Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Matthew 4:4
I felt a prick of dolefulness as I watched Melchour close the door behind him. Maybe it was the sudden silence in the room that caused it... or the fact that this room had been so silent for so long that its return was so unseeming. I couldn't deny that I really enjoyed his company, and I couldn't be more thankful for what he has done for me tonight. Thank goodness nothing serious has happened to him.
This day really is filled with a lot of surprises. For the first time, even if I hadn't expected it, I sang for God today in leading worship. I've never done anything in my life that gave me so much joy and fulfillment. There was nothing more fascinating than worshipping my Creator, my God, the One who loves me so much, and I can't help but fall in love with Him more as days passed by...
As the clock struck 11, the bed began to entice me. Upon laying down, however, I found myself staring up the ceiling instead.
...My word shall be your Bread...
The words from the preaching earlier echoed in my mind repeatedly... My, I have got to get myself a Bible of my own.
The events of the day ran through my mind once again... unexpected worship leading, unexpected people to meet, unexpected street fight, and many more unexpected's. My, there had been a lot of things going on beginning the day I accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. I know in my heart though that there's still a long way to go... I just hope... that the people that I've begun this journey with, would still be there in the end with me.
My thoughts drifted away to Melchour as I thought of the day's events, my heart beating unusually fast. I never expected him to be so kind... and at the same time so... rugged?
The memory of the street fight I witnessed earlier flashed in my mind. Never had I expected a man like him - a pastor, to actually engage in a fistfight. I blew a tensed breath as I recalled. It was as though I watched an action movie live.
"Hmm, and he's really handsome..." I heard myself whisper in the dead of the night, my eyes widened as I realized the words that slipped out of my mouth.
"Wait, what?" I shook my head frantically and coiled myself inside my blanket. "Gosh... crazy thought, crazy thought." I pushed the thoughts away from my mind and allowed sleep to claim me.
Oh Lord... what is this thing I'm feeling?
I lifted my bag to my shoulder and headed for the door. It's already about seven in the morning and I need to catch the bus. I ran down the stairs quickly and went directly to the bus stop. Sure enough, after a few minutes of waiting and the bus finally arrived. I made my way inside and realized upon entering that all of the seats were occupied.
Hmm, it seems like a lot of people are going somewhere early today. I shrugged and searched for a pole to hold on to, but alas, as I was about to reach out the bus began to move.
In a split of a second, I felt the law of inertia take its toll. My eyes instinctively slammed shut as I anticipated the pain of hitting the bus' floor but instead... as I opened my eyes, I found myself leaning on a man's arm.
As I lifted my gaze, the embarrassment gripping my being as I recognized the man.
This is not happening.
"Hi there..." I gulped down the shame and began to speak.
"Uhm, H-hi..." I replied awkwardly.
Of all things that could happen in this beautiful morning, why this? I quickly stood up and began to compose myself.
"Good morning, Anna..." Melchour greeted, grinning widely as though nothing actually happened. Oh- how I wish I had that skill! "Hey what's with that face, are you okay?" He asked.
"Uhm, yeah, of course, I'm fine... I-uhh didn't know you actually rode buses." I stuttered.
"Yup, of course, I do. I'm glad to see you here though... how was your night?"
"Oh, about that, I really couldn't sleep last night." Partly because of you, I wanted to add. "I think I should get a Bible of my own already, do you think you can help me get my own? I realized I might be the only Christian in this world that doesn't own a Bible."
"Anna you're not the only one... there are more who are worst." He replied with a Chuckle. "That's good though, yes you should get a Bible of your own. If you want I could take you to some stores and point out some good versions for you?" He offered, to which I felt gladness fill my heart.
"Yes! That would be perfect Manung..." I replied, tapping his arms in gratitude. Few minutes passed and we reached the next bus stop. I couldn't help but notice, though, the number of people who were waiting. There must be a group of around thirty people waiting for the bus.
"They are going to the town's plaza." I heard Melchour whisper.
"Huh? Why, what's going on in the plaza?"
"There is a rally... against the city Mayor... they say he was a-uh, drug syndicate or something. Didn't you hear the news?"
"Oh, I really had no time last night and I was on a hurry this morning so I didn't have the chance to turn the news on," I replied, my gaze downcast as we walked to the edge of the bus to give room for the people who were coming in.
"Oh, at least now you know, there are many things going on in the world. Praise God that we're not of the world, even though we are actually living in it."
"Huh? Do you mind explaining that Pastor?" I asked.
"Oh I, uhm..." his words were interrupted as we saw more passengers coming in. We already reached the very edge of the bus and yet, people streamed in an endless line.
"What do these people plan on doing; make this bus a can of sardines?" I whispered and took another step backward. To my dismay, however, my feet couldn't move farther back anymore. My heart raced, realizing the decrease of space I had with the man before me.
"That I do not know Anna... but uhm, you're going to have to prepare for that... five more are coming in." Melchour replied and moved a step closer.
My face burned in heat.
"Uhm... Yeah but ..." I stuttered, the throbbing of my heart increasing.
I kept my gaze lowered, fully aware of the man five inches away. I took in a breath, only to fill my lungs with his scent. Oh my goodness, he smelled really good.
I shook my head. Now is not the time for this Johanna!
"Are you okay Anna? You seem to be having a hard time in there? You look--"
I lifted my gaze momentarily. He was right. I am having a hard time, a hard time keeping my heart calm!
"Uh, isn't this overloading already?" I managed to speak. The bus finally began to move again and all I could see was his chest.
"Yes, this is actually overloading already Anna...but the bus driver doesn't seem to have any problem with it though..."
"Uhm... uh, Melchour... you're- you're... uh..." I stammered. I wanted to tell him he was so darn close, but I couldn't say a word. The feeling I'm getting from this is beginning to drive me nuts. I couldn't even look at him straight. I slightly lifted my gaze and what I saw surprised me; is he... smiling?
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