Sleepy: Part I
Shadow let out a stressed out sigh as Sonic stopped talking. "Why didn't you just say something?" He said just a bot concerned for the smaller. He was a mess, his quills were a mess and his eyes looked pink though it was only noticeable when you got close to him. "I was panicking, I have no excuse to why I didn't but I didn't know what to do.." the cobalt hedgie said as he hugged himself. It was only another 20 minutes until they had to go back to class. "C'mon." Shadow spoke up heading for the door. "We're getting your stuff and then your going to the guidance counselor-" he was abruptly interrupted as Sonic hustled in front of him, "No! I don't what they'll do to me then if we do that, Silver is cold hearted I can't say anything -", "You aren't, I am" Sonic was stuck, why would he do that? 'He cares about me?..' "Only so you don't end up in the hospital, I already don't like you enough but that doesn't mean you have to end up dead. Can't you defend yourself?" The ebony looked down at him while the others ear slightly drooped. He didn't like the idea of going up to them. If you know Silver the one thing you don't do is snitch on him or any of his fellow men or seniors who are with him, including Scourge.
"Kevin?! What happened to your glasses?" Another student asked a taller and slim guy. "Scourge, some silver hedgehog and 2 other dudes jumped me on Saturday. They walked off all like 'Shouldn't have snitched..' or some shit" Sonic was nosey, he couldn't help it. 'Silver, always beating someone up..Who's Scourge?' He though to himself sitting down in his seat. Silver and Sonic dated, no one knew though. Silver said something about keeping a secret for classified reasons. Sonic honestly feels like he's just really shy, it seemed adorable.
As the weeks went by, the same 'Kevin' came to school on Monday and looked different. He went from not speaking to his friend to not showing to class at all. "Kevin? Absent again..gonna have to contact his parents on this one" The teacher was going over attendance as Kevin's last name started with Z. "Oh well.." She sighed and turned on the News.
"Oh my.." The teacher was dearly shocked along with the rest of the class. All but for Sonic, he was purely mortified. 'S-Silver?..' he recognized Silver's white quill immediately. He was in the deepest state of denial. Silver couldn't have had anything to do with it. There was no way, he's innocent.
~End Flashback~
"Shadow please..Don't.." the smaller begged. He felt pathetic but he had to, after what he did to Kevin he couldn't imagine what'd he do to him. "Please don't..." He looked up along with his ears drooping. "Sonic we have to get your stuff back, you have class and I have to go to class we don't have much time now" Shadow took the others wrist and walked out of the bathroom. "Wait Shadow!-" They walked into the hallway of people. Some almost immediately noticed the hedgehogs state. All he did was look down and walk closely behind Shadow. He was right, he needed his stuff for his next class and this was the only way he was going to get it. Sonic's delicate wrist was released and he took off his other glove. His soft peach hands were now both visible as they both grimaced the deathly hallway. People continued to stare while the duo walked the halls. There they were, the cafeteria doors. 'No..' Sonic's ears drooped once more while he hesitated and stopped walking for a second. Shadow stopped and turned to see the troubled boy. He had just noticed he was trembling, 'What the hell did he do to him back then to make him so scared?..' Shadow had thought while giving a somewhat sympathetic and reassuring look. He just wanted to go back to the courtyard. "You'll be fine, just c'mon" Shadow opened the doors. So many people..
Sonic's eyes darted at the hundreds of other students until they stopped on two figures. One rummaging through his stuff and the other studying his glove. He felt like crying again. He didn't want to be here anymore. "Ah look who came back! With his..Bodyguard.." Silvers voice went from cocky and amused to aggravated and angered. "I told you not to snitch baby blue. Why is he here?" His head turned to the blue blur was still slightly trembling behind Shadow, he felt safer there. 'I'm so weak..' he thought to himself. "Okay enough bullshit Silver, give him his stuff so I we can leave" Shadow said annoyed again. He honestly wanted to walk out but the state Sonic was in held him back, he felt the need to protect the other. "How do you know my name?" Silver now stood walking towards the ebony hedgehog with the hint of venom in his voice he always got when he felt threatened. He didn't know Shadow, so how the hell did he know him? "Oh shit, you might wanna back up handsome" Scourge shot at Shadow as he instigated. "Can I just have his goddamn bag- and I know you have his other glove" Shadow said now walking towards Scourge.
"Back up." Silver was getting territorial. "Sh-shadow let's just-" Sonic was cut off, "No, you heard what I said...before" Sonic was terrified. His trembling got worse and tears were waiting to pour down his cheeks. He started hugging himself, looking to the floor while doing so. "I-I just want to l-leave..I wanna go h-home.." He couldn't stop shaking, even if he wanted to. "Sh-Shadow, I want to leave!" He looked back up at the darker toned hedgehog with tiny pupils and a terrified expression. The fighting hedgehogs had his attention now, Silver was shocked yet not surprised since Sonic had done this once or twice when they dated. Scourge was stunned, he had never seen blue so scared before. Shadow..
"Sh-shadow, I'm scared!" About a year ago, a girl with green eyes shouted through her tears within the burning building. Her and Shadow had been trapped in a room where the flames had been trying to enter. "It's ok I'm here" Shadow had been trying to calm her down as he was studying the room for a way out of the heated place. The fire department had already arrived and were evacuated the building. Sadly the two were in an isolate place in the school, they were trying to study in a quiet area away from everyone. She was like a little sister to him, so he kinda spoiled her in a way. "There" he saw a way to climb out. She nodded in agreement, she stepped into his palm as he was giving her a boost up to window. She stuck her hand out to lift him up through as he climbed up himself. They were in the courtyard, there was smoke peaking and nearly pouring out of the windows, 'What the hell happened?..' Shadow scanned the area finding an exit door.
So much smoke..
The girl began coughing as he held her hand while they ran down the hallways. She began to grow weak as she ran. "Shad..dow...I can't.." she tried to speak between multiple pants while she tried catching her breath. "Here, we have to hurry" he bent down to let her get on his back. She was small and light so he should be fine. The entrance doors to the middle school. He ran as she desperately held onto his back, its not she was weak i general she was pretty heavy handed for someone her size and her personality. There was only one problem, she had asthma. Only a few feet away stood the doors to freedom and fresh air. Along with fire truck and..Police sirens? 'Some kid must've did this..'
He finally made it out, nearly falling as he frantically looked for a paramedic of any sort. "Young man! Is she responsive? Can she walk?" A firefighter approached him, "She has asthma! I'm not sure about anything else" Shadow explained. The older man yelled for paramedics to come help, he was a brown husky looked to be in his mid forties. Two ladies came over with a stretcher as Shadow gently lied her onto the padded stretcher and they took her to the hospital.
~~~End flashback~~~
Shadow stared at the ground, holding his hand out for Sonic's things, "Give me the bag" is all he said. Silver looked at the other male. "..Give it to him" he motioned to Scourge. The emerald green hesitated but gave it anyway. Shadow snatched it, grabbing sonic's hand and walked out of the cafeteria with him. He was taking him somewhere, away from everyone.
"Silver are you-" Scourge attempted to speak to the leader of the harassment. "Get the guys ready for tomorrow, we're having a meeting" Silver wasn't looking at him. Just the door Shadow and Sonic walked out of. People were recording with ooo's and ah's. For the first time in awhile, Silver was embarrassed.
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