GARRICK OLLIVANDER WAS a well-known wand maker in the wizarding world. not only was he famous for his wand making skills, the man himself knew crucial information about both harry and voldemort's wand that could benefit both sides.
hence why the old man was captured by voldemort's death eaters and imprisoned in the malfoy manor.
"now now lily, before we begin our magic lessons, you must get a wand", bellatrix grinned, making little lily's mood slightly lighten up as she was finally able to get a real wand.
though usually children received their wands at the age of 11, lily didn't mind getting hers a few years early.
"r-really?? where am I getting it??", lily eagerly asked.
bellatrix crazily grinned as she walked towards the malfoy's dungeon, making lily hesitant to follow.
behind the cell was an old man that lily could barely make out as one, since the only light that was lit was the flames floating around the dungeon.
"ollivander~ I have brought you a valuable customer!!", bellatrix chirped, sending shivers down the little girl's spine.
the old man had rose from his little corner of the cell as he slowly trudged towards the exit of the cell, where bellatrix had immediately stuck the tip of her wand at the man's neck.
"if you even dare to think of escaping, I will not hesitate to break you piece by piece. understand?", the woman lowly whispered, making ollivander immediately nod his head in fear.
the three then apparated at ollivander's shop, with lily apparating with the help of bellatrix.
"a wand for this young girl?", ollivander questioned.
"yes, now hurry up! we still have a lesson today", bellatrix rushed.
"p-perhaps you should try this one", ollivander suggested as he handed the little girl a 9 and 1/4 inched holly wand that was quite stiff.
lily nearly beheaded ollivander as she accidentally swished her wand too much.
"I-I'm sorry!!!", lily apologized, making the old man instantly search for a new wand, one that was less aggressive.
bellatrix crackled in laughter as she watched ollivander give lily a redwood 12 and 1/4 wand.
though the length had helped little lily grip the wooden stick better, the wood and core was not suited for her, as some of the drawers fell onto the floor when she had just simply wanted to open them.
ollivander thought for a while.
"maybe...maybe this one will do", the man muttered, slightly bending the wand a bit to check it's flexibility.
lily ran her petite fingers over the smooth 11 and 3/4 inched wand that was made of alder (not elder) wood and had a string of unicorn tail hair as the core.
"accio!", lily attempted, to which indeed a small quill had flew into the hands of the girl.
"I thought the alder wood would suit you. it prefers an owner that's not stubborn, rather helpful and considerate. this wand will become your most loyal helpmate. if you ever attempt to do so, non-verbal spells work very well with this wand", ollivander slightly smiled.
lily's eyes shimmered with such happiness as she excitedly tightened her grip on the wand, afraid that she'll accidentally drop it and break her new friend.
"great! now let's go, we've wasted enough time", bellatrix grumbly muttered as she made sure ollivander didn't apparate away in an attempt to escape.
once the three had reached the malfoy manor, bellatrix had pettigrew personally escort the man back into his cell as lily ran off to go show draco her new wand.
"DRAY LOOK LOOK!! LOOK AT MY NEW WAND!!", lily happily exclaimed as she jumped into the arms of the boy.
this was perhaps the one time that draco had seen lily so happy after she had arrived, which made him proudly pat the girl's head.
narcissa's heart swelled at the sight, giving a ghost of a smile as she continued on with her book.
"aw, how cute~", bellatrix sarcastically mocked.
"now come on lily. we don't have all day", the dark-haired woman ushered.
lily sighed as she begrudgingly slipped out of draco's embrace and followed the woman to a room that was quite spacious and had only a couch and table with few objects set on it.
"we'll start simple. see if you can light up your wand. I assume you already know the enchantment for that", bellatrix said as she plopped onto the couch, propping her head up with her arm that was leaned against the armchair.
bellatrix was clearly bored out of her mind as she wasn't allowed to teach lily anything fun yet. oh how she couldn't wait until the girl is able to cast the torturing curse!
"lumos!", lily casted, making the tip of her wand slightly flicker with a small ball of light.
"great. now reverse it", bellatrix instructed.
the wand still flickered on with a dim light, to which the woman just sighed.
"practice some more. I'll be back in an hour", bellatrix said as she quickly exited the room, probably looking for a victim to traumatize.
lily relaxed a bit as she continued practicing the same two spells over and over again, not giving up until she could fully light up her wand without the light flickering.
"ms. lily, it's dinner time", one of the house-elves informed.
"oh! thank you mrs. alma! I'll be there soon", lily smiled as the elf simply smiled in return before leaving the girl alone again.
lily fell as she laid against the cooling floor, staring at the intricate ceiling art that was designed specifically for the malfoy manor.
"struggling?", a voice suddenly asked, making lily immediately sit up in alertness.
"h-huh? oh, yeah....I'm just struggling a bit...", lily meekly answered narcissa.
"dinner's ready. you must replenish yourself to perform better", narcissa said, awaiting the girl's response.
lily trudged over as she followed narcissa out, arriving at the once again quiet dinner table that was filled with food that made lily's mouth water.
as she sat down, she wondered if her papa was eating all three meals, as the man had a tendency to skip meals when he was very invested in a project.
"is the meal not to your liking?", narcissa asked, making lily immediately grab her fork and stab the asparagus.
"it is! my apologies", lily quietly mumbled, making narcissa simply nod.
the five enjoyed dinner in silence—with the occasional mumbling from bellatrix—as lily continued zoning out.
after showering, lily snuck downstairs into the same room that her and bellatrix were in earlier.
"lumos! nox! lumos! nox! lumos! no—"
"still practicing I see", a calm voice said, nearly making lily drop her wand from surprise.
"o-oh yes. sorry, am I too loud? I can practice in my room instead—"
"you're quite alright", narcissa responded, as the woman slightly leaned against the doorway in her black satin robe.
"bella can be a little impatient sometimes. try to focus all your energy at the tip of your want and really imagine the spell that you're trying to cast", narcissa advised, to which lily just nodded.
the light that shone nearly lit up the area around lily. not only was it brighter and didn't flicker, it covered a wider range than what little lily had accomplished the entire day.
"thank...you", lily said as narcissa was already gone.
lily gave herself a little pat on the back as she continued practicing the two enchantments nonstop.
"I'm gonna be just as amazing as papa!", the little girl quietly cheered to herself as she once again casted the lumos spell.
a/n: heyoo my lovely readers!! if you're still enjoying this story so far, please comment and VOTE!! every vote counts and I'd appreciate it a lot.
thank you for sticking through and I'll see you soon <33
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