Facts pt 2 [ be prepared for a lot]
Oh wow here we go
1. I hate it but here goes, if any of you guys try searching me I'll beat you
Taylor Mary Bellinger
2. Leo
3. Dark, Knives, Clowns/mascots [Dude they always like do a sort of "flirt" with me. There was a bunny in the mall and I walked by and they just gave that sort of "oh hey there cutie" wave]
4. Chocolate, Video Games, Blankets
5. Mm honestly gotta say Howlers4Ever
6. Ironic by Bo Burnham
7. XD well I didn't get this far into reading the questions, this shall be kept secret thank you very much
8. I guess I'll do this one but pee, blood, and like idk how to describe it but sort of quiting dominants? Just like you know [from roleplay experience] when there's a little pain they stop and just stop everything because there's just a little pain like. Really wtf don't whimp out and yeah. Pain is good. Pain is (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) beautiful
9. Honestly no idea and I really dont want to check XD
10. 0 now but I used to have 4 piercings in my ears
11. Never joined tumblr
12. Bored and just wondering what I'm doing with life and kinda pissed since I have very little freedom. I mean I asked my dad to have an old tablet he hasn't touched today and now I have to share it with him and he has the pass code like...wth
13. Freedom and an apartment.
14. Single Pringle
15. Wtf is a URL? XD am I just like old and not caught up on things?
16. Probably the new Beauty and the Beast or any Disney movies. Especially El Dorado
17. Oh boy, idk where to start
18. Maybe BTS? Idk
19. People talking with their mouths full, lying and the lack of freedom [as I said before] that my family gives me
20. Talking with friends, Video Games, and anything Chocolate
21. Oh~ interesting really it's just if they make me laugh, so a sense of humor, their personality, when they aren't a push over or scared of being themselves and they are sweet but firm on things.
22. Can I say my pets? I miss so many of my pets especially my little Dozie
23. Everyone! As long as they don't piss me off
24. My dad and I are like, idk I couldn't live without him even though he frustrates me sometimes and my mom and I...she pisses me off with what shes done to our family for her own joy and still she spends the money we need to keep getting food on herself. She's over selfish
25. Christmas
26. XD don't have tumblr.
27. ^^
28. A confession hmmmm well I can't sleep without a nightlight. There I said it
29. Oh boy, lying, backsass to me about the same thing over and over and just my siblings.
30. Mm Dogs? Turtles? Many
31. Well I'm down to three now and that is Piper, my puppy, Lucky my pregnant cat and Gucci the sneaky little bastard. He's a ninja
32. Mmm XD well I know I'll get shit for this but I say I don't like it but I like being called cute okay, I just like to deny 😁
33. Will I even have any plans for life? Do I have talents? Will my dad be around for a longer time?
34. Well strap in babies I've got lots of these in my pocket. I have my occasional stutter and such with is embarrassing along with tripping I've my own feet and then I have where I fell down the stairs, crowded stairs, and grabbed onto two guys like wrapping my arms around their shoulders to keep myself up and they drug me along until I fell. Also when I was spreading my legs in school and having them up to my chest and stuff without realizing I had gotten my red horror earlier in the day so two guys were looking at me weird.
35. XD work
36. Am I good enough? Am I annoying?
37. Biting my lip, plucking at my eyebrows and skinning the sides if my thumbs with my nails.
38. I have no idea
39. Ohhh meeting my friends online IRL and when I get a boyfriend that I can hug and kiss and spoil XD
40. Not sure
41. Chicken Chowmain
42. Sat around Inside recovering from striking a bunch of golf balls the day previous and played Sims and Fortnite with my nest frienddd
43. Cheering people up or making them laugh
44. Honestly though, I don't like elegant things so a perfect date to me would be either eating at a park or something or sitting at home and just having a little date there. That or at an amusement park/fair oh my lord I'd love that so much.
45. Don't have any
46. Do I have to? I guesss
The sun was i my eyes and my hair was flat and not cooperating so it looks like shit and I look pissed but it's the only picture I have of myself that you guys haven't seen yet. I was also eating a Mc-Griddle during this photo process
47. Blog? I don't read blogs or whatever you do with them
48. Oh shit that hard, I'm bouncing between 2-3 & 4 but leaning more towards 3
49. No I don't, I've never taken even the tiniest drink of alcohol and I've experienced second hand smoking and I honestly don't want to smoke at all.
50. Why is Teddy so strange?
I don't know
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