02 - First Impressions Count
Next week Friday
It's been a good week. I haven't been the most productive person on the planet as the only thing running through my mind is the new movie I am going to act in. Mark Johnson, the casting director, had sent me all the details about the set and it's so exciting. The location isn't so far from where I live....
Right. Where I live. Well, you'd expect I live in a nice villa with a garden and all but I really am just... ordinary. I have a flat in Central London. It's not that bad actually. It's what you can call 'Home Sweet Home'!
I try to keep a low profile. You know, just chill and enjoy the time when no one recognises you. I've spoken to many actors and actresses and some say they miss the time when they weren't so famous. They could do anything they wanted!
Today is the day. The day I meet the man I have been a fan for more than a decade and a half.
Make a good first impression and you'll be fine for the next 3 months, I thought.
This isn't going to be bad. I mean,he is a human after all. All humans humiliate themselves once in a while. It will go fine...
I had done most of the packing already. Dumped all the necessaties of life in my suitcase like my laptop, phone charger, headphones and of course food (What? Food is my passion!)
As it would be chilly later in the evening, I decided to wear a sweater. Inside that was a white dress shirt with a collar. I wore dark skinny jeans under that and for shoes I wore shiny black flats. I let my hair flow down my shoulders. Honestly saying,I didn't look bad at all... casual and comfortable, just the way I like it!
I gathered my suitcase, my purse and my coat and locked everything up at 3:30 PM as we had to reach there by 4:15 PM, at he most.
I walked out of my house door and locked it behind me.
At the set
The taxi ride was okay, I guess. I was listening to music the whole way. I started to get a little nervous when we had arrived.
I paid the taxi driver and collected my things. I took a deep breath and started walking towards the crowd of people at the site.
It was beautiful. There was so much greenery around. The calm breeze passed by once in a while and comforted me. There were a few tents put up, they were really big. Tables and chairs were arranged and everyone was having a good time. It made me feel happy.
I searched for someone who was familiar but no one was there to be found. Even if it was Thomas, it would have been fine.
"Ellie! You made it! I am so happy to see you," someone startled me from behind.
I turned around to find a man, taller than me (I am about 5'4), blonde, short hair and a big smile stretched across his face.
"I'm Mark Johnson. I hope it was no trouble getting here."
"None at all. In fact, I enjoyed it a bit!" I said.
"Well, with no time wasted, let me show you around. You should be introduced to the others," Mark told and started to walk in the direction of where the people were.
I walked next to him as he explained the 'who' and 'what' of the place.
"This is where we will be eating our lunch which would be at about 3:30 PM, starting tomorrow." It was a big tent filled with all the things you need to make a good meal. Outside it were tables and chairs. Mark then pointed to a young man. Who was talking to someone. Brown hair, average height, slim and a cheerful face.
"That's James Daniels. He's the director of the movie. He isn't well known... yet! This is one of his first movies. He started of by making short films. James was actually the one who choose you and Thomas for the film. Said that you two were perfect together. He looks busy so we'll see him a little later."
Did the director actually say that? I thought. That me and Thomas are perfect together.
I should be happy but, for some reason I'm getting more nervous.
We walked a little and Mark told me everything about the set.
"Now you should finally meet your costar. Umm.... ah there he is!" Mark told and he pointed to a young man who's back was faced towards us. He was wearing jeans, a black jacket and sneakers for shoes.
Oh no! Not him! Anyone but him... I thought.
"Thomas! There's someone here to meet you!" Mark called out.
We were about 4 feet away when the young man turned around.
Time seemed to slow down and I was starstruck. His chocolate brown eyes met mine and my heart stopped. He had the most loveliest smile plastered on his face. A smile that could cure any disease.
"This is Ellie Canterbury. She is going to be your costar. And Ellie this is Thomas Brodie-Sangster," Mark introduced. "Hi Ellie. Nice to meet you!" Thomas greeted as he held out his hand. I hesitated at first but then shook his hand. "Nice to meet you too!" I smiled.
"You guys should get to know each other because you're going to be spending a lot of time with each other! I'll be back after a while," Mark said and waved goodbye.
Mark left us with an awkward silence and things were starting to get really...
"So, looking forward to acting with me? I hope you are!" Thomas asked. "Umm, of course I'm looking forward to acting with you! Why wouldn't I?" I answered, "Can I just say that I admire your acting skills and...yeah." "Oh umm, thanks!" Thomas said and smiled at me.
Why does he have to be so damn adorable? I thought.
"I've seen your previous movies. They're really good! I liked the one where you were acting as an undercover agent. It was bloody brilliant! And your acting is bloody brilliant as well," Thomas complemented.
The way he says bloody... so cute! I thought.
"Thank you! That means a lot coming from you!" I said.
We sat down and spoke for what felt like hours. It was so nice speaking to him. He listened to all the nonsense I was saying. And the way he'd look at me with interest.
This is going to be a really good movie.
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