Chapter 3 - The Nightmare begins
Y/N = Your Name
F/C = Favorite Color
* 3rd person's P.O.V
Y/N was breathing very heavily, She saw crawl marks on the walls. On the ground, a trail of blood was leading her to a room. Y/N peaks around the corner to see a shelf full of jars. Each jar had a glowing spirit orb. They had names written on them in dark ink. Y/N walks up to the jars and noticed that they were organized alphabetically. She moved her eyes to each jar. ' Why did my parents hide them in here?' Y/N grabs the ' Slender man ' jar. A rat races past her foot and She screams. Y/N accidentally drops the jar. The spirit orb escapes from the jar, " Thank you" a fainted voice said. " Oh no!" Y/N gasped. She bends down to the jar and picks up the pieces. Y/N quickly ran upstairs and grabs some glue. She glues the pieces and takes them back to the basement. " Okay, No more broken jars" Y/N carefully placed it back on the shelf. " Y/N! We're home" she heard a voice said. Y/N ran upstairs and locked the basement. She ran to the living room and her parents were there. " Where were you?" Her father asked. " In my room....doing homework" Y/N lied." Just get ready for bed" Mom sighed. " Goodnight mom and dad" Y/N walks to the staircase. She heads to her bedroom and grabs her F/C pajamas. Y/N lays in bed and yawns, she turns off her lamp and goes to sleep.
* Time Skip
Y/N woke up to the sound of glass breaking. She gets up and looks around. Y/N runs downstairs and saw the basement opened. The sound of glass was making her skin crawl. Y/N runs to the kitchen and grabs a knife. She slowly walks downstairs and saw broken jars everywhere. ' What happened to them?' Y/N thought. She got grabbed by a figure and felt cloth on her mouth. Y/N tried to escape but, they were too strong. She felt dizzy and she fell to the ground. Before she passed out, " Good to sleep" she saw a tall figure saying.
* Another Time Skip
Y/N woke up on the ground, She looks around and saw the broken jars still there. She was hissing in pain when she tried to get up. Y/N noticed that her sleeve had blood coming through, She rolls up her sleeves and saw the words ' BEWARE ' were carved into her skin. " My god! Who did this to me?" Y/N gasped. She noticed that her knife had blood on it. Y/N picks up her knife and ran upstairs. She cleaned the blood off her knife and arm. Y/N grabbed the first aid kit and wrapped her arm. She sat in a chair and took a breath. Y/N could hear her heart beating through her ears. She heard something running upstairs. " Get out of here" Y/N grabbed her knife. She ran upstairs and saw her bedroom open. Y/N peaked inside and saw her window opened. She looked outside and saw no one there.
Y/N was trying to open her locker and grabbing her stuff. When she opened it, there was a red envelope inside. Y/N grabbed the envelope and opened it. ' Emergency Meeting! Please meet me at the Clubroom after school' the letter that said. ' Later, Y/N was running to the Clubroom. " I'm here!" she opened the door and went inside. Everyone in the room looked at you, " There you are, We were waiting for you" Oliver pushes his glasses up. " Wow Oliver, I never thought you cared about Y/N," Sally said. Oliver blushed, " It's not what you're thinking Sally" he grunted and looked away. " Anyway, There's something weird happening in this town" he clears his throat. Nathan took out a photo and showed it to everyone. Your eyes widen when you saw the photo. It was a picture of Black Hollow's sign. The words ' Black Hollow ' was crossed out and replaced with ' Horror Town.'
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