And it shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains shall drop new wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Judah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the Lord, and shall water the valley of Shittim.
Joel 3:18
Are you alright?" I gazed at her from head to toe, my hands upon her shoulders as I spoke. Johanna's head lifted, her tear stained cheeks gleaming in the moonlight. I was taken aback, unsure of how to respond.
"You're bleeding," She breathed. And with this, her hand made its way to my face, the back of it upon my forehead.
"Hey, don't cry Anna, its nothing serious," I assured. She took in a breath, lowering her gaze as she took hold of my arm.
"This needs to be taken care of," She simply said, her hand still clutched to mine as she began to walk.
"Where are we going?" The familiar view of her apartment occupied my vission as we walked, the tall structure becoming clearer with each step.
"My apartment," My gaze swung towards her as she spoke, "Your wounds needs to be cleaned,"
"Oh, Johanna," I came to a halt, "There really is no need," I gazed towards her appreciatively, "I can take care of this when I get home,"
"Please, Manung," I felt her grip tighten, "This is the least I can do..." Her gaze remained upon me as she spoke, and all the more I found it hard to resist.
"But didn't you say you lived alone? Won't that be-" A quiet laugh escaped her mouth as I spoke,
"What exactly are you saying, Manung?" She gazed at me playfully.
"N-nothing," Flustered, I hung my head in defeat, following behind her lest she ask any more questions. I released a sigh. What was I thinking anyway?
“So," I began, breaking the silence as we walked up the stairs, "I assume you've lived in this building for four years already? You came to the city four years ago right?"
"Ah, yes Manung," She confirmed, "But I've lived in this apartment for only two years. For the first two years I lived with Aunt Riza."
I nodded in percipience, gazing towards her as she openned the door.
“My aunt hates it when I’m around so she sent me out to live on my own where I could bother no one.” She sighed. “I’m fine though, I already got used to it for some time, being alone in a house is not a new thing for me…” she recalled, removing her shoes and slipping on a pair of flip flops. “...and besides, there are many who are living in this building so, I guess I can consider that company. Come one in, Manung!” She beckoned. I took in a breath and stepped in.
"Wow," I blinked in admiration, amazed as I scattered my gaze around her seemingly spotless apartment.
"Huh? What's the matter?" I heard Johanna ask, tearing me from my thoughts.
"Nothing, its just that," I scratched the back of my head, ”You're place is so clean its almost embarassing to get in,"
She chuckled at my word, shaking her head slightly, "Oh come on, Manung, that's nonsense. It just became a habbit really, I've been cleaning in a restaurant every day for years so I kind of adapted it here too." She walked away as she spoke, "Please take as seat on one of the chairs, Manung, I'll be back shortly."
I nodded and took a seat, my gaze still probing the gleaming tiles of her kitchen counter.The apartment wasn't really big. Just right for a person living alone. The kitchen and Living room were in a single room, partitioned by a long horizontal cabinet in its midst. Johanna came after a few minutes, a bottle of betadine and hydrogen peroxide in hand.
I saw her sigh as she took a seat beside me, her gaze now anchored on my face.
"I'm so sorry Manung," She lifted a cotton ball and drenched it in hydrogen peroxide, "I'm really sorry,"
"Don't apologize Johanna," I replied, feeling the cotton ball against my skin. "It's not your fault. Just... Just be careful who you give a chance beginning today, alright?"
A smile adorned her face, nodding as she drenched another cotton ball and drew near, "Noted, Manung,"
My gaze widened at her nearness, a strange sensation brewing in my heart. And as much as I resisted, somehow I couldn't help but study her comely feautures. Raven dark strands framed her temples, her lovely upturned eyes eminent as she carefully dabbed the cotton ball against my skin. I lowered my gaze momentarily, only to lift it again. How lovely.
“Manung… is there something wrong?” She asked. I quickly pulled my gaze away, taking in a breath as I prepared to speak.
“No Anna, there's nothing wrong.” I replied, “I’m just curious, where are you from exactly?”
“Ah, I’m from Banawe, Manung, home of the Glorious Rice Terraces.”
“Really? You are from Ifugao? Wow,” I nodded with a smile.
“Yup, pure blood.” She confirmed, “There, it's done.” She patted my shoulder and began to gather the medicine in her hands.
“Oh, thanks. I wonder, how long does it take to reach your province?” she lifted her gaze and began to count with her fingers.
“About eight hours on a bus and two hours of walking. Quite far isn’t it?”
“Wow, it is far. How much do you spend to get in there?”
“Hmm, why are you asking? You can’t possibly be thinking of going there right?”
“Oh, who knows… maybe?” A wide smile was drawn from her lips as she heard my words. It has always been my desire to go and minister in the mountain ranged provinces… it seems that somehow, besides the fact that I came from there, was also a heart to see it be saved and revived.
“Oh, Really?” she mused. “Well, it usually costs around four hundred pesos… or somewhere around that?" She informed, walking towards the kitchen. I reclined back to the chair as I watched her pour coffee from the thermus. I heard her sigh as she walked towards me, "It’s been a long time since I went home.”
“Hmm, thanks. You really didn’t have to do this…”
“U-uh, that’s nothing compared to what you’ve done a while back. Thank you Manung…”
“Well actually, you should thank God for giving me strong arms that can fight…” I joked. I saw her jaws drop, scoffing as she gazed away.
I smiled in amusement as I saw her speak, her eyes smiling along with her lips as she did so. All the more I felt a strong fascination grip my being, appreciative as I watched the woman before me. The coffee I held decreased in amount as time ticked by, and by the time I consumed it all, it was already about 10pm.
"Hey, I’ve had a great time here but, it’s almost ten in the evening…” I informed regrettably as I placed the mug in the table in front of us.
“Ah yes, Of course. My, I lost track of the time."
“So, I guess we should call it a night then?” I stretched out my hand towards her as I stood.
“Yes and… thank you again Manung.” Her eyes reflected the sincerity of her words. And I couldn't help but smile at the sight.
"You're welcome." I replied and walked towards the door. "Good night, Johanna," With a slight bow, I flashed her a glance one last time and shut the door behind me, releasing a breath of satisfaction as the events of the day went through my mind.
I shut my eyes for a few moments, calming my heart as I counted each breath. Lord, whatever this may be, if it is from You, then lead me. But if its from the enemy... Deliver me...
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