to shiver, then as I let out a final declaration, fascination began to grip me. For as she fell backward, I heard a new language coming out of her lips.
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