LILY COVERED HER mouth as she watched her father and his band of death eaters carry harry's dead body back to boast about his victory.
"harry potter is no more", voldemort announced, making the ground of students and professors stand in sorrow.
"though you've all put up a good fight...I must say it was sadly not enough", voldemort mocked.
lily glanced around the people that were standing, seeing if she could find her papa amongst all the people.
"however, if you're now willing to join us, I'm sure we can work something out and give you a position after I take over the muggle world", voldemort laughed.
"draco! draco!", lucius called out, making the boy not only embarrassed, but quite conflicted.
draco's father motioned for him to come over, to which the boy hesitantly trudged towards voldemort.
"lily...I've been looking for you", voldemort said, making the little girl flinch.
the girl was about to take a step forward until hermione had stopped her by saying something utterly brutal.
"stop lily!! he's the one that killed snape!"
lily froze.
"w-what did you say?"
"he...he's the one that killed snape", hermione uttered out, making lily's eyes wide.
"SHUT UP YOU MUDBLOOD! lily, come over to father. the mudblood doesn't know what she's talking about", voldemort sweetly coaxed.
though lily did not hear any of it, as she felt the world around cease of any noise except the sound of her own erratic heartbeat.
her entire body felt so numb that she didn't even realize tears were rapidly streaming down her once rosy cheeks.
"w-where...where is he? WHERE IS HE?!", lily yelled.
hermione sobbed.
"he's dead lily. dead".
lily's head whipped towards voldemort, who was not in the least bit amused.
"you killed papa...why?", the little girl choked out, feeling herself nearly on the verge of giving up.
"I did this for us lily! so we can have a long lasting future!! severus was the last owner of the elder wand, and to kill harry, I needed to kill him first. you understand don't you?", voldemort explained, trying to talk as softly as possible.
"indeed. for us. now come over—"
everyone watched in surprise and fear as an eight year-old little girl had defied the dark lord.
voldemort's patience ran thin.
"lily, come here now or I'll make you!", the man threatened.
lily immediately stuck her wand against her temple, backing up a few steps as voldemort took a step forward.
"you wouldn't dare!"
"lily, what are you doin—"
"I KNOW YOUR SECRET!", lily shouted, making nearly everyone confused, some even wondered if the girl had gone mad from the loss of snape.
"my secret? ha, you don't know what you're talking about. lily, just put the wand down and we can talk about thi—"
"SHUT UP! you're a liar! you didn't do any of this for us! it's all for yourself. you're a bitter man, tom riddle!
you don't deserve to be a father, nor do you deserve to be a ruler", lily said, making voldemort beyond pissed.
"what do you know?! a mere eight year-old—"
"I might only be eight, but I know killing innocent people and making horcruxes of them are not right!
you sent me here, made papa take me to hogwarts so that no one would know. no one would think that eight year-old lily WOULD BE THE LAST HORCRUX!", lily screamed, making hermione's heart drop.
"w-what?" hermione gaped in horror as the little girl glanced back and gave her a look of sorrow.
"I'm the last horcrux. it was never nagini. you thought no one would find out, but dumbledore knew.
he told papa:
light and bright,
is the one that follows you day and night.
last of them all, full of wit,
you'll never guess, that she was it.
the starting letter of each line spells my name, lily".
draco's breath hitched, feeling extremely hard to breathe all of a sudden.
voldemort crackled.
"I'm surprised you figured all that out. well? what do you want? a trophy? a doll? a pin for your accomplishments?", voldemort mocked, making some of the death eaters laugh.
"I want to see harry", lily bravely said, ceasing the laughter.
voldemort sighed. he never will truly understand children and their simplistic minds.
"I suppose that's fine", the man said with a bored expression as he had one of his death eaters drop harry's body off in front of the little girl before scurrying off.
lily took small steps towards harry's body, bending down as she observed the boy.
"harry...harry", the girl softly called out, feeling her tears drop onto the boy's face and making his finger flinch ever so slightly.
lily nearly gasped until she had remembered that the dark lord was still watching her, along with the many others.
"harry, take care of it", lily mumbled as she placed her wand in the boy's hand.
lily then stood up, walking over to neville, who was a few feet away and still held godric's sword.
"thank you for your service, commander trevor".
the little girl then hastily snatched the sword from neville's grasp and touched the blade to her neck.
voldemort slightly tensed as he saw the little girl pressing the blade abnormally hard against her neck. though he could also visibly see the pain in her face.
"you're foolish if you think I'd actually believe you for a moment", voldemort scowled.
"watch me".
hermione gasped in utter horror as she watched the little girl's body drop onto the dirty floor along with the silvery sword that was now stained with lily's blood.
harry immediately stumbled up, gripping tightly onto lily's wand as him and voldemort dueled for the last time.
the elder wand recognized his owner, harry potter, and rebounded the killing curse onto voldemort himself.
with no more horcruxes keeping his soul bounded to this world, voldemort's body dissipated into ashes, once and for all.
"LILY!! LILY!!", hermione cried, hurrying over to the little girl's body as did the rest.
fred and george stood holding each other's hand as they watched their little partner in crime pale even more than the moon.
luna silently shed her tears as the only person who didn't claim her to be looney the first time they had met was now gone.
neville wiped away his tears as the girl who had helped bring out his bravery now bled.
ron held onto hermione as the girl loudly sobbed into his chest.
harry huffed as he had finally ended the enemy and clenched his fists tightly, holding lily's wand onto dear life.
draco fell onto his knees, shakily extending his arms out towards the girl, just like how she normally did when she had wanted to be picked up.
the blonde boy coddled lily's cold body, quietly whimpering as he buried his face in her unruly dark brown locks.
out of everyone that had known lily, draco was probably the closest to her with the exception of snape of course.
while the boy was tasked for murder, lily was the only one that understood him.
she understood that he had no choice. and he understood that the little girl was the same as him.
both had no choice. both was born into their position.
that day, not only did the dark lord die, but lily phoebe snape, the girl who had no choice yet fought against fate to end destiny another way.
she was the little hufflepuff, the little sister, the friend of them all.
but most importantly, she was the sacrifice needed to be made.
all for the peace of the world.
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