63. Every Single One - ✭ Monica ✭
"The two of you still haven't popped any little ones out, I'm kind of disappointed." Vikki said around a giant mouthful of lettuce. "Figured you'd change your mind one day, Bos, but I guess not. A shame really, I so desperately wanted to be Auntie Vik."
"You look like a fucking rabbit, Vik." She rolls her eyes at Boston. "Well, chew your damn food first before you open your mouth. Plus, I think you'd be more an Uncle Vik, if you ask me."
"I resent that." She points a fork at him. "I think I'm more of an Auncle."
"They're only in their mid-twenties, they don't need the extra pressure, especially from you." Marcella elbows her in the side. "They have plenty of time to pop out a couple of adorable babies if that's what they choose to do." I can't help but snort out at that. "Well, it's true. How long have the two of you been married now?"
"Seven years." We both said in unison.
"Jesus fucking Christ, that's a long time to be married this day and age." Vikki takes a sip of her wine. "No wonder the two of you have synchronized your conversational skills. Quite cute, really."
I shrug and add, "well, we got married kind of young, so yeah, seven years have come and gone pretty fast. I know it probably seems like a long time to most people but it feels like it was just yesterday." I look over to Boston who does nothing but give me a broad smile before leaning down and bumping his nose with mine.
I love this man.
"God, the two of you are so fucking corny it's ridiculous. With your doe-eyed looks at one another and that tatted Elvis nonsense." Vikki grimaces which makes Boston screw up his face as he looks at her with a tongue hanging out. She glances over to me, ignoring him. "I don't know how you can put up with that ugly mug, truly. Elvis lookalike or not, I don't know how you do it. He's absolutely hideous."
Boston retorts, "I don't know how Marcella puts up with yours. It's in a constant state of arrogant smirks and scowling."
"Right. Well, that's because Marcella can't see it while she's sitting atop it, can she?" I drop my fork and Marcella chokes on her food. "What?" She looks around at all of us who are either choking or laughing. "It's the truth. I'm just saying I rather enjoy my face being used as her personal chair. A face full of pus—"
"Please stop." Marcella puts a hand over Vikki's and squeezes it. "I love you, but please, for the love of God, please stop talking." Vikki throws her arms up and shrugs like she doesn't know what she did wrong. "You're ridiculous, you know that?"
"Too right, but don't act like you don't love my vulgarity, especially in the bedroom. You quite adore my filth in that department." She gives Marcella a wicked wink that has her blushing furiously. I'd never thought there would ever be a day I'd see her blushing but Vikki made her do that frequently.
The two of them had met one weekend when we'd all driven to Nashville. Marcella had tagged along with Boston and I to check out the shop as a finished product. Vikki had made sure everything was taken care of perfectly, and when Marcella had walked in behind us, after she'd finished up a phone call outside, Vikki's eyes lit up like a fire torch.
They hit it off immediately. With Marcella's sass and Vikki's charm, you'd think the two were made for one another. Their banter alone those first couple of days was hilarious. They've been together on and off since, nearly as long as Boston and I have been together, albeit their relationship is a bit rockier than ours. They're like fire and gasoline— they burn hot, sometimes explosively so.
"I think you'd be happy to know that you may indeed be an Auncle soon." Boston admitted, which makes the entire table go quiet. Because if anyone knows Boston, it's Vikki. Marcella also knows Boston's stance on having kids, well, not having them.
Vikki quirks a brow at Boston's statement with, "you are fucking with me." I don't blame her for thinking that. She knows that he'd never planned on having kids. Her asking about us having kids was probably her attempt at messing with him, not realizing we'd actually been seriously considering it recently.
He looks over to me with a smile as he takes a hold of my hand. "I am not fucking with you, actually. We're thinking about trying soon. So, who knows, maybe you'll get your wish, Vik."
She looks like she doesn't believe him in the least. "It's not nice to joke, Bos. Especially where my future niece or nephew are concerned."
"He's not kidding." Her eyes slide to mine. "We're going to start trying."
She throws a fist up then jerks back her elbow a few times while hollering, "woooooo! The two of you need to get to fucking!" We all burst out laughing at that. "Seriously, go on, Marcella and I can see ourselves out."
"No, Monica made dessert, sooo I'm not going anywhere. But you can go." Vikki glares at Marcella. "I don't pass up dessert."
Vikki smirks. "No, no you most certainly don't."
Boston lets out a throaty groan as he nuzzles the back of my hair. "I love waking up with you in my arms." He squeezes me tighter into him, placing a kiss on the shell of my ear. "I like it even more when you're wearing nothing." He pushes his hardened length against me. "I say we continue where we left off last night."
"I say I need to empty my bladder and have a hearty breakfast first." He tweaks my nipple and nibbles the lobe of my ear. I swat his hand away as he pinches me again. "Seriously, I'm spent after last night. I don't even remember falling asleep."
"That's because the dick was so good it put you to sleep." I snort out a laugh at that and elbow out of his arms. "Hey, get back here, I demand morning cuddles." I don't listen as I head to the bathroom to take care of human necessities, including giving my teeth a good scrub to rid myself of morning breath. "So," Boston comes in the bathroom and leans on the door frame, still completely naked, "think I put a baby in you last night?"
"Well," I turn toward him, leaning my bare butt on the bathroom counter, "it's only been a month since I've stopped using my birth control so I'm not getting my hopes up." And I'm sincerely not. The doctor had told me it could take a while but that I should be able to get pregnant within a year. Boston knows all this even though he'd definitely made a valiant attempt several times last night.
"It'll happen." He comes up to me and lifts me up before plopping me on top of the counter. He leans in for a kiss but I point to our toothbrushes. "Fine." He scoots out before going to brush his teeth.
"Listen, I love you, but I do not love your morning breath." He rolls his eyes at me as he begins brushing. "Speaking of babies, Amelia is due soon."
He spits and asks, "what number is that for them now— three? Four?"
"You know it's number three."
"Amelia sure knows how to pop 'em out." That she does, especially boys. She's had two sons and is also having another. Nathaniel, Liam, and the newest arrival to be named after my brother himself— James. They all have family names, very traditional, like my name as well. I had made a mental note to name our child something different, interesting. "Where's your head at?" He wipes the leftover toothpaste from his mouth with a washcloth.
"I was thinking about names. I don't want to give our kid a family name or like a traditional name."
"We're not doing anything weird. I'm not naming my kid some shit like Apple or Lilac or Glisten or whatever."
"Yeah, I don't know. Nothing weird. I might be an artist but I'm not naming my kid some free-spirited bullshit." He comes between my legs again and blows his breath into my face again. "Better?"
"Much better."
I peek over Boston's shoulder at his recent sketch. "I like the design. I think Torey will love it too."
"How do you know it's for Torey?"
"I don't know really." I glance at it again. "I suppose it's the darkness of it."
Boston nods his head in understanding. "Yeah, it's another piece of the ever-growing back tattoo." He lets out a breathy sigh as he looks it over before looking back to me. "I worry about him and the meaning behind these tattoos." He spears a hand through his hair before swiveling his chair around to face me.
"Why do you say that?"
"Just some of the specifics he gives me and total number of designs." Boston taps his pen against his chin. "They're all a bit dark in nature, as you said, almost morbid." He tosses his pen behind him then closes the sketch book. "No morbidity around my little girl." He leans forward and places a kiss on the ever-growing bump beneath my sundress. "How is Presley doing today?"
"She's doing good." I thread my fingers through his hair as he rests his head on my stomach. "She was moody this morning but now she seems to be doing much better, especially now that you're snuggling her."
"Already a daddy's girl." He places another kiss on my belly then bumps his nose against it. She kicks him in response, our healthy baby girl. Healthy with no signs of a heart defect, at least that the doctors can see now. "Feisty like me too." After a minute, he sits back up and then stands, stretching out his muscles as he does so. "Bet she looks like me too."
"I hope she gets my eyes." He pulls me into him. "But she probably won't."
He flutters his long lashes at me saying, "would it be such a bad thing if she had mine?" I shake my head at him because no, it most certainly wouldn't. "Maybe she'll be the perfect combination of the two of us. That'd be one beautiful baby." He frowns slightly which makes me quirk a brow.
"I'm hating the thought of having to fend off future boyfriends or girlfriends, for that matter." He grimaces deeply as he circles his arms around me. "I understand why your father is so protective of you now."
"It was obnoxious so don't be that dad."
"I make no promises." I glare at him. "All right, fine. I'll try not to be that dad." I think back to how overprotective my father has always been, how Jamie had always been the same as well. Jamie was still that way with Boston. The two of them don't really get along. "You know I still worry." The words were said in a much quieter tone, one that had lost all humor, and he didn't have to finish for me to know that he meant worried that he won't be around.
"I know you do. But every day with you is a gift. This," I put his hands on my belly, "This is a gift." He leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips. "I love you forever. Always. And so will she."
"Have I told you today that you still make me feel all of the things?" He presses his forehead against mine.
"Maybe." I give him a playful grin. "But that doesn't mean you can't tell me again."
"You make me feel all of the things, Monica. Every. Single. One."
Well, that's a wrap. We're done book 4. I remember throwing up the excerpt about a year ago and it's wild to me that it's now complete.
I hope you all enjoyed Boston and Monica's story. Let me know what you'd like to see for bonus chapters!
Hope to see you all over in Vitriolic where you'll get to hear from Torey!
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