16 - New Project
"There you go!" I said as I put down a cup of coffee on the table. "Thanks love," he said and smiled. I sat down opposite him and spread some black-current jam on a slice of toast. Thomas was busy on his phone.
"What are you doing?" I asked and took a bite of my toast. "There's a guy, casting director. He sent me an email of a new movie project that I've been casted in," he answered, still on his phone.
"Congratulations! We should celebrate!" I exclaimed and he smiled. "Let's just confirm my place in this project."
"What's it called?" I questioned. He scrolled on his phone, "It's called 'The Maze Runner'. It's based on a young adult series of books written by James Dashner."
I rolled my eyes and walked up towards my book shelf. "You mean this?" I smirked. "Yeah," He stood up and walked towards me, "You're reading it?"
I nodded, "It's so good!" He smiled, "Okay, after I talk to this guy, you can tell me the story." I shook his hand, "Deal!"
We sat on the sofa as I narrated the plot of 'The Maze Runner'. He listened with fascination as I explained terms such as 'The Glade' and 'Grievers'. He also asked A LOT of questions.
"I'm on the second book right now, but this is all you need to know," I ended. "Wow! It's actually really interesting. No wonder they're making a movie on it!" Thomas said.
"Email!" Thomas said and walked over to get his phone. He sat down next to me and opened the unread email. It was from the casting director.
"Oh, he sent me the script. It says that shooting starts on May 13th but I have to be there a few days before," Thomas explained and I frowned.
"What's wrong?" Thomas asked and held my hand. "Nothing... I'm fine. I'm okay," I answered, looking at the floor, "I just-It's nothing."
He kissed my cheek, "You don't want me to leave?" I looked in his eyes. "You can come with me, if you want," he suggested. I shook my head. "No, no, it's not that," I lied. I know it was kind of weird of me to feel like this but, all this time he's been with me. I don't want to be left alone.
I got up and walked into the kitchen. I felt arms snake around my waist. Thomas kissed my cheek. "You sure you're okay?" He asked and I nodded.
This isn't like me, I thought, My negative thoughts are taking advantage of me.
1 week later
"Hello? Who's this?" I spoke into the phone. I got an email just like Thomas about a new project. The casting director for the project I was to be in had just called me.
"Hi, this is Jonathan. I hope you got my email," Jonathan said. "Yes I did. Thank you for the... Offer. I'm looking forward to it, actually!" I said.
Thomas and I talked about it for hours after I got the email a few days ago. He encouraged me to go. I wanted to as well, but my shoot ends way after his, and starts about three weeks after his starts.
In the end, I decided I'd go with it. It'll get my mind of the fact that Thomas would be away.
Jonathan dug deeper into the details of the project, including other cast members and locations. He had attached the script, which means that my memorising marathon would start soon.
"Okay, thanks. Bye," I said and ended the call. "Jonathan?" Thomas said as he walked out of the kitchen with a cookie. I rolled my eyes.
"Hey, that's for dessert!" I said and grabbed his hand, just as he was going to take a bite. I took a bite instead and grinned, "You can't have any now... unless I'm having too." He kissed my cheek.
"So what did he say?" Thomas asked, leaning against the kitchen counter. "Well... he basically told me everything that was written in the email, but in more detail. The dates of shooting, what I'll be doing and when... stuff like that. The usual stuff," I replied as I poured dressing onto the salad.
"Well, it sounds very interesting. It's cool how we're both occupied at the same time..." Thomas trailed off. I walked to the fridge and took out the jug of lemonade. "I'll have one more of these," Thomas said, his mouth stuffed with cookie. I chuckled at how childish he could be sometime.
1 week after Thomas leaves
This is so depressing. Wait, that's not the right word. I don't think any word can describe my feelings. I know it sounds kind of cliché but it's true!
I sighed as I made an effort to get off the sofa and walk to the kitchen to refresh my cup of coffee. I sighed, once again. I was starting to become an expert at it.
This week has been too long. Thomas and I chat everyday on Whatsapp. We Skype each other whenever he's free. He told me that the cast had a camp out on the set to get into the groove of living a messy life in the Glade.
Just then, my ears perked towards my phone. It was my Skype ringtone. I hastened towards my phone and picked it up. I grinned as I clicked the answer button.
"Hey Tommy!" I exclaimed, a bit too excitedly. "Hi love, hope I'm not bothering you," Thomas said and smiled. His hair was messy and he had dirt on his face. He was wearing an orange sleeveless shirt.
"Not at all! I was anxiously waiting to hear from you,"I answered, "So what are you doing?" I took a sip of my coffee as I watched Thomas get up. "Well, we're getting ready to shoot. You can see that I'm in my Newt clothes," Thomas showed the set, everyone getting ready and discussing.
"Wow, seems interesting! You're such a good Newt!" I stated and smiled. Thomas chuckled, a sound I missed so much.
We talked for a pretty long time. Well, 10 minutes. That amount of time is big when you're busy on set. I eventually wished him good luck and said goodbye.
Now the only thing on my mind was my project. With just two weeks until the date I need to reach there, I need to pack.
Well... two weeks is a pretty long time to prepare for packing but, the thing is that Thomas suggested that I come to set for a week and stay with him. He knows all about my 'no-thomas-blues' and so proposed the idea. He checked with Wes Ball, the director, and he had no problems. Plus, I'll get to meet Dylan O'brien! What? I'm a fan...
At that thought, all the misery of not having Thomas by my side right now was washed away, replaced with excitement of getting to meet him soon!
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