To everyone i'm friends with (important please read)
Okay, i was going to simply post this individually on people's message board. But I think doing this is so much easier.. so, before I get to anything too big I just wanted to let you all know that my dad (at some point) will be cutting my internet connection fully, with it "taking too much of our time" and "being too damn expensive" and such.. so until he pays it again (or I get the money to give to him in order to pay it off) i will be in a black out of sorts.
Now for the extra part: I haven't been feeling well recently, my mental health is just shutting down completely and I feel uncomfortable with it all to vent (even to those i'm close to) so I won't be explaining anything about it. But, because of this and me being in a black out meaning I won't be able to talk to anyone when this happens, I honestly don't have a lot of hope of living through it all..
PLEASE don't panic, I'm not saying saying I will kill myself, it's just a possibility of it happening, I don't have any friends (or even acquaintances at that) anymore, the few people I know live far away and with no wifi I won't be able to simply text them (and with fuel being a lot I can't visit them either)
Me and my family are going to sell a few things (we got a ton of shit from an Amazon resell/return box but from Facebook-) so depending on how much we sell and the money we make there's a possibility of us getting the internet back quicker than I originally thought (i won't get enough myself to pay for the internet so it would have to be the money my dad or mum makes)
But you know, no promises to being online as much; if I go randomly offline than that's the internet cut, I would say give it around there months MAX without a reply at all and then assume i'm dead; if the wifi cut alive then the MOMENT we have wifi again I will tell everyone on the dot (so if people change their users come here and type them along with who it is)
And here is a final note:
Oh, and to everyone in general.. if things do happen (i'll try my best not to do anything) then I want you to all know that it wasn't your fault, I know you all care about me and that's doing enough help as it is getting me though the shit as is.
You all are so fucking amazing and I wouldn't want anything to happen to either of you. So, if I do end up dying (let's say around 3 months and no answer) then I expect you all to NOT harm yourself, NOT starve yourself and NOT die. I hear by ban you all from doing so.
You all are so amazing, and don't deserve any depressing thoughts or actions surrounding you. You never deserve any form of negativity from other people. You all are amazing and deserve respect, recognition as a human being with feelings and needs, love and affection (platonic or not), somebody that will always support you. Etc. etc.
(This is a copy and paste from something I said on because I'm lazy and just want this announcement done)
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