~My gemstone~
I'm standing in a forest. The wind blows through my hair, tossing it in the breeze. A fence surrounds the area I'm in, the chain links and barbed wire protecting the outside world from me.
Someone is standing in front of me. They're facing a large gate that seems to lead past the fence.
She has her trademark black hair, the same as my mothers. It dances in the wind like shadows flickering through a poorly-lit room, and all I can think of it is that it must be prettier than my hair.
She has the same bright evergreen eyes like mine. The only trait we have in common, other than our light brown skin. Though hers is paler, or maybe it's the lighting.
I know she also has freckles, though I can't see them from this position.
Her long flowing robes sway in the wind, reminding me of a 'hula' dance we learned about in school. It seemed silly to me then, and now it seems even sillier. Why would anyone embarrass themselves doing that dance?
She turns around, her eyes widening at the sight of me.
"Gemstone?" she asks quietly, though her voice echoes through the courtyard.
"Asha?" I respond, taking a careful step forward. She nods, and even from here I can see the tears welling up in her eyes.
I run towards her, launching myself into her arms. She looks so much older than when I last saw her, though of course it's been nine years.
She pulls away from the hug, gripping my shoulders and looking at me.
"You look so much older, gemstone," she whispers. I wipe away a tear that's dripping down my cheek.
"So do you!" She smiles.
"We're so proud of you, gemstone. For winning, when you had such low chances." I return her smile. She's exactly as I remember, but somehow more like herself.
"So you're really real?" I ask excitedly. "You weren't made up by mother?" I wait for her to nod, but she frowns instead.
"Why would mom do that?" Asha questions. My gaze drops to the ground. I want to tell her about my issues, but it's hard for me. But then again- she's my sister, and Oakley's her mother too. So I'll tell her.
"Me and mother grew... apart, in the years that you two were gone. I wasn't sure if she'd made you two up just to spite me." Asha's gaze mirrors mine, staring at the ground. She probably doesn't remember mother being like that.
"Well, once you and mom make it here, I'll try to patch things up with her," Asha assures. I frown.
"I'm traveling by myself. And I just got captured by the capitol, it might be a bit." Asha's eyes widen.
"You got captured?" she inquires, gripping my shoulders tighter. I nod. Maybe she doesn't know this is a dream?
She lets go of my shoulders, wiping her eyes and sniffling.
"The news said both you and mom were reported dead. We knew you ran away, after we got some insider feed from District Eight. We- we thought the woman with you was mother. Dad was so happy..." she trails off, leaving me to my thoughts. And only one thing is bouncing my mind right now.
"I'm a murderer," I whisper, taking a step back from Asha. Maybe I shouldn't go to District Thirteen. Everywhere I go seems to be contaminated with death. I don't want to kill my sister. I'm not going to.
I stumble backwards, almost tripping over a small piece of rubble. Asha reaches for me, but she can't seem to move. Tears fall down her face.
"Gemstone, wait! It's not your fault!" Her voice sounds like it's a million miles away. I killed my own mother. I killed her. She's dead.
It's all my fault.
I turn around and start to run. I remember that there was a fence around me, but it's gone now. All that's left is open forest, which I escape into, ignoring my sister's desperate cries behind me.
"Amethyst!" she screams, and yet it sounds less like she wants me to come back, and more like she wants me to run. To run from everything and everyone in this horrible world and never stop.
Or maybe that's just my interpretation of it, I'm not sure.
I look behind me, running faster. I can't see Asha anymore.
And of course looking behind me while running at top speed is dangerous, and I crash into a tree.
I fall back onto my back, groaning. The tree leans towards me, swaying in the wind that now seems to be going hundreds of miles per hour.
It falls, towards me. I scramble to the side like a crab, trying to get out of the way. But then it lands, pinning me down.
I look back. My legs look crushed beneath the heavy trunk, but they don't feel hurt.
I scan the trees, surprised to find a petite girl with pale skin and hair staring at me. She's brandishing a dagger, and the expression on her face looks fierce and smug.
She raises the knife and throws it, and I scream.
The world seems to move in slow motion. The knife travels towards my forehead in what I know will be a fatal blow.
Someone calls my name, but I don't recognize the voice. Tears stream down my cheeks. I'm going to die the same way I killed Rylie.
They try again, screaming my name. Someone shakes my shoulders, and I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable.
But it doesn't arrive.
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