06 - Day 1 Greenie!
The elevator said as the door opened. Thomas let me walk out first.
He is such a gentlemen! I thought.
I exited the elevator, he followed and we both were standing in the hotel lounge. There were quite a few people present, doing their own things.
"I thought we'd be the only ones awake!" I whispered to Thomas and he nodded. I recognised James and Mark and a few other faces but I didn't know their names.
I better get to know everyone soon... I thought.
Thomas started walking towards the people and I tagged along behind. Everyone present in the lounge were busy doing something. James had some papers in his hands, I'm guessing that's the script. Mark had his glasses on and was reading a newspaper. A young lady, I think her name is Samantha, was looking through a magazine. She had ginger-ish hair which was all stuffed into a messy bun. One man, middle aged was drinking, i assume, some coffee. Some people were walking around, others were looking at the fish tank. A few were on their phones, talking or texting away! Basically everyone was occupied and me and Thomas awkwardly stood there, watching.
"Ah! Look who's woken up! Good morning Thomas and Ellie! Had a good night's sleep?" James said as he put the papers in his hands down onto the coffee table. I smiled and nodded in reply to his question. "Yeah it was great actually! And a very adventurous morning!" Thomas cheerfully said and looked at me with a big smirk on his face.
Why is he so adorable? I thought, I just want to hug him right now!
Me, Thomas and James talked for about half an hour, chatting about the script and clearing any doubts we had. Many of the crew memebers were asking me questions and wanted to know more about me. It kind of felt nice telling people about me and actually having a long conversation. I have to get to know everyone. I'll be spending time with them for 3 months!
At the workplace
We had an awesome bus ride. I just love bus rides! I was listening to music, my kind of music, which I feel no one else in the world will like! And Thomas insisted that I let him listen to my music taste. Eventually I let him.
We talked about what genres and what singers/bands in music we like. Me and Thomas have alot of things in common!
James had discussed the schedule with us on the bus (he was sitting one seat behind us!). Today we were going to have a whole cast read through of the script and basically sort everything out for shooting, which would start in about 2 weeks. I can't wait!
Instead of going to the set today, we all ended up in a 2 storey building which had many rooms, filled with all sorts of equipment, for editing and filming, and costumes and props. James told us that this was kind of like his production and storage house. He'd basically do all the post production over here after the actors have done their job.
James assigned everyone jobs and which rooms they'll be in. After all the actors completed their tasks, we were supposed to meet James in some big hall, type of room to start the script read through.
Me, Thomas and the other actors were supposed to be in the costumes room, sorting out our sizes and what we'll wear in each scene.
As i entered, i was ahocked to see the amount of clothes. There are so many clothes! Coat hangers were filled and piles of cloth were on the floor. There were about five sewing machines and a few tables and chairs. I just want to try all of the clothes!
"You like clothes, huh?" Thomas said with a grin. Clearly, my excitement showed on my face. Well...
"Yeah, I mean, I like dressing up! Wearing different types of clothes, stuff I have never tried before, while playing different characters is just... fun!" I cheerfully replied. At that moment a women walked up to me and Thomas.
"Hi! Welcome to our wonderful world of costumes and props! I'm Samantha but you can call me Sam for short," The lady greeted, cheerfully. That was when I realised that I had seen her in the morning, back at the hotel lounge. So her name is Samantha... I was right!
I smiled at her. She seemed really nice and sweet. "Hi I'm Thomas and this is Ellie," Thomas introduced as he shook Sam's hand. I did the same.
"Nice to meet you! Well, to start of, I'm going to mostly be working with you two for the clothes and stuff, so yeah. Basically taking your measurements and getting outfits in order for our lovely main actors!" Sam explained as she gestured to us, "I won't be doing your make up and hair but just the clothes." I nodded, indicating that I understood. I looked over to Thomas and he seemed to understand as well.
"Okay so, that's done! Umm, let's get started with what you'll be wearing in each scene. You both have read the script, right? You know exactly what it's about?" Sam asked. "Yeah, we both had read the whole thing yesterday and have been discussing it ever since," I answered.
"In that case, my job becomes alot easier! Come on, have a seat!" Sam said as she sat at a table.
Thomas and I took our seats and then our discussion started on what to wear and when. I actually like the outfits I'm going to wear! My kind of style!
2 hours later
"So basically that's all you guys need to know for now, at least! You get an idea about the clothes and how your character's personality is right?" Sam asked Thomas and I. Throughout, she explained the outfits to be worn by both of us and took our measurements. I even tried a few tops, bottoms and dresses! There were some really pretty ones. I was planning to sneak a few into my bag! Joke!
"Yeah, we get an idea! Thanks for explaining, in the least boring way!" Thomas replied on behalf of both of us. I just smiled. I looked at my watch. It was 1:40 PM.
Wow! We spent about two hours talking! I thought.
"Well, this has been fun and I am very happy that we finally got to meet and chat!" Sam said cheerfully, "I think James will start the script read through in about 20 minutes so... you guys should prepare for that. It'll be fun!"
I completely forgot about that! Seeing all those clothes made me forget everything else!
Sam got up from her seat, which indicated that me and Thomas should get up too. She walked out of the room and said, "I'll guide you two towards the room!"
We walked for about 2 minutes and finally reached the room. On the door, there was a big label saying 'MEETING ROOM'. It was quite big in size and was filled with about 20 people. There were tables, all joined to make a big 'U' shape. There was place for about 30 people to sit and each chair had a label on it. I saw one with 'Ellie' and the chair next to it had 'Thomas'.
I saw James at the other side of the room and waved to him. He waved back, with a big smile stretched across his face. Thomas and I walked over to him to find out what's going on.
"Hey guys! What's up? I hope your discussion with Samantha went well!" James said. "Yeah, very well! Thanks to her, we both understand everything about the clothing," Thomas answered.
"That's good to hear. We're just getting ready for the script read through so you guys just stay put. Umm... did you bring the script with you? There are spares if you haven't," James asked. "We both brought it. I told Thomas to take it... He wasn't going to!" I replied. James gave us both a 'thumbs up' and a big grin.
After a while of helping James with sorting everything out, all the cast sat at their respected places. I took my seat and removed the script from my bag. Thomas did the same. We were ready for two hours of fun!
"Okay, everyone ready? This is going to be exciting! If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. LET'S BEGIN!" James announced.
This will be AWESOME!
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